Let's change and improve ...
Do you want to change, and improve the world?
If your answer is yes, and you want to do it concretely, I advise you to read this message carefully, without prejudice, without being superficial, and ...
Do you want to change, and improve the world?
If your answer is yes, and you want to do it concretely, I advise you to read this message carefully, without prejudice, without being superficial, and ...
We have analyzed various aspects, and many details, about our political organization, we often say that DirectDemocracyS is: innovative, truly democratic, absolutely free, owned by those who join ...
Anyone who registers and creates a personal profile on our website, and then joins us, generally does so out of simple curiosity, to see if our political organization is as beautiful from the inside ...
Registration, and creation of personal profiles.
We receive many messages, and we need to clarify some very important concepts.
The first words of this article are an appeal addressed to all of you, ...
We have to do a short article, in this difficult period, which may make some people smile.
Unfortunately, among the many messages we receive, there are some that we don't know how to manage.
Are ...
When will you tell us, who had the idea, to create DirectDemocracyS? When will you tell us exactly, and in the smallest detail, how the events took place? And, if you don't do it, at least tell us ...
One of the key things for everyone who visits our website is to know who is in charge within our international political organization.
It is normal and legitimate to ask for it, for people ...
In this article we will explain why we were born.
You will understand why we have conceived and created all this.
Many people, after reading our informative articles, our rules, and our news, ask ...
One of our rules requires and obliges anyone who joins us to work, together with all of us, for about 20 minutes a day, every day, or for at least 2 hours a week.
We work for ourselves and for ...
User Rating: 5 / 5
With the beginning of our local phases, to join DirectDemocracyS, and to enter our system, being part of the best political force, in the history of humanity, it is not enough to want it, after having informed yourself, with an open mind, in a complete way. To understand, if you want, or do not want to join us, it would be enough to just read, with the right attention, our informative article, on the first page, of our official website, in the center, in which we summarize, in a few words, what we are doing.
Every good person, with an above-average intelligence, even reading just those few sentences, which summarize our activities, immediately understands our enormous potential, and surely, the first thing he thinks is: I want to be present, and I want to work concretely, in this political project, and in this system, which are innovative, and alternative, to all existing ones.
After deciding to join us, being sure to be compatible, with our rules, and our methodologies, you must deepen, and know, the instructions, for the various phases, to join us. To know, how to join us, read carefully this informative article, and to have all the instructions, in a simple way, visit this link:
To better understand our evolution, without misinforming our visitors and our users/voters, we modify this article, adding, in the initial part, the new information, and therefore in force, leaving in the final part, after a warning, the old article, so we can know, how the old rules were.
To join us, and to start changing and improving the world, all together, an official invitation is needed, with a guarantee of the identity of the person invited, and with the assumption of all responsibility by a person, who is already in our system, authorized to make official invitations, with a user type, which is at least: registered user, with verified and guaranteed identity.
But why do we need an invitation? Wouldn't it have been better to let anyone in, at any time?
Our motivations are all very valid, and have been presented in detail in many informative articles. We can assure you that at the right time, every person will be able to join us, without any kind of discrimination. The only thing, however, that we demand is to have with us, first, in the roles of greater responsibility, and with superior types of users, the people most suited to our way of working, all together. In short, we are innovative in this too. In traditional systems, it is only the voters who choose their favorite political force. In our system, we are the ones who choose who can join us, how they can join us, and above all when, every single person can join us. One of our fundamental rules is: put the right people, in the right place. In short, we will make you understand, why we work, in this strange way. Pretend that we are all building a huge house. To build, the very solid foundations, we need the most competent people, to not have any kind of problems.
Not everyone will understand our motivations, but it happens to us often, not everyone has the right mentality, and not everyone has the ability to understand that to create all this, many brilliant minds have worked hard, for many years, to create a perfect, impenetrable, independent, completely free, authentically democratic, fair, equitable, competent, meritocratic, honest, loyal, and incorruptible system.
We can assure you that these are not adjectives written at random, but that inside, we are exactly as we appear from the outside. We are uncompromising, and we all respect all the rules that we have decided, all together. Each person who joins us brings with them, their own ideas, and their own concrete projects, to be realized all together.
Official invitations, with a guarantee of identity, and with the assumption of responsibility.
One of the biggest security problems that can exist is having unreliable people with us. In order to reward or punish anyone who does not respect all our rules, first of all, we must know that our user / voter is exactly the person he says he is. Verification of identity is essential, because you cannot trust just anyone, and above all, if a person makes a mistake, you must take full responsibility. For these reasons, while guaranteeing every security measure, and while offering anyone the possibility of remaining absolutely anonymous, we have created a gradual but effective method to identify anyone who joins us. Official invitations are the solution, because if a person, whose identity we are certain of, having previously verified it, with our infallible methodologies and rules, invites someone, guaranteeing their identity, we, trusting the person making the invitation, automatically trust the person invited as well. But for us, it is not enough to guarantee the identity, but we must assume all responsibility for the behavior and any problems caused by the person we invite.
