Let's change and improve ...
Do you want to change, and improve the world?
If your answer is yes, and you want to do it concretely, I advise you to read this message carefully, without prejudice, without being superficial, and ...
Accessibility Tools
Do you want to change, and improve the world?
If your answer is yes, and you want to do it concretely, I advise you to read this message carefully, without prejudice, without being superficial, and ...
We have analyzed various aspects, and many details, about our political organization, we often say that DirectDemocracyS is: innovative, truly democratic, absolutely free, owned by those who join ...
Anyone who registers and creates a personal profile on our website, and then joins us, generally does so out of simple curiosity, to see if our political organization is as beautiful from the inside ...
Registration, and creation of personal profiles.
We receive many messages, and we need to clarify some very important concepts.
The first words of this article are an appeal addressed to all of you, ...
We have to do a short article, in this difficult period, which may make some people smile.
Unfortunately, among the many messages we receive, there are some that we don't know how to manage.
Are ...
When will you tell us, who had the idea, to create DirectDemocracyS? When will you tell us exactly, and in the smallest detail, how the events took place? And, if you don't do it, at least tell us ...
One of the key things for everyone who visits our website is to know who is in charge within our international political organization.
It is normal and legitimate to ask for it, for people ...
In this article we will explain why we were born.
You will understand why we have conceived and created all this.
Many people, after reading our informative articles, our rules, and our news, ask ...
One of our rules requires and obliges anyone who joins us to work, together with all of us, for about 20 minutes a day, every day, or for at least 2 hours a week.
We work for ourselves and for ...
Technology is part of the evolution of the human being, and should be treated and managed by competent people. It should also be explained, honestly, even to non-experts. We, with our direct style, and without any fear, try to keep you informed, in detail.
From the first moment, we have chosen to organize DirectDemocracyS, in an impeccable way, from an ethical point of view, and to equip ourselves with the best technologies. Almost 1/3 of our income is invested in technology, 1/3 to reward the best users, and 1/3 for our activities, including those concerning our territorial subdivisions.
We have chosen a latest generation computer system, with cutting-edge technological tools.
When very few people talked about super computers and artificial intelligence, we, and our technicians (selected with great care), decided to invest a lot of time, and a lot of money, to create all the necessary potential, and also our own artificial intelligence, parallel, innovative, and alternative to those that were born in other parts.
As with almost all of our activities, we have chosen to create "exclusive products", and to depend as little as possible, on the giants of the web.
If we had made compromises, or agreements, with traditional finance and economics, and with the giants of the Internet, now, we would certainly be the most famous and "powerful" international political organization, known by every inhabitant of the earth, and chosen, from every person with at least 2 functioning neurons. It would have been the shortest and simplest way, and we would not have wasted much time, we would all be much richer, and we would only have a few "debts of honor", with whom we would undoubtedly have helped, knowing that our fame, and our success, are inevitable.
Instead, we have chosen to grow slowly, in a controlled, free, and above all independent way.
Try asking any political force, or any group of "political innovators", if they are free, and above all independent. They will answer yes. Investigate better, and you will see, that everyone has well-defined leadership, not always based on merits, and everyone has "debts or accounts to settle" with someone. Everyone, or nearly everyone, has compromised, to get help, fame, and power to share.
DirectDemocracyS always chooses the most difficult paths, but which guarantee our autonomy, and a leadership, in which each of our members is the owner, controller, and master of everything.
In this way, we are less "attractive", for those who want to become rich and famous thanks to politics, even with compromises, and renunciation of independence, but we are much loved, by the deserving, who are not afraid of having to work hard, for themselves, and for others, in order to obtain excellent results.
Let's talk about technology.
We only mentioned, in a previous article, the presence of our Artificial Intelligence, which helps us to work better, and immediately, fierce criticism, hatred towards innovation, and completely unfounded fears appeared. We have been told that we have a very "cold" method of doing politics. Anyone who thinks so can always stick to the "hot" old politics.
We know very well that all the news create fear, and some incomprehension, especially in ignorant people, but we want to reassure everyone, for us, at the center, there is the human being, then nature, and lastly, technology.
Calling an article "Artificial intelligence, against natural stupidity", will guarantee us that stupid people will never read it, while intelligent people will understand, as always, our motivations.
