Welcome to the DirectDemocracyS website. For us, it is a pleasure and an honor to have you here.
Everything in a nutshell.
DirectDemocracyS, is a political organization, born to change, and to improve the world.
It is, and will forever remain, the best political force in the entire history of humanity.
For all of us, the value of freedom is fundamental.
We always put into practice the only authentic democracy, the direct one.
Each of our users / voters has complete, continuous management and control over their political representatives, before, during, and for the first time in the world, even after the elections.
Each of our members, is the owner, together with all the others, of the entire political organization, and of our website, and according to our rules, and our methodologies, has every right / duty: to propose, discuss, create, modify, decide, vote, implement, and control, all our activities.
We have a leadership, completely shared, and we decide everything important, all together.
We have various types of users, based on our needs, to prevent any improper use, and for personal purposes, of the enormous power, that our organization will have.
DirectDemocracyS, has rules and methodologies, based on logic, common sense, truth, and mutual respect, of all people, which are respected by anyone who joins us.
It guarantees, to anyone who joins us, registering, and creating a personal profile, continuously over time, and always united, equality and meritocracy.
It is based on values, ideals, and principles, which are non-negotiable, such as: honesty, competence, education, culture, sincerity, loyalty, courage, determination, intelligence, neutrality, independence, science, research, technology, study, and everything useful.
Each of our users / voters will be welcomed into our immense family, always allowing first, those most useful, deserving, and compatible with our rules. They must have our same values, ideals, and principles, and must be completely incorruptible, and not subject to blackmail.
It is innovative, and alternative, to all other political forces. It will never make electoral agreements, alliances, and will never be part of coalitions, if we have the majority, alone, we will govern and make laws useful for all, otherwise, we will make a healthy, loyal, honest, and useful for all opposition.
He has a politically perfect ideal, which takes every little positive part, eliminating every negative part, of all the ideologies of the past.
It is the only political force that unites people, and does not divide them, like all the others do.
We are and will always remain united in our diversity.
It has created, and is developing, its own system, of a social, economic, and financial nature, innovative and alternative to the current one, with infinite activities, in projects of all kinds.
All our activities, are carried out in various phases, which always begin, at the international, continental, national, and local levels. There will be our political organizations, and our entire system, always starting, at the largest geographical and territorial area, which creates the smallest, down to the neighborhood, or, the street block, in every city.
We will make all our decisions, in an informed manner, in a comprehensive manner, by our expert groups, composed of all our members, free, independent, and incorruptible, who will offer every possible explanation, and every alternative, and explain the consequences, of every possible decision of ours. In this way, we will be infallible.
Information and useful links.
Every single word, of every previous sentence, is explained, in informative articles, and posts on our Blogs, do not be superficial, do not make hasty judgments, without first having carefully studied, with an open mind, all our public information, on our official website.
You can find DirectDemocracyS, on our official website, and by searching our name, on the main social networks, and on real search engines.
Our website is in English, but thanks to the translation module, you can translate it into your preferred language, just click on “-English-“, and in the drop-down menu that opens, you will have to choose and click your preferred language.
This brief presentation, lets you know, in brief, our political organization. To communicate directly with us, according to your needs, you can go directly to our website dedicated entirely to contact forms.
You are lucky enough to be among the first people in the world to learn about our innovation, which has nothing in common with old traditional politics, so our invitation is to start studying DirectDemocracyS right away, and if you like it, you can join us and help us make it known to as many people as possible.
Our website is safe, easy to use, and you don't have to register to use it, just scroll down a little and you will find all the information you need, or you can open our main menu and search for answers to all your questions.
We are waiting for you.
We have enormous potential, and we will do a great job, all together!
We receive many requests to join us, which create very long waiting lists. To allow us to better and more quickly choose the people who really deserve to collaborate with us, in our initial stages, after having fully informed you, if you consider yourself compatible with our rules and methodologies, please fill out, with great attention and sincerity, this simple form: REQUEST AN INVITATION
For us, and for the good of all, it is essential to have with us, only motivated people, of above-average intelligence, of common sense, respectful of all people, competent, honest, and who are truly specialized in topics and themes, which could help us create solid foundations, for our political organization. Always fill out the form, before registering, and before creating your personal profile, and always wait for our response, because it will help you to be accepted into our immense family, more quickly.