Even if to some people, it may seem excessive, this method of ours, like everything we do, is absolutely brilliant, but it must be seen, with all the related activities, which create an enormous mechanism, of which each person, who joins us, at any time, is a fundamental part.
The first question that everyone will ask themselves after reading these few sentences is: what if I don't know anyone, I will never be able to join DirectDemocracyS?
To allow anyone to join us, we allow anyone to request an official invitation, through a very detailed form, which will allow us to evaluate the good intentions and skills of anyone who wants to join us. To do so, you must finish reading this article of ours, and then you must follow a very simple procedure, which we will explain to you in detail.
The decision to allow only invited people to join us was made with over 95% of those who were with us and entitled to vote at the time we decided to do so.
The steps to join us are explained in detail in various informative articles, but in this article, we will see how to join us, through an official invitation.
Everything is very simple, fast, discreet, private, and secure.
First of all, each person must understand the importance of respecting all our rules, all our methodology, and all our instructions. You must all understand that explaining things is not easy, especially because, this method of work of ours, we are the first to put it into practice, in this way.
There are 2 types of invitations, the mandatory one and the optional one.
According to our very detailed implementing rules, each person who joins DirectDemocracyS is required to have at least 5 other people ready, before joining us, to register immediately after them, for whom they guarantee, both in terms of identity, and in terms of behavior and reliability, of all 5 people invited, in a mandatory and direct manner. They can be relatives, friends, acquaintances, neighbors, but also contacts, for example, friends on social networks. In the local phases, at a geographical and territorial level, the obligation of the 5 people to invite requires that these invited people reside, in a mandatory manner, in the vicinity of their habitual residence (where they live, for at least 6 months a year). Attention. The 5 people invited must absolutely join us, according to our specific rules, they must register, creating a personal profile, and work, directly, together with the person who invites them, for an indefinite period. Technically, a person can invite an unlimited number of people, obtaining, in these cases, many points, which will give him many advantages and facilities. But the obligation of 5 people, at a local level, can obtain a higher type of user, based on the exact number of people who register, with their invitation, at a geographical and territorial level. If a person does not have the 5 people to invite and register ready in advance, he loses a type of user, for each person less than the 5 mandatory people, who joins us, immediately after him, and invited by him. For example, if our user is, or requests to be, super administrator, of our geographical group, at a local level, at any level, at any stage, he will have to add the 5 people invited, and registered, in the respective group. If he has only 4 people ready, he will become only an administrator in the respective group, if he has only 3 ready, he will become only -responsible-, in the respective group, if he has only 2 ready, he will become a manager in the respective group, if he has only 1 ready, he will become only an official representative of the respective group. If he does not invite anyone, in the ways and within the regulatory times, he will simply remain a member of the respective group. In the subsequent time phases, it may be required to obligatorily add at least one person in each group, for each member of each group, and those who do not respect this rule will automatically lose a user type, or will lose many of the macro points, or the points obtained. These methods have repercussions, and serious consequences, also on the people who are invited, who, according to our rules, will automatically have a user type, immediately inferior, in the local groups, to the user who invites them. If the user who invites them has all the 5 minimum required people ready, he will automatically become a super administrator, and the invited person will automatically become an administrator, together with the other 4 people invited in the respective group. All this is essential in our inevitable hierarchies, because by climbing in the higher and more important groups of our local phases, you automatically start by climbing from the smallest group and entering the higher group, and with this passage, you automatically lose a type of user in each larger, subsequent group, based on very detailed rules. Obviously, if the main user of this chain, connected by multiple rings, and of this hierarchical pyramid, loses a type of user, in the higher groups, even the invited users of his entire "chain connected by rings, connected to each other", and of his entire hierarchical pyramid system, will automatically lose a type of user, which has repercussions on the various activities of everyone. This methodology works, more or less identically, in each of our groups, of any type, at every level, and in every phase of our life.
To better understand how these useful, competent, fair, loyal, honest, meritocratic, and important hierarchies of ours work, we recommend that you read this informative article very carefully:
You get macro points, for each person invited, in geographic groups, and in all other groups. In addition to the types of users, our hierarchies are composed of the number of micro points, and macro points, as we explain, in detail, in some informative articles.
But why this method, so complicated? To offer to all, equality, and meritocracy, always guaranteed united, and continuous over time. What better way, to demonstrate trust, loyalty, and good intentions, for anyone who joins us, than to make known, and recommend, our political organization, inviting as many people as possible, to inform themselves in a complete manner, and subsequently, invite them to join us? Always, with the same security measures, and with the guarantee, for the identity, and the assumption of responsibility, for each person invited, by those who invite.
But how is it possible to always have the necessary number of people available? The simplest way is to talk about DirectDemocracyS with as many people as possible, outside our political organization, with relatives, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, and contacts, in various groups, on social networks, at school, at work, on the street, and everywhere. Talking about our entire system, even before joining us, is very useful, and certainly, it is a good topic of conversation. If you want to meet someone, it will be enough to say: have you ever heard of DirectDemocracyS? In the initial stages, almost everyone will answer: no, what is it? In the future, there will be others, who will say: yes, I have heard of it, but I do not understand what it is. And when we are, well-known enough, one of the possible answers will be: yes, I have heard of it, but I do not know anyone, who is already a member, to get me invited. And again, they may reply: I am on the waiting list, to be invited, and in this case, you can help each other.
