
    Breadcrumbs is yous position

    Good work and good luck Donald

    Good work and good luck Donald

    DirectDemocracyS, congratulates, and wishes good luck, to the 47th President-elect of the United States of America, Republican Donald Trump.

    This result, surprising for some, confirms with almost identical percentages, the result of our internal survey, made among our users, with the right to vote in the United States, before the elections, in the results of the actual votes, but exceeds our expectations, as regards the electors of the various States.

    A beautiful victory, which however brings with it enormous responsibilities, in this difficult period, at an international, continental and national level.

    We also congratulate the other candidate, the representative of the Democratic Party, Vice President Kamala Harris, who still obtained a good result, even if not enough, to see the first woman President of the United States.

    Where are those who said: The Simpsons predicted everything? Watch all the episodes again, and you will see that they did not predict that Harris would win. Do not believe in all the coincidences, all the conspiracies, and all the silliest theories, even if in some cases they are fascinating.

    The voters, for those who believe in freedom and democracy, are always right, and the results of the polls, after the officialization, and the relative checks, must be accepted by everyone, even if often, it is easier to say: they stole, they lied, they cheated, and often one tries to find the most stupid excuses to motivate the defeat. Obviously, only the stupid believes in these motivations, based on suppositions, without concrete evidence.

    While we wait to publish our detailed analyses and our official positions, we will limit ourselves to telling you a few things, which as always will surprise you.

    In our statement before the vote, we did not have a preference. We do not support candidates from other political forces, and we do not give voting instructions, although our political experts, our groups of specialists, and our groups composed of citizens of the United States are free to advise voters and communicate anything. You already know that we will never be part of electoral coalitions, and we will never, for any reason, in any country or geographical area, form alliances with other political forces, since we already have within us people from every political force, with every possible political ideal, from all the countries of the world.

    For us, more or less all traditional political forces, and all political representatives, outside of DirectDemocracyS, are exactly complicit in the greatest deception in history, called representative “democracy”. These are oligarchic partycracies, which after the elections, take power away from the people, to use it often, for personal interests, favoring a failed and completely unjust system.

    Some brief considerations on the electoral campaign.

    The old politics, the mass media, and even individual citizens aligned, on one side or the other, even in the American electoral campaign, have given their worst.

    Today's society, like that of the past, lives on stereotypes and methodologies that have nothing in common with freedom, democracy, and common sense.

    It is completely wrong, and unjust, to use the press, often also the Justice system, and in some cases even force, to eliminate, morally, politically, and in some cases even physically, the political opponent, often called enemy, or public danger.

    It is execrable, to allow yourself to generalize, or to denigrate, and in many cases offend the 2 candidates, especially if you are a mediocre person, without any quality, without any competence, and without the courage to get directly involved in politics. If you consider yourself better, have the decency to run, and to demonstrate with facts, all your qualities.

    It is stupid to criticize entire countries, states, and peoples, generalizing and using clichés, which cannot be attributed to all citizens. There are good people, or bad, competent, or incompetent, honest, or dishonest, in every country, state, people, and geographical area.

    It is ignorant and bad faith to offend all the voters of any political force, because no human being can give lessons in morality, often those who offend are people, or groups of frustrated people, who have not created anything good in their lives.

    Don't be superficial, and since you don't have a crystal ball or paranormal powers, avoid trying to predict the future. Don't try to scare others, because you can't know what will happen.

    We at DirectDemocracyS allow ourselves to suggest some fundamental notions. They are general advice, and are valid for everyone, even if we know that you will never have the courage, the competence, and the interest, to follow these simple advices of ours, which we always put into practice.

    Opponents are not enemies, and must always be respected.

    Using the word “democracy”, with reference to all other political forces, with the exception of DirectDemocracyS, is a very serious, unforgivable mistake, let alone having it in the name, or in the logo, of political forces, which have nothing in common with democracy. You must call it by its name: oligarchic partitocracy, or fake, partial, and illusory democracy. The only true democracy is ours, which is truly direct.

    The freedom of people, and groups of people, must always be guaranteed, and must be potentially unlimited, but which in any case ends exactly where the freedom of another person, or group of people, begins.

    Politics, for us at DirectDemocracyS, means concretely solving all the problems of all people, it does not only mean managing power, favoring only some people, or managing the wealth of the country, favoring only some lobbies, and rich and powerful people.

    Offending, denigrating, or making fun of the opponent, is always wrong, as is making policies against someone, or against something. We find it squalid, and by mentally limited people, to simply say, do not vote for the opponent, because he is ugly, bad, old, fascist, communist, woman, man, and other differences, which have nothing in common, with the things that are really needed, to make good politics, which are: competence, honesty, common sense, respect, foresight, and the ability to listen, and always put into practice, the advice of one's voters.

    Don't blame those who were there before, don't make excuses, and never campaign after the elections, but work professionally to implement and make concrete all the promises made before the vote.

    Listing reasons, often false, often alarmist, and senseless, against the opponent, is not making good politics, but is only an attempt to manipulate, cheat, and brainwash, the most fragile minds, and people, with a lower intelligence than average, who often believe any lie. An excellent politics, is that in which you say, vote for me, because I swear to you, that I will do certain things, specifying clearly, what you want to do, with a credible and detailed program.

    You should never promise something, just to win elections, and never declare to do activities, which you cannot then put into practice, after having obtained the trust of the citizens. In these cases, we suggest to indict anyone who makes similar promises, for abuse of popular credulity, and political and electoral fraud.

    Never create social divisions, and violent fights, or incite hatred, and envy, among people. It is a stupid policy, which over time, makes people lose confidence in politics.

    Never use the power obtained by winning elections for personal interests, or to favor only those who vote for you, and for your party.

    Take full responsibility for each activity carried out during one's political mandate as a representative of citizens in the various institutions.

    There would be many other suggestions, but we will tell you one of our specialties, which is the one that no one else will ever do: to give our voters a complete control and management of our political representatives, before, during, and for the first time in the world, even after the elections.

    Many will ask, but how do they allow themselves in DirectDemocracyS, to give advice to all the other political forces? We allow ourselves, because in the situations of the past, and in those of the present, we have no responsibility, and whoever has joined us, does not remain passive, to suffer the theft of the power of the people, by traditional politics. When we win the elections, everywhere, we will assume all the responsibilities, for all our activities. You will be able to criticize us only, after having seen how we will work, and with what concrete results.

    If someone can deny a single word, of every single sentence, of everything we publish, they can do it in a constructive way, by contacting us through our contact forms, according to our rules, but only after having informed themselves, by carefully studying, every information published on our website. We will not answer trivial questions, or those that have been explained, in our informative articles.

    We will soon provide you with an official, detailed statement, in which we analyze, in detail, politics, and also the elections. Many things, we must analyze together with all of you, to try to change and improve the world, working directly, all together.

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