
    Breadcrumbs is yous position

    Many people are stupid

    Many people are stupid

    Brief introduction.

    Politics is the exact mirror of the population that votes, and anyone who does not vote is equally responsible for the current situation, because he lets others decide for him.

    This short sentence, as obvious as it may seem, is fundamental to understanding the real situation and the interconnection that exists between the old politics and their voters. But it is also clear, the role of the so-called "system", and of those who are its accomplices. Those who do not try to change and improve the world, and remain still to suffer, are not intelligent, and therefore, for us, are stupid. There is no need for revolutions, demonstrations, or direct clashes with the "old system", anyone who tries has already lost, before even starting. The old system, which exploits the old politics, often influencing it, managing it, and controlling it directly, has had a lot of time to organize itself and make any attempt to change and improve things futile. Violence and ignorance are useless, to have immediate, excellent, concrete, and lasting results, only intelligence and innovation are enough. People who don't know us should never feel offended, and those who do know us know that we certainly don't want to judge, much less offend anyone, but those who remain still, even though they have the possibility of creating a better present and future, for us are stupid.

    If before our presentation, for now, only to a few carefully selected people, people had no alternatives, with our activity, finally, everyone has the opportunity to get directly involved, and start doing politics again.

    When we talk about stupid people, we mean anyone who doesn't join DirectDemocracyS, because we are the only ones in the world, who have all the potential, to truly create a different and better world. We, too, have been stupid, and we too were accomplices, of the old political, economic, financial, and social system. But all of us, we have decided to get busy, and to work concretely, directly, giving each other, one of the most important things, our time, in an organized, and cohesive community. In short, we have decided not to stay still, to suffer all these injustices, but to personally involve ourselves, in our common activities.

    All the stupid people will stop reading this article, and others, maybe more stupid than average, will decide to never join us, just because we communicate differently. Stupid people are superficial, they judge and look at others, and they give opinions on things they don't know, or that they haven't analyzed, 360 degrees.

    We have chosen from the first minute, to always speak clearly, simply, honestly, fairly, justly, and to never lie to you. It seems right to us, to proceed in this way, because it is the best way to work, and for us, respect for all people, is infinite. In a world where lying, stealing, cheating, envying, and doing everything, to obtain fame, wealth and power, at any cost, has become a fashion, we go against the trend.

    Our way of communicating is intentionally innovative, and inexorably, fortunately, is not understood, by people less intelligent than average, in an immediate way. The truth, is often painful, and no one likes to discover, that they have always been made fun of, for example, with regard to politics, false democracy, but also economics, finance, even sports, and charitable activities.

    So, what do we do if we discover that someone is lying to us and making fun of us? Intelligent people look for solutions, collaborate, and take action immediately, personally, to change and improve the world. Stupid people, or those who consider themselves powerless, are content to criticize, envy, hate, and offend on social networks, or anywhere, in bars, squares, on the street, at home, and even at work. Intelligent people believe they can find all the solutions to all problems on their own, or in a group, and in an organized way, and among these, there are people without hope, they believe they can fight with the current system, and are destined to lose every single battle, against those who, for many centuries, have been more organized and prepared than them.

    This method of ours, of dividing people into good or bad, competent or incompetent, intelligent or stupid, honest or dishonest, with good or bad intentions, makes some people angry, but it is the only way to achieve results that are useful for everyone.

    But why do we always communicate in this way, instead of following trends and the bad habits of the old system? To prevent any possible problem. Let's explain better, if from the first minute, we at DIrectDemocracyS, had invested money in advertising, we would have been literally invaded by too many people, altogether, who would have joined us, in a very short time. If on the one hand, we would have quickly obtained power, consensus, votes, economic support, and therefore wealth, on the other hand we would have with us, in our initial phases, also stupid people, perhaps, with superior user types, and with roles of greater importance.

    If it was important for us, only to win all the elections, it would have been enough to simply participate, we are not afraid of challenges. But for us, it is not only important to win, but it is much more important, to do what no other politician in the world does, to work hard, for a long time, to solve, in an optimal way, all the problems, of all the people. And this can be done, only by having the best candidates, as political representatives. Within our organization, it is essential, to have all the right people, in the right place, and then "come out".

