Implementing regulations.
Article 01. Personal passwords in our system.
All personal passwords, of the DirectDemocracyS system, are decided, and chosen, by each of our users, based on the implementing rules.
Article 02. Types of personal passwords.
Personal passwords, chosen by our users, are generally of various types. Some examples of personal passwords: primary, secondary, also called second password, and third password.
Article 02.01. The master password, of the personal profile.
The main password, of the personal profile, is chosen, and decided, by each person who joins us, by filling out the registration form, based on the implementing rules, and based on their own preferences.
Article 02.01.01. The main password, of each of our users, after being entered, and for security immediately repeated, in the registration form, is automatically encrypted, like all the data entered, in our forms, and will be kept, safely, in our databases. There is no possibility, for a human being to decrypt it, but only our computer system, can modify it, through a modification link, of your password, sent to the email address, of the respective user.
Article The master password can be used, only and exclusively, in our login forms, to allow access, of each of our users, to our websites, and is known, only by the user, and is recognized, automatically, and immediately, by our computer system.
Article The master password can be changed in your personal profile, in the social area, on our official website, or recovered, if forgotten or lost, only by the user, and automatically, without human intervention, based on specific implementation rules. The unique link to recover your master password, on our official website, and on some of our connected websites, if it has been forgotten or lost, is only this:
To recover your password, simply enter your personal email address, linked to your personal profile. If you no longer have the personal email address, with which you registered, you must contact our special security group, subgroup of recovery and change of your primary email address, at this link:
you will have to prove your identity, and you will receive all the instructions for a video call to verify your identity, and only after that, if everything is in order, you will be able to change your personal email address, and subsequently, you will be able to change your lost password, with the password recovery form.
If you have forgotten your username, you can receive it, in order to log in, at this link:
it is sufficient to enter, your personal email address, linked, to your personal profile. If you no longer have, your personal email address, you must contact, our special security group, subgroup of recovery and modification of your primary email address, according to the previous rules, and then you will be able to recover, your username, and possibly, later, you will also be able to recover your password.
If you do not remember your personal email address, linked to your personal profile, entered in the registration form, you must contact our special security group, subgroup of recovery and modification, of your primary email address, at this link:
If instead, you use a personalized email address, with termination, thanks to our email services, if you are in order, with the annual fee, both for the personal profile, and with the payment, of the annual fee, for your personalized email address, you will be able to obtain, immediate support, and solve any possible problem, by sending a contact form, from this link:
Each of our websites has specific implementation rules to recover your username, email address, and password, with specific links and very similar, but not always identical, procedures.
For any support needed, for all our websites, and for our entire system, or, to unlock your personal profile, you must use this contact form:
long waiting times, payments, annual fees, and security deposits may be required to receive dedicated support, according to our specific rules. Fees may be required to be paid, even just to request to unlock, your personal profile, to recover it, or to request to be removed from our list of unwelcome people, without any guarantee, that all requests by our special group of Laws, subgroup, for the recovery, subgroup, for the unlocking, subgroup, for the request, to be removed from the list of unwelcome people will be approved. Large sums may also be required to finalize all the various activities of unlocking, recovering, and removing, your data, from the list of unwelcome people. Never, and for any reason, make too many attempts, for the same activities, never, and for any reason, fill out more than one form, for the same purpose, but wait patiently for our responses, in the ways, and times necessary. Fees may be required to make certain activities urgent. We remind you that the groups that receive and analyze your requests and forms in a preliminary manner are not the same as those that analyze in detail all your requests and forms, which are still different from those that, at the end of the activity, decide, after having reanalyzed each request and each form, always with a vote, whether to approve or reject your requests and forms. Although our groups communicate and collaborate, it is not possible for any person or group of people to know who is part of each group, nor the people or groups and related subgroups that will have to decide whether to approve or reject each individual request. This method and these rules make it impossible to influence any of our possible decisions. Each individual group and each subgroup have very detailed rules, with a complete case history of each possible need and each possible resolution of each possible request. There are no, and there will never be, favors, and no interference or imposition, external or internal, is possible, because every activity is encrypted, and thanks to the rules on anonymity, both individual and group, it is not possible to know which people and which groups are directly implicated in every request. It is never just one group that can decide, but at least 3 are directly implicated, the one that receives every request, chosen from various possible groups and subgroups, the next one, chosen from various possible groups and subgroups, and the one that makes every possible decision, chosen in turn from various possible groups and subgroups. Each group and subgroup, based on our specific rules and the documentation received, analyzes, discusses and votes, sending its own, non-binding opinion to the next group and explaining, in detail, the work it has done to the next group. Every activity, and every request, must also be approved, by the 5 special groups, and by our specialist groups, unanimously, at the final decision level, of each group. Without all the authorizations, all the requests, will be automatically rejected, and the user, will not be able to request, the amounts paid, such as annual fees, security deposits, or, other types of payments.
