
    Breadcrumbs is yous position

    Our geographical groups

    Our geographical groups

    The local phases will allow us to create our own political organization, in every administrative, territorial, geographical, electoral, urban and rural subdivision.

    In this informative article, we will see how our methodology works, and some of our rules, short, simple, but very safe, to best implement this important phase.

    As we have already explained, in our informative article, regarding all our groups, there are many novelties, and differences, in the local phases, compared to the international, continental, and national ones, which have been useful, to create solid bases, on which to build, our entire immense system, always starting, from our political organization.

    Unlike the previous phases, in which we started with the largest possible international political organizations, and then continued with our smaller organizations, at the continental level, and then at the national level, in our local phases, we will always start with the smallest possible organization, at the street block level, or a small urban and rural area, of a maximum of 1000 inhabitants, or, in certain cases, a little larger, based on the decisions of our groups, of our national political organizations.

    These are the final stages, geographically, that will allow us to keep a promise, that we made to you, when we made partially public, our system, and our political organization. Everyone asked us, how will you make your existence known to the whole world? Many would have expected to see promotional activities, on traditional social networks, with advertising, and various insertions. Others, instead, would have expected, some of our presence, on traditional media. Other people, would have expected, our promotion, and participation, in various events, conferences, and political activities. We, had told you, that you will be surprised, by our method to make ourselves known, and appreciated, by all the good, and intelligent people in the world. Here, in this article, we will surprise you, as always, and we will reveal our methodologies, to make our existence known to everyone.

    But first, some brief explanations.

    On traditional social networks, our presence is minimal, and we only need it to show everyone that we created our activities, rules, methodologies, and mentality a long time ago, before anyone else tried to copy our ideas, with disastrous results, and taking full responsibility for it. We are significantly reducing our activities on traditional social networks, to focus on important and decisive activities on our platforms. From the beginning, we were not interested in having millions of fans, even though there are many people who follow us on the various social networks, where we limit ourselves to informing some people, in a generic way, inviting them to inform themselves, in a comprehensive way, only on our official website, and to communicate with us, only and exclusively, through the contact forms, based on the various topics, present on our website, dedicated entirely to our contact forms. Our official representatives, outside of our website, are not authorized, nor competent, to give answers of any kind, but will limit themselves to inviting anyone to inform themselves, and if necessary, to contact us, only in the ways permitted by our regulations.

    Our relationships with traditional media are virtually non-existent, except for some tests, done in the past, and sporadic contacts, with individual journalists. We have all our own media, free, independent, and owned by anyone who joins us, which allow us to communicate, and inform anyone, directly, without intermediaries.

    Our participation, in events of other organizations, and people, conferences, has been done, in very few external activities, to test our abilities, to collaborate with others, and we have often been mocked, ignored, lied to, and boycotted, therefore, we will never participate again, and for any reason, in external activities, but we will organize our own activities, of this kind, and surely , they will all be much more respectful, towards any guests, and all our guests.

    So, how will we promote our system, and how will we let every person in the world know about our existence? We'll tell you right away, and then we'll explain all the details. We'll let people know about DirectDemocracyS, house by house, among people, who will talk about it directly, in every public and private place, directly, through our smaller political organizations, with their respective groups, in addition to our activities, on our platforms.

    Let's make a premise, in a few sentences, to explain ourselves better.

    Unfortunately, shortly after we made our activities partially public, making DirectDemocracyS known to a few, carefully selected people, a long, very serious, and very controversial pandemic began, which prevented us from working publicly, in direct contact, with people. We are not going to analyze the facts of the past, we did it, clearly and in detail, at the right time, but we can assure you that if on the one hand, this unexpected event allowed us to work calmly, to create all the infrastructures, and the necessary potential, to carry out all our activities in an optimal way, on the other hand, it did not allow us, direct contact, with all our potential users / voters. Some people, considered us too cold, distant, technological, and abstract, for our way of working, and for our style, very different, and undoubtedly better, than that of the old, unjust, false, inequitable, and failed, traditional systems.

    With the beginning of the creation of our tiny, and numerous, mini political organizations, DirectDemocracyS, through its official representatives, at a geographical level, will be present in the squares, in the streets, in the malls, in the bars, in the restaurants, on the seashore, in the mountains, in the parks, in the rivers, and in every public space. We will lend you a hand, we will explain to you, our infinite activities, and we will try to make you understand, all our innovations, which are all alternatives, and have nothing in common, with everything you have known until now.

    Some of you will say that it will take a long time, and others will tell us that it is not enough, because the majority of people are not capable of changing and improving their mentality, many of them will not want to study us, to understand, that we are different and better, in everything.

    You are right, in fact, we have the second part, of our local phases, which we will introduce to you now.