    If we were only looking for power, and especially riches, we would have been satisfied with accepting the large sums of money, the various compromises, and the various offers, even very rich and generous, that were made to us from the first minute. When we were just a few people, temptations were not lacking, in fact, lobbies, people and commercial companies, rich and famous, offered to help us, also to repay us, for the long time and hard work, done to create the best political force, in the history of humanity. If we had accepted, the first members, we would be rich and famous, but we could not look at ourselves in the mirror. We would have become, exactly, like all the other political forces. We preferred to do things calmly, in the best way, even if it is more difficult, tiring, and takes a lot of time.

    Perhaps, reading the previous sentences, even those few who accuse us of doing everything too slowly, or worse, who accuse us of fearing the comparison with other political forces, will understand that we have very valid reasons for the way we work. Continuous growth is essential, but it must be controlled, with careful, demanding, and very severe selection, for each individual person, who joins our immense family. Our security measures, our rules, and our methodologies, have been studied for years, to prevent any possible problem.

    Every now and then, we are accused of being too selective, even of being oligarchs, by people who do not know our public information. Do not worry, we were conceived to be the only political force, fair, equitable, honest, competent, and ethically correct, and even though we make a selection, each person who joins us has the same rights, the same duties, the same potential, must respect all our rules, and must demonstrate every day that they deserve to be with us, through their concrete work, their reliability, and their respect for all our methodology.

    Every person who joins us is part of our shared leadership, and is an owner, along with all our members, of all our activities. Each person, in DirectDemocracyS, receives a single “share” like in a joint stock company, non-transferable, and non-cumulative, which gives them, not only ownership, but the right / duty to propose, report, decide, on everything, and also, perhaps most importantly, the power to control all our activities.

    We have also been accused of allowing only those who join us to propose, decide, and control our activities, and therefore, of not putting authentic democracy into practice, and above all, of not implementing, if not partially, direct democracy, which for these people, would be giving all the people, the power to decide, directly, the political choices, of all political forces. These statements make us smile, so as not to cry. Those who make them, are simply trying to find fault, where there are none, and to understand this, all these people, should simply read, even several times, with an open mind, all our public information. It is not enough to just read every single word, and every single sentence, but you must also try to understand, all our motivations. Only with a complete vision, of every piece of information, can you understand our choices. Let us explain ourselves better.

    In the old politics, voters count for nothing, but they are deluded by the old system, that they can decide something, by voting, during elections, or, in some popular referendums, which are passed off as "direct democracy". This method grants traditional political forces, and their political representatives, all the power, for many years, without any possibility, for their voters, to express their opinion, and without ever being able to intervene, to change the wrong choices, of the old politics.

    The solution, for stupid people, would be to give all the power, to all citizens, in an authentic, direct democracy, and with the people deciding the fate of all politics. The interesting thing is that what seems right, beautiful and desirable, is only apparently so, in reality, it is like a rotten fruit inside, but from the outside, it seems beautiful and delicious. We have explained it, with various articles, with various examples, and it would be enough to read what we publish, to understand. If an influencer, with millions of people following him, told his fans to all vote against a certain political representative, perhaps very good but inconvenient, or against a certain political force, perhaps very good and inconvenient, or against a Law, perhaps fair and for the good of all, but which annoys our influencer, in the authentic and desirable "direct democracy of stupid people", he would allow rich and powerful people and commercial companies, and the various lobbies, and therefore the current system, to subvert the right decisions, to eliminate political representatives, and the right political forces, and above all, to not approve the best Laws, for the citizens, in their interest. At this point, we will witness the triumph of the current system, which could continue to pursue its own interests, making everyone believe that it is the people, free, and sovereign, who want it, or the majority of them. Ultimately, the worst dictatorships all arise from excellent initial ideas, then exploited and put into practice, in the worst possible way. They also arise from deception, brainwashing, intimidation and elimination of opposition, and from manipulations of various kinds.

    DirectDemocracyS is perfect because it intelligently solves all these problems, first of all by allowing only those who are part of it to have all the power and to decide on all our activities. In this way, we could never suffer sabotage or make the wrong choices, especially because, in the initial stages, our political organization is composed only of people with above-average intelligence.

