Accessibility Tools
Our visitors are all the people who use the public areas of our official website and all the other websites linked to the various activities of our system, all with the termination:, which is our domain name.
It doesn't matter how you found out about us, the important thing is that you are here, we are happy, honored, and grateful.
In our early stages, only a very few, carefully selected people have the fortune, pleasure, and opportunity to know of the existence of our system.
If you are here, it means that someone considers you a good person, with above-average intelligence, honest, competent, loyal, reliable, and incorruptible. These are not adjectives, used randomly, to fill our sentences, each of them, like every word we write, has a meaning, is fundamental, and is not negotiable.
This is not the first informative article, but it is one of many, perhaps the most important, because it is aimed at those who enter our platforms for the first time.
These public articles of ours, which inform our visitors of our existence, of the reasons why we were born, of our goals, of our rules, and of our method for realizing everything we publish, are often considered excessive in length, and in many cases, in some parts, repetitive, but without a complete vision, one cannot understand, why we do things, in a certain way.
Our rules, and our methodologies, are in many cases, unique in their specificity, and applied in this way, for the first, and only time in the world, and cannot be copied, without risking committing real crimes, therefore, not only for ethical reasons (no one forgives those who steal, or use other people's ideas), but also as, respect for the Laws on copyright, and above all because these illegal uses, are always like unfair competition, and theft, and disclosure, of economic and financial secrets. In fact, we have officially registered, our names, our logos, our symbols, but also all our activities, all our characteristics, all our rules, all our methodology, all our instructions, all our motivations. We have done it in the name of the commercial company, which we have created together with all our official members, in this way, whoever copies even a single sentence, of this universe of our activities, will have to answer for it in the appropriate venues, with the related requests for compensation.
We ask you a question. What is the point of stealing even partially something that can be yours legally, simply by being part of it? We answer you, only to use it incorrectly, for your own purposes, trying to take advantage of its enormous power and its infinite potential. But even copying our system, failure is guaranteed, because our mechanism is like that of a clock, and every group of people that is part of it, is a gear, which serves to make it work. People, for us, are all important, but no one is essential, for the correct functioning of our system.
Already in a few initial sentences, we could expand this article, making it very long, and difficult to understand. In a few words, we give, to each of our official members, only 1 share (as in joint stock companies), which is unique, indivisible, non-cumulative, and non-transferable, of our entire system. In practice, everything, belongs to all those who join us, and obtain, the type of user / voter, called official member, and all the higher types of users.
This joint-stock cooperative company creates a huge, fair, loyal, honest, sincere, competent, meritocratic, indivisible, incorruptible, and just, shared leadership, which in our political organization, welcomes within itself, also all our registered users, with verified and guaranteed identity.
Strange words, with unusual definitions, and above all, a truly unique style? DirectDemocracyS, is all this, and much more.
Shared leadership, and above all shared ownership, are 2 fundamental characteristics, to make our system perfect, therefore infallible. The previous sentence, pisses everyone off! From great professors and scholars, to simple people, all repeating the same banal phrases, such as: perfection does not exist, or, the worst of all, you are just vain, and presumptuous.
Ladies and gentlemen, study us carefully, comprehensively, with an open mind, objectively, and you will see, that we are only realists. We are a system, absolutely innovative, and completely alternative, born to unite, all the good people of the world, to change, and improve the lives of all.
So, we were not born to make a few people rich, powerful, and famous, or to defend the interests of a few lobbies, a few groups of people, a few peoples, or to enrich a few countries. DirectDemocracyS, in every decision, internal or external, takes into account the needs, interests, and good of the entire world population, without any kind of preference.
Even to explain these last sentences, entire informative articles would be necessary, and surely, at the right time, you will find them published on our websites.
In addition to what has been written above, we would like to give you some advice and some brief explanations.
Never be superficial, and do not be definitive in hasty judgments, because only by studying us, in a complete way, you will be able to have the basis, to judge our long, and hard collective work, in a normal way, and above all, having all the information, to be able to decide. It is not very complicated, but it takes patience, and time. 2 things, that everyone always lacks, but we will make a reason, if you give up.
Many ask us: why don't you advertise, to let everyone know about your existence? Even to answer this simple question, it would take hours of information, just know that we take our work seriously, and we take all the time necessary, to do it in a way that is useful for everyone. At the right time, we can also decide to advertise ourselves.
This short informative article and the few sentences on the front page of our official website should be enough to decide to join us. Many people tell us that we do not provide enough details. This is our 316th informative article, and we have about 1705 posts on our Blog, in the 56 main languages of the world. But then, very often, the same people tell us that they are too long.