    First of all, each of our national political organizations, manages its own local political organizations, according to the same rules, methodologies, instructions, in an orderly, safe, simple, fast, connected, and perfectly organized way. But each country, with its respective groups, will have the right local autonomies, being able to divide, their national political organization, in the way they prefer, with detailed projects, approved by our continental, international organizations, and by all our special groups, with the collaboration of our specialist groups.

    Let's see how local activities are carried out.

    First, a simple chart, which explains, in brief, our inevitable, helpful, honest, loyal, and correct hierarchies.

    First of all, let's see how our local phases are divided.

    Political organizations, and related groups, at the geographical level: international, continental, national, and local.

    User types available at this time, but more will be created if needed.

    Super Administrators. Abbreviation SA.

    Administrators. Abbreviation AD.

    - Responsible-. Abbreviation RE.

    Manager. Abbreviation MA.

    Official Representatives. Abbreviation OR.

    Political representatives. Abbreviation PR.

    Official Members. Abbreviation OM.

    Registered users, with verified and guaranteed identity. Abbreviation VU.

    Other types of users have dedicated groups, but are not authorized to join our geographic groups, our special groups, and our specialist groups.

    The macro points.

    Each user type has a number that indicates our macro points, based on implementation rules. Usually, macro points start at 1 for groups of our smaller political organizations, at the level of a street block, or an urban or rural area, smaller than 1000 inhabitants. In some countries, these local micro-organizations of ours can have more inhabitants, based on the decisions of the various national groups. The maximum number of points for each user type at this time is 9 for our groups of our international political organization, but, if necessary, we can add other macro points at any time, but also create fractions of macro points for each user type, based on specific rules. Obviously, for each user type, the more macro points a single user has, the more important his user type is, the more reliable he is considered, and the more easily he obtains roles of greater responsibility. Macro points, like normal points, can increase or decrease based on one's specific activities, one's behavior, and based on rewards or, depending on the case, punishments and penalties.

    The points accumulated.

    With each of our activities, of all types, each of our users, accumulates over time, a number of points, in continuous growth, which are used to be able to go up, or down, in our inevitable hierarchies. These points, can be used, to obtain macro points, based on specific rules, which allow, to obtain a higher type of user, and roles of greater responsibility. Normal points, like macro points, can increase, or decrease, based on one's concrete activities, one's behavior, and based on rewards, or, depending on the case, punishments, and penalties.

    But for what reasons were all these differences and hierarchies created?

    For security reasons, and to prevent, and optimally solve, any possible problem, all these implementing rules have been created. This honest, fair, and very detailed hierarchy, creates competition, and fair competition, between all our users / voters, which helps us to always improve, and to remain innovative. It allows us, to reward the most deserving, and to punish, the transgressors of our rules. It helps us to choose, more easily, and with greater attention to every detail, the people to hire, to work together with us, according to the implementing rules, for hiring.

    Who can be part of the local phases?

     Every person, who has at least the type of registered user, with verified and guaranteed identity, can be part of any of our political organizations, at any level, but for the geographical phases, of our local phases, must always start from our smallest territorial, geographical, administrative subdivision, therefore from the respective groups, based on these simple rules. He can join the group of our mini political organization, of the geographical area, in which he lives, for at least 6 months a year. He can be part of groups, and of our mini political organizations, of any country in the world, of which he has citizenship, in which he has the right to vote, and, where appropriate, the right to run for office. Each of our mini political organizations has the duty to create a group, for all residents, and also one, also for those who come from that specific geographical area, even if they work abroad, but also for those who are present, in their own geographical area of competence, even if these people, do not have the right to vote, with separate groups, between those who work and live legally, and those who reside illegally, in each geographical area. No personal data, and no activity, within us, will ever be made public, and therefore all people, can collaborate with us, in a completely anonymous, safe way, and without fear of being reported. However, each decision, for these participations, in the respective geographical areas, is up to the individual national political organizations, based on detailed implementing rules, with the obligation to allow a fair, equitable, and respectful, representation, of anyone who lives, or has citizenship, in the respective countries.

    Let's see a concrete example of these subdivisions.