Let me briefly introduce you to the political organization DirectDemocracyS. Innovative, and alternative, to all the other old traditional political forces. Born to change and improve the world, starting with politics. It is based on complete freedom, which ends only where the freedom of another person begins, on authentic democracy, and not on oligarchic party politics, which is also present in countries that declare themselves democratic. Created, with a politically perfect ideal, using logic, common sense, and mutual respect, of all people. It puts into practice, together, equality and meritocracy, continuous over time. It is the only one that allows voters to have complete and correctly informed control over their political representatives, before, during, and for the first time in the world, even after the elections. I advise you to search for DirectDemocracyS on the main social networks and visit our website, which is safe, fast, easy to consult, protected, and does not contain invasive advertising. I am sure that you will find a lot of useful information to begin to understand that positive results are only achieved with a commitment from everyone, to choose and decide together, every rule and law, which influences our lives, and those of future generations. https://www.directdemocracys.org/ If you like it, join us and help us make DirectDemocracyS known to as many people as possible. Thank you.
We advise you to continue reading this short article of ours, with some very useful links.
Let's start this short article with a thank you.
We want to thank from the bottom of our hearts, all our official representatives, outside our website. These official, authorized members of ours are carrying out a hard and long process of selecting people to invite, to inform themselves, and to learn about DirectDemocracyS. If these invited people like what we are doing, and how we are doing it, our representatives outside our website, offer all the help, all the support, all the information, all the motivation, and all the instructions to join us. Thank you also, to all our new users, for your trust, which we guarantee will be reciprocated and rewarded, at the right time, in the right way. With everything going on around, many are afraid to even visit a virtually unknown website. You not only visit us, but do everything you need to register and create a personal profile, to work concretely with us.
Security measures, to prevent any possible problem.
As we all know, there are good people, or bad, competent, or incompetent, intelligent, or stupid, informed, or uninformed, with knowledge of things, or ignorant, obviously, with everything in between the 2 extremes. These are the only ways in which in DirectDemocracyS, we divide people, who with us have guaranteed equality and meritocracy, always united together, and guaranteed over time.
Many bad people want to try to stop us, slow us down, boycott us, or, they will soon try to speak badly of us. To avoid any possible problem, we give you a few useful tips to prevent any unpleasant situation.
Security measure number 1. Always check who is speaking on our behalf.
To do this, simply use a simple, secure, and confidential contact form from our special security team, which is active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and which receives messages and responds to you in every language of the world. world. Fill out the online form with your data, write your name and surname, your personal email address, as subject, write authorization verification, and as message, explain in detail who contacted you, where they contacted you, how contacted you, and what did he tell you. To do all this, just go to this link:
Explain all the details to our special security group, we advise you to tick the box where it says send a copy to yourself, to have a copy of the message you send us, which is valid as proof, that you contacted us. You must enter the captcha security code in the small rectangle below to prove that you are human.
Attention: before clicking on the red button: send email, you must tick the small rectangle relating to the privacy policies, to allow us to use the information you provide to us, to get you the answers. You will receive all the information and answers to your questions as quickly as possible, but until then, do not continue the dialogue in any way with the person who contacted you on our behalf.
Security measure number 2. Our emails are encrypted, secure, and confidential.
Many email providers insert emails sent from our email servers as junk mail, often as "junk" mail, or our emails are placed in the -SPAM- email folder. Don't be afraid, our emails are encrypted, safe and confidential, they always have been and will always be. The only "problem" is that our computer systems send many messages, every day, for legitimate reasons and for operational needs, and therefore, many email providers, who manage email traffic, consider us -SPAM -. We send a limited number of emails, and only for very important reasons. Each of our users can freely decide which messages to receive from DirectDemocracyS, simply by setting notifications in their personal profile, in the reserved social areas, and, for our official members, also in the reserved community areas.
DirectDemocracyS always responds to all messages sent according to our rules, so always check the various email inboxes to find our messages.
Security measure number 3. Annual dues payments, donations, sponsorships, advertising contracts, and other economic activities.