Many people, after arriving on our website, stay a few seconds, and then run away. They are scared by our "enormous" login form, in our reserved areas, which is generally, at the top, under our logo. They believe, wrongly, that to see our information, they have to register, and that they have to log in. Instead, it would be enough to go down a little, to see all our public information, and to use many potential, also available, for all our visitors, completely free, without any commitment, and without the need to join us.
Of course, to understand how our system works, and to realize, that everything is exactly, as we inform you publicly, and that we are truly consistent, you have to join us, and in a short time, you will have to admit, that inside, we are exactly, as you see us from the outside, indeed, almost everyone tells us, that we are even better, and suggests, to make detailed articles, with a lot of information, on certain of our activities.
We could go on for hours, but to conclude, we want to reveal a little secret to you.
If each of you, dear visitors, tried to conceive a completely new system, without copying ours, perhaps trying to make it: fair, just, loyal, sincere, and correct, you would have a great deal of difficulty, and the final results would be disastrous, and you would feel discouraged. Alone, thinking about everything, and finding problems, and solutions, is tiring, and you can't foresee everything. But when the work is in a group, where each person who joins our immense family brings with them, their own ideals, their own theories, their own proposals, their own ideas, without ever distorting the previous work, but integrating their own projects, the result is: getting closer to perfection, and making infallibility a reality. These 2 words, we repeat, make many of our visitors angry, who instead of joining us, and immediately starting to make themselves useful, waste precious time, uselessly, from the outside, looking for our alleged errors. First of all, we have tens of thousands of people inside us, in continuous, but controlled growth, and we have come to not take into consideration, almost any criticism coming from the outside. Again, not out of presumption, but out of priority. For us, what those in our system tell us, is fundamental, and must be taken into great consideration, and resolved immediately, while what comes from the outside we read, respond to, and archive. The reason: "the fox that cannot reach the grapes, says they are sour". Many criticisms, that are made to us, are not constructive, but are superficial, based on a lack of knowledge, of our system. And we, to respond in an equally rude way, call ourselves perfect, and they continue to study us, and like "investigators" with a magnifying glass, they look for a wrong word, a sentence, not entirely clear. They immediately point it out to us, and when we explain our reasons, they make the usual bad impressions, having to admit, our logic, our common sense, and our mutual respect, for all people.
When these activities go on for many years, with a lot of collective hard work, anyone who tries to find fault, only makes a bad impression, for the simple reason that practically every possible problem, in these years, has already been found, discussed, solved, and made definitive, with the vote of all of us.
We are the best, it is the greatest, collective work, of all the history of mankind. And this method, will continue forever, with every person who will join us.
It always happens to us that there are those who believe they can do better. If they do it without copying anything, of our rules, and of our method, we will be happy to analyze all their work (not only partially, as many of them do with us), and if their system is better than ours, we will be happy to recognize it, and we will congratulate them.
Usually, their solutions, which they criticize ours (considered by them too complicated, and initially exclusive) are: everyone in, at any time, for free. All the people are free, and sovereign, and decide on everything, and on everyone. So, exactly like in the old, failed, traditional system, in which the lobbies, rich, powerful, and famous, decide everything, manipulating, deceiving, lying, stealing, brainwashing, blackmailing, and corrupting, half of the population, plus 1. In many countries, thanks to electoral laws made by them, they only need to corrupt, and manipulate, less than half, of less than half, of the population that goes to vote, to have all the power, for many years. Less expenses, and more profit for the lobbies. Doing politics, for the good of all, unfortunately for them, costs a lot of money (trust me, we know it well), and if they use traditional, “free” means to communicate, the data is not safe, security is not guaranteed, and those who join them are not sure that everything will be done correctly. If they improvise, or create their own computer systems, any 12-year-old child can hack their websites, and influence, and steer their decisions, making their system a failure. If they spend money, a lot of money, the problems remain, but they create debts, with those who finance them, and they will never be free, and independent. If they charge, an annual fee, the problems remain for them, but they copy us, and people will always prefer the original, to the dangerous copy, and not sufficiently protected.
Democracy from below, is an old system, with a mask, to make it more beautiful. Dear friends, we are self-financed, we have no debts with anyone, and we invest 33% of all our income, security measures, and we use the best technologies, always updated, but above all, each of our members, can verify, the correctness, and legality, of all our activities.
If we are not perfect, we are the closest thing to perfect, and that alone should be enough to convince you to join us.
So , get started right away, study our system, if you trust us, and you like it, join us, and introduce it to suitable, compatible, and open-minded people.
