Many people wonder if it is safe to send an image of their photo ID to DirectDemocracyS. They wonder if it is right to trust us, and therefore, if we are reliable.
For those who do not want to read all the detailed information and all the reasons in this article, the short answer is yes, trust us, because we are all reliable people and groups, because we will never use, for any reason, your personal data in an ethically incorrect way. We only need them to guarantee everyone safe activities, carried out only with reliable, competent and identified people.
The best way to know if you can trust us is to do a search on the Internet and look for negative reviews about us. If you happen to find them, if you want our explanations, you can contact us, to report them to us, through our contact forms. Send us, a simple link, in which someone speaks badly of us, or says that we do not respect every single word, of every single sentence, of what we say publicly. You should not always trust reviews, often manipulated, and often used as a weapon, against activities that are often legal, honest, loyal, fair, sincere, and correct, but every now and then, reviews help you get an idea, about who you want to know. We will never accept, to let people with bad intentions, tell lies, and defame us, in whatever way they do it, but we will always respond, with intelligence, with concrete data, and we will denounce by all means, every person, whatever inaccurate thing they say, about us. This method, at first sight seems vindictive, but we find it wrong, to allow anyone to defame, and remain unpunished.
English: We have never asked anyone to publish reviews about us, not even positive ones. We are not interested in people talking about us, good or especially bad, outside of our websites, and we have limited activities, and only to publish some news, from time to time, on almost all social networks. It would be enough for even just one positive or even negative comment about us to circulate around the Internet, to be literally invaded by many people, all together, who are curious to know us, and could create possible technical problems, and perhaps even some slowdown, or worse, some brief blockage of our activities. Obviously, we have taken all the precautions, we have purchased the necessary technology, to have the power, and the necessary space, to welcome every citizen of the earth, but these activities, still require technical times, some slowdown of our websites, and short interruptions, to connect our various web servers.
Too many people, all together, would create above all, organizational problems. We like to be able to welcome, in the best possible way, every single person who decides to join us. For us, it is like welcoming someone into our immense family, into our very large home, which is our website. We already have very long waiting lists, of new users, who want to be activated, to be able to access our reserved areas, where they can work together with us, concretely. Often, we are forced to block all new registrations, even for long periods, on various occasions even one, 2, 3, and even more than 4 months. We are not interested in the quantity, but the quality, of the people we welcome, especially in the initial phases. For everything to work perfectly, we must create very solid foundations, for our political organization, and for our entire system. We cannot make any mistakes, and we must never rush, if we want to change and improve the world, in a continuous, lasting, and useful way for everyone. Even though we sometimes seem complicated, mean, and too demanding, we do it for the good of all, and we always hope, that you can understand, all our motivations, informing yourself fully, and with an open mind.
Here are some important, interesting and useful details. There are also some reasons, why you can trust us.
Brief introduction.
Anyone who uses the Internet, anyone who has an email address, and anyone who downloads and uses any application, grants various people, entities, and commercial companies the right to use their data, is also traceable, and in theory, is responsible for all their activities.
Not to mention those who use online banking and financial services, or even those who sell or buy products and services.
Your personal data is always circulating online, and those who obtain it, in some cases, claim to use it ethically.
History, in these cases, does not help us, because many scandals have broken out, and real illegal activities have been found, with even cases of buying and selling, or exchanges of personal data between various commercial companies.
Generally, it is not about stealing money, but even the simple illegal use, and without consent, of anyone's data, is incorrect for us.
If a person is careful, knows who to trust, and uses every precaution, he risks practically nothing.
DirectDemocracyS, often requires gestures of trust, which it always reciprocates.
First, partial use of personal data, our contact form.
To communicate with us, even from outside, simply fill out a contact form, chosen according to your needs, according to our rules, methodologies and detailed instructions. To contact us, you fill out a simple, secure and confidential online contact form, on our dedicated website, with your real name and surname, your email address, the subject, to which you want an answer, and a question, or, a possibly detailed explanation, of the reason why you are contacting us. You will receive a response, to your email address.
Second, most important use of personal data, the invitation form.
English: Anyone who, after having been fully informed, believes that they are compatible with our rules and our methodologies and is in a hurry to join us, can request to be invited, through a simple, safe, fast and confidential, request to be invited form. In addition to personal data, you will have to attach a picture of your face, with a visible near your face, an identity document, with a photograph, we accept an identity card, or a passport, both documents must be valid and clearly visible. We do not accept to invite people, who do not trust us, and who do not send us their personal data, so that we can invite them, if they are deemed suitable, to our political activity. We will not repeat the reasons here, which you all know, but we repeat, that we are perhaps the only political force, which not only must be chosen by its voters, but which in turn selects, with great care, every single voter, and every single user, who joins us, especially in the initial stages, in which we create the foundations, of our political organization. This invitation request form must be as complete and sincere as possible, to allow us to evaluate, in the best way, if the person who wants to join us is a compatible and reliable person.