    We also do it by making a very careful selection of every single person who joins us, and even this rule of ours, and this method, to superficial people, and to some, could seem unfair and discriminatory. Putting all the right people, in the right place, is always useful, because it allows us to have solid foundations, on which to build our success, to change and improve the world. If our foundations were not very solid, we would risk seeing our immense house collapse. But the people, who wait days, months, and in some cases will wait even years, to be able to join us, could complain, saying that we do not treat everyone the same, and that we discriminate against them. We explained it, in the very controversial article, in which we stated, that even having the same rights and the same duties, people, are not all the same. We recommend you read it, in its entirety, perhaps you will understand our choices a little better.

    We do not exclude anyone, and above all we do not discriminate against people, we simply decide when a person can join us, what type of user is best suited to each person, and what roles they can have in our inevitable, but very useful hierarchy. We are the only political force that carefully chooses its voters, and is not only chosen by them. Thanks to the types of users, which are many, with specific activities, with different potential, and all important, we effectively prevent any possible use of our activities in the wrong way. No lobby, no person, or commercial company, rich and famous, will ever be able to take control of DirectDemocracyS, thanks to specific rules, and methodologies, which create a perfect mechanism, which optimally prevents any wrong activity. Let's give you another example. With only one type of user, the apparent democracy, and false equality, would allow lobbies, or a person, or a commercial company, rich and famous, to infiltrate people, taking control of our every decision. Especially at the beginning, with a few people, in theory, it would have been possible to sabotage, or manipulate, our choices. But we, who had foreseen everything, have always had, various types of users, groups, and well-defined roles, which by creating a sort of "grand electors", representing these types of users, these groups, and roles, made it impossible, any attempt to sabotage us, slow us down, or worse stop us. So again, rules that appear to be wrong, and considered by the stupid, unjust, and apparently discriminatory, in reality, are very useful to make us unassailable, and incorruptible. To all this, we add our important security measures, our rules, clear, detailed, and respected by all, and the methodologies, which create a perfect mechanism, which together with the ownership, of all our members, make DirectDemocracyS, innovative, and alternative, to all other political forces, with ideologies, politically perfect.

    Speaking of rules, ours, regarding voting, are considered by many to be too complicated, and some stupid people say that they are too slow and cumbersome. Again, the enormous amount of work, carried out for many years by hundreds of people, experts in various sectors of activity, is not understood and respected. We have created a method and rules of voting, which, while being free, informed, complete and truly democratic, take into account security needs. In our articles on voting methods, we explain why it is not enough to vote in a correctly informed manner, but you must also vote, almost always openly, and motivating each individual preference. The secret vote, when not necessary, for security reasons, is excellent, for stupid people, and also for potential bad guys, because it does not allow anyone to check whether their vote has actually been counted, and in what way. Hiding your preferences is for indecisive and unintelligent people. By giving reasons for your decisions, you demonstrate that you are not ashamed of your ideas, and above all, you demonstrate that you want good, instead of evil. With open voting, all those who choose can be held responsible at any time for the effects of their vote. These explanations, always for stupid people, seem useless, for some they may seem trivial, but for the good of all, it is essential to take full responsibility. Not to mention the majority vote of those entitled to vote, and not the simple majority of voters. Forcing a majority choice of those entitled to vote for each vote, for the first three votes, allows us to always decide, with large majorities, and not with a simple majority, of voters alone. Rarely, have we been forced to vote the fourth time, usually we all decide, with the first 3 votes. To better understand the voting mechanism, you should read our articles, and especially those in which we explain how our political activity works. Many people wrongly believe that we all spend hours voting for everything. For the fundamental choices, decided and selected by our decision-making evaluation groups, we all vote. For other less important decisions, we always have various groups choose, representing all our users, always with the authorization of our special groups, in which all our users are represented. But if one of our users considers a decision of the groups to be wrong, he can always ask our special groups to call a general vote, of all our users, always motivating his request. And each of our votes is verifiable, in real time, and disputes are possible, even if unlikely, always motivated, even if everything takes place in a clear, motivated and informed way, also thanks to the open vote.

    Those who accuse us that we are managed and controlled by intelligent people, and that those who are intelligent become smart, and that over time DirectDemocracyS will become an oligarchy, or worse, a dictatorship, are wrong, because it is not possible for anyone, individually, to hold too much “power”, and the same thing also applies to all our groups, and to all our types of users. We have never made a choice, individually. We always work in groups, more or less numerous, obviously, analyzing every proposal, every idea, every project, of each of our members. Everything starts from our rule, which allows anyone to have ideas, and to propose them, always creating a work group, to discuss it, create it, and modify it, to make it perfect, with the contribution of the group itself, and of many other groups. In this way, each of our single members is the true protagonist, and no idea is ever rejected, but a methodology must be followed, and a series of rules, both to present it, and to implement it, and finally to vote on it. Even in this case, we have specific, internal rules that not everyone knows, especially from the outside. Some will be presented publicly; others will be available only to those who are our official members.