After an emergency meeting of our national political organizations, DirectDemocracyS Ukraine, DirectDemocracyS Russia, DirectDemocracyS USA, and DirectDemocracyS UK, we have jointly prepared this short statement.
To better understand what we are referring to, we recommend you read this informative article, which talks about dominant peoples, and subjugated peoples, published on February 23, 2025, you can find it at this link:
What happened on February 28, 2025, in the Oval Office of the White House, confirms what we predicted. President Trump wants to end the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, by all means, and instead of helping those who are invaded, he gives courage to those who invade, probably to justify similar actions, to be carried out in the future, from the United States, around the world, and it would not be the first, nor the last time, in which they export, according to their interests, their "democracy", or, as it actually is, their oligarchic partycracy, in which the voters, after the elections, no longer count for anything.
We invite everyone to study the Budapest Memorandum, 1991, and all its content, we have already talked about it, but many people, even "experts" and professors, who are "fed" by the old system, pretend that it never existed. Reading it, you will understand that there is a right part, and a wrong part.
That Russia's policy is unreliable and criminal is nothing new, if the promises they make and their representatives at the highest levels are considered worthless.
The United States demonstrates that for them too, international agreements mean nothing, and that if they respect their promises, they do so only to obtain rare earths and economic advantages, and not for consistency, with promises made verbally, and with agreements signed by their President Bill Clinton.
The only ones who, for now, respect that Budapest Memorandum are Ukraine, invaded for over 3 years, and bombed practically every day, and the United Kingdom, which more or less tries to be consistent.
For us at DirectDemocracyS, it is the people who are important, and not just individual countries, and the behavior of Western leaders, and former President Joe Biden, is to be condemned, as are those who remained immobile, in 2014, during the annexation by force, of Crimea, by Russia. No one, took harsh, immediate and direct diplomatic measures, against an invasion, which violated the agreements signed by various countries.
The old, failed, traditional politics has demonstrated to the whole world, for the umpteenth time, that it does not respect agreements, and the promises it makes, not only to its voters, but also to each other, do not respect their own oaths.
If Ukraine, before the invasions, had its faults, for us, and for anyone who joins us, anyone who invades a country, and even commits a single violent act, is a criminal against humanity.
It does not matter if it is done: with a terrorist act, with a war, an invasion, coups d'état, or, with sanctions, which starve, or deprive the population of medicines and adequate medical care, to artificially induce revolutions, against certain Governments.
For us, all agreements must always be respected, and remaining still means taking the side of the bully, and not the one who is bullied.
President Trump, for us, was wrong to ask for the money back, through rare earths, and other riches, from Ukraine, to continue to respect the commitment made in 1991, to guarantee the respect of the Budapest Memorandum, by all the signatory countries. They did not do it in 2014, and in 2022, and now, they have finally made the world understand, that if you want honesty, and respect for promises, you have to pay, to reimburse , the aid received.
The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelens'kyj, made a mistake in creating a Law, to make illegal, any negotiation, with the President of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The diplomatic way, must always be favored, and hoped for.
President Putin, who initiated this whole shameful, bloody, and vile invasion, should first of all stop attacking a country that his predecessors swore to defend, guaranteeing its freedom, sovereignty, and territorial integrity. Then, he should not be surprised if almost all the peoples around Russia or in its vicinity ask to join military treaties that can help them defend themselves in case of aggression.
You may have noticed that all parties have made very serious mistakes, and none of them are trustworthy.
We need a new world politics, in which all peoples have the same rights and duties, and in which every person, or group of people, and every country, have the same dignity.
If a system, like the old one, does not work, we need DirectDemocracyS, which is innovative, and alternative, but above all coherent, credible, competent, honest, loyal, fair, and which will guarantee a different, and better, future for every people on earth.
On February 26, 2025, the former candidate for the Presidency of Romania, the pro-Russian nationalist Calin Georgescu, was arrested and taken to the prosecutor's office for investigations into who and how helped and financed him in his political activities. Obviously, many of our fellow citizens are shocked that their "hero" is under investigation. It has not taken long to take positions accusing him and others defending him, but both sides do so with only theories and very few actually knowing the facts and having all the documentation available, demonstrating how much superficiality and how much fake news circulates on the Internet, all to manipulate, brainwash, deceive, divide, incite hatred, envy, social revolt, too many poor citizens, who do not have the means and the ability to defend themselves from all the lies, on both sides, and end up in a spiral of doubts, theories, conspiracies and mutual hatred.