    07. Geographic Groups. These are all our various organizations, of all types, at the territorial level, with subgroups, based on the size, geographic area, and population, of each of them. For example: 071 international groups, 072 continental groups, 073 national groups, 074 groups of various States, where this subdivision is necessary, 075 groups of each State (in the United States of America, Germany, and other Federal countries), or, region (in Italy, France, and other countries), or, community (in Spain and other countries), 076 county, district, (in the United States of America, Romania, and other countries), provinces (in Italy, Spain, and other countries), districts (in Germany and other countries), departments (in France and other countries), 077 cities, municipalities, metropolises (in the approximately 4416 cities of the world), 078 at the level of neighborhood, or, in cities smaller than 21000 inhabitants, 079 at the level of street block, and cities smaller than 1000 inhabitants, and other specific subdivisions, according to our needs. The national groups, of each country in the world, decide individually, which, and how many, other territorial, geographic, administrative, and electoral subdivisions, to create in their national organization, based on specific projects, in collaboration, and with the authorization, of the higher geographic phases. In the local phases, all new registered users, can request, a certain user type, in their own geographic area, smaller, and with the least number of inhabitants, and therefore in our smallest political organization. We advise everyone, to always request, the higher user type, in each smaller geographic area, because without a mandatory user type, they cannot access, and work, in the higher geographic areas, in order to be part of the smaller local group, the mandatory user type is at least: registered user, with verified and guaranteed identity.  In order to become our political representative, by running for our closed online primary elections, and in the event of good results, become our candidate, for local elections, you must have the minimum user type of official member, and request a personal profile of political representative. The same rule, of the previous sentence, also applies to be able to manage our local organizations, therefore, you must be at least our official members, to manage our activities, requesting the user type of official representative. Based on the scores obtained, your concrete results, and your behavior, you will be admitted, in the higher geographical phases, obviously, losing a user type, when you go up, in each major geographical phase, based on specific implementation rules, and our graphs. Our larger political organizations, at each level, can decide to create, various groups, in our smaller political organizations, based on specific implementation rules, to allow you to obtain excellent results. At the right time, all our political organizations will be put in contact, connected, and if necessary united, or divided, according to our rules, and our methodologies.

    Let's see how our local phase activities work.

    Each national group, and therefore each of our national political organizations, will present its own concrete project, for all the activities of our local phases. The basic rules, can be summarized, with the rules, and the following information.

    We always start by creating a single political organization for each country, and then divide the members of each of our national groups into smaller groups and political organizations of the territorial, geographic, administrative, electoral subdivision. We will cover all the geographic areas of the country with many of our micro political organizations, with many groups within them.

    A practical example.

    Let's take as an example, a new user of ours, who lives in a town of about 25,431 inhabitants, Peekskill, New York, in the county of Westchester County, New York, which in turn has, 1,004,457 inhabitants, and the State of New York, which has approximately 2,020,1249 inhabitants.

    Let's take the example of a person who registers from one of the neighborhoods of Peekskill, which being a city, will have the code 077.

    The new user, if there is no political organization of ours, in his geographical area, his neighborhood, in the small town, will automatically become the first member, of our group, of his territory. According to our rules, he will have to create his group, code 079, and have 5 people ready, to invite, in his local micro political organization, and in his group. If he already has 5 people ready, to add to his group, according to our rules, he will automatically become, our super administrator, in his micro political organization, and the 5 people he will add, will automatically become, our administrators, in the group, and in the respective political organization. If he does not have 5 people, already ready, he will lose, a type of user, in his political organization, according to this simple graph.

    So, let's see what type of user will be inside the new group, our mini political organization, at the street block level, or geographical area of about 1000 inhabitants.

    The initial user type, in the group, depends on how many people he already has ready, to invite them, and have them join his group.

    If you have ready, only 4 people. Administrator. Abbreviation AD1. The people you invite will automatically get the next lower user type, so there will be 4 -Responsible-. Abbreviation RE1.

    If you have ready, only 3 people. -Responsible-. Abbreviation RE1. The people you invite will automatically get the next lower user type, so there will be 3 Managers. Abbreviation MA1.

    If you have ready, only 2 people. Manager. Abbreviation MA1. The people you invite will automatically get the next lower user type, so there will be 2 Official Representatives. Abbreviation OR1.

    If ready, only 1 person. Official Representative. Abbreviation OR1. The person who invites will automatically get the next lower user type, so there will be an official member, abbreviation OM1.

    If he does not have even one person ready, he will become our official member, abbreviation OM1, of the micro political organization, of his neighborhood, or, street block, of his town.

    For this first phase, of this micro political organization, the implementing rules are very simple. In a few steps, a group was created, for our micro political organization, code 079, in the local phase.

    For each person, who will request an invitation, to join us, of the respective geographical area, always at the level of a street block, or, urban and rural area, of 1000 inhabitants, an identical group will be created, to that of the previous example, with the same rules and methodologies. If the first user, who creates the respective group, already has 5 people ready, the new group, will automatically obtain, a group score, based on this simple graph: identical to the previous one, or, a few points more, or, a few points less, based on the number of members present, in the respective time phase. Let's explain better, if in the first group created, there are 6 people (a super administrator, and 5 administrators), the group will have an initial score of 6, if it has 5 (an administrator, and the 4 -Responsible-), and 4, 3, 2, or, 1 if there is only one person. We repeat, the group will have, the score, based on the number of members.