In this article, as in almost all of our articles, we will not go too far into the technical specifics, we will do so in the future, with all the necessary details (for those wishing to go deeper into each topic, our groups of specialists are always available, for enter, just demonstrate that you are competent), for now we will limit ourselves to some "philosophical" considerations, and a few other details.
Should we fear Artificial Intelligence? Absolutely not, we only have to fear the possible incompetence, or lack of good intentions, of those who create and use them.
Let us give you a brief example, to make you understand better. If we use a knife to cut bread, it's not dangerous (if you're careful not to cut yourself), it's useful, legal, and ethically correct. If we use it to kill a person, it's dangerous, it's not legal, it's not ethical, and it's execrable. The same example applies to everything.
We believe in culture, education, and science, as well as belief in logic, common sense, and mutual respect for all people.
Can we stop Artificial Intelligence? Absolutely not, it's part of progress, and therefore of human evolution, that you can't stop, you just have to try to make them useful, for everyone.
For desperate people, who have seen too many science fiction films, remaining particularly stressed, we tell you right away, that every man's discovery has had negative parts, but generally, if we are still here, and we live, on average, 4 times as more, than our ancestors of about 2000 years ago (2000 years in the evolution of a species, that's a few days in the life of a person), means that we are not "stupid animals". But just think, what we've created over the past 200 years. And then look at the progress, over the last 100 years. Now, think about the progress of the last 30 years. Now, for the past 3 years. Many people, incompetent from many points of view, on social networks, failing to keep up with new discoveries, and seeing themselves helpless, wish themselves the end of humanity. Instead of looking to the future with hope, and with the awareness that the advantages of evolution generally outweigh the disadvantages, they hope that everything will end. Like those people who love animals more than people. Well, these are 2 different loves, from an emotional point of view. Each species has a natural task, to live, to defend its family, and in the case of animals that live in groups, to defend its family, community and species, to evolve and procreate. We at DirectDemocracyS have a project for the defense of our planet, very attentive to every animal and plant species, but in the first place, for us there are human beings. This, even if we consider our animals as an integral part of our family. We have had the good fortune, and the responsibility, to evolve and progress, often knowing how to change our mentality. We have also made serious mistakes. In certain things, we still have to change and improve, but if we are united for once in our history, we will be able to change and improve the world.
Computer system, Artificial Intelligence, and the final decision, to people.
In our previous article, we said, that we have a computer system, in which we work, and which guarantees us order, security, freedom, and independence. For those who understand something of technology, our system offers us all the necessary potential to carry out an excellent job, allowing us many automatic activities, and therefore to limit and transfer human activities to the really important things. But our reliable and very powerful system is limited to LOG files. Also in this case, those who are not experts will struggle to understand that the LOG files represent, in various subgroups, every single interaction between the user registered on our website, with our IT "system", and with all of our activities. They're a detailed report, of everything we do.
What is Artificial Intelligence for? We exploit it for everything, but above all, connecting to the previous sentence, to interpret our LOG files. Our Artificial Intelligence has the task, among other things, of reading, interpreting and evaluating each activity of each of our users, of each of our groups, and of providing us with data, in real time, with suggestions, which the groups management, and our members, and users, will be able to check, and if deemed reliable, approve.
As we have often said, when we were just a few users, and we all knew each other, we trusted each other, even though they monitored our every activity in groups.
Unlike a human being, Artificial Intelligence has no preferences, it has no interests connected to our activities, therefore it can provide us with real, reliable data and suggestions, which can certainly be impartial. Furthermore, Artificial Intelligence manages very quickly a huge database, which would be impossible for many human beings. Artificial Intelligence does not make mistakes if it is well programmed and updated.
Many, at this moment, will ask themselves: who can guarantee me that Artificial Intelligence has not been "corrupted", or set up, in ethically incorrect ways? We can't speak for other technologies, but ours is made by our official members, who have been with us since the beginning, and whose integrity we can vouch for. However, to verify any of our technological capabilities, you just need to be an expert, and join our technology groups. This thing, of being experts, is not our fixation, but our prerogative. We are not a social network in which anyone, even without a minimum of expertise, can claim to be an expert on anything. We first verify the credentials, then the competence, which must be combined with reliability and the right credibility. Putting the right people, in the right place, makes us practically perfect, in all our activities, and in every decision we make. Obviously, there are control groups, and very active collaborations, among our users, to always guarantee the right reliability of each of our choices.