For people included in our list, of non grata people, or, with deleted profiles, you must use, only, and exclusively, this contact form:
we repeat, long waiting times, payments, annual fees, and security deposits may be necessary to receive dedicated support, according to our specific rules. Fees may be required to be paid, even just to request to unlock your personal profile, to recover it, or to be removed from our list of unwelcome people, without any guarantee, that all requests will be approved, by our special group of Laws, subgroup for recovery, subgroup for unblocking, subgroup, for the request, to be removed from the list of unwelcome people. Large sums may also be required to finalize all the various activities of unlocking, recovering, and removing your data from the list of unwelcome people. Never, and for any reason, make too many attempts, for the same activities, never, and for any reason, fill out more than one form for the same purpose, but wait patiently for our responses, in the ways and times necessary. Fees may be required, to make certain activities urgent. We remind you that the groups that receive your requests and analyze your forms are not the same as those that analyze all your requests and your forms, which are still different from those that decide, with a vote, whether to approve or reject your requests and your forms. Each activity must also be approved by the 5 special groups and our specialist groups, unanimously. Without all authorizations, all requests will be automatically rejected and the user will not be able to request the amounts paid, such as annual fees, security deposits, or other types of payments.
Article With the exception of our login form, the master password must never be used in any of our other forms, and must never be communicated, in any way, to any person. We repeat: never communicate, and never send, for any reason, to anyone, your master password. We recommend that you memorize it, and possibly write it down, and keep it in a safe place, accessible only to you.
Article The master password is automatically linked to the personal email address, user name, and identification number, in DirectDemocracyS, and in some of our websites, it is also associated with the real name and surname of each of our users. To change your master password at any time, or to update it, you must go to your account, in our social area, to this link, valid only, after logging in, to our official website:
we remind you that the changes take effect immediately, but it may take at least 24 hours, up to 48 hours, or, depending on the case, even several days, for the changes made individually on the official website to be updated, even on the linked websites, directly to your personal profile on our official website, so, until that time, the old data will be valid, and only later, can they be updated automatically by our system, while on some websites, you must personally change every piece of data you want, and on others, they are not changed automatically, but you must access and directly change every piece of data. Attention, on certain websites, if you change the links to receive, or to send money, or certain personal data, you may risk permanently losing the sums received, or those arriving, or those sent, and you may risk no longer being able to receive, or send money, therefore, before making changes, you can ask for support from our contact groups, at this link:
You must explain in detail what changes you want to make before making them, also specifying our website where you want to make these changes, and wait for their response via email, which will inform you how you can make certain changes, without any risk, of losing money, or, important data. We advise you, to always be sincere, in your personal profiles, and to use your real personal data, being careful, not to share them, with other people, by setting your privacy, with great attention. You must be sincere, loyal, honest, and fair, in filling out the various forms, because only in this way, you will get all the support, and the necessary collaboration.
Article 02.02.
The secondary password, also called, second password, is used, as a definitive confirmation, of very important activities, for an additional security measure, and must be linked, to the personal profile, and that is mainly used, for activities connected, to our system, to definitively confirm, the will, of one of our users, for some important activities. To set it, you must fill out, a simple form, for the second password, entering in two spaces, the same password, and send the form, which will be immediately encrypted, and recorded, being linked, to the personal profile, of each user. To use the second password, you must have logged in to the website, or, you can confirm, to our security group, a certain activity, entering it, when requested. Attention. The main password, will never be entered, except, in our access forms, and not communicated to anyone, in any way. The link to set, the second password, is published, at the end, of these implementing rules.
Article 02.03.