    The new group, which will eventually be created, in the same geographical area, will get the initial points exactly the same way. Since, especially in the early stages, almost all the groups will have the same score, because it will not be difficult for anyone to bring at least 5 people with them, the 2 groups will develop and work in parallel. When the second group is created, in the same geographical area, a link group is immediately created between the 2 groups, with the user who has a higher user type in both groups. These link groups are essential, because there can be an unlimited number of groups, all linked together, in each geographical area. At the right time, the official group will be created for the respective geographical area, with the unification of all our groups, of the respective territory, which, even if working separately, but connected, by all the link groups, will also have a unitary group, for a better representation, in the larger groups, of the larger geographical areas. Only at the respective moment, the unitary group, will officially create, our political organization, in the respective geographical area, with the unification, of all the groups present, based on implementing rules. Attention, there will be geographical areas, in which only one group will be created directly, and all the people invited, will be added directly, as members of the respective groups, but only if the first group created, will have a super administrator, and 5 administrators, and a score of 6 points, one for all the members present.

    In the various groups created, we continue with the invitations, and the group with the most members, with the best concrete results, will be considered the best, in the respective geographical area, and will have many advantages, and facilities, in our political organization.

    But why create this “competition”, and this strange competition, in the same geographical areas? For the simple reason that neighbors do not always get along, trust, and respect each other, indeed, very often, there are various problems, and for these reasons, it is more correct to allow the creation of all the necessary groups, to work in parallel, while creating groups of connections, and while creating, in the end, all together, our own political organization, in whose unitary group, they will be obliged to respect each other, communicate, collaborate, and work together, in a loyal and honest manner. Often even within the same families, there are various types of problems, which thanks to our rules, and these useful methodologies, can be solved, preventing any possible conflict.

    In the next phase, if in the bordering geographical areas, or in the same geographical area, a user creates a new micro political organization, the same rules as in the previous time phase will apply. The 2 groups of the 2 micro political organizations, code 079, being close and bordering, will unite in a larger group, and all the groups together will create together our own political organization, at a larger geographical level, code 078. Each member of the new political organization, just created, by moving up in the higher category, will automatically lose a user type, so based on these rules, there will be the basis to finally create a political organization, at the city level, code 077, composed of all the members of all the groups, coming from the previous phases, so from the members of the organization code 078, who by moving up in category, will automatically lose a user type.

    At this point, all the various political organizations will be created, to fill all the various groups, around the town of Peekskill. We will therefore have, 1 political organization code 077, one or more political organizations code 078, and various political organizations code 079. Obviously, each political organization, of larger dimensions, will manage and coordinate, all the smaller ones, being in turn managed and coordinated, by the higher ones.

    But let's continue with the example, with the same basic rules, which are identical, all over the world.

    All of our political organizations, at the city level code 077, in Westchester County, New York, will create a larger one, with code 076, at the county level, with the same rules as before, all the people present, in our smaller political organizations, will create a larger one, always losing one type of user, for each level you go up.

    All of our political organizations, at the county level code 076, with the same rules as before, will create our own organization, at the New York State level code 075.

    All our political organizations, at the federal state level, code 075, will be united, in groups of federal states code 074, according to specific rules, with the same rules as before. The main states are divided, in those of the East Coast (East Coast), the South (South), the Midwest, the Mountain area, and the West Coast (West Coast).

    All our political organizations, at the federal state group levels, will be united, according to specific rules, with the same previous rules, in the national group, of our national political organization, DirectDemocracyS United States code 073.

    All the various national political organizations code 073, will be united, and will form, our continental political organizations code 072, with the same previous rules.

    Finally, all our political organizations, at the continental level code 072, will be united, and will form, our international political organization code 071, with the same previous rules.

    We have seen how our local phases will unfold, which will allow us an important presence, at a geographical level, in every territory.

    Surely, the first question that arises spontaneously is: how long will it take for such a presence in every geographical area? The answer is simple: all the time necessary, we have all the time in the world, because our work is very important, and it cannot be done quickly, or even superficially. We can guarantee that thanks to these rules, and to our “pyramidal” method, with all the chains connected, everything will happen much faster than you might think.

    Our growth must not be fast, but continuous, and always selective. Thanks to this method, with the relative invitations, everything will go in the best way.

    Obviously, the second question concerns the ways to join us. With a vote of over 95% of all our users, registration is no longer allowed, as before, to anyone, but only to people, carefully selected, by those who are already inside us, and who have a type of registered user, with verified and guaranteed identity. The very long waiting lists, to join us, will remain valid, for the final time phases, of our registrations.

