
    Breadcrumbs is yous position

    The best political force

    dds slogan qr

    DirectDemocracyS, the best political force in the history of humanity. We advise you to learn more, and think freely. Study us.

    Our new slogan, our local phases, like everything we tell you, is sure to infuriate some people.

    If we ask any person what he thinks of politics, we discover some of the greatest flaws in the human psyche.

    The generalization.

    Almost everyone will tell you: they are all the same, they are all thieves, they are all liars, they are all manipulators, they are all stupid, they are all far from the reality of ordinary people. Generalizing, and using clichés, is always a wrong behavior, because there are always exceptions, and not everyone is the same.


    Almost everyone, when they start reading our short presentation on the first page of our official website, thinks: with all the political forces that exist, there was no need for these. As they continue reading, many of them say: it is impossible to create something like this, it is a utopia, the “system” will not allow them to continue, they will become like all the others, only nice words, but no concrete facts. Some of them, instead, will say: there is too much to read, it is too complicated, it will never work, they will be killed before they can start. Very few of them, will think: it could work, they have enormous potential, let's hope they make it. Almost no one, will say: I want to delve deeper, I want to see if on the inside, it is exactly as it seems from the outside. Here: those in the last sentence, which precedes this one, are the people who are useful, who will be accepted first, in our immense family.

    Those who do not have the above defects usually continue to inquire, and almost all join us.

    Making hasty judgments is always a bad thing. Many people, coming back, tell us: I had misjudged you, it is a wonderful project, it will surely work. In fact, almost all those who look into it, say that we have not exaggerated with the slogans.

    But there are those who join us, and they don't like anything, they start criticizing every rule of ours, and every methodology of ours. They have the presumption, of being able to teach us something, not knowing, or not considering, that DirectDemocracyS, was not invented, created, and brought to life, by a single person. And not even, just a small group of people.

    The initial idea was had, a long time ago, by 5 people, who created the foundations for all of this.

    They involved many people, among the best, and promising, of their respective sectors, for every possible topic, and for every question to be solved. 277 people, from almost all the countries of the world, who worked hard, for over 13 years, collaborating as a large, and competent family, in which: everyone proposed, discussed, even argued, but in the end they voted, and always accepted, implementing them, the ideas of others, or of the majority.

    These first 282 official members, have evaluated the motivations, have chosen the objectives, have created the basic rules, and have thought of methodologies, to make the whole mechanism infallible, and to prevent, every possible problem.

    DirectDemocracyS, was not created, like the old politics, to divide people, but to unite them, enriching itself with the experiences, and ideologies, of all kinds, of anyone who joins us.

    United, in diversity, is not a slogan, but a way of working, all together.

    Being conceived, from a banal phrase like: “sure we live in a shitty world”, has forced us, to want to change and improve the world. Everyone talks about change, everyone wants to change the world, but maybe only we, to the word change, always, all the time, join the word improvement.

    Many political forces, often with wrong decisions, have brought about changes, but improvements have not always been seen, and often, these benefits were evident and concrete, only for some social groups, and never for everyone.

    Among the fundamental objectives, therefore, for us, there is the will and the right determination to change and improve the world.

    To do this, we needed fair, just, honest, clear Laws that could not be used by anyone to obtain advantages and facilities that were not deserved. We had to take away any possibility for anyone to be able to be clever.

    Logic, common sense, and mutual respect, of all people.

    Basing every activity on these pillars of infallibility has allowed us to work professionally. So we have added, to the beautiful words above, also education and truth.

    Equality always united in time, with meritocracy


    We decided to start from our political organization, which however without an adequate system, and without financial and economic activities, would never have brought benefits to all. We therefore conceived and created our system, which had to be innovative, and alternative, to all other political forces.

    So far, so many beautiful words, all right, but some conspiracy theorists, who always say no to everything, and see the “rot” everywhere will say: too beautiful, to be true.

    All politics.

    Imagine the people, as a person, who to have a better life, must go to a certain place.

    Until our political organization was born, each person had only 3 possibilities.