Organizing ourselves, even outside our system, if we do not try to sabotage or create problems within us, is not only permitted, but we recommend it to everyone.
The requirement to invite 5 people, in any group, of any type, you want to join, is a fundamental part of our initial activities.
In geographic groups, for example, the advantages of having a superior type of user are very important. The pyramid, of the multiple of 5, quickly creates compact groups of reliable people who work together, with many members, in local groups, of smaller geographic, territorial, administrative and electoral subdivisions, which transform into important groups, in our groups, of larger geographic areas, where it is important to have similar groups, to obtain many advantages and benefits. When, at the right time, each group is connected to all those around it, to officially create all our political organizations, in each geographic area, from the smallest to the largest, having behind it a long “chain”, connected by multiple rings, and a complete pyramidal group, offers advantages and benefits, very important, above all, at a numerical level, but also strategic. Let us explain better. While giving enormous importance to equality, always combined with meritocracy, in DirectDemocracyS, there is a shared leadership, in which each person is the protagonist, and deciding everything, in groups, having behind you, a pyramid of users, numerous, and complete, can be fundamental, for example, to obtain consensus, which transforms into votes, useful, in our primary elections, online, closed, to choose our official representatives, who by obtaining the necessary votes, will participate, as our candidates, in the real elections, and will be able to represent, our political organization, in the various institutions. Likewise, alternatively, more important roles can be obtained, in the management, of all our activities, both at the level of political organization, and at the level of the entire system, with all our connected projects. At the right time, many articles will be published, which will explain, not only all these advantages, and all these facilities, but also, all the motivations, and all the security measures, to prevent, in an optimal way, every possible problem, and every use, ethically incorrect, of these numerical advantages. To understand well, our entire system, and to know how to exploit, all our potential, and all our opportunities, you must have the desire, and the patience, to study us, in a complete way.
The immediate invitation is reserved for all those people who have already organized themselves and know each other personally. The primary user has already contacted the secondary users who are ready to join the primary user in his groups as soon as he has been activated and has carried out all the mandatory activities to be done upon first access, based on specific detailed rules. We always recommend that everyone wait for the primary user to access the local group, code 079, before officially inviting people who live in the same geographical and territorial area to their group. You must always remember that you must always invite them, first of all, to inform themselves completely, and only after, if they really want it, and only if they consider themselves compatible with our activities, you must invite them, always remembering that you must guarantee the identity of each person you invite. If you have any doubts, you can always organize a video call, to verify your identity, with the collaboration of our security team, before making the official invitation, as we explained in this informative article, at this link:
We remind everyone that each of our users who officially invites another person to our system also guarantees the reliability and assumes all responsibility for any problems caused by the person they invite. You must always invite people you trust, and consider competent, honest, loyal, fair, sincere, and incorruptible.
There are 2 ways to request an invitation: with direct knowledge and with indirect knowledge.
Requesting an invitation, by direct knowledge, means that you know someone, within our political organization, and that you want to receive an invitation, from this user of ours. To do so, just write, the username, and possibly , his identification number, in our system, of this person, in the form to request an invitation. But first of all, you must be sure, that our user, is really willing to invite you.
Every person who joins us, at any time, after registering, automatically receives an identification number in our system, which links the username, usually a nickname, or a code of numbers and letters, to a personal email address, and to an identification number, in DirectDemocracyS. Be careful, never write, in our forms, the real name and surname of the person you want to contact, because our system recognizes, only and exclusively, the username, always and only linked to an identification number in DirectDemocracyS, which is often a nickname, or, in some cases, a code, with country of origin, composed of an ISO code, of 2 or 3 digits, and random letters and numbers. Various attempts have been made, in various forms, entering names and surnames, of famous people, or even unknown, hoping to be able to know, if these people, have joined us. If you do not know the username used by the person you want to invite you, you must ask the person directly, outside of our system, and each person is free to tell you, or not to tell you, can decide freely if they want to invite you, or, if they do not want to do so, can also deny being registered on our website. These rules are always valid, to allow each of our users to remain completely anonymous. The only way to contact each of our users is through a contact form, at this link:
the instructions are valid for each of our contact forms.
Rules, to contact each of our users.
Contact a user you know. Write their username, and if you know them, their ID number, in our system, both in the subject and in the first 2 lines of the message. From the third line on, write your message, we , we will send it to our user, who will answer you directly, to your email address. Attention. Never write, and for any reason, the real name and surname of the person you are looking for, but only their username, and if you know it, its identification number, in our system!