Third, most important use of personal data, the registration form.
To join us, there are various ways, the simple one, where you register and create your own personal profile, quickly, safely, for free, and without any commitment. And then there is the invitation, on our part, that we make to anyone who sends us a detailed request. In both cases, you must send, an image with your identity document with photo, we accept Passport, or identity card, which must be valid, and clearly visible. For those who want to obtain from the beginning, a higher type of user, you need an image, in which you can clearly see, the face of the document holder, with nearby, clearly visible, your identity document with photo, we repeat, we accept Passport, or identity card, which must be valid, and clearly visible.
This security measure is mandatory for everyone, and it is very useful for us, to prevent multiple registrations, and to have initial trust, in those who join us. Obviously, to be able to work concretely with us, vote on our decisions, and to be able to choose our candidates, in our primary elections, online, closed, you must be a registered user, with a verified and guaranteed identity. This is obtained, after activation, by our user activation groups, with a simple, fast, secure, and confidential, video call, with our group for identity verification, subgroup of video calls. For the people invited, instead, it is enough for one of our members to assume responsibility, who also guarantees, for the identity of the person, that he himself invited. In both cases, after the mandatory initial activities, at the first access, you can request and obtain, quickly and absolutely free, the blue tick, on your personal profile, in our social area, which guarantees that whoever has it, has a verified and guaranteed identity.
From time to time, our special security groups can suddenly verify the identity of anyone with a blue tick, to prevent the substitution of people, and possible use, by multiple people of a single personal profile. The users contacted, must not leave the website, without having made a video call, with our periodic identity verification group, following all the instructions, and then showing when requested the face, and their identity document, in the same frame.
But are all these security measures necessary?
It is not possible to work, seriously and with excellent results, without identified, reliable people, and especially in the initial phases, chosen with great care.
But what do you do with our identity documents, uploaded in the initial stages?
First, we encrypt them, and put them on a secure server, so that they are never visible to other people, and we destroy them completely, definitively, and irreversibly, immediately after verifying the identity, via video call.
Many people tell us that even if we verify people's identities, we cannot guarantee the anonymity of our users.
The guarantee of anonymity, which we offer and maintain, for anyone who joins us, has nothing in common with identity verification.
Let's explain better so everyone will understand.
Whoever contacts us, declares their real name, their real surname, and their email address. The person contacts us, and we respond, without making further checks. We connect, on the basis of trust, the real name and surname, to the email address provided by the person themselves. We insert this data into our operating system, without ever sharing it with others, and without ever revealing the details, publicly, we are very private, in these things. When a person from outside our website, or from inside our website contacts us, with any contact form, the form itself, and the subsequent responses, are automatically encrypted, by our computer system, so they are perfectly safe, untraceable, and protected. The groups involved in the responses, will never know, and for any reason, who uses the contact form, so they will not know the name and surname, or even the email address, of the person who contacts us. A unique contact form code is generated, and a unique contact response code is associated with this, which the system receives, associates, and sends the responses of our groups, automatically. In addition to protecting all the personal data of the people involved, we can ensure that everyone's responses are practically identical, and without any preference, whoever contacts us. This method is very useful, for many obvious reasons, which we will explain in a detailed article. Obviously, for internal requests, there are reserved forms, invisible from the outside, which instead connect the username, and rarely, alternatively, in specific cases, your personal identification number in DirectDemocracyS. But we will also talk about these security measures at the right time.
After being fully informed, a person decides to join us, what happens? How do we protect everyone's data?
When registering and creating a personal profile, our information system receives the request, with the username, which can be your nickname, or a fictitious name, according to our rules on the username, but often, a code is also used, with 2 or 3 initial letters of your country, and a variable number of letters or numbers. Obviously, other details are requested, in the registration form, but each user who registers, decides if he wants to share data, when he wants to share it, what data he shares, and with whom he shares it. Leaving each person, the task of deciding, without imposing anything, but ensuring every security measure.
Identity verification.
To be a reliable user, you just need to have the blue tick, in the social area, of our website, which means that the user has a verified and guaranteed identity. If this person commits crimes, or if he does not respect all our rules, it is possible to identify him, with a very complicated procedure, but quite fast, and safe.
The video call, for identity verification, is always made, creating a unique identity verification code, and a member of our security groups is chosen at random, who has the sole task of verifying that for that specific unique identity verification number, there is a real person, who when requested by our identity verification operator, places a valid identity document, traceable to him, near his face. To prevent someone from using fake or pre-recorded videos, with people showing their face and an identity document, our operator can and must always ask, for example: to raise an arm, to say hello, or to smile, or to turn your head to one side or the other, and other similar security measures. At the end of the video call, if the identification has been successful, our operating system will associate a unique identity verification code, which with the unique identity verification request code, will create a unique code, which guarantees the identity of the verified person. It may seem complicated, but it is very simple, fast, safe, and confidential.