    Stay still, and not go anywhere, leaving all the risk, and the responsibilities to others. To be clear, they are all those who do not go to vote, or vote in such a way that their vote is not legal, and therefore annulled. The reasons, can be many, perhaps the main one, is that they do not feel represented by any political force, and by any candidate. Those who do not vote, leave their destiny, and that of future generations, to others to decide. It does not seem like a smart decision to us, but it must be respected anyway.

    The second possibility is to take the usual path, the one that almost everyone takes, beautiful only in appearance, and at first glance easy to travel, with various forks, some of these lead to swamps with quicksand, other forks, instead are toll roads. This is the path of traditional politics, the one that we call old, unjust and failed politics. With all the various paths, and crossroads, with other roads, which are all the ideologies, and political "habits".

    The third “road” leads directly to a ravine, into which one falls, and if one does not die instantly, it is still difficult to climb back up, to change direction. This is the road of anti-politics, or of politics, apparently right, free, and which considers all people equal. It would be beautiful, if only all people were really all equal. Being against the system is never a good idea, because in many years, it has always been able to prevent any attempt, legitimate and correct, to subvert the order of things. Often these groups do nothing but strengthen the system, which in words they say they are fighting, and in reality, they often get corrupted, and implode on themselves. We are not all the same, and the method used has no chance of changing and improving things.

    The fourth possibility is a new road, that no one, or almost no one knows, that unlike all the others, has as its first thing, a huge information board, that informs of the rules that everyone must respect. Obviously we are talking about DirectDemocracyS, that compared to all the other possibilities, informs everyone, in a complete and sincere way, about the rules and methodologies, that must be respected, by anyone who will join us, and begin this long journey, in our "new road".

    Other possible paths are only possible between the traditional, failed and old one and the abyss. Some will try to copy the new path, and they will do so with disastrous consequences.

    At the end of this article, you will be able to say that you know something about politics, and you will be able to choose between all the various possibilities, completely freely, and in an informed way. You will decide whether to stay still and let others decide, whether to follow the existing paths until now, whether to throw yourself into the ravine, or, you will be able to inform yourself completely, and try the new path, just built, our DirectDemocracyS.

    When we inform you, we do not want to brainwash you, we are not interested in manipulating you, on the contrary, it is very important to us that each of you thinks with your own brain, and chooses with your heart. In this article, we will not talk about traffic, but about politics, in a simple way, without beating around the bush, and in a direct way. Many people will feel guilty, for having supported traditional political forces, or anti-system groups, all destined for failure. Even if some of our statements will surprise you, and in some cases will make you angry, you will have to read everything, with the utmost open-mindedness, and as we always say: always consult various sources, and always decide freely, and completely informed.

    For every single word, of every sentence that we write, we should write many articles, to explain to you in detail, the concepts that we try to summarize. To know us better, you must read carefully, in a complete way, everything that we publish, even several times, and from beginning to end, with an open mind, and while you do it, do not always think in the perspective of traditional politics. We are innovative, and alternative to all the others. We write it often, because there are superficial people, who read a couple of articles, and then judge us, in an approximate way, so we want to clarify these concepts immediately, even with the risk of seeming repetitive.

    When we talk about ourselves, even world-famous university professors of political science struggle to understand who we are, what we are, and above all what rules and methodologies we work with. Many people do not understand why we were born, and where we want to go.

    At the beginning, when we had published a few articles, almost everyone defined us: a beautiful utopia, and some told us: they will never let you do it. As time went by, by getting fully informed, everyone thought: actually, this crazy idea could work. Seeing that we are growing in a controlled but continuous way, many began to say: they will do it, even without the authorization of the old politics. We are still waiting for someone, who tells us, motivating his statement: your idea is wrong, and it is not beautiful, right, fair, safe, honest, sincere, and innovative. In the early stages, there were people who tried to find faults, even superficially, or faults like: I don't like the logo, the name is not nice, the rules are too complicated, and the worst of all: you are too strict.

    To those who are part of the old, failed and unjust politics, our way of being, and our way of expressing ourselves, seem strange, unusual, and in some cases too cruel, in blaming everything on the poor people, who had no alternatives.

    Until we created DirectDemocracyS, people had no alternative. Now they have one, which will be the only one, that can truly change and improve the world.

