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    World public page. This is the public page, with information, for all new users. You can follow her, but you can't co...
    World public page.
    This is the public page, with information, for all new users.
    You can follow her, but you can't comment on the posts, because she is public. However, you can comment on the posts directly in your groups, in the discussion area of each group.
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    •   Events reacted to this post about 9 months ago
      Welcome to DirectDemocracyS.
      This is our social area, partially visible, also to our visitors.
      Dear new users (login users, partially verified users, and registered users), it is strictly forbidden to write public posts in this area, make friend...
      Welcome to DirectDemocracyS.
      This is our social area, partially visible, also to our visitors.
      Dear new users (login users, partially verified users, and registered users), it is strictly forbidden to write public posts in this area, make friend requests, or contact users, or like posts, or activities, of others people, it is forbidden to like or request access to groups and pages to which you have not been officially invited.
      We use this wall, for important communications, so only authorized people can write.
      Before doing anything, always ask our authorization group at this link:
      always ask, if you can, or cannot do anything.
      Over time, you will see that you will have many activities that you can do, but only in the right time, place, and way.
      If you always respect all our rules precisely, you can't go wrong!
      Good work, and have fun everyone.
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    • שפה עברית דמוקרטיה ישירה liked this page
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    • DirectDemocracyS, officially sends a statement to all our friends on Facebook.
      Our presence, and our work, on Facebook, and on all social networks connected to Meta, are made difficult, due to algorithms, and community rules, which prevent us...
      DirectDemocracyS, officially sends a statement to all our friends on Facebook.
      Our presence, and our work, on Facebook, and on all social networks connected to Meta, are made difficult, due to algorithms, and community rules, which prevent us from expressing ourselves freely.
      This discriminatory method, with which we are treated, and all the attempts to boycott us, slow us down, and make our activities invisible, have been used for many years, in which, from time to time, we asked you to have a different and more respectful conduct towards us. Our legal department, will evaluate whether there are grounds, to take legal action, at a civil and criminal level, in all appropriate venues.
      Based on the vote of our users, from now on, we will limit our activities on your social networks, to a few links, which will force interested users, to visit our website, to read the contents, knowing full well, that Facebook's next move, will be to make our websites unusable, from this platform. Dear friends, in these cases, you can still use, many browsers, and our application, to see our websites, and join us.
      We do not like to behave childishly, and always complain, so we do not abandon you. You of Facebook, and Meta, limit or prevent our work, and we, will waste less time, on your social networks. We guarantee you, that our time, is precious.
      We are in your home, and therefore we will respect, as we have always done, all your rules, and your decisions, even if we do not agree with them, and we consider them dictatorial, and discriminatory, towards us, and in general, for freedom of expression. If we have to say only what you like, you have done wrong with us.
      We answer, in every place, for every single word, of every single sentence, in every language of the world, that we have published officially.
      We have never written lies, and every statement of ours, represents the truth, not our truth, but a truth that can be demonstrated, scientifically, in a concrete way.
      We have never offended anyone, but we have judged certain behaviors, of certain people, without ever generalizing.
      We have always analyzed the facts, judging their contents, and the consequences, always presenting our alternative and innovative proposals.
      We have never published too many things, and in a repetitive manner, with the exception of the few posts that we publish, in our groups, and official pages, of which only 0.02%, of those who follow us, receive publication notifications.
      Yes dear friends, of our over 24,000 followers, from all the countries of the world, only a few dozen, receive our information, and generally, they are then those who publish it.
      You have literally deleted 3 of our 5 personal profiles, authorized to officially represent us, on your social network, strangely an international one, the Asian one, and the African one, with thousands of people who followed them, making it impossible for us, to manage our pages and groups, from Kenya, Cambodia, and some others, which we are forced to recreate, wasting time, some users, and contacts. Are you perhaps afraid of the European Court of Justice? If you don’t have it, and you are brave, also delete Europa DirectDemocracyS. We can assure you that we will use every single Euro of compensation to develop and secure our platforms, which were created, also to prevent your unfair behavior. You have requested the identity documents of our anonymous users, from Asia and Africa, putting their lives as dissidents, in their respective countries, in serious danger, and above all the lives of their families. We do not trust your security systems, therefore, you will never receive their identity documents.
      We could write at length, to make you understand how much harm you have done to us, and how much disrespect you have had towards us, but we will do it, eventually, in detail, in the appropriate Judicial offices.
      We thank all those who follow us, even with many difficulties, on social networks, and we invite them to follow us, on our website, free, independent, neutral, incorruptible, and truly democratic.
      With infinite respect, and much esteem.
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