Who verifies the identity, does not know the username, nor the personal identification number, of the person who is verifying, is our computer system, which automatically, without any human intervention, connects all the encrypted codes, at the end of the identity verification, sends the image of the identity document, or, depending on the case and according to the type of user, with the image with the face with the identity document nearby, uploaded on the registration form, and an image file, created with the face and with the identity document nearby, during the video call, also in this case the 2 files are compared, and if they match, the user is officially declared, registered user with verified and guaranteed identity, and can request the blue tick, on their personal profile.
English: Those who are invited by one of our members, or by one of our users authorized to make invitations, must not make a video call with us, but must receive an invitation from our member, in which the member declares that he or she assumes full responsibility for the behavior and compliance with all our rules for the person he or she invites, and that he or she guarantees to know them personally, and therefore guarantees both their identity and their reliability. We always recommend that anyone who is our user authorized to make invitations, or any of our official members, always make a video call before inviting someone, to personally verify the person's identity and their identity document, which must match those in the image uploaded when requesting the invitation. We have done and will do more detailed articles on the responsibilities of those who invite someone to join us. This methodology will allow us, at the right time, to make it easier, faster, but equally safe for anyone to participate in our activities.
No user or member of ours will make the mistake of inviting someone, guaranteeing their reliability, and taking full responsibility for their behavior, and for compliance with all our rules, as well as the guarantee of their identity, if this person is not compatible with our rules, and with our methodologies. In addition, our special security group, can request, at any time, a verification of the identity, of a user who has accessed our website, according to specific rules.
If the person is not the one, he/she should be, during the identity verification, not only the owner of the profile, but also our user authorized to make invitations, or, our member, who made the invitation, vouching for the identity, will be immediately blocked, reported, and severely punished.
Let's answer the question: can we trust DirectDemocracyS, and send the image with our ID?
Surely you can count on us, regarding security measures. Also, you will never find a negative review about us, really motivated, hopefully forever, because we know how to prevent any possible problem.
The last question, very important that you ask yourself, is whether some malicious person has access to sensitive data, or whether someone can manipulate our computer systems?
Our special security groups, from the first minute we started doing business together, have always guaranteed everyone confidentiality, protection, and security, in all our activities. An important security measure is that all our data is encrypted, and inaccessible to anyone, except for one super administrator, of the special security group, who has a decryption code, to allow us to carry out internal investigations, with very detailed rules. There are not 2, or more people who have this code, but only one, of our 31 super administrators. Each of his activities, is recorded, in a log file, which can be checked, by another super administrator, without the possibility of decrypting them, but only to verify them, if they are legal, and authorized. If for any reason, whoever owns the respective code, were to carry out a suspicious activity, our computer system, would automatically block him, would raise the alarm, and the other super administrators, could prevent any possible error or problem. If the person who has the famous decryption “keys” makes a mistake, disappears, or, if he is not traceable, another of the 30 remaining, has a new decryption code, which cancels the previous one, and takes the place of the previous one. Always, and only one person at a time, so in case of a problem, we always know who did it.
Cyber security, if you follow our rules, is always guaranteed, we invest about a third of our money, in cyber security, and we always have new, modern, and always updated technologies.
Almost all hackers have a huge respect for us, and in everything we do, many of them have guaranteed their collaboration, to prevent, impede, and make harmless, all possible attacks. We thank them for this, and they know, that we will never disappoint them.
The reports, from those who are already with us, but also from those who are outside.
Great importance, to guarantee everyone, the safety and protection of data, is always given, to all the reports, and to all the continuous information, that we receive from those who join us. Even from the outside, anyone can help us, reporting possible problems, proposing useful security measures, and offering us effective support, for these important activities.
Simply put, we can say that we are one of the safest and most secure businesses in the history of the Internet, and thanks to our ongoing investments and the work of so many people, you can trust us and join us with the confidence that you are safe.
All control activities are managed by this special security group, with tens, and soon hundreds, and in the future, thousands of subgroups, increasingly specific and specialized, all composed of hundreds and soon thousands of people, all our official members.
Anyone who joins us, demonstrates reliability, and has the required qualifications, according to our rules and methodologies, can join our special security groups, to help us keep everyone safe, and to verify for themselves, that everything is done correctly. We will soon make a public information article, in which we will explain many of our methods, and many rules, which will surely make you understand, that we do not joke, and we are seriously committed, to keep everyone safe, always.
a. To accept full responsibility for the comment that you submit.
b. To use this function only for lawful purposes.
c. Not to post defamatory, abusive, offensive, racist, sexist, threatening, vulgar, obscene, hateful or otherwise inappropriate comments, or to post comments which will constitute a criminal offense or give rise to civil liability.
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