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    Now some brief considerations on some current news.

    We have been condemned, because we did not take a position, after some current events, and we do so shortly.

    The attack on the candidate President of the United States Donald Trump, by Thomas Matthew Crooks.

    Press release number 1 of the national phases

    National phases

    The national phases officially began on June 21, 2024, for all of us, it is a fundamental phase of our activities, which will allow us to create, found, and manage, together with all our members / voters, our own political organization, in every country in the world.

    This press release of ours aims to briefly explain to you some very important things.

    National phases DirectDemocracyS

    DirectDemocracyS is the political organization, innovative and alternative to all other political forces, created to change and improve the world by implementing the only authentic democracy, direct democracy.
    DirectDemocracyS is based on logic, common sense, and mutual respect of all people, and puts equality and meritocracy into practice continuously over time. It has a politically perfect, unique ideology, in which the positive parts of the old traditional ideologies are taken, eliminating all the negative parts.
    The only political force, which is owned by all its members, who all create together, a shared leadership, in which no one decides alone, but everyone decides together, and each person can propose ideas, projects, to be realized all together. Each of our members proposes, manages, controls and votes on all of our activities.
    The first, and only political organization, which allows complete control, by our voters / users, over our political representatives, before, during, and for the first time in the world, even after elections. We will do this through rules and methodologies respected by everyone.
    With teams of specialists, composed and managed by all our members, based on their expertise, every decision we make will be fully informed, both on the possibilities that exist, and on the expected consequences, for each decision. In this way, we will always choose in the best way.
    The previous few lines, from today, summarize what we are, what we are doing. If a person, after having read them, does not like something about what we say publicly, avoid following us, and never join us!
    Our national activities begin from 21 June 2024.
    To join us, there are only 2 ways.
    With an invitation from one of our authorized users to make invitations. In this case, everything takes place in a safe, simple, fast manner, and advantages and facilitations are obtained.
    Or, if you are not invited, you must request an invitation, based on the type of user you choose, and a waiting list will be created, where you will wait to get an invitation.
    Currently, the waiting lists have very long times, even 3 months, up to 6 months, to receive the invitation. We hope that soon, it will be quicker to get the invitation, for those who have not been invited.
    There are no ways to skip the queue, not even by paying, the only way is to receive an invitation from one of our users authorized to do this type of activity.
    Also from 21 June 2024, the activation of new users will also take place at a national level. In this way, everything will take place faster, guaranteeing all safety measures.
    Avoid making negative reviews, that's all, respecting our rules and our methodologies, published a long time ago, and which everyone knows.
    Thank you all for your understanding, your patience, and your curiosity about our political organization.
    With great esteem and infinite respect.

    The elections for the Parliament of the European Union

    The elections for the Parliament of the European Union have shown once again that people do not feel represented by the old politics.

    In many countries, almost one in two voters did not go to vote, and many voted "holding their noses", choosing the political force, and the political representative, who could have done less damage.

    We are not interested, and we do not need to, in making statements such as: those who did not go to vote, if we had been there too, would have gone. Or, even worse, if we had said: if they went to vote, they would have voted for our political representatives.

    Certainly, especially the first elections, it will be difficult to make people understand our innovation, which is an alternative to all other political forces. You need above-average intelligence to understand our rules and our unique and inimitable methodologies. We also need great patience to carefully study all of our information published on our website. What we don't need, in the initial phase, is to be invaded by many people who believe they have understood our political project.

    Voting is first of all a right, and reading about so many people criticizing, judging and condemning those who have freely decided not to go and vote makes us feel a sense of sadness. Those who want, in a preventive way, to blame those who did not go to vote generally do so because they feel responsible for having chosen a traditional political force and its political representatives.

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    Pfizergate our positions

    Ursula von der Leyen

    Transparency of every political, economic and financial activity is fundamental to gain people's trust. Having state secrets, or, hiding from citizens, how everyone's money is used, is one of the most squalid activities, and scroll, with which the old politics has always accustomed you.

    I'm waiting for DirectDemocracyS

    I m waiting for DirectDemocracyS

    The 2024 European elections will be held in the 27 Member States of the European Union between 6 and 9 June, as decided unanimously by the Council of the European Union, with the freedom for each member state to organize them on one or more days between these , according to national electoral customs.

    Sanremo Festival 2023

    italia logo rettan 300 200

    The 73rd edition of the Italian Song Festival, which took place as always in Sanremo, ended on Saturday 11 February 2023, was as always, full of moving moments, important messages, lots of politics, and a good level of music and songs .

    Festival di Sanremo 2023

    La 73esima edizione del Festival della Canzone Italiana, che si è svolta come sempre a Sanremo, è terminata sabato 11 febbraio 2023, è stata come sempre, ricca di momenti commoventi, messaggi importanti, tanta politica, e un livello buono, di musica e canzoni.