    Having highly intelligent members is not a disadvantage, and it is not a shame.

    It is not wrong to allow only those who are with us to decide on all our activities.

    Some people tell us that when we get the votes needed to govern, or to decide the laws, we will have to be guided by all the people, and not just by our voters. Instead, dear friends, we will be guided, only and exclusively, by our official members, who are all our voters, and we will have no obligation to do what others tell us. We ask these people, which political force, allows itself to be controlled and managed, by all the voters, once the elections are won, but also if they lose them? None, indeed they only do what they want. All the old politics, chooses certain voters, and social groups, to whom it addresses itself, and makes promises, almost always not kept. And which political force, in the entire history of politics, has ever allowed, even its own voters, to propose, decide, and control every activity, of the political force, before, during, and especially after the elections? Only DirectDemocracyS. These people, who accuse us of wanting to dominate the world, should talk about things they know, and not look for rottenness, where nothing rotten can exist. These people, of enormous stupidity, must continue to support the old politics, to be fooled by them, and continue to be accomplices, of the old system, failed, unjust, and controlled by a few people. They do not deserve to join us, and they do not deserve our consideration.

    We also find quite stupid, the people who do not join us, because we do not give enough explanations, or, those who do not register on our website, because we do not name all our members, both the initial ones, those who have joined over time, and even those "fresh today". At the beginning of November 2024, we have over 250 informative articles, which talk and explain many things. Our Blog has over 1600 posts, in about 56 languages. All of them are visible, freely, easily, free of charge, and without any obligation to register, and join us. We repeat, they are public, and have been since the beginning. But there are other people, who instead do not join us, because we give too much information, and they cannot understand, the meaning of our long articles. As you can see, if we write and say few things, we are wrong, if we write too many things, we are wrong. Stupid people are difficult to please. Over 80% of those who join us do so by reading only our short article on the first page of our website, and almost 90% have read only a couple of other articles. Over 60% of those who visit our website register and join us, creating a personal profile, on their first visit. A person with average intelligence immediately understands our infinite potential, and easily understands the enormous advantages and benefits that we rightly give to the first people who are accepted into our large family. Those who join us first have many opportunities to demonstrate their value and reliability, and therefore to obtain higher types of users, and roles of greater importance and responsibility. Those who wait too long, miss many opportunities, and will struggle much more to make themselves known within us.

    Regarding the names and personal data of our members, we have said it hundreds of times, we ensure everyone can join us by registering and creating a personal profile, remaining completely anonymous, and sharing the personal data they want, only with those they want, and only if and when they want. This rule is final, and we will guarantee this type of protection forever, to everyone, because it is fair, logical, common sense, and is based on respect, for anyone who joins us. We guaranteed it to our creators, creators, and first members, and we will guarantee it, even when the last person on earth has joined us. Some people, surprisingly, find it unfair, the fact that we encrypt communications, and that we make our work secure. If at the beginning, when we were a few dozen people, it was a necessity, to protect everyone's identities and data, over time we have grown, and we wanted to maintain this security measure. This method has allowed us to have with us, important personalities, and unsuspected people, even experts, and specialists, among the best in the world, in their respective fields, who joined us, knowing that no one would ever know. For many people, in the initial stages, joining us, could be quite inconvenient, in some cases, these members of ours could suffer retaliation, at work, and in some countries, in some cases, they could even risk their lives, or, put at risk the lives of their loved ones. Allowing anonymity, to anyone who joins us, using all the best security measures, has allowed, and will allow forever, anyone, to join us, knowing that they are always safe. We have explained in various articles, and will explain well in the future, many of our security measures, which also include the identification of each person who joins us, up to having registered users, with verified and guaranteed identity, who are then the only ones, who have the right to vote, both with regard to our decisions, and with regard to our primary elections, online, closed. Our political representatives, of course, will have a personal profile, with real name and surname, and related qualifications, but they will be known only, in the groups in which they are candidates, and only by the people, who are authorized to vote, for example, in our national groups, or in those of our territorial and geographical subdivisions. Only our political representatives, who will obtain useful results, in our primary elections, online closed, will participate in the real elections, outside our political organization, and will be made public, so that they can be voted for, even by those who are not our users, on our website.