Even Mr. Elon Musk, has made it known to the whole world, that it is not right to investigate, who came first, in the elections, and who had the support of many citizens. As if having the support of the people, having fame, popularity, wealth, power, and many lobotomized citizens, who in the name of false, dangerous, and failed nationalism, and in the name of the church, vote and support someone, made these people, automatically honest, sincere, loyal, competent, and meritocratic. As it is unfair, to condemn, someone who is simply investigated, considering him guilty, before a definitive and irrevocable judgment, it is equally unfair, to consider him innocent, without proof, and try to convince weak people, of his innocence, making him a "martyr".
In some cases, fortunately rare, Justice is wrong, and innocent people are condemned, but in many more cases, people who are truly guilty are judged definitively innocent. We have spoken about it several times, and we have ready fair rules, to make the Law, truly equal for all.
Let us remind Mr. Elon Musk of a saying that is very wise: “do no evil and have no fear”. Furthermore, let us remember that exaggerated and extreme nationalism brings some votes, but in politics, going too far to the right, one ends up finding oneself on the extreme left.
Using democracy from below, deluding people into thinking they have all the power and are sovereign, is very useful for a few, rich, powerful and famous people, to make the majority of people, who have no means to defend themselves, pursue their own interests from those who exploit them and continue, in a despicable way, to make fun of them.
DirectDemocracyS is the only system in which every person is protected, defended, and thinks with his own brain, and not with that of rich, powerful and famous people, who have obscure interests, and who believe they can dominate the world, alone, using as their best weapon, the stupidity of many, too many people.
Romania, must belong to the Romanians, good, free, and intelligent, and not to the Russians, not to the European Union, not to the United States, and above all not to Elon Musk. Being the richest man in the world, does not make a person, even intelligent, but only very smart, and with some good ideas, which made him earn a lot of money. First of all, he, and all his companies pay taxes, exactly, in the countries where they earn every cent, and in the same percentage, as small and medium-sized businesses in their respective countries, and then, for us, he will have every right to say what he wants, even if we advise him against trying to teach fish to swim, and birds to fly.
On February 26, 2025, the former candidate for the Presidency of Romania, the pro-Russian nationalist Calin Georgescu, was arrested and taken to the prosecutor's office for investigations into who and how helped and financed him in his political activities. Obviously, many of our fellow citizens are shocked that their "hero" is under investigation. It has not taken long to take positions accusing him and others defending him, but both sides do so with only theories and very few actually knowing the facts and having all the documentation available, demonstrating how much superficiality and how much fake news circulates on the Internet, all to manipulate, brainwash, deceive, divide, incite hatred, envy, social revolt, too many poor citizens, who do not have the means and the ability to defend themselves from all the lies, on both sides, and end up in a spiral of doubts, theories, conspiracies and mutual hatred.
Even Mr. Elon Musk, has made it known to the whole world, that it is not right to investigate, who came first, in the elections, and who had the support of many citizens. As if having the support of the people, having fame, popularity, wealth, power, and many lobotomized citizens, who in the name of false, dangerous, and failed nationalism, and in the name of the church, vote and support someone, made these people, automatically honest, sincere, loyal, competent, and meritocratic. As it is unfair, to condemn, someone who is simply investigated, considering him guilty, before a definitive and irrevocable judgment, it is equally unfair, to consider him innocent, without proof, and try to convince weak people, of his innocence, making him a "martyr".
In some cases, fortunately rare, Justice is wrong, and innocent people are condemned, but in many more cases, people who are truly guilty are judged definitively innocent. We have spoken about it several times, and we have ready fair rules, to make the Law, truly equal for all.
Let us remind Mr. Elon Musk of a saying that is very wise: “do no evil and have no fear”. Furthermore, let us remember that exaggerated and extreme nationalism brings some votes, but in politics, going too far to the right, one ends up finding oneself on the extreme left.
Using democracy from below, deluding people into thinking they have all the power and are sovereign, is very useful for a few, rich, powerful and famous people, to make the majority of people, who have no means to defend themselves, pursue their own interests from those who exploit them and continue, in a despicable way, to make fun of them.
DirectDemocracyS is the only system in which every person is protected, defended, and thinks with his own brain, and not with that of rich, powerful and famous people, who have obscure interests, and who believe they can dominate the world, alone, using as their best weapon, the stupidity of many, too many people.
Romania, must belong to the Romanians, good, free, and intelligent, and not to the Russians, not to the European Union, not to the United States, and above all not to Elon Musk. Being the richest man in the world, does not make a person, even intelligent, but only very smart, and with some good ideas, which made him earn a lot of money. First of all, he, and all his companies pay taxes, exactly, in the countries where they earn every cent, and in the same percentage, as small and medium-sized businesses in their respective countries, and then, for us, he will have every right to say what he wants, even if we advise him against trying to teach fish to swim, and birds to fly.
