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    For our members
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    All our official members, up to date with the payment of the annual fee, and officially nominated by our nominations group, have many advantages, facilities, many potentials, and infinite opportunities.
    Those who have registered on our official website have self-activated their personal profile, and have been activated by our group, among the activations of new users, have completed all the mandatory activities, to be done upon first access, via the login form, if he deserves it, and proves it, can quickly become, based on our rules, methodologies, and instructions, our registered user, with a verified and guaranteed identity. In a short time, you can request to become our official member. Immediately after being named an official member, you will have many services, some automatically, and others that can be activated only based on a simple request. We will talk about it in a long-dedicated article.
    One registration, one activation, and many websites to work on, logging in with the same username and password.
    is our official website, where you register.
    To access some of our websites, in certain cases, for security reasons, you need a string that makes up our URL, to be added at the end of the site name, which often changes (obviously, notifying those who are part of it each time, via an email message or an SMS). Our other websites are visible to everyone simply by clicking on our links, or by copying them and inserting them into any browser.
    Let's see what other websites we have available with just one registration.
    is our website dedicated to politics, where our international, continental, linguistic, and partially also national and local activities take place.
    it is our website dedicated to contracts, legalizations, our digital signatures, and various very important activities.
    is the official website of DirectDemocracyS, for job offers, only our official members can apply to work with us, with an employment contract, full-time or part-time.
    is the official website of DirectDemocracyS, for our cloud, to synchronize files, and for our email inboxes, for those who have a personalized email address, such as username
    is the official website of DirectDemocracyS, for our email inboxes, for those who have a personalized email address, such as username
    it is our website, where all our economic and financial activities are proposed, decided and planned.
    is our website, dedicated to all our commercial activities, online stores, manufacturing, distribution, and other activities of all types.
    is our website, dedicated to information, the dissemination of news, multimedia, and education. The only website, which will research, and make public, only the whole truth. With informed and educated people, in a free, independent, honest and loyal way, we will have with us only the most suitable people to obtain the best results.
    it is our dedicated website, dedicated to our radios, our radio programs, and all our projects, connected to audio broadcasts, music, concerts, events, and of course, culture, teaching, information, and many other activities. All with very little advertising, non-invasive.
    is our dedicated website, dedicated to our TV, our TV programs, video projects, multimedia, film creation, TV series, science videos, culture, and all our projects related to video broadcasts, music, concerts, events, and obviously teaching, information, and many other activities. All with very little advertising, non-invasive.
    is our website dedicated to sports activities, the planning, creation, and management of all types of activities, related to all sports.
    And many other websites, which will be created, managed, activated, and made public, at the right time, and to the right people. Some of them can be accessed directly, or with a simple activation form (to be filled out on our official website, where you register), and in some cases, after having been authorized. With the same username and password with which you registered, you access our innovative, alternative and parallel "system" to the "traditional" one, which we all know. As we have already stated, everything takes place, respecting every rule and every law, and, unlike the old system, we will never, for any reason, use "political power" to earn money., riches, and advantages, and undeserved facilities. After having won all the elections, in which we will participate, and obtained popular consensus, and the power to decide, which among other things, we share with anyone who joins us, the economic and financial advantages, as well as the political ones, that there will be, thanks to our political decisions, they will be for everyone, and not just for us, and for those who join us.
    There are, and there will be in the future, other websites of ours, for our economic and financial activities, which for security reasons will require registration, and subsequent activation, by the respective security groups, verification, and activation. Obviously, our official members will be able to register among the first, and they will be activated, very quickly, simply, via a request form, to be made on our official website, according to very detailed rules.
    it is our innovative, alternative, and modern system of Artificial Intelligence, in which anyone who creates it, designs it, creates it, composes it, and uses it, has the possibility of verifying that it is absolutely free, impartial, independent, and above all reliable, and obviously precise. An Artificial Intelligence, available to, and under the complete control of, all human beings.
    it is our innovative, alternative, and modern system, dedicated to banking, insurance, and other activities.
    it is our innovative, alternative and modern guarantee deposit system, which effectively prevents any type of online scam. It integrates perfectly, with all our websites, and all our projects.
    it is our innovative, alternative and modern system of credit cards, gift vouchers and many other activities.
    it is our innovative, alternative and modern money transfer system.
    it is our innovative, alternative and modern payment system.
    it is our digital wallet, of our official currency, which creates an innovative, alternative and modern system.