    Whoever wants to vote for our candidates, in the real elections, should first inform themselves thoroughly, and with an open mind, to realize, if they are compatible with our innovation. Immediately after, they should join us, registering, and creating a personal profile, to become the real protagonist, and be decisive, in each of our choices. If someone does not feel suitable, as regards competence, honesty, and availability, to support with conviction, and to work concretely, with DirectDemocracyS, do not waste time registering, but continue to study us, and support us from the outside.

    Let it be clear to everyone, authentic democracy and complete freedom require work and commitment from everyone, and also require financial support, in the form of donations and through the payment of annual fees. A few US dollars or Euros per year, from everyone, are essential to remain neutral, independent and to be able to invest in protecting democracy and freedom. This money does not end up in our pockets, but we need it to always have all the necessary potential available, to do an excellent job, and to reward our best users / voters. Be wary of those who guarantee you can do whatever you want, without too many rules and without too many details, their project is destined to only waste your time and not solve any problem, indeed, it could be dangerous. Do not join those who offer you everything, including the power to decide on everything, absolutely free of charge, because surely, given the enormous costs, which we know perfectly well, their project will fail, or you will be again, controlled and manipulated, by lobbies, and rich and famous people, who will delude you again, that you are free, and that you are free.

    There will be people, groups of people, other political forces, and maybe even entire countries, who will try to copy our ideas, our rules, and our methodologies, and maybe they will do it for free, and again deluding you, of being democratic, and free. Always choose the original, for various reasons that we have explained to you, the copies, even if they seem well made, and sometimes they may seem better, hide some traps. We can assure you, that no matter how smart and intelligent you may be, if you choose someone who copies us, not only will you be doing an ethically incorrect activity, not only will you not respect the Copyright Laws, but in many cases, you will be doing unfair competition, and activities, that can make you pay compensation, and fines. We are not writing this to scare you, but to warn you, not to always let yourself be fooled by anyone.

    We are the original, anyone else is a fake.

    Some completely stupid people have told us that freedom and democracy are not “property” of DirectDemocracyS, and that we cannot consider it a theft, those who put them into practice, in a similar way to us. First of all, stealing someone's ideas, rules, and methodologies is wrong, and using them badly, cheating, and deceiving people, is equally wrong. The fact that many try to copy us, should please us, no one copies a project, or a bad idea, instead it only instills in us sadness, and a certain amount of fear. Sadness because those who are not able to create something of their own, must necessarily go and look for, and appropriate, the hard work, which has required a lot of time, of those who are more intelligent and more deserving than them.

    The dose of fear came from the enormous power that, over time, our “copy” could have. Without our rules, our methodology, and all our security measures, a project similar to ours could be truly dangerous for everyone. DirectDemocracyS is uncontrollable, in the sense that it is structured to prevent a single person, or a small number of people, from taking control of it. Yet, DirectDemocracyS is controllable by each of its members, who, based on internal rules, can and must check that everything runs smoothly, that the votes are correct, that the decisions are for the good of all. In each of our choices, in each vote, each of our voters must demonstrate altruism, and before voting, they must ask themselves: is my decision useful for the good of the entire world population, and for the interests of all? And before making a final decision, and choosing an option, they must answer in the affirmative. This method of ours may seem strange and self-destructive, but it is authentic and sincere. We are not interested in our own good, but in the good of all. We are the first, and will always remain, the only altruistic political force in the history of humanity. We created it this way from the first minute, also because it was made up of people from various countries, and we started with the first phase, at a global level, and not as others expected, at a local level, which would have been easier and faster. Choosing the most difficult, but rightest path to take, knowing how to wait for the right moment, selecting people with the good of all in mind, and deciding in a way that improves everyone's life, without preferences, is our inimitable prerogative.

    Anyone who copies us has already failed, because we already have the foundations, and we have wonderful people, of above-average intelligence, with us, for a very long time, with superior types of users, and roles of greater importance and responsibility, who are also neutral, and absolutely incorruptible. We are, and will remain forever united, despite our differences.