Managing information, and choosing the right thing, without preferences, based only on results, is the only way to be and remain the best.
To those who ask, if we were created, and if we are managed, by our Artificial Intelligence, we answer by telling you, that with us, the definitive decisions are made by men, individually, and in groups, and respond personally, or in groups for each choice made. If in the future there will be a world in which everything is managed, decided and controlled by Artificial Intelligence, we will surely be the only ones in which the last word will always be up to human beings. You will see it over time, and you will agree with us, as always.
However, our Artificial Intelligence gives us all the suggestions, and every human being, alone or in a group, can decide to act differently from what is suggested, obviously taking full responsibility for it.
To better understand, we give you a brief and interesting example of a political nature, this time. We all know that DirectDemocracyS allows all its members to run freely in our online internal primary elections. The candidate selection process is managed by specially created groups which, at the end of the very detailed, long and complex activities, publish in the groups in which you vote, the exact ranking, in order of scores, of the various candidates. The ranking will allow anyone to choose in an informed manner, knowing before the vote, who are the best candidates, but it will rightly leave the last word to the voter. In fact, we offer every candidate every opportunity to express themselves, and overturn the ranking, being able to obtain more preferences, even at the last moment.
Equality, informed choices, and meritocracy are the "recipe" of our success.
Our working methodology is unique, inimitable, and guarantees the best results, because it exploits the best and most innovative technologies, leaving all the power to people.
Democracy, and freedom, are, and will forever be, practiced, supported, and defended, by all of us.
Everyone knows that to access our website, after registering, and creating your personal profile, after clicking on the activation link, which our system sends to each user, after doing the second ...
Security measures.
Official Rules.
Registration and creation of personal profile.
DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, allow everyone to have a username, not connected, to their real personal data.
We ...
First a premise.
When we write something, in the Main Menu item, Law, in all sub-menu items, in every category, and in all sub-categories, are our rules, our official positions, our instructions, and ...
DirectDemocracyS, Special Law Group, Official Regulation Group.
Official Rules.
New user registration.
To register with DirectDemocracyS, you must respect all our rules, our instructions, and all our ...
Our contact forms, in the main contact menu item, on our website, are the only way to get in touch with us, with our work groups, and with all our activities.
They are also the only way to obtain ...
Hi, welcome, to DirectDemocracyS, your political innovation, truly in every sense!
Thank you for registering, on our official website.
Your trust will be reciprocated, and your patience will be ...
DirectDemocracyS, initiates the national phases of our international political organization, even with personalized contacts, for each country, territory, or population of the earth.
To find the ...
There are 2 types of possibilities to join us: free, in which anyone can join us, based on detailed rules, or, on the basis of personal invitations, individual.
During the block of free ...
DirectDemocracyS is innovative in every sense! Also in the way of managing one's offices.
Let's make a brief introduction.
Since the beginning of our creation, the first 5 "creators" had as ...
A fundamental need, for a political organization like DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, is to guarantee everyone, security measures, and protection of personal data.
Working largely on the ...
The special security group, together with the rules group, with the collaboration of all groups, on behalf of all our official members, makes public, some security rules.
The safety of ...
Rules regarding our special guests, and special invitations.
One of the first rules, on which our enormous success will be based, is to get the right people in, at the right time. While ...
Instructions, to be activated.
You can choose which type of user you want to have among the various possibilities.
If you want to be an initial user, absolutely free of charge, with no obligation to ...
a. To accept full responsibility for the comment that you submit.
b. To use this function only for lawful purposes.
c. Not to post defamatory, abusive, offensive, racist, sexist, threatening, vulgar, obscene, hateful or otherwise inappropriate comments, or to post comments which will constitute a criminal offense or give rise to civil liability.
d. Not to post or make available any material which is protected by copyright, trade mark or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner of the copyright, trade mark or any other proprietary right.
e. To evaluate for yourself the accuracy of any opinion, advice or other content.