    Too different from others, does not automatically mean better, but if you learn about us, you discover that we are for freedom, democracy, logic, common sense, mutual respect for all people, truth, equality always combined with meritocracy, always guaranteed together, to everyone, forever.

    These basic principles, these values, and these ideals, for us are fundamental rules, which together with our initial methodologies, can never be changed, nor even modified. There can not even be proposals, of modification, which can never be voted on.

    Many people will find the previous sentences inconsistent. Some will tell us: if you do not allow anyone to change anything, are you not free and democratic? You are just bad dictators.

    Indeed, it is exactly like this. We will never change, and for any reason, our fundamental rules, and to change our basic rules, which you will soon discover, we need the unanimity of all the people who are with us, at the time of voting. This method does not mean being bad dictators, but simply protecting our identity. We must never forget, why we were born, how we are, which path we are taking, and where we want to get to.

    We are not against anyone.

    We answer to a statement, that many of our visitors send us very often. Some use very harsh words and phrases, in some cases vulgar.

    Let's start with the most direct one: DirectDemocracyS, is a servant of the United States, and of the "strong powers", of the West.

    We invite everyone to read carefully everything we write, even several times, with an open mind, and we invite them to make an effort to understand everything.

    We consider all people and the peoples of the earth to be free, and we work to ensure freedom for all.

    The freedom of every person, and every group of people, must be potentially unlimited, but it ends exactly where the freedom of another person, or another group of people, begins.

    We also work to implement the one and only, authentic democracy, ours, the direct one. The other "democracies", of all the other political forces, we consider them all with their name: oligarchic partycracies, which after the elections, take away all power from the people, to give it to the various political parties, and to the various political representatives.

    Every person, and every group of people, makes choices, and their decisions must always be respected, even if they often have tragic consequences.

    As we have said in various articles, we are innovative, and alternative, to all other political forces, so we will never, and for any reason, make alliances, coalitions, or even negotiations, to govern together with others. If we have the majority, preferably, but not necessarily, of all those entitled to vote, our political representatives, together with all our voters / users of our website, will govern, and make the Laws, useful to the entire population. If we lose the elections, we will applaud the winners, and we will make an honest, loyal, intelligent, and useful for all opposition, voting in favor of everything that will be considered useful for the good of the entire population, and voting against, every Law that will be considered wrong, and harmful to the people.

    Among the various traditional forms of government, there are the partial, incomplete, and error-filled Western democracies, along with the United States, and then, there are the various dictatorial forms of government of many countries.

    Dictatorships are divided into various categories, such as the oligarchic dictatorship of the regime in Russia, which has allowed people without any merit to own and control all the wealth of the country, while the majority of the population is on the edge of survival. Then, there is the thought, and the single party, in China, which in words makes everyone equal, but in fact, a party member has power, wealth, and a standard of living, much higher, than the normal population. All have at their base, the elimination by any means, of the opposition, and the elimination of anyone who dares not agree with those in power.

    So, to answer the many statements, and some questions, we tell you, that every intelligent person, knows how to choose in the right way, between the West full of errors, "led" by the United States of America, and Russia, China and other countries, governed in an authoritarian and dictatorial way. And even we, who are not stupid, prefer the West and the United States.

    Despite the many errors, even very serious ones, of the West, of NATO, and of the United States, in their respective countries, every person is free to think, say, and write, what he wants, and is also free, to protest, to offend, and criticize the institutions of the State, and all other political forces. Even, citizens, and even part of them, are free to demonstrate, in all ways, their dissent, and to claim their rights, or to make others understand their ideas.

    So, as we always say, only stupid people can prefer, and consider right, dictatorial regimes. Whatever their educational qualifications, and their competence, only the reason to defend indefensible regimes, for us qualifies them as people, who do not know how to choose between partial good, and absolute evil.

    Generally, those who love these regimes hope that with a change, for the worse, of the system, even the stupid, the incapable, the corrupt, and those who are easily manipulated, will have some more chances to obtain power, wealth, and some decisive role in social life.

    We want to remind these people that by changing the political system, they will not automatically become rich and powerful, these regimes usually do not share power with anyone. Furthermore, changing the form of government, whatever it is, does not transform stupid people into intelligent people, incompetent people into competent people, mediocre people into excellent people, in short, whoever governs, including us, cannot work miracles.