    For these reasons, we write long, detailed, and very precise articles, because it is essential, not to take any risks, having to really think about the good of all. No political force, and very few political representatives, of the old politics, and of all the other political forces, will be able to work like us, because the ambitions, the spasmodic search for money and power, clouds the vision of anyone who is not in DirectDemocracyS. For that, we allow ourselves, in a kind way, to define those who do not join us, stupid. For not understanding, or not wanting to understand, that for all to live, in a different, but also better world, we are the only hope.

    We are sure that anyone who has come to read up to this point, reading, but above all trying to understand, all the previous part, is no longer stupid, and that he has finally understood some basic concepts. As always, we should write a separate article, for every single sentence, and often, for every single word that we write, or that we have written up to now.

    The basic concepts, then, are that we are not dangerous, because we could never be thanks to our rules and our method.

    No one can take control of DirectDemocracyS, from the inside, or even from the outside.

    There is no leadership, individual or group, but we are all part of a truly shared leadership. To better understand the previous sentence, you will have to read the specific articles, which will explain to you, how our activities are carried out internally.

    We will never agree that the entire population is authorized to interfere with the activities of any political force, without being part of it, for the simple reason that we will never accept advice, suggestions, or proposals from anyone who is not our member, let alone if we are willing to suffer impositions. Whoever really wants to be decisive, and a protagonist, join us, and work with us. We are not interested in collaborations with any political force, or political group, and anyone who joins us, if they are part of other political forces, to be accepted, must demonstrate to us that they have definitively and irreversibly renounced any activity, and any collaboration with other political forces. We repeat, anyone can join us, but then, they will do political activity, only and exclusively with us. We do not divide our users / voters, with other political forces.

    In one of the next articles, we will explain better, that we are not a political force born against someone, or against something, we are the only ones in the world, born to unite people, despite their diversity, having goals to achieve all together.

    We consider Nazism, Fascism, Communism, and all forms of dictatorship, oligarchies, single parties, and single thoughts to be wrong, failed, criminal, and cruel, and we consider all other political forces to be accomplices of a completely unjust system. All old politics is guilty of cheating and stealing all power from citizens, and therefore from the sovereign people, a second after winning the elections.

    We are the only political force, that if it wins, will govern and make the Laws, with all its voters / users, registered on our website. At this point, a spontaneous question will arise: what if those who join DirectDemocracyS, will not vote for the candidates of DirectDemocracyS, in the real elections? Reread all our articles, our users / voters, are not stupid, on the contrary, they have and will always have, an intelligence above average, so if they work with us, they will vote compactly, for our candidates, who are also their candidates.

    And what if by chance, there will be people, who will vote for our candidates, even if they are not registered on our website? Obviously, every person is free to vote for whoever they want, whether it is inside us, or outside. If they decide to support us, our advice is to join us, and to work actively with us, making our political representatives make the best choices, thanks to our absolute and decisive control, over them, both before, during, and for the first time in the world, even after the elections.

    And this method, and this rule, we invented and applied it, for the first time in the world.

    And in the countries where we will not be legal, there being no constraint, obligation, or subservience, by political representatives, towards their constituents? First of all, those who join us, know how we work, and know our rules. Early resignation, irreversible, for personal reasons, signed before participating in our primary elections, closed online. Full economic control over all earnings, and salary payment, through our bank accounts, according to the decisions of our constituents.

    The first law that we will bring to every Parliament, after having won an election, and trust me, we will win them all, with an absolute majority in the first round, not of the voters, but at least an absolute majority of those entitled to vote, will always be a law that makes the voters, therefore the people, sovereign, and the political representatives become servants, as representatives of their voters.

    Speaking of real elections, how can we be sure to win them all? The intelligent people are in the majority, compared to the stupid people, and so we have already won, even before participating.

    Finally, to those who think of stealing our ideas, a piece of advice, don't do it. You would make a bad impression, the population does not forgive those who steal the ideas of others, and always prefer the original, to a fake. You would risk having to pay royalties, to each of our official members, as we are owned, by all our members. Finally, why don't you join us, and use our project legally and for free, since you have the possibility? But before doing so, we repeat, inform yourselves, reading all our public information, and if you consider yourself compatible, register on our website, and start working together with us.

    We don't need passive spectators, we don't need stupid people, and accomplices of the old system.

    If anyone feels offended, or feels implicated, by what we write, we are sorry, but we will not change a comma of anything we have written.

    The truth may not be liked, and may even annoy, but it is the only way we know to do politics.

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