    With some brief explanations, you will understand how we will be able to dispose of all the waiting lists, in the shortest possible time, while maintaining, and always guaranteeing, all the selections, and all the safety measures.

    In the previous example, we saw how the first group is created, and our micro political organization, in every small territory of the world. We started from a street block, or, a small part of the town, with less than 1000 inhabitants, but also, for example, a rural area, sparsely populated, near a town of about 25431 inhabitants, Peekskill, New York, in the United States of America. Obviously, all the examples, are valid, exactly the same way, or, with very little changes, in every part of the world.

    Groups are created, with code 079, which in turn create, manage, and control their own micro political organization, which will join with other similar ones, to create a larger one, at the neighborhood level, or a small part of the city, code 078, which in turn, by uniting, create one at the city level, code 077, then with the same method, at the county level, code 076, which in turn join together in political groups and organizations, at the level of each individual State, region, or other subdivision, code 075. We proceed in this way, even at the level of larger geographic areas, groups of States, code 074, which by uniting, integrate and create our national political organizations, code 073. Only after this phase, we begin to found, manage, and control each of our national phases, with full representation, at the geographic level, and with a complete presence in every small territory. We will be, in a fairly long time, the closest, most useful, and most complete political organization for all people.

     We have seen how all new users, who will be activated, according to the rules to join us, coming from our waiting list, to be invited, will participate, in our activities, first, in our groups, and in our micro political organizations, which in many cases, if they do not yet exist, will even be created, managed, and controlled, by these new users, who will assume, a typology of user at the level of the geographical group, and of the micro political organization, according to very detailed implementing rules. We repeat, all the rules, and all the methodologies, are identical, in every part of the world, but the right local autonomies, all the connections, and all the collaborations, between nearby groups, or at medium distance, of the same size, and with those, of a larger size, including those in which they will be integrated, but also, depending on the case, with those of smaller geographical areas. We repeat, our political organizations, are always created, managed, and controlled, directly, by groups of users / voters, who compose them.

    How will we process the waiting lists of those who want to join us?

    Our waiting lists will be used, if necessary, to fill all the free places, due to our users, who will not bring with them, the 5 mandatory users. Obviously, they will lose a type of user, for each user less, who will not bring with them, compared to the 5 mandatory. New users, will obtain a type of user, based on free place. The requests, to receive invitations, will always be analyzed by the members of the respective groups, who will choose which people, from the waiting list, to integrate, in their groups, and in their political micro-organizations, and with which types of users, and with which roles.

    All such requests will always be evaluated, and possibly authorized, or, as the case may be, rejected, by our higher-level political organizations, by all special groups, and by our specialist groups.

    As has happened in the past, not all of our new users will join us with good intentions, some of these new users, or the “older” ones, will not respect all of our rules and methodologies, and some people will not be compatible with our activities, so they will first be blocked, then expelled, and in some cases, made persona non grata, in all of our activities. There will also be some people, who will want to leave, even if there are no serious and logical reasons to leave our system. For every person we lose, we will welcome one, from our waiting list. In these cases, the person who made the invitation, to the blocked and expelled person, will be held responsible, and will be punished, in the ways provided for, by our implementing rules. Also, the respective groups, from which the blocked and expelled people come, will lose points, in such cases.

    The waiting lists will also be completely emptied in the final stages of our registrations, when, after having filled up, all the few free places available, in all our groups, in each of our political organizations, in each geographical area, will finally be welcomed and integrated, all the people, with verified and guaranteed identity.

    Let's see how the connections and collaborations between our local groups work.

    In the previous example, we witnessed the creation of a group, and its respective micro political organization. We saw that nearby, there was no group, and therefore no political organization of ours, with which to collaborate. Therefore, based on our implementing rules, all our groups and their relative political organizations will be created, in each geographical area, in these local phases, until integrating all the groups and their respective political organizations into the groups and their relative political organizations in the larger geographical areas. We repeat it, to make you understand the meaning of these activities, the motivations, the rules, and also the purpose of all these local phases.

    If in the geographical areas, of the same size, nearby, there are no groups of ours, and therefore no political organizations of the same size, these can be created, managed, and controlled, by people invited, by the members of our initial group, of the respective geographical area.

    Let's explain it better.

    Any of our members can invite a relative, friend, acquaintance, or any contact, who is considered suitable and compatible with our rules, and who lives nearby, to create their own group, with the relative political organization. The member who proposes this creation to his neighbor will immediately create, together with the new user, a new contact and collaboration group, in which both the inviter and the invited will enter. In this way, each small political organization will be connected and will collaborate with the neighboring one, of the same size, but also of different sizes, as we will see later, when we will talk about contacts and collaborations between all our groups, and between all our political organizations, of all sizes.