    Let's take the example of a card game, it's not that changing the deck of cards, or even simply shuffling them, will make you get better cards. And even changing the game, you are not sure of winning.

    To anyone who defends the indefensible, and often offends, those who support the West, and those who are against any form of dictatorship, we ask a simple question: would they have the courage to do the same things, against authoritarian regimes, and against dictators, but living in their respective countries? Here dear friends, living here, you could do it easily, living there instead... Better not to think about it.

    We are not against anyone. We do politics, only in favor of people, and all people, even the stupid ones.

    DirectDemocracyS, wants to dominate the world, maybe with the help of the United States?

    The fact of considering the West, and the United States, certainly better, freer and more reliable, compared to dictatorships, creates in some people, the theory, absolutely false, and without any concrete proof, that we are controlled and managed, by the old system, or by Western countries, or by the United States. Like all theories, even the most stupid, we accept them, even if they have no scientific basis.

    Those who know us, know very well that in DirectDemocracyS, we are all incorruptible, free, independent, democratic, and can be sure, that none of us, manipulates, lies, cheats, steals, but at the same time, we do not let anyone lie to us, because we discover every lie that is told to us, we do not let anyone command us, and we do not let ourselves be cheated or robbed.

    This informative article of ours, like many others, will surely make someone angry, even if we hope it can provide you with further information, about our political organization.

    As for the previous ones, and for all the following ones, we honestly do not care, if someone gets angry, the important thing is that everyone thinks about it, and tries to understand, what we are trying to explain. As always, you must have an open mind, and think outside the traditional schemes, otherwise it will be impossible for you, to understand everything we publish.

    This aspect, of understanding our contents, for us is first of all a great disadvantage, because only people with the right mentality, and with an above-average intelligence, can understand our rules, our methodologies, our enormous potential, and above all our motivations. This disadvantage forces us to grow slowly, but continuously, forcing us to choose with great attention, every single person, who joins us. The difficulty in understanding us, however, turns into a great advantage, because the quality, the level of education, the intelligence, the competence, the honesty, and the reliability, of the people who want to join us, is truly enormous. In short, to simplify, our system, is not for everyone, especially in the initial phases, in which we have to create the foundations, of our innovation, alternative to all the others.

    All other political forces, old and new, traditional or falsely innovative, seek to obtain power, and legitimacy to decide, in place of their voters. They continuously seek, at all costs, and with various tricks, consensus, to transform into votes in elections, to win them, and make Laws, to Govern, to manage all the institutions, and above all, to control all the wealth.

    We are not interested in immediate consensus, we prefer to obtain every electoral victory, at the right time, in the right way, and with the right people. We often say it, but we must repeat it, to make it clear to everyone. We are the only force in the world, that is not satisfied with being chosen by all the voters, but that in turn, chooses, with great attention every single person, who joins us. This "natural selection" takes place in various phases, until, according to our rules, we also welcome the people, who we rejected, previously, in the initial phases. Many people ask us: do you really believe, that if someone has been for months, or, in many cases for years, on waiting lists, to join you, when they are finally accepted, they will still want to be part of your political organization? Our answers are various. The first is that there are no alternatives, either they join us, according to our rules, and with our methodologies, or, they keep the old, failed politics. The second answer is that anyone can vote for our political representatives, even without joining us, although we advise everyone to join us, to be the true and only protagonists of all our choices. We do not discriminate against anyone, but for the good of all, we must welcome, in each of our phases, the most suitable people, therefore compatible, with our activities.

    In short, we present our method to choose the most suitable people.

    Invitations, and free registrations.

    Invitations allow us to grow faster, but always in an organized, orderly, and safe way, thanks to the guarantees for each person invited, by our users authorized to invite other people. This guarantee is a real assumption of responsibility, on the identity, on the compatibility, and on the reliability, and on the respect by each person who joins us, of all our rules and methodology.

    Free, simple, fast, free registrations are also possible, and without any obligation to be present, and without any obligation to carry out activities with us.