The third password is mainly used to confirm certain important activities when requested, or it is linked to the second password, or to block or permanently delete your personal profile, to be used even if you want to leave our political organization, or it can be used by the user's relatives in the event of death, or during the impossibility, or for the impossibility, temporary or permanent, of the main user to enter our websites. In the event of death, the implementing rules for similar cases will be followed, and the decisions of our user, if they have been decided, and communicated, in the ways provided for by our rules. In the event of temporary impossibility of the user to use our websites, the specific rules will be respected, and the decisions of our user, if they have been decided, and communicated, in the ways provided for by our rules. In the event of the death of the user, the implementing rules for these special cases will be used, and the wishes expressed by our user, if they have been decided, and communicated, in the ways provided for by our specific rules, reminding everyone, that the wishes of our users, in our entire system, have precedence, over any specific laws of the various countries, which will be taken into consideration, only, and exclusively, if our user, has not expressed their wishes, in the ways provided for by our specific rules. Attention. The main password, will never be entered, except in our access forms, and will never be communicated to anyone, in any way. In the setting form, of the third password, you must enter one, or, two, or 3 people, who are aware, of the third password, and the exact order, in which they are authorized, to use the third password, in order to be able to use it, in the ways provided for by our rules. For each of them, you must also write their main email address. If they are registered, on our official website, you can add their username, so that they can be contacted more quickly. The third password , can be communicated, to other people, and can be used, only in case of necessity, such as death, unavailability, and definitive inability, of the user, to use their profile, by filling in a form, according to the needs, with all the relative documentation, to be sent, and to always be verified, which demonstrates unequivocally, the death, or, as the case may be, the impossibility, or the definitive or temporary inability, to access their personal profile. The personal data, name, surname, email address, and any username, of the authorized people, must be entered, and identical, in the various forms (death, or, definitive incapacity, or impossibility), according to our specific and implementing rules.
Article 03. Number of mandatory characters.
All personal passwords, within our system, have specific rules, on the number of characters, both minimum and maximum, and on how these personal passwords must be composed.
Article 03.01. Minimum number of mandatory characters.
The minimum number of characters, for each personal password, in our system, chosen by each of our users, is at least 12 characters.
Article 03.02. Maximum number of characters allowed.
Technically, there is no maximum number of characters allowed in our personal passwords, but we do not recommend using more than 36 characters. The number of characters does not matter much, but certain rules regarding the type of characters and their arrangement within the various characters are fundamental.
Article 03.03. Mandatory and permitted character types.
All types of characters and symbols are allowed. Each password must contain: at least one number, at least one uppercase letter, at least one lowercase letter, and at least one special character. No internal or external blank spaces are allowed.
Article 03.04. General rules, of the characters of each password.
Numbers and letters must not be consecutive for any reason, so it is forbidden, for example, to use 2 or 3 consecutive numbers, or 2 or 3 consecutive letters, in the same password. Therefore, never use: 123, or abc, and all similar variations. Numbers and letters must not be repeated for any reason. Therefore, never use: 000, 111, 222, or aaa, bbb, ccc, and all similar variations. Passwords must not contain entire words, or partial words, with a complete meaning, or of common use. Always avoid, for example, easily guessable characters, for example the word: password, your name, or, your surname, the names of other people, attributable to you, your date of birth, or, the dates of your relatives, friends and contacts.
Article 04. Security measures.
You can use the same password on each of our websites, in fact, on many of our websites, our users, by registering on our official website, will automatically have a personal profile on many of our linked websites, with the same personal data, the same username, the same email address, the same name, and the same surname. Therefore, there is our official website, and many websites linked, directly or indirectly. The websites linked directly, require only one registration, for each of our users, and use the same data, while the websites linked, indirectly, require a new registration, by each of our users, with identical personal data, but only our authorized users, and of the type of user, authorized for each of our websites, previously registered and activated, on our official website, indirectly connected, can be activated, and be part of it. In many cases, additional checks are necessary, to prevent any possible problem. The time to use a linked website can vary from at least 24 hours to 48 hours, or, depending on the case, even a few days more, and all depend on the authorizations received on our official website. Users who have not logged in at least once on our main website, and who have not performed, as required by our rules, each mandatory activity, upon first access, following activation, are not allowed to access any other linked website. Each user, after being activated, upon first access, will have a message, in their message box, in our social area, with all the mandatory activities, to be performed, mandatorily, upon first access, on our official website. For security reasons, shared sessions are never allowed, even if they have the same username, the same email address, and the same identical initial password, accesses on each of our websites are kept separate. In short, you must log in again on each linked website, directly or indirectly, to access their respective private areas. In some of our websites, indirectly connected, you must also make a new registration, and create a personal profile, to be able to use certain websites, of our system, always, after having requested, and obtained, authorization, on our official website, through a simple, and fast form, based on specific rules. A piece of advice that is very important: use only one website at a time, connected to DirectDemocracyS, and after each use, exit from each of them, and if you use public devices, or, if these devices, are accessible to other people, use security measures, to prevent the possible use, of our websites, by other people, other than yourself. To prevent these illegal uses, you can create various accounts, on your devices, PCs, tablets, smartphones, protecting yours, with a PIN, or a password, difficult to guess, for others.