Many people ask us, how are our waiting lists managed, and who decides who can, and who can not join us. We are often criticized, because we do not allow anyone, to join us, whenever they want, and completely free of charge. They say that we, do not practice, equality, and that we discriminate, people.
Before explaining how all our waiting lists work, we are forced to ask you a simple question: who would you like to have the foundations of your house built by? If your answer is: by anyone, for free, you will certainly be among the last to be able to enter our system. The foundations of a house must be made by experts, based on very precise plans and calculations, and by investing a significant amount of money, in order to then build a house based on our needs. Therefore, in our system, not just anyone enters, and for free, but each person enters at the right time, and by paying a small, but essential and mandatory, annual fee.
We always practice equality, but always united, and continuous over time, with meritocracy. If letting in the most suitable people, the most useful for our activities, and the most compatible, with our system, in the delicate initial phases, which are fundamental, for the good of all, means discriminating, and not treating everyone equally, we assume full responsibility, and we will continue to select, with great care, every single person who joins us, and we will make everyone pay the small annual fees, while helping with many advantages, and facilities, people with financial difficulties.
We often say that if we compare our system, and our political organization, to the life of a human being, we are approximately: "to the cigarette that is smoked, after making love, to procreate our creature". Be careful, smoking seriously damages your health and that of those around you, so ours is just an example. But we will talk about vices, and how useful they are, for the old failed system, in a dedicated article.
The waiting lists, with the start of our local phases, have grown longer, especially because free registrations, free of charge, and without any invitation, are no longer possible. We voted almost unanimously (over 95% of votes in favor) to allow the registration of new users, only and exclusively, on the basis of an invitation, from those who are already part of our system. When we write this article, only 97656 people are authorized to make invitations. And even these invitations are not unlimited, but our authorized users can only make 1 invitation in each time phase. The good thing is that with invitations, everything happens very quickly, because those who invite must guarantee the identity, reliability, compatibility, and usefulness of each person they invite, and therefore, while maintaining the same level of security, we are much faster in registering, creating personal profiles, and activating all the people invited. The invitation, with assumption of all responsibility, helps us to prevent any possible problem.
The annoying robots, called bots, in traditional social networks, and in websites external to our system, are not only annoying, and repetitive, but they negatively influence the minds, and decisions, of human beings. They create the illusion, that many people, think the same way, often against all logic, common sense, and mutual respect of people. They create a "reality", modified, based on hidden interests, and not even difficult to understand, and discover. Unfortunately, even political representatives, and entire political forces, believe that truly, a large part of the people, is on one side, often the wrong one, and publicly say they are on the side of all these bots, or robots, that have nothing human. But they are only thousands, often millions of fake profiles, or, very often, front men are used, who help, for little money, to mystify, and modify reality.
We have made our entire system impenetrable, not only by bad people and front men, but also by these annoying robots. We have done this through mandatory invitations, with related assumptions of responsibility, and with the guarantee deposits, which are mandatory, for anyone who joins us, and subsequently, after a year, in a mandatory way, with the payment of annual fees.
One of the most important things about our system is that while we guarantee anonymity, protection of personal data, and all the privacy settings, to each person who joins us, we are sure that whoever has the blue tick, next to their name, in our social area, is a real person, whose personal data we have. In this way, when we punish, block, or eliminate someone, that person cannot re-enter our system, and also permanently loses their security deposit, which in the event of expulsion is not returned, or the annual fee, which is never refunded, in the event of expulsion.
Some people will tell us that with front men, and with real people, organized to boycott us, or, to try to slow us down, or worse, to try to stop us, powerful lobbies, or, rich, powerful, and famous people, could take control, of our system, or, of our political organization.
We invest 33.33% of all our money, in technology, and security measures, and we have rules, and methodologies, to make impossible, by preventing them, all the activities that are unethical, execrable, and that are against our rules. We do not explain them here, but if you are part of our special security groups, you can know some of these our protection measures, of our system.
Waiting lists are of various types, such as: to receive an invitation, to join us, to be activated, but also to receive responses to a contact form, or to be admitted as members, in certain groups, and for certain activities.
The waiting lists, to receive an invitation, are the first ones that all our users are confronted with. If a person who is already our user, authorized to make invitations, invites another person, whose identity he knows, and for whom he directly guarantees, and assumes all responsibility, between the invitation, the documentation, the payment of the security deposit, or, depending on the case, the payment of the annual fee, the registration of the personal profile, the time necessary, is about 10-15 minutes. The activation, of the new user, can therefore be practically immediate.