Any payment to DirectDemocracyS must be made, solely and exclusively, on our official website, and solely and exclusively, using our official forms. Do not, for any reason, send money, goods, or services to natural persons or fictitious companies. Never pay in untraceable cash. When fundraisers are held in various cities, squares and streets, taking donations and cash payments directly from people, these activities will be communicated on public pages and filmed from the first to the last second, they will be video-recorded, and also sent live, on our website. Furthermore, before paying, you must always verify the authorization of the person asking you for money to receive money in our name, via the contact form, security measure number 1, of this article, at this link:
As a subject, write: verify authorization to receive money in the name of DirectDemocracyS, and explain all the details. Don't pay a single cent until you receive the email from us confirming your authorization from our special security team.
Security measure number 4. Never believe, never reward, and never pay, people who tell you that they can help you to join us faster, or who promise you advantages and facilities not foreseen by our rules .
Security measure number 5. Do not be afraid to report any attempt to carry out activities such as scams, blackmail and other illicit activities to the competent authorities. If you communicate them to us, we will be the first to report them, to make them public, and to take legal action to obtain justice.
Security measure number 6. Each of our email addresses, and each of our websites, has a termination: directdemocracys.org . Obviously, each of our addresses contains the name, followed by @, then
Our website is simple to use, clean, safe, secure, and does not contain invasive advertising.
Our automatic translation module will translate each part into English, in your preferred language, just click on -English-, and in the drop-down menu, search and click, your preferred language.
Don't be scared, from our login form, which you will see at the top, on our pages, going further down, you will find all our contents, without any need to register. So, go down and search for the content that interests you. Also search our menus to find the articles you want to read.
NEWS. We created, the first social network of politics.
We called it: “Access DirectDemocracyS”. Active since July 15, 2023, absolutely free, and without any commitment. Read the whole article. https://www.directdemocracys.org/law/communications/service-communications/the-social-network-of-politics
Albert Pike said: "What we do for ourselves dies with us, what we do for others and for the world remains and is immortal".
Let's get to know each other.
Our aim is to change and improve the world.
And together with you, and all good people, we have all the means to do it. We have very clear rules, which are somewhat rigid, and are respected by everyone. We have a unique and inimitable methodology, which is the only one that can really work. A somewhat complex mechanism, in which each of our users is a fundamental part of the various gears that make it up. We have all the potential, and a solid structure, which stands, and cannot be slowed down, or stopped by anyone.
First of all, before getting to know us, open your mentality to our innovation, otherwise it will be difficult, almost impossible, for you to understand our activities. Don't be superficial, don't generalize, and don't be in a hurry to say: beautiful utopia. Our method works, and if you know it you will see that we are right. Never say, and for any reason: that we will be exactly like the other political forces. We are innovative, incompatible, and alternative to all old politics, and to all existing political projects. And above all, never say: people are bad, and you won't be able to realize your every idea. We are already realizing, each of our ideas, and we are continuously increasing.
We present you the brief, some information, to be able to decide whether you want to join us, or not.
DirectDemocracyS, is political innovation, an alternative to all the old politics, based on the only authentic democracy, the direct one, and on total freedom.
The only political force, in which our supporters, and voters, are our users, on our website, and have absolute, complete control over their political representatives, before, during, and for the first time in the world even after the elections.
To always decide, in the best way, all our users, and our political representatives, will always be informed, in a complete, honest, competent, free, and independent way, by groups of experts, of each sector of activity.
They will receive detailed information, both on the various possibilities and on the consequences of each choice.
Now, the old politics decide the rules and laws, and the population follows the orders, and respects all the laws. We reverse the roles, we, the voters, and therefore the people, hold all the power, propose people, laws, and rules, and our political representatives, implement them, and put them into practice.
Our entire political organization, and our website, are the exclusive property of all our members, who control, and manage, all our activities. There are no leaders, but only people, who work together, in a coordinated way, individually, or in groups. With us, the motto is always put into practice: all for one, one for all.
Our political ideology takes all the positive parts of all the old ideologies, eliminating all the negative parts, thus becoming politically perfect. Each of our rules, each of our activities, and our methodology, unique in the world, are based on logic, common sense, and the mutual respect of all people.