Requesting an invitation, by indirect knowledge, means that you do not know anyone who is registered on our website and who has the authorization, or the appropriate user type, to make invitations. In this case, you will fill out the invitation request form, without entering any username, where you are asked if you know anyone who is already in our system. In this case, you are placed on a long waiting list, and you must wait, with a lot of patience, for our system to randomly connect the person who sends us the request for an invitation, with one of our users, authorized to make invitations. This indirect method will always and only put the inviter and the invitee in communication via email. These casual connections have the same purposes and the same potential as invitations with direct knowledge, but a slightly direct procedure that involves a few messages between the two people and our user, who will decide if he trusts the person to invite and will do all the procedures to verify the identity of the person he wants to invite, assuming full responsibility for his behavior.
Brief explanation.
Each person, before joining us, must decide which activities they want to do with us, with which roles, with which type of user, and based on those choices, they must also request to be part of our groups, on our official website. These groups of ours are essential to be able to put into practice their aspirations and everything they want to do. We have explained several times what our types of users are, and what potential and roles each of them has.
Many people will wonder what invitations have to do with our groups.
Every person, who gets a higher user type , for example, registered user, with verified identity, or official member, and the higher ones, has some groups, which they must be part of, in a mandatory way. For example, mandatory for everyone, are the territorial and geographic groups, from number 071, international, to number 079, which is the smallest group, and the first, of which each of our users, will be part immediately, and automatically. Our official members, must absolutely be part of at least one group of specialists, based on their skills, and their activities, appropriately documented, and demonstrated. Our super administrators, at any level, must be part of all our 5 special groups. Our administrators, at any level, must be part of at least one special group.
There are no limits, as regards the number of groups, in which each of our official members can access, even if our advice, is always to start, always and only, with the mandatory ones, and then decide, freely, to request to be part of all the groups he wishes.
In each geographic group, or in each special group, you bring with you, according to detailed rules, all the users, who have been invited, in the various multiples of 5, which are linked, to the first 5 official invitations, made in the first phase. In the specialist groups, you must invite, 5 people, with the necessary skills, documented and demonstrated. We have made, and will make some informative articles, to explain well, our mechanisms, some of these, will be visible, only to our users / voters.
In a nutshell.
Before joining us, you must have a few basic things ready.
What do you need to join us?
1. A username, chosen by each person, based on these simple rules:
2. A personal password, chosen by each person, to be used for our projects, according to very simple, fast, and secure rules, as we explain in detail in this informative article:
3. Image, for partial identity verification.
An image, with a valid identity document, based on specific, detailed rules, and the type of user you want to have, in the initial phase. For the type of user of access, or new user, free, without any obligation to be present, and no obligation to carry out activities with us, with minimal potential, and a duration of one year, to try our system, simply an image, of your identity card, or, a Passport, valid, with your photograph clearly visible in your document. Always have available, to be used where required, an image file, with your identity document, with photograph, only identity card, Passport are accepted. For minors under 18, if they do not have, an identity card, or a Passport, the birth certificate must be presented, with written authorization from the parents, or, from the legal guardians, based on very detailed implementing rules.
An image, with a valid identity document, based on specific, detailed rules, and the type of user you want to have, in the initial phase. For the type of partially verified user, or new user, with an annual fee to pay, without any obligation to be present, and no obligation to carry out activities with us, with greater potential, and a duration of one year, to try our system, simply an image, of your identity card, or a valid Passport, with your photo clearly visible in your document, with your face also clearly visible next to the document. For minors under 18, if they do not have an identity card, or a Passport, the birth certificate must be presented, with written authorization from the parents, or from the legal guardians, based on very detailed implementing rules. All the information, and the rules, for minors under 18, can be found in this information article, at this link:
4. A personal email address, protected by a secure password, which can be from any email service provider. It cannot be a temporary email address, because there are various steps and security measures, with activities to be carried out with the respective email address, such as a self-activation link, which each person will receive automatically after registering, to demonstrate to our system that they are actually the owner of the email address declared in the registration form. The email address is also used to recover, if you forget your username, or to reset or recover your password. With a donation of 12.50 Euros, by entering the payment code in a simple form, you can purchase a personalized email address, with the termination @directdemocracys.org, which has an annual renewal cost of 6.25 Euros. All you need to do is choose a name, without spaces, to put, before the termination, @directdemocracys.org, for example:
Regulations, for personalized emails.
First, go to this link:
To make the payment, fill out the request form, for the personalized email address, with all the requested data, writing, in the required field, where it says comment, the username, that you have chosen, which is the part, that will go in front, of @directdemocracys.org, in your personalized email address, for example: john_doe.
We remind you that the name written may be the same as your username, but it may also be different. Names and surnames of real people, advertising of any kind, or names that may mislead our users / voters, or people outside our system are not allowed. For the names of accepted users, read this information article carefully.
If the name you have selected is not available, or if it is not allowed, you will be offered 3 alternatives, from which you can choose the one you like best. Once you have decided, you will have to fill out the request form for a personalized, definitive, confirmation email address, in which you will enter your chosen username and the operation code of your payment. You will receive your access data, and a temporary, automatic password, which you can change, according to our rules. After payment, you will also receive all the necessary instructions. In this case, or in any case, you can use any personal email address, from any manager, and email service provider.