The problem is that the growth of the number of users is orderly, organized, and very slow, to allow us to welcome each person, in the best way, and to be able to insert each person, in the most suitable groups, and to create any potential needed, to carry out each activity, in the best way. But we will talk at the right time, about all the activities, that can be done, in our system, and in our political organization. So, our 97656 users, who at this moment can make invitations, can do it, only one at a time, in various phases, and usually, a maximum of 5 invitations in the local phases.
According to our rules, new users, with higher user types, will be placed in geographic groups, at local level, according to detailed rules, and from those groups, based on their skills, user type, and accumulated points (which we will discuss in detailed articles), they will be able to access special groups, or specialist groups, and numerical groups.
Of over 8 billion people, our potential users, our currently available places, to define the local phases, will be only those, based on our graph, which we have presented, in other informative articles. An uncontrolled and too fast growth could put our servers under stress, and put the entire system in difficulty. However, we have taken all the security measures, to prevent, and to resolve quickly, and optimally, any possible temporary block.
The question that many people ask us is: what happens if I want to join DirectDemocracyS, without knowing anyone in it? You have to hope that our users / voters do not have anyone they trust to invite in the next stages, and want to lose a lot of points, declaring that they do not know anyone reliable, useful, and compatible, to invite, and that they want to be connected, with one of the people on the waiting list, among those who do not know anyone, in our political organization. These waiting lists, are very slow, it can take many months, or, depending on the case, even more than a year, to be invited in this way. To request an invitation, you must carefully read this informative article, at this link:
According to our rules, you must have all the necessary things ready, to be able to fill out the form to request an official invitation, exactly as specified, in the information article.
Then, when everything is ready, you will fill out a request form for an invitation, at this link:
You must write your real personal data, filling in, honestly, and without the use of technologies, of Artificial Intelligence, all the required fields, which contain an asterisk. After sending the form, you will have to wait, even a few dozen seconds, for our system to verify, that you have filled in the necessary data, and to transcribe them into our databases. If everything goes well, you will receive a confirmation, on the same page, which tells you that everything has been done, in the right way.
After our computer system, our Artificial Intelligence, will check the authenticity of the form data, and find out if they are from a person, or a robot, and if Artificial Intelligence technologies, which are strictly prohibited, have been used to fill out our forms, both internal, and for those who want to join us.
If everything is done properly, the form, arrives to our group of management of the forms to request an invitation, which after having analyzed it, will send encrypted parts to not recognize the identity of the applicant, to our special groups, and to our groups of specialists, who will express an opinion, and a vote, decisive, for the order of our waiting lists. In addition to being honest, you will have to explain to us, why we should favor you, to enter as soon as possible, in our political organization, and in our system.
After the waiting lists have been formed, you will be contacted directly by one of our users, authorized to make invitations, who after meeting you online, will verify your identity with a video call, together with our security team, and then will send you 2 files, the first is an official invitation, with a .pdf file digitally signed, by our user, and a second file, from our special security team, which certifies that you have the verified and guaranteed identity.
With these 2 files, which you will upload in the registration form, along with the requested data, the activation of your personal profile is very fast, often immediate.
During the tests, to do all these activities, it took about 20 minutes, from the moment of the invitation request, until the user could access our official website, by entering in the access form, his/her username, and his/her password, chosen by the user himself/herself, in the registration form.
Obviously, in the tests, there was no waiting list, which is essential, to allow access to our system, first, to the most suitable, most reliable, and most useful people, for us, and for everyone.
Do not judge us negatively, but thank us, because we guarantee everyone, an orderly, organized, safe, reliable system, even if a little slow, in welcoming every person, in our "big and comfortable home", who wants to be part of our immense family.
These waiting lists will be faster and faster as time goes by, although we are sure that despite the speed, the requests will always be higher than the available places, in each of our time phases.
We conclude by telling you that we will be able to officially say that we have been born only when every person on earth knows of the existence of an alternative, innovative, credible, useful, and better, compared to the old, and failed, traditional system.
We thank you for your patience, for your collaboration, for your availability, and for your trust, which we swear will be reciprocated, and will never be betrayed.
Among the greatest criticisms that are made to us, by people, even quite intelligent ones, and even by Artificial Intelligences, are those that concern our positions on grassroots democracy, our slow but inexorable transition from representative democracy, designed by us and modified, with continuous control by our voters on their political representatives, before, during and for the first time in the world, even after the elections, towards pure but protected and incorruptible complete direct democracy. We are also criticized for our slowness in participating in real elections, therefore, for having little courage in facing the judgments of people outside of us, and for the fact that we only do theory, without putting anything into practice, according to their opinion. Finally, perhaps the worst criticism is that the functioning of our entire system, both political, economic, financial and social, cannot be demonstrated.
