The only people authorized to speak on behalf of DirectDemocracyS and carry out actual activities outside of our system are our external official representatives.
All of our external official representatives are appointed, authorized, and supported by the External Representatives Group to perform certain activities and speak on behalf of DirectDemocracyS.
Our external supporters, authorized by our groups, for external supporters, can also carry out limited, official representative activities outside our system, according to detailed rules.
1. Rules, methodologies, instructions, and rationale, for anyone representing DirectDemocracyS, outside of our system.
1.1. Always remember to request the necessary permissions from the respective authorization groups before carrying out any activity, both inside and outside our system.
1.1.1. If you are present on traditional social networks, websites external to our system, groups on various applications, always request the support and collaboration of our internal and external groups.
2. Basic rules, to always be respected, and always put into practice.
2.1. Distinguish clearly whether what you say, write, or show externally is yours, or whether it is an official position, and material owned by DirectDemocracyS. Use often and clearly the phrase: I personally believe, for your ideas, and DirectDemocracyS states, for our official positions.
3. Basic methodologies, to always be respected, and always put into practice.
4. Basic instructions, to always be respected, and always put into practice.
5. Reasons for some of our decisions.
6. Helpful tips, for anyone representing DirectDemocracyS, outside of our system.
6.1 Always remember that outside, we are guests, and in addition to our rules, you must always respect all the rules of those who host us.
6.1.1. Always remember to represent yourself in an optimal manner, with courage, honor, loyalty, sincerity, competence, style, education, firmness, confidentiality, reliability, always respecting all people, our entire system, having as always, a perfect mentality, and an impeccable behavior. Never, and for any reason, respond to provocations, insults, threats, and rude behavior, limit yourself to taking a screenshot, or a photograph, sending them, together with all the details, and the respective links, to our groups, based on your type of representative, or supporter. Always ask for all the necessary support, from your groups, ask for, and respect, the instructions, and use in the requested ways, all the suitable materials, in case of answers, to give. Always wait, for the answers of our groups.
6.2. If people or groups ask you for information, always ask for permission before answering, never be too hasty, take all the time you need to answer in the ways, times and with the information that we can give outside. Respect all our rules on the information that we can give outside.
6.2.1. Never reply to, or comment on, posts by rude, ignorant, envious, spiteful, or hateful people. Never reply to, or comment on, posts by stupid people who are laughing and joking about serious topics. Never reply to, or comment on, posts by people who, when speaking about other people, political forces, institutions, commercial companies, and other entities, use stupid nicknames, instead of respectfully using real names, written with a capital letter. Never reply to, or comment on, posts by ignorant people who don't know how to write properly. Never reply to, or comment on, posts by ignorant and incompetent people who talk about things they don't know. Never waste your precious time, for any reason, trying to teach people without a minimum of competence, certain topics, even if you yourself are competent. We do not give free online courses, to people, who certainly do not want to learn, and who believe they have all the answers. Eventually, you can give them, our links, for our online courses, but only for those accessible from outside us. Never waste, for any reason, your precious time, with people who claim to teach you something, just say, that in our system, you have, always, access to all the information, thanks to all our groups of specialists, composed of our members, all reliable, free, independent, with guaranteed competence, and documented. Always use your reference groups to ask for help from our specialist groups, according to our detailed rules. If you wish, you can participate in various courses, online, on all the topics that interest you.
6.3. Always be wary of any information external to our system, because you have no guarantee that the person, page, or group, from the outside, is really reliable, honest, sincere, competent, and therefore, use our groups of specialists, according to our detailed rules.
6.4. Always remember, never to invite, for any reason, a person to join us, if you are not sure of his identity, his reliability, his compatibility with our system, and if you are not sure, that you want to take full responsibility for the person you want to invite.
6.4.1. Always remember to always ask each person to inform themselves completely, with an open mind, only and exclusively on our official website. Always invite to join us, only people with an above-average intelligence, that you are sure are compatible, with our rules, suitable for our methodologies, and always and only after they have informed themselves, in a complete way. None of ours, must not negotiate, with other people, their possible adhesion, to our system. You must limit yourself to informing them, according to your capabilities, and if you have any doubts, always invite, your interlocutor, to get information, with our contact management groups, through the contact form, most suited to the various questions, and requests. Remind everyone that to join us, to work with us, and to collaborate with us, all of our rules must be respected by everyone, without any exceptions, without any kind of favoritism. Do not invite people who believe themselves superior, or who believe themselves essential, for the success of our activities. Always remind everyone that in our entire system, every person is important, but no one is necessary. 1. Always remember, everyone, that you join DirectDemocracyS, only individually, and never as groups, and that we are not, and will never be interested, in alliances, agreements, coalitions, and collaborations, with other political forces, and with political representatives, elected by other political forces, currently in office. Any person, can decide, individually, freely, and independently, to join us, at any time, but if they were elected, in the last elections, with other political forces, they must resign, before being able to request, to join us. Negotiations, or agreements with people currently in office, are not made, and will never be made, without them having resigned from their previous positions. Anyone who joins DirectDemocracyS, will do all political activities, only and exclusively, with us, according to our specific rules.
6.5. Never, and for any reason, offer advantages and facilities, and not even roles of greater responsibility, or superior types of users. There are groups, very competent and attentive, that decide these things, and they are never individual choices.
6.6. If other people are aware of the fact that you officially represent DirectDemocracyS outside of our system, you must always have impeccable and respectful behavior towards everyone.
7. These implementing rules come into force from the moment of their publication and are immediately mandatory for everyone who is part of our system. Other rules, methodologies, information, motivations, and instructions will be added in the future. Any different or contrary rule must be replaced, modified, and integrated with the most recent ones.
a. To accept full responsibility for the comment that you submit.
b. To use this function only for lawful purposes.
c. Not to post defamatory, abusive, offensive, racist, sexist, threatening, vulgar, obscene, hateful or otherwise inappropriate comments, or to post comments which will constitute a criminal offense or give rise to civil liability.
d. Not to post or make available any material which is protected by copyright, trade mark or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner of the copyright, trade mark or any other proprietary right.
e. To evaluate for yourself the accuracy of any opinion, advice or other content.