Warning. Due to the huge number of emails that our system sends every day, many of our messages end up in your junk mail folder (also called SPAM). Don't be afraid, all our messages and links are always encrypted, safe, and do not represent any problem, thanks to the use of the best and most modern technologies. Always check, even in your junk mail folder, also called SPAM, for the presence of our messages, which are all valid, if they are sent by senders, with the termination @directdemocracys.org, and with links that send you to the domain name directdemocracys.org, even if followed by very long codes. With the right controls, you will never have any kind of problem, from our side. For all the information, and instructions, for the personal, indefinite, and password-protected email address, necessary to join us, and work in our system, visit this link:
5. Escrow, and necessary links.
With the beginning of the local phases, each person can join us only after paying a security deposit, which is valid for one year from the moment of activation.
For information, reasons, and some brief instructions, regarding the payment, of the security deposit, read carefully, this article information:
To pay security deposits, you must go to this link:
and choose the reserved form, for your age, at the time of payment.
If you are under 31, you will need to use this form:
If you are 31 years of age or older, at the time of payment, you will need to use this form:
You will read carefully and completely all the information, you will fill in carefully, with your real personal data, the requested form, and you will proceed with the payment.
We recommend that you copy and paste the transaction code, with which you deposit the money, of the guarantee deposit, in a safe place, so that you can use it, where required, in our forms.
Annual fees, and user types.
With the start of the local phases, all annual fees are modified, taking into account the new implementing rules, on the payment of the security deposit. For those who have already paid, or renewed, their user type, the differences are minimal, and will be recalculated, based on the new annual fees.
To join us, you must request an official invitation. If you know someone, you must request a direct invitation, if you do not know anyone, you must request to be put in contact with one of our authorized users, to make official invitations. In the waiting lists that are formed, invitations, by direct acquaintance, have priority.
If you are, our registered users, with verified and guaranteed identity, or, our official members, you have the obligation to invite, at least 5 people, from the same geographical and territorial area, smaller, therefore, our advice, is to have ready, at least 5 people, to invite, even before registering. They must be, only people, really interested in joining us. In turn, it is recommended, to everyone, to always have ready, at least 5 people, preferably, from the same geographical area, to be able to collaborate in the best way, increasing our presence, in every geographical area, from the smallest, to the largest.
The procedure for requesting to be invited , and the procedure for inviting, brief explanations.
Bearing in mind all the above information and all our informative articles, we explain to you, in a clear and simple way, how all our invitations work, but also, and above all, how to request an invitation. We advise you to read carefully and follow the information, based on your specific case and your needs.
Rule valid for everyone.
If you want to be invited to join our political organization, you must have the following things ready:
1. you must have the operation code, which proves that you have paid, the security deposit, for the value, based on your age, at the time of payment. We recommend that you copy it, and paste it, in a secure file, and also write it, on a sheet of paper, or in a diary, and keep it in a safe place, you will need it, to receive back, almost all the amount paid, after a year from your activation, or to pay, an annual fee.
2. You must have chosen, written down, and stored in a safe place a unique username, according to the rules for choosing a username.
3. You must have chosen, written down, and stored in a safe place a password, according to the password rules.
4. You must have a personal, indefinite email address that you can use, according to the above rules.
5. You must have ready, an image file, with your face, with nearby, clearly visible, an identity document of yours, with a photograph, we accept only valid documents, such as an identity card, or Passport, and for minors under 18, if they do not have an identity card, or Passport, we accept a birth certificate, with the authorizations of both parents, or, as the case may be, of legal guardians, based on specific rules.
6. If you know, or have been invited by one of our authorized users to make invitations, we recommend that you write their username in the correct space on the official invitation request form, where you are asked if you know one of our users. This simple gesture will allow you to have priority in the subsequent phases. Be careful, always ask the user you know if he or she is really interested in inviting you, you can contact him or her officially at this link:
The procedure to directly invite your relatives, friends, contacts, and especially your neighbors is very simple. The person who has to make the invitations must simply access our official website, entering in the access form ( -login-), your username, and your password, and then go to this link:
But let's continue to see what it takes to join us.
6. The sixth thing, to get, is an official invitation, to join us. And in this case, there are various possibilities.
6.1. If you have been officially invited by one of our users/voters, authorized to make invitations, follow the instructions for point 6.1.1. This variant is the fastest, and you can be: invited, registered, and activated, in less than 48 hours.
6.2. If you know one of our users/voters, authorized to make official invitations, and you want to be invited, in an official manner, by your relative, friend, acquaintance, neighbor, or, as the case may be, contact on social networks, and other websites, follow the instructions for point 6.2.1. This variant is a little longer, but usually lasts a maximum of one week.
6.3. If you have not been invited by anyone, and if you do not know anyone who is already our user / voter, authorized to make official invitations, follow the instructions for point 6.3.1. This variant is very long, and can require a very long time, we cannot provide certain times.