    The same method will also be used by the new group and its political organization. This important activity, as anyone can imagine, will make it very fast and very simple to create all the groups and all the political organizations needed to be present all over the world. Always with this method, all our groups and all our political organizations will have various connection and collaboration groups, creating a very solid structure of groups and people in our system and in our universe of projects.

    The advantages are easy to guess, but the biggest one is that everything will be based on trust, respect, and mutual esteem.

    Many people, at this point, will wonder what will happen to the long waiting lists of people who want to join us. For those who register, without asking for an official invitation, the waiting times will last many months, or, depending on the case, even many years, based on the controlled, orderly and safe growth rates of our entire political organization. Unfortunately for them, they will have to wait for the right moment, while those who fill out the request form, the invitation form, can be invited, and included, to fill any available places, in the various groups, and in our micro political organizations.

    To understand better, just reread the initial example of this article, in which we explained, in a somewhat superficial way, the rule of 5 invitations.

    The 5-invitation rule, a few more details.

    A very brief premise. One of the first problems, which we had foreseen, is that not all people will be able to understand, immediately, all our enormous potential. It was fortunate, because many incompatible people could have joined us, in our initial stages, and even some people, with bad intentions. Our rules, and our public information, surprise everyone, are very difficult to understand, and scare everyone. But anyone who studies, with great attention, and with an open mind, our methodology, will immediately understand, that not only does it work, but it represents the only hope, to change, and improve the world. At the beginning, when we were really a few hundred people, but even now, many people, struggle to want to talk about us, with their relatives, friends and contacts. Some people, superficially, consider us a beautiful utopia, others, who do not know us at all, do not trust us, and try to find out, first of all, wasting precious time, who is behind this "crazy", interesting, but often incomprehensible idea of ours. Don't be afraid, even people who are very experienced in politics, but also many experts in every subject, struggle to understand us, for the first few months, in which they study us. Perhaps the worst, are those who read one of our articles, skipping parts, and draw hasty, superficial, and banal conclusions such as: with so many political forces, these were the only things missing. But also, perhaps the worst insult, that you can give us: you will become like everyone else. Our answers are clear, to the previous questions. Study us, taking all the time necessary, and in a complete way, and you will understand better, how we are made, that we are not utopia, but concrete reality, that you can trust us, because inside, we are exactly, as we appear from the outside, that it does not matter, who had the idea, and who is behind it, if this idea is good and brilliant, in DirectDemocracyS, but in every project.  You will also understand, by studying us completely, that our methodology, and our rules, prevent us from becoming like the others, because we had foreseen, every possible problem, and we have taken, all the necessary safety measures, to never, and for no reason, become the same as the others. And as always, time will prove us right. For now, there has not yet been a person, who has told us: I don't like your system. Indeed, even important and famous people have told us: at the beginning I didn't understand you, now I'm sure, that you are unique, and the best, in all your activities. But let's go back, to the rule of 5, which is perhaps one of the simplest, and most effective, rules among all our brilliant ideas. But a new, very short, premise is needed. When we were, a few dozen people, in order to be able to grow in an adequate, reliable, and connected way, based on trust, esteem, and respect, we asked, each person, who joined us, to make our political organization known, to as many people as possible, and to bring with them, at least one of those people. Perhaps believing they would lose some advantage and initial facilitation, not everyone respected this simple rule, they were afraid of the inevitable competition that they would have created by making our project known to people more competent than them. Many feared the judgments of others, and were afraid of hasty judgments and superficiality, which are defects that many people have. They behaved as if there was something to be ashamed of, wanting to change and improve the world, in a concrete and direct way. Therefore, many of them did not invite anyone to get information and then to join us. Going from a few dozen, to hundreds, then to thousands of people, we saw the number of our users / voters grow, slowly but continuously, in an orderly, organized and safe way, always selecting, with great attention, every single person who wanted to join us.

    The rules of the 5 invitations are very simple. Each person who joins us, from December 26, 2024, will have to request and obtain an official invitation. In turn, each person who joins us will have to propose to some people, who can be: relatives, friends, contacts, acquaintances, or contacts on various social networks, to carefully study all our rules, and invite them to join us, based on our very detailed implementing rules. There can be 5, or more people, to be invited to study our system. Among all those who are interested, he will choose the 5 people, who he trusts the most, and who he considers compatible, with our rules, who will become, at the right time, members of the groups, and political organizations, of our local phases.