Compared to the life of a human being, our organization has just been conceived, and hardly anyone knows us. In these early stages, we carefully select each person who joins us. But over time, every good person can join us.
Do not join us, and do not tell anyone about us, if you have not first fully informed yourself, and if you have not first understood all of our information.
General informations.
Official language: our official language, of all our public part, is English, but internally, every language is official for us.
Official website:
Our website has a public area, where there is all the information, which can be read, for free, in a secure way, and without invasive advertising. The public information is in English, but near our logo, going down, there is the language selection form, by clicking on "English", in the drop-down menu, you can set your language by clicking on it . In a few seconds, the page you are on, and the following ones, will be translated into your preferred language. For tablets and smartphones, the main menu can be accessed by clicking on the 3 horizontal lines next to our logo.
Official blog:
We also have a blog, with some articles translated into various languages. Just choose one of the categories in your language (by clicking on it), and click on the title of each post, or on "continue reading", to read the content.
Official public page. We have some public pages that are visible to everyone. Choose the one in your language to read its contents.
Presentation video, in short (about 3 or 4 minutes). We have some informative videos, choose the one in your language.
Click on play, to watch the video, we advise you to read the article, at the end of the video (at the bottom), for detailed information, on what we are doing.
Presentation sound. If you want to listen to our information, in various languages, just go to this link:
select your preferred language (by clicking on it), in the audio player, and you will listen to a short presentation message, lasting about 3 or 4 minutes.
To contact us, read this article carefully, and follow all the instructions:
For all information, to register, and to create a personal profile, and join us:
read all the various informative articles, which contain all the necessary instructions.
To register immediately, go to this link:
follow the simple instructions, everything is free, very simple, fast, and secure.
Do you want to help our political organization? You can make an individual, free, and voluntary donation only and exclusively at this link:
be very careful, we do not authorize anyone to raise money on our behalf, if we do, in the future, we will write it on our official website.
If you want to give us your opinion, via our voting component, you can do so at this link:
some voting modules are free, others are reserved for our users (based on the type of user), others are reserved, and invisible, to those who do not have the right to vote.
All information, instructions, and many of our activities, both public and private, can be found in English at this link:
they are divided into various submenu items, and various categories, very easy to find, and share.
For information on the timing of activation of our new users, visit this link:
and choose each article one at a time, based on the registration method that interests you.
For information on registrations by invitation during the blocking of free registrations, read this article carefully:
and also the detailed article, which you can find at this link:
for anyone who wants to join us, it is essential to know, and understand, our every motivation.
We base all our activities on logic, common sense and mutual respect of all people, always putting into practice equality, continuous over time, and meritocracy.
The public information is in English, but near our logo, going down, there is the language selection form, by clicking on "English", in the drop-down menu, you can set your language by clicking on it . In a few seconds, the page you are on, and the following ones, will be translated into your preferred language. For tablets and smartphones, the main menu can be accessed by clicking on the 3 horizontal lines next to our logo.
We advise you to read carefully, even several times, all our information, and if you like it, you can register, creating a personal profile, and start working with us. Share, and help other people get to know us, and join us.
Thank you.
With great esteem and infinite respect, we send you our best regards, and the best wishes for personal and professional results that will fill your heart with happiness.
DirectDemocracyS, is your political innovation, alternative, truly in every sense!
Our presence on social networks is limited, but you can search DirectDemocracyS on the main websites and you will find some information. We do not work, we do not answer questions, and we do not offer information, on social networks, or on other websites, but every now and then, we publish something, after having published it in preview, on our website. We like to be free, and independent.
a. To accept full responsibility for the comment that you submit.
b. To use this function only for lawful purposes.
c. Not to post defamatory, abusive, offensive, racist, sexist, threatening, vulgar, obscene, hateful or otherwise inappropriate comments, or to post comments which will constitute a criminal offense or give rise to civil liability.
d. Not to post or make available any material which is protected by copyright, trade mark or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner of the copyright, trade mark or any other proprietary right.
e. To evaluate for yourself the accuracy of any opinion, advice or other content.