6.1.1. The person, with whom you know each other directly, guarantees your identity, and assumes all responsibility, for your behavior, in our system. You will have to request an official invitation, at this link:
Choosing where required, the option, “the user authorized to make invitations, added me to his group”, and you will write the username, who invited you. Attention, write the username, which is used in our system, and not the real name and surname.
6.1.2. The user who invited you will log in by entering his/her username and password, which are identical to the access data of our official website, on our website, dedicated to legalizations, at this link:
After logging in, you will go to this link:
He will enter his data, and the personal data of the invited person, he will accept the conditions, and he will sign the document, according to the specific rules, he will wait for the electronic signature to be finished, and he will click on "create .pdf file", he will wait for the whole necessary time, which will allow him to have the .pdf file signed by him, on his device, PC, Tablet, or Smartphone, and he will send it, directly, via email, or by sharing it, to the person he wants to officially invite.
Instructions, for point 6.2. Contact directly, the user you know, at this link:
Follow the instructions at the bottom of the page and write your message in the language of the user you want to contact and request an official invitation from him. Write your real name and surname correctly and your email address. personal. Our message delivery team will send a private message to the user you say you know, and if that user responds to you, via email, you will agree on the next steps, step 6.2.1. , if he wants to invite you. If he doesn't know you, or if he doesn't want to answer you, or if he doesn't want to invite you, you'll have to try point 6.3.
6.2.1. If the user knows your identity, and wants to invite you, he will simply have to perform step 6.1.1. and then step 6.1.2. of this regulation.
6.2.2. If the user authorized to invite does not know your identity, or does not guarantee your identity, and wants to invite you, he/she will simply have to perform step 6.3.2. of this regulation, and then perform step 6.1.1. and then step 6.1.2. of this regulation.
Instructions, for point 6.3. You do not know anyone in our political organization.
Brief explanation.
Those who do not know anyone in our organization, after having completed the previous steps, from 1 to 5, can request to be invited, by filling in with great care, with their real data, and with sincerity, the form to request an official invitation, at this link:
He will not write any username, where he is asked if he knows anyone in our political organization, and in the field where a username is requested, he will choose: “I don’t know anyone in the system”.
Our system will analyze the request, and in a period of time, even quite long, will match, the person requesting an official invitation, to one of our users, authorized to make invitations, based on our needs, and our specific rules. Wait patiently, for as long as necessary, and never, for any reason, make more requests, because they would both be canceled, you will never receive an invitation to join us, and you will be able to enter, only in the final stages of our registrations, which can be many years from now, when everyone will be able to enter, always with all our security measures.
The waiting list also takes into account your answers and the number of requests. Phases 6.1 and 6.2 have absolute priority, while phase 6.3 involves a pairing between two people, one of our users authorized to make invitations and the person requesting an official invitation. When the user matching group sends you an email, you will know the username, which will contact you on our behalf to begin the procedures, which include some very simple phases.
6.3.1. Some email messages, to get to know each other better, between our user and the person to invite. Our user can decide at any time not to invite you and to stop communicating. At that point, you will go back to the waiting list and you will be matched with another user authorized to make invitations.
6.3.2. If our user decides to invite you, he/she will have to verify your identity, in collaboration with our special security group, according to our specific rules, which you can find at this link:
If the identity verification has been successfully completed, the invited person will receive a file from our special security group certifying his identity, which will be very useful for the next steps.
6.3.3. After verifying your identity, if everything is in order, the user authorized to make invitations will have to perform phase 6.1.1. and phase 6.1.2. of these rules. Our user can decide at any time not to invite you and to stop communicating. At that point, you will go back to the waiting list and will be matched with another user authorized to make invitations, but you will still have a verified identity, which is very useful in the subsequent phases.
6.4. At the end of the various phases, of the official invitations, each person who wants to join us will have 1 invitation file, of the .pdf type, and a verified identity file, which he will receive, always from the person who invites him, which is an image file, usually, .png.
The instructions, for all of our invitations, are very simple.
The subsequent phases are all explained in detail in various informative articles.
We recommend you read this informative article, especially the final part, from phase 7.
For all the information, for our invitations, read this informative article, at this link:
For all the information, to join us, read this informative article, at this link:
Attention. From this point, the old information, of this informative article, no longer current, but always useful to read, begins. We remind you, that according to our fundamental rules, if the old information, is different, from the new one, the most recent one is always valid. Thank you.
There are 2 types of possibilities to join us: free, in which anyone can join us, based on detailed rules, or, on the basis of personal invitations, individual.
During the block of free registrations, i.e., when you try to register, and create a personal profile, to join us, and the registration form does not work, or the message appears: registrations are suspended, you will be redirected to this article. We advise you to read it carefully.
Currently, registration, and the creation of a personal profile, is only permitted on the basis of invitations.
For details on registrations, we advise you to read the following links carefully, even several times, completely and in order, for all general information:
to choose the best username:
for registration rules:
for information on how to be activated:
For general information on invitation-based registration:
and finally read carefully, the continuation of this article.
During the registration phase, based on invitations, there are only 3 ways to join us.
