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    Fundamental questions

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    How do you use our messages?

    How do you use our messagesYour rules are in certain cases strange and unusual, for example, I don't understand how your method of communicating works? How do you use our messages?

    DirectDemocracyS is undoubtedly the only political organization that listens to its visitors, allowing them to contact us.

    We have published a long article, which explains to everyone how they can send us their messages.

    We have activated our Support Group, our Contact Group, from the day we made our existence public to a few people. To this first group, were added the Management Group, and the Message Selection Group, and of course, the Message Response Group. Not only that, but based on the type of message, in addition to the Communication Group (which sends the right things to the right place), the Message Sorting Group (which sends the messages), also all the Groups involved are activated, in the questions, and in the answers, the Groups of Specialists, of all kinds, the Political Groups, these too, divided, in turn, into various sub-groups. Each group carries out specific activities, and is made up, in our international phase, of at least one representative, of each country in the world, but not only that, also a representative, of each population in the world (there are peoples divided among several countries, or who have no country). Each Group is usually made up of at least 250 people. Except for public groups where usually, a single member, or a few members, post certain information, instructions, rules, or activities.

    The Message Management Group, and the Message Selection Group, work together, with their own specific rules, that we are not writing, to make articles that are too long, and basically it doesn't matter, to those who are not part of it. However, let us specify the coordinated and important work they carry out together.

    They already receive the messages, divided according to the various topics, there are contact forms, for each topic, which offer every possibility to anyone who wants to contact us. They divide the messages into various groups: death threats, injury threats, violent threats, generic threats, vulgar insults, generic insults, superficial criticisms, constructive criticisms, specific criticisms (also divided into various topics), reports, according to them once divided, according to the various topics, and into various groups, errors, also divided into various groups, proposals, divided into various topics, and into various groups, and finally the compliments.

    We never write the details of who sends us a message, but only the content, and our response.

    Based on the decisions, of the groups involved, which can be various, even dozens, always made up of people, from all over the world, a reply is sent directly to the person who contacts us, and in some cases, we write an article, involving other groups, together with the initial ones.

    This, for the international phase, but the same method, is used, for the continental, national, state, regional, provincial, district, local, neighborhood, and street block phase.

    It seems like a very laborious, slow, and above all complicated method, but it is very simple, and very fast, because, since all the groups are made up of at least 250 people, the work is divided into small groups of at least 5 or 6 people. Obviously, there is discussion and voting, all final answers, and even articles, are written in various groups, after being discussed, and voted on, before being published.

    Unfortunately, we don't answer all of them, or, often, we answer with a link, to one of our articles, which contains the answer to the question asked. We don't like wasting time answering things we've already answered by publishing various articles. For this reason, we invite our visitors to read each of our articles, above all, those on which they have some questions, and to contact us, only and exclusively, with specific questions, which have not been foreseen, or explained, in our articles.

    Using this method, our website, in a very short time, will contain all the answers to every possible question, making consultation easier and faster. Many websites and all social networks do it to prevent time wasted answering the same questions over and over again.

    We guarantee, that every message we receive, is read, and evaluated, based on the content.

    The fact that our registered users always have an answer to any question, based on our regulation, does not mean preferring our users to our visitors, but it is an obvious necessity.

    To make our mechanism work, our users receive all the instructions and information they need in a priority and practically immediate manner.

    All the messages help us to be clearer, to explain all the concepts, with more or less long and more or less specific articles.

    Knowing, however, that we base each of our rules, each of our activities, and each of our decisions, on logic, common sense, and mutual respect, of all people, we are often accused of being presumptuous, and unnerving, but we can guarantee you , that our "creators" (who invented and created all of this), first the first 5, and then 282 people, from various countries and various sectors of activity, worked for over 14 years to make so that to every question, there is a detailed answer, and to every observation, or criticism, there is an impeccable motivation, based, and we repeat, on logic, common sense, and mutual respect, of all people .

    Anyone who contacts us should know that in some cases they will be able to receive a private and direct answer, or in some cases, a public one, through the publication of an article, we repeat, without specifying the name. In other cases, both ways.

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    Before submitting the comment, you agree that:

    a. To accept full responsibility for the comment that you submit.
    b. To use this function only for lawful purposes.
    c. Not to post defamatory, abusive, offensive, racist, sexist, threatening, vulgar, obscene, hateful or otherwise inappropriate comments, or to post comments which will constitute a criminal offense or give rise to civil liability.
    d. Not to post or make available any material which is protected by copyright, trade mark or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner of the copyright, trade mark or any other proprietary right.
    e. To evaluate for yourself the accuracy of any opinion, advice or other content.

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    Timeline security and registration information


    2-factor authentication

    Category: Security measures / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    2 factor authenticationEveryone knows that to access our website, after registering, and creating your personal profile, after clicking on the activation link, which our system sends to each user, after doing the second ...

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    Always check who speaks ...

    Category: Security measures / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Security measures.

    Always verify the identity of whoever speaks on our behalf.
    Attention: we have noticed, and there have been reports, of people, or social profiles, who speak on our behalf, ...
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    Best username

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Official Rules.

    Registration and creation of personal profile.


    DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, allow everyone to have a username, not connected, to their real personal data.

    We ...

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    General registration ...

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    General registration rulesFirst a premise.

    When we write something, in the Main Menu item, Law, in all sub-menu items, in every category, and in all sub-categories, are our rules, our official positions, our instructions, and ...

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    How to register

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    DirectDemocracyS, Special Law Group, Official Regulation Group.

    Official Rules.

    New user registration.

    To register with DirectDemocracyS, you must respect all our rules, our instructions, and all our ...

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    Instructions for contact ...

    Category: For contacts / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Instructions for contact formsOur contact forms, in the main contact menu item, on our website, are the only way to get in touch with us, with our work groups, and with all our activities.

    They are also the only way to obtain ...

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    Message after ...

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Message after registrationHi, welcome, to DirectDemocracyS, your political innovation, truly in every sense!

    Thank you for registering, on our official website.

    Your trust will be reciprocated, and your patience will be ...

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    National, geographical, ...

    Category: For contacts / By Creator

    national contacts 640x360

    DirectDemocracyS, initiates the national phases of our international political organization, even with personalized contacts, for each country, territory, or population of the earth.

    To find the ...

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    Only invitations and ...

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Only invitations and useful linksThere are 2 types of possibilities to join us: free, in which anyone can join us, based on detailed rules, or, on the basis of personal invitations, individual.


    During the block of free ...

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    Our official offices

    Category: For contacts / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Our official officesDirectDemocracyS is innovative in every sense! Also in the way of managing one's offices.

    Let's make a brief introduction.

    Since the beginning of our creation, the first 5 "creators" had as ...

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    Security measures

    Category: Security measures / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    security measuresA fundamental need, for a political organization like DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, is to guarantee everyone, security measures, and protection of personal data.

    Working largely on the ...

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    Security rules

    Category: Security measures / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Security Rules

    The special security group, together with the rules group, with the collaboration of all groups, on behalf of all our official members, makes public, some security rules.


    The safety of ...

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    Special invitations

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Rules regarding our special guests, and special invitations.


    One of the first rules, on which our enormous success will be based, is to get the right people in, at the right time. While ...

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    To be activated

    Category: For Registration / By Webportal SA DireDirectDemocracyS

    Instructions, to be activated.

    You can choose which type of user you want to have among the various possibilities.

    If you want to be an initial user, absolutely free of charge, with no obligation to ...

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