If you change your password, for any reason, security, or because you have forgotten your old password, you will have to change it, even on the linked sites, to always have the same password, and to be able to access. Attention. Our computer systems often update the user lists, with all the new people, who join us, on our official website, and then update, at variable times, from a few hours to a few days, the passwords, and the names of the users, on some of our websites linked, directly, instead there are no similar synchronizations, on our websites linked indirectly, that is those that require a new registration, and the creation of a new personal profile, always, after having requested, and obtained, authorization on our official website. If you change your password, or, if you recover it, because you had forgotten it, on the official website, within a day, or a few days, this password, will be automatically synchronized, on some of our websites linked, directly, according to specific implementing rules, on our websites linked. Attention. Some of our websites, linked to our official website, do not automatically update, even the passwords, but they only add, only the new users, coming from our official website, in that case, you will need to use, the old password, access the linked website, and change the password as you like, or you can update, the old password, or, if necessary, you can reset the password, according to our implementing rules, and the regulations, of each of our websites.
Article 05. Conclusions.
Passwords are very important to keep all our activities safe, together with each of our users, to prevent any possible problem, and to protect the personal data of each person who joins us. Our computer system creates encrypted connections, linking the following data, all encrypted: the user’s name, personal email address, master password, personal identification number in DirectDemocracyS, and in some of our websites, the personal account code, the user's name and surname, and other personal data.
Together with 2-factor authentication and other specific security measures, your passwords make it impossible for your personal profiles to be used in a way that does not comply with our rules.
We advise everyone to periodically change their passwords, based on the previous rules and the implementing rules.
Please always respect all our rules, our methodologies, and all our advice, which are all studied for your good, and to always guarantee your, and our, safety.
For more public information on all our security measures, go to this menu item, and search for the information you are interested in:
For any information on our security measures, always contact our special security group, only at this link:
For any information about our passwords and how to set them, always contact our special security group, subgroup, password management group, only at this link:
Please note, to use the links below, you must first log in to our websites by entering your username and master password in our login form. If you do not log in to the respective websites, you will not be able to use the respective forms, in some cases you will receive an error message, in others you will be told that to use this feature, you will first have to log in to the respective websites.
For any information, about our second passwords, always contact, our special security group, category, password management group, subgroup, second password management group, you must first access our website, dedicated to contacts, by entering your username, and your main password, in our login form, and only then, you must click this link:
To set the second password, which must be mandatory, different from the main password, you must first, access our official website, entering your username, and your main password, in our login form, and only then, you must click this link:
For any information, about our third passwords, always contact, our special security group, category, password management group, subgroup, second password management group, you must first access our website dedicated to contacts, by entering your username, and your master password, in our login form, and only then, you should click this link:
To set the third password, which must be mandatory, different from the main password, and different from the second passwords, you must first, access our official website, entering your username, and your main password, in our login form, and only then, you must click this link:
a. To accept full responsibility for the comment that you submit.
b. To use this function only for lawful purposes.
c. Not to post defamatory, abusive, offensive, racist, sexist, threatening, vulgar, obscene, hateful or otherwise inappropriate comments, or to post comments which will constitute a criminal offense or give rise to civil liability.
d. Not to post or make available any material which is protected by copyright, trade mark or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner of the copyright, trade mark or any other proprietary right.
e. To evaluate for yourself the accuracy of any opinion, advice or other content.