The first is for everyone, and it's simple, fast, secure, and absolutely free.
It must be used, only once (don't be insistent, we reply to everyone, in the right time), only through the contact form, which you find at this link (other forms, or direct contacts, will not receive any response).
You must write your full name and surname (with real data), your email address, as "subject" simply write: invitation request. In the message, write briefly a presentation, with real data, and at least one reason, both for your invitation request, and at least one reason, for DirectDemocracyS, to invite you. We advise you to tick the box: Send a copy to yourself (to have proof, and a copy of the submission, and confirmation, that you have sent the form correctly). Below the writing: Enter the captcha security code (write the characters you see, to prove you're not a robot). Always tick the box: Privacy policy (without which, you will not receive an answer, because we will not be able to manage your personal data, authorized by you). Finally, click on: Send email (quickly check everything first). You will receive our reply, with all the instructions, and with all possible requests, fairly quickly. Do not send several requests, because in that case, you will never be invited. Writing the wrong or false personal data does not help you, because we verify everyone's identities.
The second method is that of direct invitation, on our part.
The official invitation is decided by the Invitation Group. Each selected person will receive directly from us, based on our rules, and with all the necessary security measures, a message, with all the instructions, in each phase.
In all cases, after having received a personal code and instructions, each person has 48 hours to accept the invitation, following each instruction received.
After 48 hours, the invitation is automatically cancelled, and the invited person will not be able to request to be invited, and will never be invited again, to join DirectDemocracyS.
Obviously, the invitations refused by the person invited by us directly, or those who will not be invited (based on your request), will be able to join DirectDemocracyS, by registering, and creating a personal profile, with the traditional method, as soon as, and if, it will be allowed again. We advise you to always accept our invitations within the required time frame, because traditional methods of registration often require very long times, in some cases, even many months, while with invitations, in a few hours, or a few days, you will be ours registered and activated users. The invitations are only personal, individual, and cannot be transferred to others. In some cases, some of our deserving users, based on the roles and groups they belong to, may be granted permission to invite other people, always, and only in an official way, through the Invitation Group.
Identity verification is mandatory, even for all invited people.
All invited people must prove their identity, there are no exceptions, in any case.
Payment of the annual fee.
The membership fee, for those who want, or are selected, to become an official member, for invited people, is paid exactly, like for any other of our verified users. Obviously, for people with financial problems, funds are provided, reserved only to help deserving people, but who cannot afford, due to lack of money, to pay the annual fee. The funds raised are used for the development of our activities, and allow us to be able to work freely and independently without financial problems.
Attention: the invitation phase is always valid, even during the normal registration phase, and the creation of one's personal profile.
In certain cases, when the link to access the invitation request form, to request an invitation, is not accessible, it means that we have an excessive number of requests. In that case, you will have to wait for the form to be available again, and accessible online. In those cases, sending is possible only and exclusively if you are selected and invited directly by the Invitation Group.
The third and last method involves joining (for a fee, currently 12 Euros, per year), through the creation, by our Email Address Creation Group, of a personalized email address, with the ending @directdemocracys .org that allows owners to become an official member, faster and easier. It is also possible to join (for a fee, currently 24 Euros, and subsequently, after a year, 12 Euros per year), through the creation, by our Email Address Creation Group, of an email address personalized, ending @directdemocracys.org and the registration, and creation, of your personal profile, by our Personal Profile Creation Group which allows the holders of the personalized email address, and of the personal profile created by us, to become an official member, faster, and easier. Usually, waiting times do not exist, or are just a few hours. Attention: also, this modality, to join us, can be interrupted, for certain periods, according to our needs. Do not condemn us, if for certain activities, we ask for a small and justified payment. The services received, the advantages, and the facilities reserved for those who decide to take advantage of our paid offers, far exceed the small sums required, but they help us to remain free, independent, and to self-finance ourselves. We never ask for anything, without reciprocating, what we receive, with interest. We will talk about it in dedicated articles. But to find out about all our paid services, you can read the various offers, selecting the one you prefer, at this link:
There are no group methods of registration and creation of collective personal profiles, and no group invitations. You register, and create a personal profile, in a personal, individual way.
In all cases, users will be informed, always in detail, of all the various possibilities, and of the necessary times foreseen.
All of our rules, all of our methodologies, serve to guarantee DirectDemocracyS, and anyone who joins us, all the tranquility, security, and all the necessary potential.
Do they look complicated?
They are very simple, safe, and clear, and anyone who has tried them can guarantee you that they are exactly functional, and useful, for everyone.
However, you decide to join us, we thank you for your trust, which is reciprocated.
After joining us, and after joining our family, everything will be very simple, and you will see that it is worth it.
The political forces that accept everyone, without limits, and without the right selections, are only apparently simpler, and are only falsely free. With us, no one is excluded for what they say, think, write, or show (via video). If he does it, in the right ways, times and places, respecting all our rules.
The old politics is false, illusory democracy and partial freedom.
DirectDemocracyS, for those who know it, is authentic democracy and total freedom.