Democracy from below, whether representative or even direct, for example, as in Switzerland (where citizens rarely and almost never vote on fundamental issues), is fragile, incomplete, insecure, manipulable, and easily exploited by lobbies to control, in an execrable way, almost all of old politics, with almost all of their respective political representatives. Rich, famous and powerful people, with their commercial companies, with Artificial Intelligences, with bots, and with various technologies, can easily direct, in their favor, the preferences of voters, and maintain, practically forever, this control, which cannot be removed, individually, or, in small groups, of so-called anti-system. They do it a bit, like with the old, failed, and submissive, traditional politics. They delude voters, that they have full control, over who will decide for them, who will govern them, who will make the rules, who will verify that they are applied, and even, who will judge them. They believe they are the sovereign people, while they are the people who count for nothing. They delude themselves that we have various possibilities of choice, while the "actors" of this disgusting and unjust "show" all do their part, always directed and conditioned by their director, that is, the various lobbies. Even though they change from right to left, passing through the center, and then from left to right, "the order of factors does not change". Slightly different programs, which in practice, do almost the same things, even "voting for others", the living conditions of the citizens, of the lower middle class, do not change much, and rarely improve, significantly.
The solution is to create our own system, with our own political organization, that makes anyone who joins us, the owner, together with all our official members, and the leader, in our shared leadership, with all our registered users, with verified and guaranteed identity. Our method protects people from external factors, and is the only one that really makes everyone think, with their respective brains, thanks to very strict, effective rules, and respected by anyone who joins us. Make people, masters of their destinies, and give them, the fundamental things, to obtain the best results. First of all, an innovative and alternative mentality, in which each person, is completely free, and lives our authentic democracy, in a brand new system, that offers them, in addition to personal protection, the tools, and the necessary potential, unassailable from the outside. A voting system, that prevents, any harmful influence, and that is truly based, on the will of all, and for the good of all. A vote, verified by whoever casts it.
We are accused of not letting everyone in, free of charge, and immediately, into our system, but we do it, because only by growing, slowly, gradually, but continuously, by inserting the right people, in the right place, and teaching people to be free, in a real way, and democratic, in the true sense of the word, can we work in the best way. To achieve this goal, we need first of all, people who understand, our enormous potential, our great responsibilities, who are compatible, with our innovation, reliable, competent, and incorruptible. By letting everyone in, without this important selection, front men and bad people would enter, with the intent, to boycott us, slow us down, stop us, or worse, destroy us. We will continue to choose, with great attention, and with the necessary malice, every single person, that we will welcome, into our immense family, into our great house.
Moving to direct democracy, with all its defects, its fragilities, and its utopias, would be simple, but it would be from one evil to another, without any useful result, for the world population. The system, instead of controlling, directly, in turn, all the political forces, winners in the elections, with their political representatives, would be content, to manipulate, and brainwash , the majority of the world population, obtaining, the same results, that they obtain, from representative democracy.
Our solution is to create an impenetrable and incorruptible system, where people use their brains, and not those of those who represent them, and not those of lobbies. United in diversity, deciding everything together, being the true owners all together, of our entire system. But to make people protagonists, we need, and we have ready, an infallible project, in which at the base, there are: security (we invest a third of our money in security measures), freedoms, financial independence, neutrality, and mutual respect of all people, combined with self-respect.
The slowness of our system is due to the fact that we cannot afford to make mistakes, having to create something that has never existed before, and with the awareness of being the only hope for all the good people in the world, who are the absolute majority.
The fact that we have not participated, momentarily, in the real elections, is certainly not due to fear, and above all, we do not fear confrontation, with the old political forces, we talk to everyone, we collaborate with everyone, but we will never make alliances, coalitions, negotiations, and electoral agreements, with anyone, and for no reason.
We have no fear of the judgment of people outside our system, while inside our system, the comparison between ideas, and never between people, or groups of people, is very hard, with proposals, discussions, debates, and even arguments, as it should be in a truly free system, based on unity, in diversity. At the beginning, they called us anti-politics, we have always said, that we are the only true politics, only that we do it in a completely different way, and certainly better, than all the others. Many of our informative articles, are based on criticisms, even very harsh, and often unfair, of our system, to which we respond, with the only thing that really matters: the truth. We go beyond, to our interests, talking about practically everything, with everyone.
The fact that we only do theory, and nothing practical, is false. Without a theory that is right, fair, sincere, loyal, meritocratic, innovative, alternative, and a perfect project, practice cannot be achieved, with excellent results. To check that our project works exactly as it appears from the outside, the only method is to join us, according to our rules. From the inside, by joining us, each person will realize, our enormous potential, of all our activities, and the coherence, of everything we do.