    What happens if one of our users invites more people to join us? Technically, nothing happens, there is no maximum number of people that each of our users can invite at any time. For each person who joins us, you will receive a number of basic points and a number of special points. The basic points will be added automatically after people join us, based on your official invitations. The special points will be added as a reward for concrete results and compliance with our rules by the person invited for a certain period of time. The management of invitations and the calculation of the various points are managed, controlled and assigned by our member groups, based on very detailed implementing rules. If one of the people invited by any single user commits infractions, does not have an impeccable behavior, and does not respect any of our rules, the person who invited him will be held directly responsible, who will be punished, and will lose, in any case, the points he received, at the time of registration, of the user who invited. If a person abandons our political organization, voluntarily, the person who invited him, has the obligation to replace him, by immediately making a new invitation, otherwise, he will lose the points received, and may be punished, according to our disciplinary rules.

    And what if a person invites people who do not live in their geographic area, for example in a distant city? The implementing rules, of the invitations, clearly specify that there are no limits of distance, of the people who can be invited. But the implementing rules, of the invitations, in our local phases, require that each new user, who is entered, or who creates, manages, and controls, one of our groups, or, one of our mini political organizations, code 079, or higher, bring with him at least 5 people, who have joined us, based on his invitations. So, if he does not have the 5 people ready, to be entered at the right time, in his geographic group, of the local phases, he will lose a type of user, for each person less who will be part of his group.

    In short, each invitation brings points, but they are essential, to obtain a higher type of user, and roles of greater responsibility, people from the same geographical area, with whom we will collaborate directly, in the groups, of our political organizations at a local level.

    The number of points awarded will be specified in the information article and in the implementing rules, which concern these important activities of ours.

    In short, we have explained to you how some of our methodologies work, groups, at a local level, how the types of users are assigned, and how the activities that allow invitations are carried out.

    Many people will ask: but those who are already on the waiting list, to be invited, could have to wait a long time, to be invited, to register, and to be activated? According to our rules, invitations by direct acquaintance, have, and will always have, precedence, over invitations, to unknown people. Each person, works better, and with excellent results, if they know they can count on their collaborators, for this reason, we want to create bonds, and solid connections, between all those, who will join us. Therefore, the activations, of those who do not request an invitation, will be possible, only in many months, even in many years, to be able to work together with us. The activation times, will be slightly faster, for those who do not receive an invitation, from an acquaintance, but request one, demonstrating that they really want to be part of our huge family, with all the good intentions, explained through our invitation request form. In fact, as you may have understood, if you have read carefully, our previous information, there may be, in the future, cases of people who will join us, not having ready, 5 people to invite. At this point, they will be able to decide, to invite, people in our very long waiting list, but only if they reside, exactly, in their own geographical area, at the lowest level, code 079. Especially at the beginning, it will be very difficult, for the demand, and the offer, to coincide, for obvious reasons. The first, is that even if there are, already, tens of thousands of requests ready, they are not yet able to cover, every possible street block, or, every tiny geographical area. The second, is that each of our users, tends to invite, people they trust, and that they know, because, in addition to having to guarantee the identity, and the reliability, for each invitation made, the inviter, must assume forever, all responsibility, for the behavior, and for the concrete results, obtained, by the person invited. They are called invitations, with assumption of responsibility.

    Our motivations are very simple, and surely many people will have already understood why we created all these rules and these methodologies.

    DirectDemocracyS, puts equality first, but always united, and guaranteed to everyone, all the time, together with meritocracy. For us, it is essential to obtain concrete, excellent results, for the good of all, and to obtain them, in the best way, only reliable people are needed. What better way, to demonstrate, one's reliability, exists, if not to help us, to grow, continuously, simply, quickly, but safely, orderly, and organized, our entire system, starting from our political organization? After all, we always ask, the trust in us, of those who join us, and we reciprocate, trusting their choices, and their decisions, in knowing how to choose the best people, to join us. To obtain many advantages, and facilities, each person, will have to choose, with great care, the 5 people of their geographical area, with whom they can collaborate, in a direct way.