Warning: to avoid wasting time, and to prevent any type of scam, always check that each invitation you receive must have a unique code. To do so, use only and exclusively the contact form of our Special Security Group, at this link:
You must write your full name and surname (with real data), your email address, as "subject" simply write: verify invitation. In the message, write briefly a presentation, with real data, and a reason, both for your invitation request and for DirectDemocracyS to invite you. Give every detail about the invitation you received, to allow our administrators a quick and complete check. We advise you to tick the box: Send a copy to yourself (to have proof, and a copy of the submission, and confirmation, that you have sent the form correctly). Below the writing: Enter the captcha security code (write the characters you see, to prove you're not a robot). Always tick the box: Privacy policy (without which, you will not receive an answer, because we will not be able to manage your personal data). Finally, click on: Send email (quickly check everything before sending). You will receive our reply, with all the instructions, and with all possible requests, fairly quickly. Do not send several requests of the same type, because in that case, you will never be invited, and you will not receive any response. Writing the wrong or false personal data does not help you, because we verify everyone's identities.
Also verify the identity of whoever speaks to you, or contacts you, on our behalf, both inside and outside our political organization, and both inside and outside our website, according to these simple safety rules:
We must be united, to protect anyone from possible scams, and from people who speak on our behalf, having no right. We advise you to always wait for the response of our Special Security Group before continuing to speak with these people.
To find out the reasons for these choices, as regards the various registration possibilities, read this article carefully, completely, even several times:
in the initial part, we explain the reasons, and the beneficial consequences, of all these choices.
For more information, after registration, read carefully the following link: https://www.directdemocracys.org/law/instructions/for-registration/message-after-registration
contains some useful links, for each new user.
Many people are scared, because at first glance, it may seem really difficult, and very complicated, to join us, register, and create a personal profile.
In this article, in a few words, we will see ...
Security measures.
Instructions, to be activated.
You can choose which type of user you want to have among the various possibilities.
If you want to be an initial user, absolutely free of charge, with no obligation to ...
With the beginning of our local phases, to join DirectDemocracyS, and to enter our system, being part of the best political force, in the history of humanity, it is not enough to want it, after ...
Official Rules.
Registration and creation of personal profile.
DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, allow everyone to have a username, not connected, to their real personal data.
We ...
A fundamental need, for a political organization like DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, is to guarantee everyone, security measures, and protection of personal data.
Working largely on the ...
Many people are scared, because at first glance, it may seem really difficult, and very complicated, to join us, register, and create a personal profile.
In this article, in a few words, we will see ...
Protection of personal data, privacy regulations, security of sent documents, guarantee of anonymity, and personal profile settings, to protect all our activities.
DirectDemocracyS, uses security ...
Hi, welcome, to DirectDemocracyS, your political innovation, truly in every sense!
Thank you for registering, on our official website.
Your trust will be reciprocated, and your patience will be ...
Everyone knows that to access our website, after registering, and creating your personal profile, after clicking on the activation link, which our system sends to each user, after doing the second ...
DirectDemocracyS, in the first periods of its existence, can be compared to an elevator.
If too many people get on it, all together, there is a risk of not being able to get on all those who are ...
A stupid person can never have good ideas, and an ignorant person can never create anything useful.
To create and implement DirectDemocracyS, a single person could not suffice, not even the first 5, ...
Our contact forms, in the main contact menu item, on our website, are the only way to get in touch with us, with our work groups, and with all our activities.
They are also the only way to obtain ...
DirectDemocracyS is innovative in every sense! Also in the way of managing one's offices.
Let's make a brief introduction.
Since the beginning of our creation, the first 5 "creators" had as ...
DirectDemocracyS, initiates the national phases of our international political organization, even with personalized contacts, for each country, territory, or population of the earth.
To find the ...
The special security group, together with the rules group, with the collaboration of all groups, on behalf of all our official members, makes public, some security rules.
The safety of ...
Due to the huge number of messages we receive, after clicking on "send email", wait the necessary time, a few dozen seconds, and the confirmation, in green, informing you that the message ...
Many people wonder if it is safe to send an image of their photo ID to DirectDemocracyS. They wonder if it is right to trust us, and therefore, if we are reliable.
For those who do not want to read ...
With the start of the local phases, DirectDemocracyS, has decided to implement a new security measure, to prevent any possible problem.
We have introduced, as a preventive measure, the payment of a ...
Implementing regulations.
Article 01. Personal passwords in our system.
All personal passwords, of the DirectDemocracyS system, are decided, and chosen, by each of our users, based ...
a. To accept full responsibility for the comment that you submit.
b. To use this function only for lawful purposes.
c. Not to post defamatory, abusive, offensive, racist, sexist, threatening, vulgar, obscene, hateful or otherwise inappropriate comments, or to post comments which will constitute a criminal offense or give rise to civil liability.
d. Not to post or make available any material which is protected by copyright, trade mark or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner of the copyright, trade mark or any other proprietary right.
e. To evaluate for yourself the accuracy of any opinion, advice or other content.