    However, we have added a new security measure, which involves the advance payment of a security deposit, which each person must send us, before requesting to be invited, or before filling out the registration form and creating their personal profile, on our official website.

    The security deposit must be paid, in Euros, using a simple form. It costs 25 Euros for those who are 31 years old or older, and 12.5 Euros for those who are under 31. It is valid for one year, and about a week before the expiration date, or at a later date, you can ask for the entire amount to be returned, with the exception of bank commissions, and a very small amount (a couple of Euros), to be able to hire and pay other staff, to manage these activities, and to increase the staff in charge of activations, of all new users. In this way, we would not have such long waiting lists, but we will still select, with great care, each person who wants to join us.

    Natural, artificial, and system selection.

    DirectDemocracyS was born to unite, not to divide people, but welcomes first, all the good and intelligent people, who understand that we are innovative and alternative.

    We are the first to welcome people who want to change and improve the world, who believe that it can and must be done, by taking action directly, and not waiting passively for others to do it for them.

    At the right time, when all the most important types of users, and all the most responsible positions, are filled by competent, honest, educated, courageous, and trustworthy people, even the bad, ignorant, and incompetent people can calmly join us. In DirectDemocracyS, we do not discriminate against anyone, but everyone can join us, when their turn comes.

    Being very selective, in the initial stages, will allow us to always obtain only the best results.

    Maybe, you will find someone, who will complain that he had to wait, sometimes many days, months, and in some cases years, before being activated, and accepted, into our immense family. And then, you will find someone, who will accuse us of having too many rules, too complicated, and too many security measures.

    How come you don't find on the Internet, or anywhere, people complaining, that they have not been accepted, or that they have been expelled from our political organization? Simple, it would be like having to admit: I am a bad person, ignorant, or, with bad intentions, or often, with all 3 negative characteristics, together.

    The first selection is done automatically, by our computer system without any human intervention, all log files are analyzed, which contain every activity performed by the respective person, in our system. Any contact forms, from the past, and other data are analyzed. The invitation request form and the registration form are analyzed, and based on the content, there is a first evaluation of our computer system.

    The second selection is entirely entrusted to our Artificial Intelligence, which carries out more or less the same checks as our computer system, but more in-depth, and provides an evaluation of the various requests, in which, at the end, it recommends, or does not recommend, welcoming the user into our immense family.

    The third selection is human, and is entrusted to our groups, for the verification of the invitation request forms, and to our groups for the verification of the registration forms, who have the final decision, after having seen the previous evaluations, and having read all the various documentation. To avoid subjective choices, each individual request, of each user, is read, and evaluated, by at least 7 people, and only after the majority vote, we move on to the next phase.

    The fourth selection is entrusted to our 5 special groups, who must all approve, after a vote, the passage to the final selection.

    The fifth and final selection is entirely entrusted to our new user activation group. This group, with its subgroups, will contact each individual user by email, as many times as necessary, to ensure that each of them is suitable to join our organization. Tests, quizzes, video calls, and any type of evidence may be requested, to carefully evaluate the reliability of anyone who wants to join us. After the final vote, of the new user activation group, if the majority has been obtained, one of our administrators will activate the user, who will receive a confirmation email, of his activation.

    Warning: due to the huge number of emails that we receive and send, every single day, some email service providers, put our emails (even if they are all encrypted, safe, clean, and reliable), in the junk mail folder, also called SPAM. Please check, at least once a day, after filling out our forms, if you have received our communications, or replies. Please check, that the termination of the emails you receive from us, all have the termination, which is the only official one, of our entire system, and of our political organization. Also the email that contacts you, must always be, and only with the termination, if you receive emails with other types of senders, they are certainly not from us, and we advise you to delete them immediately. Also check that every link we send you has these URLs, and if you want, you can copy and paste our links, before clicking on them, on Virus Total that will guarantee you that they are clean and safe, at this link: 

    To some, all these selections may seem complicated, and all our security measures may seem excessive. If everything is done in the right way, in many cases, if there are not too many requests, everything is finished in a few hours. Obviously, you must read all our information very carefully, trying to understand our motivations, and respecting every one of our rules, every one of our methodology, and every single instruction, of all our public information articles.

    What should each person be like, to enter our political organization, our new ideal user / voter?

