According to our implementing rules, in the local phases, only a limited number of new registrations will be accepted initially.
The management of these new requests to join us will be entrusted to the various national groups, through the new user activation group, with the collaboration of all the other groups, involved in these important activities, of selecting the best people, to work together with us.
Worldwide, only 390,625 new users will be accepted, with the rule of having one new user for every 21,025 inhabitants of each geographic area. Obviously, as with all other geographic phases, the requests we receive will greatly exceed the number of available places, and to avoid creating problems, we have decided to favor invitations, and not to activate, for a certain period, new registrations without an invitation.
We have explained several times our motivations for this careful selection of the first people who will join us. In short, we want to have the right people, in the most responsible roles, and in the higher user types.
We receive many messages from people asking us how long they will have to wait to be activated and to start working concretely with us. Unfortunately, for everyone, the answer is the same: for as long as necessary. From the first minute, when we conceived our system, we decided to do everything, very carefully, and taking the necessary time, to obtain the best results. To better understand our mechanism, and the reasons for our rules, we invite you to carefully read all our previous public information.
We remind you that no new free registrations will be accepted, nor any forms requesting to be invited, without entering a valid code, obtained after paying the security deposit.
For all the information, instructions, and reasons for the escrow deposit, read carefully this detailed article:
The rules are very simple, you just need to choose the payment form, based on your age, at this link:
if you are under 31, you must fill out the form, and then pay 12.50 EURO, at this link:
if you are already 31 years old, at the time of payment, you must fill out the form, and then pay 25 EURO, at this link:
We invite you to fill out, with great attention, sincerity, and in detail, an invitation request form, at this link:
Please wait, with great patience for our response, and never, and for any reason, fill out more than one form for the same person. If there are 2 forms for the same person, they will both be cancelled, and the name will be automatically inserted in the list of the last people who will be activated, in the final stages of our registrations.
Everything happens in a simple, organized, orderly, and safe way. If you are suitable, serious, honest, competent, reliable, incorruptible, intelligent, loyal, and truly intent people, to work together with us, actively, and directly, to change and improve the world, you will see that everything will happen, quickly.
A brief explanation.
Until the beginning of the local phases, in DirectDemocracyS, we all worked together, first of all, in our international phases, then, in the continental ones, and finally, in our national phases, which involve the creation, management and control of our political organizations, in every country in the world.
As we explained, we wanted people from all over the world to create our own global fundamental rules, which is why we started with the international phases. The official members of our international phases are currently 3125 permanent users, working in various groups.
Our continental phases have allowed for greater attention to the details and specificities of each continent. In these geographical and territorial subdivisions, only people resident in, or coming from, each single continent managed, currently manage, and will always manage, each of our continental organizations. 15,625 new activations have been accepted in every country in the world.
With the creation of each of our political organizations, in each single country of the world, only residents, or, holders of citizenship, of each country, managed and controlled, their own national political organization. 78125 new activations were accepted, in each country of the world.
With the beginning of the local phases, new users will be inserted, first of all, into our political organizations, of the various geographical, territorial, administrative, and electoral subdivisions, from the smallest to the largest, and not as in the first 3 phases, during which it was the other way around. A total of 390,625 new activations will be accepted worldwide. All these people will be inserted into our local political organizations, based on their skills and their merits. They will create all our structures, and our local groups, to be able to welcome, at the right time, new activations, based on our rules, and our methodologies.
The next phase, at the right time, will allow us to welcome, in the best way, 1953125 new users, activated by our groups at local level, according to the rules of each of our smaller local organizations, to then be admitted, to our political organizations, of the higher, therefore larger, geographical, territorial, administrative and electoral areas.
But why all this complicated method, and these rules, so detailed and severe?
For various reasons, easily understandable, many of which have been explained, in various public information articles. Our work, is very important, and every word, of every sentence, of all our rules, and of all our methodologies, have been studied, discussed, tested, and voted, thanks to the hard work, of many people, for many years. Not a single word, of every single sentence, of every rule, and methodologies, have been written uselessly, they all have very serious motivations, for the good of all.
In practice, what changes?
The creation, management and control of all our local phases will be carried out by our national groups, on the basis of detailed projects, coordinated, verified and approved by our continental and international political organizations. After the creation of the local groups, the management and control of our local organizations is guaranteed by the people who are part of these groups, always on the basis of projects, with the collaboration and supervision of our national, continental and international groups.
How does the work happen locally?
Each new registered user is assigned to one of our local political organizations, always starting with the smallest type, such as neighborhood or street block. Subsequently, the most deserving users will be accepted into groups at the city, district, county, as appropriate, province, region, state, and any other territorial, geographic, administrative, and electoral subdivisions. For example, in the United States of America, there are subdivisions of groups of various states, then subdivisions of each individual state, then each individual county or district, then each individual city, neighborhood, and in large cities even at the street block level. Each local political organization will have the same rules, the same methodologies, the same instructions, and the same activities as our political organizations at the higher levels.
What types of users will be able to access the local phases?
To access our geographical phases, at each level, you must be, at least, registered users, with a verified and guaranteed identity. This allows you to be part of the various groups, and to participate in the various activities, but to become our official representatives, in the various geographical areas, or to participate in our primary elections, online, closed, you must request to become our political representatives, and to do these activities, you must be, our official members. Unlike the national phases, when new users could request to become our national super administrators, which compared to the old politics, corresponds to the role of President, in the local phases, you always start, mandatorily, from the lower types of users, to then move up, in our hierarchy, based on their concrete activities, compliance with each of our rules, and their behavior. In the national phases, new users could directly access the national groups, easily obtaining roles of great responsibility. In the local phases, one always starts, in the smallest geographical and territorial areas, being able to climb, in the most important and larger geographical areas, only in a long time, with one's own concrete work, and with an impeccable behavior. The advantages, and the previous facilities, should have been exploited, at the right time, as we had often recommended to everyone, with our informative articles.
Are the benefits and conveniences over?
They are not finished, they have simply changed. In the local phases, all new registered users, with verified and guaranteed identity, will be inserted into local groups, which will become operational as soon as they are composed of at least 6 users. Each new user, in these groups, will be able to request, in a short time, to become our official member, at a local level, and subsequently manage, together with all the other members of the respective groups, our political organization at a local level, and then, will be able to obtain many advantages and facilities. Over time, increasing the number of users, the competition will increase, the times to move from a lower type of user, to a higher one, will become longer, more points will be needed, and the activities to be carried out, will be greater, to demonstrate one's ability, and one's merits. Therefore, our advice is to request an invitation from us, as soon as possible, immediately after having informed yourself, in a complete manner. As in any activity, the first to join us, have many more opportunities, than those who arrive later, in our system, which is innovative, and alternative.
A lot of information will be published, both public and private, and therefore dedicated, only to our authorized users, to better understand the mechanism, and to prevent, any possible problem.
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