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    The elections for the Parliament of the European Union


    The elections for the Parliament of the European Union have shown once again that people do not feel represented by the old politics.

    In many countries, almost one in two voters did not go to vote, and many voted "holding their noses", choosing the political force, and the political representative, who could have done less damage.

    We are not interested, and we do not need to, in making statements such as: those who did not go to vote, if we had been there too, would have gone. Or, even worse, if we had said: if they went to vote, they would have voted for our political representatives.

    Certainly, especially the first elections, it will be difficult to make people understand our innovation, which is an alternative to all other political forces. You need above-average intelligence to understand our rules and our unique and inimitable methodologies. We also need great patience to carefully study all of our information published on our website. What we don't need, in the initial phase, is to be invaded by many people who believe they have understood our political project.

    Voting is first of all a right, and reading about so many people criticizing, judging and condemning those who have freely decided not to go and vote makes us feel a sense of sadness. Those who want, in a preventive way, to blame those who did not go to vote generally do so because they feel responsible for having chosen a traditional political force and its political representatives.

    We all know that all the old politics is the exact and specular expression of the population who goes to vote, and certainly not of those who stay at home, or do other activities, instead of going to the polling stations. Therefore, all the "blames", for all the consequences, of the choices made by traditional politics, are to be shared with all those who have expressed their preferences.

    Therefore, voting is a right, and then a civic duty. The duty to legitimize, a few political forces, and a few people, chosen among themselves, to decide on everyone's behalf, and in everyone's place. The calls to vote by all traditional political forces are certainly not made to reaffirm the right of every citizen to vote. But many voters, who diligently go to vote, are useful, because with a greater presence at the polls, the transfer of power from the people to traditional political forces makes the "theft of power", and the oligarchic party system, almost legitimate.

    DirectDemocracyS, we always repeat, is innovative and alternative to all other political forces, because wherever we win, the only authentic democracy (the direct one) will be implemented in a concrete way, and the only one legitimized to govern, because it does, continuously, before, during, and for the first time in the world even after the elections, always together, to those who have given, through their vote, the power of representation, to all our political representatives, who before decide anything, and before carrying out any activity, they must obtain, in a preventive and mandatory manner, the authorization of their voters. We apologize if we are repetitive, but we always need to clarify all our fundamental concepts.

    People, therefore, have the right to decide whether to vote, and by which political force and political representative to be represented and commanded in the coming years. Anyone's choices, whether to do so, and who to vote for, cannot be criticized, judged, and condemned by other people. Everyone takes their responsibilities, in absolute freedom. Whoever votes in the future, choosing us, will govern with us, and will have a greater responsibility than the few, who will not vote for us, because they prefer to let others choose in their place.

    We are not interested in commenting on the results of the elections, we prefer to comment on the consequences and the activities following the vote. More or less, whoever wins, things change little, always the same people, some new faces, often worse, qualitatively, than the previous ones, and even some good people. We feel sorry for the political forces and their political representatives, who all say they won, or that they didn't lose much.

    People who distort the electoral results, based on their own interests, and others who, as usual, lie, or do not tell the whole truth. We are used to similar behaviors.

    All we have to do is work concretely, to try to participate at the right time, in the next elections, without any rush, but by doing all things, in the interest of all humanity, and not only on the basis of the interest of all those who will vote, intelligently, for our candidates.

    When we win, because we cannot lose, all those who join us will win too.

    Good job to everyone, and let's hope they only make the right choices, in the interests of the entire population, and not as usual, to help a few lobbies.

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