    He must be able to distinguish good from evil, what is right from what is wrong, be intelligent, better if educated, must be honest, reliable, respectful, and incorruptible. He must not join us, just to get money and power, he must put the good of all, above his own.

    He must not be manipulated, but always seek and spread only the truth, he must never, and for no reason, try to convince anyone to join us, but he must suggest to anyone to study in a comprehensive way all our public information, and only if he considers himself suitable, he must begin the steps to join us.

    He must want to commit himself personally, concretely, to do politics, only and exclusively together with us. We do not divide our users / voters, with other political forces.

    The local phases.

    We remind everyone that all the local phases of our activities have begun, which include the creation of our own political organization in each geographical area, based on the administrative and territorial divisions of each country. We will start, as always, with the largest, and end with the smallest, at the neighborhood level of each individual city, and in some cases, at the street block level. Each country has the freedom, and all the right local autonomies, to organize its own phases, based on our rules and methodologies, having only the obligation to communicate its activities in full to our territorial groups, who will communicate them to our international groups, who after analyzing each individual project, will discuss it, modify it, make it compliant, and finally vote on it, sending it back to our continental groups, who in turn will proceed in the same way, and after the final vote, will send the results, and the project defined to implement to the national groups. As always, everything we explain to you is more difficult to explain than to do. However, everything happens in a very simple, fast and safe way.

    The same procedure will be done for each subsequent phase, based on projects, and with all safety measures.

    But why all these rules, so detailed?

    Because our political project is very important, and it represents a huge gear, that must work perfectly, for the good of the entire world population. Those who tell us, that we should simplify it, are used to the old and failed politics, that decides everything alone, with a few leaders, and a few loyal men and women, who approve, every decision of their leaders. We, with a truly shared leadership, and with the ownership of each of our members, on each of our activities, do not allow a single person, to do anything alone, but each of our official members, has the right / duty, to present every idea, every project, to be evaluated, discussed, possibly modified, and voted on, to then implement it, and make it concrete, all together, with various authorization steps, to always be sure to be compliant, with our rules.

    Sale of identification numbers of expelled persons.

     We have decided to offer, by selling them, and in some cases, by putting them up for charity auction, the identification codes, made up of 3, 4 or 5 numbers, of the few hundred people who have been kicked out, or who have registered, without logging in for a long time. These identification numbers are available, representing approximately 0.001% of the people who have joined us, perhaps just out of curiosity, or, in some cases with bad intentions, without causing any kind of problem. Their profiles have been cleaned, from all their activities, and from all their personal data, which have been moved to our blacklist, of unwelcome people. We have published the rules for obtaining these identifiers of a few numbers, easier to remember. We remind you, that they are available, only for very few new users, and that for us, each person, with their own identification number, has the same value, and the same potential. With the money raised, we will set up our own international headquarters, in a country chosen by all our users, which will be added to our current headquarters. And we will invest in the best way, all the sums raised, with these sales, and in some cases, we will be able to organize auctions, to buy the best numbers. Raising money, and financing ourselves, even with the identification numbers, of those who were incompatible, or, of those who freely decided to leave, or of those we expelled, for various reasons, will also allow us in the future, to obtain advantages, and money, even from those who join us, just to be a spectator, or from those who join us, with bad intentions.

    We will continue to publish informative articles, and answer all your questions.

    There are people who accuse us of publishing many things, without a possible cross-examination. In short, they tell us that we only give rules, without any possibility, for the reader, to question what we write. A large part of our articles, including this one, answer many of your questions, on any issue. Much of what we write explains things that we need to clarify, to answer many messages that very curious people send us. We always answer everyone, for now, in many years, there have been no cases in which we have not answered, even to "uncomfortable" questions. Almost always , we have done it, in a public manner, because it seems right to let everyone know, our political organization. Our positions are always very clear, and also for this reason, we make angry, who does not see things 360 degrees, and does not accept to question their own convictions, and their own preferences.

    It is also thanks to your criticisms, and your messages, that we are, and will always remain, the best political force in the history of humanity. Continue to study us, and if you like what we are doing, and how we are doing it, join us, and make DirectDemocracyS known to as many people as possible.

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