    Furthermore, we also have some utilities to make your life easier.
    Website, for various utilities, for many types of activities, and various utilities. Official link:
    Password generator, official link:
    Barcode generator, QR type, professional, no registration is required to be able to use it.
    There are many other connected websites, with just as many economic, financial projects, and activities of all types, all connected and managed by our official members.
    Who can be part of our system?
    All our official members, and, of course before them, all our superior user types.
    At the right time, subsequently, in many cases, we will also allow all our registered users, with verified and guaranteed identities, to participate in our activities and projects.
    In the future, all other types of users of our political project will also be able to request access to our economic and financial activities.
    Lastly, at the right time, people and commercial companies from the traditional system and those who have not joined our political activities will be able to join us, be activated, do business, and collaborate with us.
    But why have we created a new system, integrated into the old, innovative and alternative one, with a new universe of projects, in which we invest a lot of time, work and money?
    Because we consider the old system, the old finance, and the old way of doing business, to be unjust, inequitable, with a lack of equality and meritocracy, guaranteed to everyone, all the time. As with our political organization, from the beginning, we have always worked to create the best system, the best financial activities, and the best economic activities.
    The second reason, because thanks to the enormous success of our political organization, we had some time left over.
    The third reason, but not least in importance, is because a little extra money earned doesn't bother anyone.
    As with our political activity, we are very careful and selective about the first people who join us. Everyone knows that in DirectDemocracyS, in the early stages, one does not enter easily, and not just anyone enters, but that over time, a long time, every good person, with intelligence above average, with at least one thing in which he is competent above average, and with good intentions, he will be able to join us.
    In exactly the same way, we lay the foundation, we create the solid foundation, of all our business together. It takes a lot of time, a lot of hard work, and a lot of patience, but the results, as with political activity, will be excellent. In fact, we are already getting the first positive results.
    We see some differences between the two systems, the old, traditional and unsuccessful one, and our inimitable innovations.
    But first a very brief introduction.
    What does the old system base its "success" on?
    First, about people's ignorance. Second, by exploiting, managing, controlling, and influencing world politics. But also, by controlling, through various lobbies, all the media. Ultimately, creating distractions, arguments, and divisions. We could write for hours, to motivate, to explain, and to "justify", the behaviors of the previous sentences, which cannot be denied by any person equipped with at least a couple of functioning neurons.
    Like DirectDemocracyS, which is the only truly democratic and completely free political force in the world, our economic and financial activities also have the same rules and the same methods. Attention, we must make a premise: the political method, with pyramid registration, with pyramids all connected to each other, or as we call it, "with chains, composed of rings, all connected to each other, to make it indestructible", we will also use it to our business, with the difference compared to pyramid financial systems, also called Ponzi schemes, is that with us, the advantages and facilities of the first to join us must be deserved, always confirmed through their work, and continue over time. In DirectDemocracyS, we do not exploit the last, for the benefit of the first, but as often happens, they can accuse us of everything, but trust us, and continue to stay informed, with an open mind, of our activities. By carefully reading all our rules, and knowing all our methods, and all our motivations, you will understand for yourself the truth.
    Many will ask, what are our activities, and what concrete results have we achieved? We will write a very long article, at the right time, to let you know some of our activities, but we guarantee that anyone who invests with us knows all the details of each of their investments. Others, more suspicious, will ask us, why do we keep everything hidden, and don't work "in broad daylight"? This question is so banal, and whoever asks it makes us tender. Only people who understand nothing about economics and finance can ask these types of questions.
    We are not a dangerous sect, nor even a Masonic lodge, we have no master, no lobby that controls us, but we are all the masters, and the sole owners, of the activities in which we participate, whatever type they may be. As always, shared, united and infallible leadership.
    Continue to follow us.
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