The fact that we consider our system and our political organization perfect is just realism, because they were designed, conceived, and created, with the hard, long, and continuous work of anyone who has joined us, and anyone who will join us in the future. We were born, to be perfect, and not to favor lobbies, and a few people. If we have not yet participated, directly, in the various elections, it is precisely because we want to do so, with an unbeatable project, easily understandable, known by all, and with the most suitable people.
Speaking of the future, we make you some predictions, and we ask you to be very careful, and not to fall into the traps that you will have, we will help you, in all possible ways.
The application, of “direct democracy”. They will give it a simple name, that makes you think of grassroots democracy. Almost everyone will like it! Maybe, they will give you contests and prizes. You will pay them over time, with interest, but that is another story. It will be created, and managed, by rich, powerful, and famous people, or lobbies directly, or, with various front men, they will create an application, of supposed “direct democracy”, perhaps free, full of advertising, created, to make you “free and protagonists”. They will use algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, and all technological means, to manipulate you, to make you a real brainwashing, and determine your choices, based on their interests. You will become irremediably enslaved, as you have been for some time with traditional social networks. You will not notice, while they will use you, like a puppeteer, who maneuvers his own puppet. A large part of the population will join them, after all it will be free, and it will deceive you to really decide, live, on the various choices, of the various institutions. They will try to eliminate, the traditional political structures, and for the anti-system people, it will be a great party, because generally, for them, change is enough, and improvement is not necessary.
They will create the political force of Artificial Intelligence, with algorithms that allow the usual lobbies and the rich, powerful and famous people, or with front men, to make these technologies do their business, as they already do. They will delude you that there will be no preferences, inequalities and problems, because the technologies are “free”, “impartial” and “incorruptible”, but they will only do the business of their real and hidden owners. They will be able to create lotteries, with random draws of some political representatives, among ordinary citizens, creating the illusion for each of you that you can have, for certain periods, wealth and power, and in part it will be true, the technology, controlled by them, will give you some money, some gift, some service, which will then be taken away from you, for example, with judicial investigations and other crafty methods. They will convince you that their technology loves you more than traditional political forces.
They will also create a clone of DirectDemocracyS, obviously, subjected to the old system, which will be very beautiful, aesthetically, but rotten, inside. It will deceive you, to have something simple, fast, free, and truly for everyone, without security measures, and without controls, because it will use, a project similar to ours, but to manipulate you, deceiving you that you are masters, but you will be slaves, as you have always been. Like the previous projects, it will tell you that you are free, and that you live in "democracy", but you will see with your own eyes, with the passing of time, that they will never do anything, that could damage the interests of a few, to favor the good of all.
They will shower you with money, gifts, services, and favors, always provisionally, and always at random, they will give you bonuses, and prizes, paid with everyone's money, therefore also with yours. They will continue to be well off, and you will continue to count for nothing, giving legitimacy, with your choices, to their manipulations, in their interests.
They will make the old, subservient, and failing, traditional politics, almost entirely controlled by them, practically useless, and the old political forces will implode. They will self-destruct, and within a few generations, they will disappear completely. The entire history of politics, of the human race, will disappear, to make room for the 3 previous technologies.
And us?
DirectDemocracyS, will continue its work, to change, and improve the world, for the good of all, even suffering various attacks, of all kinds, from the old system, which will try, failing, to insert within us, front men, with the task of discrediting us, boycotting us, slowing us down, stopping us, and destroying us. But the very fact that we are ready, knowing what awaits us, shows that we have foreseen everything, and done, for a long time now, all the necessary simulations, to make vain, every attempt, to negatively influence, our activities.
Does this world that is being created for you seem exaggerated to you? As always, we are just realists, and we would like to be wrong, even if it would be the first time. Obviously, everything will be done, a bit like how we work, slowly, and with great attention. But while our slowness, and our care, of every detail, is for the good of all, their slowness, only serves, so that you do not notice, how they will continue to keep you slaves, and accomplices, of their old system, which is traditional, and failed.
Don't you believe it? They will give you many variations of grassroots democracy, but always, according to their interests, and without giving you any possibility, to change events. They will allow you to vent your social hatred, your envy, and your frustrations. They will exploit, as they have always done, your weaknesses , and they will do it, with technology, and with your complicity. Without our system, grassroots democracy, is functional, to the needs of the usual lobbies. We advise you, to be careful, and to choose with great courage, immediately, the only concrete, and real, solution to the serious problem, of complete freedom, and authentic democracy, that only we, can guarantee you. Good luck, we really need it.