    Many will ask, wasn't everything simpler, leaving everything free and free? First of all, explaining things is more complicated than putting all these explanations into practice. So, despite the long articles, which could scare some people, in practice, everything happens quite quickly, and very simply. Even the times, which at first glance may seem very long, will be much faster, when everything is set up in the right way. If for the first phases, there are waiting lists, and you will have to wait with a lot of patience, with our wider presence, geographically, there will be an acceleration, which will make all the activities, to join us, practically a matter of a few dozen minutes. We have done some tests, and for those who have studied the procedures, everything is practically immediate, as soon as they know our instructions. If we had left everything free, we would have had many security problems, and at an organizational level, it would have been a disaster. The few reliable people would have to work very hard to maintain order, having to waste a lot of precious time, to block those who would join us, to sell products, to advertise, to try to scam us, to try to denigrate us, sabotage us, slow us down, boycott us, or worse control us, to manipulate us. Our security deposits, and our annual fees, of a couple of dollars a month, discourage anyone with bad intentions, from trying to put them into practice, so as not to lose their money. The money that comes in, allows us to be, and remain forever, free, independent, neutral, incorruptible, and truly democratic. Almost all the political forces in the world, ask for annual fees, but they are not like us, do not work like us, and have nothing in common with us. Those who don't ask for money, sooner or later, will ask for more, or will create disasters that will be paid for by everyone, or, in many cases, are controlled by lobbies, and by rich and powerful people and commercial companies, who support them, manage them, and manipulate them. Those who delude you into thinking they can change the world, for free, by working on social networks, and on traditional websites, are lying to you, to gain your support, and make you waste one of the most precious things you have, your time. Of course, working with us is a bit complicated, especially at the beginning, but at least, we don't just change the world, we work concretely, also, and above all, to improve it. On traditional social networks, and in traditional political forces, but also in “anti-system” groups, you are obliged to respect their rules, to say only what they allow you to say, to show only things that they allow you to show, to write only what they allow you to write, to then obtain the worst result for you and the best for them, you will be obliged and in part you already are, to think only and exclusively what they allow you to think. In DirectDemocracyS, we only ask you to respect all our rules, which are logical, common sense, and mutual respect, but we will never block, and we will never send away, any person, for what they think, say, show, or write. For these reasons, we are, and will always remain, the best system, and the best political force, in the history of humanity.

    We reveal to you a small but fundamental secret, which partly responds to the many imbeciles who accuse us of using technology too much. All political forces, and traditional systems, but also small groups on various social networks, and even those who have their own platforms, depend in one way or another on various technologies, so all their activities are vulnerable and easily eliminated. For example, certain groups on various social networks can be blocked or eliminated, ruining all your work forever. Certain platforms, even those owned by you, can be blocked, made invisible, or made inaccessible in certain countries. Even useful VPNs are not enough to be able to visit, for example, websites attacked by viruses or boycotted by hackers. At this point, superficial people will tell us that we too can be blocked, made invisible, or attacked by hackers, even government hackers. Absolutely not. On traditional social networks, and on other platforms, we are practically non-existent, because we have our own platforms, where we work in our “home”, and not in someone else’s home. The best and most experienced hackers, even if they also do some illegal activities, almost all have ethics and moral values, and would never attack a system like ours, which only does good for everyone. Furthermore, our platforms are protected, with the best technologies, always updated, and no religion, or, no country, for now, has communicated to us, that we are not welcome, in their geographical areas. For now, we are not banned, in any geographical area. Imagine, if one of the more than 20,000 religions on earth, told its followers: do not join DirectDemocracyS! They would lose, in a few seconds, all their supporters. But also think, of a country, a Government, a Parliament, that made Laws, to ban DirectDemocracyS, in their countries, with the passage of time, they would lose all their credibility. But also think, if a traditional political party, or even any political representative, of the old and failed political forces, entered into a controversy, with one of our registered users, with verified and guaranteed identity. Every possible thesis, theory, and every statement, of the old politics, would be made ridiculous, by anyone who has read, even just the few lines of presentation, of our political organization, on the first page of our official website. All the old political forces, but also various small groups on social media, will only be able to try to copy us, making themselves ridiculous, and having to respond, with all possible means, to our requests for compensation, and to our accusations. But we will talk about these interesting, previous sentences in a dedicated article, even if we have talked about them, in some other article, not in a detailed way. Furthermore, we do not depend, and above all, we will never depend, on technology, we exploit it, and we use it, for many of our activities, without being dependent on it in any way. In the event of any block, of any kind, we will be able to go on just fine, just the same. We will demonstrate this to you right away, with a very brief explanation. After our local phases, each of our users will just have to open the window, to shout to their neighbor, and to invite them to gather, in one's house, or the others, but also in the street, in the squares, and in any place, public, or private, and take paper, and pen, to continue, without any slowdown, all our activities, as if nothing had happened. Thanks to the connections, between each of our groups, which are and will always be, even direct, and personal. And even in this, we are the only ones, and the best in the world. Obviously, to be so well known, understood, and appreciated, it will take a lot of time, and a lot of work, on the part of all those who will join us, and those who are already an integral part of our immense family. As we often say, "we have all the time in the world", and we do everything with great calm, attention, and determination.

    So, to sum up, this whole long informative article…

    Simply put, in local stages, you start from the bottom up.

    Based on the type of user, obtained by each of our new users, and by their connected users, they will be inserted, losing a type of user, in a group, of the higher political organization, up to the international level.

    Our smaller political organizations will always be linked, by contact and collaboration groups, to nearby smaller and larger ones.

    In the next articles, we will also talk about the various activities and how they will be implemented, and we will analyze together, in detail, how our invitations are organized.

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