    Ultimi sondaggi e nostre considerazioni sulle elezioni politiche del 25 settembre 2022

    platone astensioni

    Questo articolo, rappresenta la posizione ufficiale di DirectDemocracyS, riguardo alla politica italiana, con alcune considerazioni basate sui fatti, e sui comportamenti, di partiti e movimenti, e dei loro membri. Non vuole essere una critica, e neppure una classifica, ma presentiamo i dati reali, e gli ultimi sondaggi, sui possibili risultati delle elezioni politiche del 25 settembre 2022. Per noi, fanno tutti parte della vecchia politica, e sono tutti incompatibili, con la nostra politica innovativa, con la nostra totale libertà, e con la nostra autentica, e completa democrazia, e vi spiegheremo alcuni motivi per ciascun partito. Loro, hanno solo parziali libertà, e della democrazia, non ne parliamo, ce la “rubano”, imbrogliandoci, da tantissimi anni, e non solo in Italia, ma in tutto il mondo. Noi, invitiamo tutti voi, ad andare a votare, scegliendo quelli di cui vi fidate di più, e quelli che ritenete, che potranno fare meno danni, per il nostro paese, ma scegliete con attenzione, analizzando bene tutti i vari aspetti. Sappiamo bene che tutti loro, hanno parti negative, ma anche qualche buona idea. Non vogliamo dilungarci troppo, quindi non vi aspettate troppi dettagli, potremmo scrivere, vari, e lunghi articoli, per ciascuna formazione politica, e addirittura per ciascun rappresentante politico.

    “Una delle punizioni che ti spettano, per non aver partecipato alla politica, è essere governati da esseri inferiori.” Platone.

    Attività in Italia

    Organizzazione politica internazionale DirectDemocracyS.

    Organizzazione politica continentale DirectDemocracyS Europe.

    Organizzazione politica nazionale DirectDemocracyS Italia.

    Partito politico DirectDemocracyS Italia.

    Nome completo: DirectDemocracyS Italia

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    Activities on our websites

     We ask you, as far as possible, to carry out all activities related to DirectDemocracyS, solely and exclusively, on our websites. So good job everyone, and try to make this website and our project known to as many people as possible. Help them sign up, and create a personal profile. You can talk about us on other websites, but please don't go...

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    Politica italiana

    La politica italiana.

    Sei stanco di vedere persone, e partiti, che continuano a cambiare idea, dopo aver garantito, e dichiarato alcune cose, in poco tempo cambiano idea, pur essendo sicuri di fare solo il proprio interesse, individuale, e di partito?

    Sei stanco di vedere persone, chiaramente (totalmente o parzialmente) incompetenti, e senza dubbio poco preparate, occuparsi di temi importanti per le persone?

    Sei stanco di vedere persone indagate, a volte (troppo spesso) già condannate, per vari reati, occuparsi di politica?

    Sei stanco di vivere la politica da spettatore impotente, e vuoi diventare il vero protagonista, impegnandoti anche in prima persona?

    Sei stanco di vivere la politica da "tifoso", di "squadre" troppo spesso composte da persone che pensano ai loro interessi, e voi essere tu a decidere tutto?

    Se la risposta a tutte le domande è "sì, io sono stanco", allora questo è il tuo progetto politico.

    Noi partiamo da 0.

    Abbiamo alcune regole di base, sulle quali non accettiamo nessun tipo di imposizione, e non sono contrattabili. 

    Vi sfidiamo, comunque, a non essere d'accordo con noi. Sono regole che secondo noi, dovrebbero essere valide per tutti i soggetti politici.

    Il nostro programma politico, invece, parte da alcune considerazioni generali, e sarà discusso, ed eventualmente migliorato, non stravolto, almeno nelle parti più importanti, con tutti i nostri utenti registrati.

    Regole di base. 

    • L'unico portale web ufficiale, su cui si discutono, e si decidono, tutte le nostre attività, è su 

    Elezioni amministrative in Italia 2021 domenica 3 ottobre

    Ciao cari amici di DirectDemocracyS Italia.

    Questo articolo è stato scritto prima dei ballottaggi, ed è un commento del primo turno. Domenica 3 ottobre 2021.

    Vogliamo commentare brevemente, i risultati elettorali parziali, delle ultime elezioni amministrative in Italia.

    Come sempre i partiti tradizionali e i loro rappresentanti politici, faranno a gara a commentare, dicendo tutti le stesse cose.

    Stranamente, comunque vadano le elezioni, sembra che abbiano vinto sempre tutti, se uno vince in un Comune, o Regione, sembra che abbia vinto dappertutto.

    Parlano una strana lingua, e hanno uno strano modo di calcolare, e commentare le percentuali.

    Noi ci permettiamo di dire la verità: hanno perso tutti.

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