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    Useful tips

    useful tips

    In this article, we give you some useful advice so you can get to know our political organization and join us.

    The security of our website, and of all our activities.

    Our website, and our linked websites, are the most secure, as they always use the latest technologies, the best security systems, and are always updated.

    Our rules are designed to prevent any possible problem, thanks to many years of work, which allows us to guarantee safety, tranquility, order and the protection of personal data for everyone.

    Always check the identity and authorizations of anyone speaking, writing, or publishing anything on our behalf. If it is not our official representative, do not trust it, and always check. Read this short article to find out how you can do all the checks:

    Our information is detailed, clear, but easy to consult and comply with.

    Don't rush to register, and join us.

    For our first users, there are many advantages and facilities, such as less competition, to achieve certain concrete results, or to quickly and almost immediately obtain important roles with greater responsibility within DirectDemocracyS .

    Even those who join us later will have all the possibilities to obtain great results and important roles, thanks to our method, unique in the world, in which everything is decided together, and the proposals, choices and discussions are done collectively, and never individually.

    First, carefully study each of our articles, published on our official website, and on our groups, and presentation pages, on some social networks.

    We remind you that we do not accept anyone, especially in the early stages of our activities. This selection allows us to always put the right people in the right place.

    Furthermore, DirectDemocracyS is innovative, and absolutely alternative, to all other political forces.

    Anyone who joins us must immediately abandon any political role, and any other political activity, outside our political organization. Therefore, we demand from anyone who joins us, exclusivity, and security, that they will not carry out political activities, in other groups, or political forces. The most subtle thing about the old politics are the internal and external struggles, and the continuous betrayals, both of one's own political ideals, which often coincides with the cancellation of one's principles, values, and promises. It works only on our official website.

    The choice of each of our users, who are obviously our voters, is between DirectDemocracyS and the other political forces.

    Obviously, anyone who joins us, in a free way, can always freely decide to abandon us, even if there is not, and will never exist, a valid and credible reason to do so.

    The worst political species is the one that gets elected with a political force, and then, due to personal interests and ambitions, decides to create independent political groups, or worse, moves on to another political force. In this regard, we remind everyone that we do not accept, and will never accept, for any reason, that people elected with other political forces move to DirectDemocracyS, without first having resigned, from the institutional role obtained through the elections. We never make fun of our voters, and we will not allow any political force, or political representative, to betray the trust of their voters. Changing one's mind is an inviolable right for every person, but without distorting the electoral results. If other political forces welcome us, the few who decide to abandon us, after having been elected with the votes of our voters, will demonstrate, once again, that they are ethically unreliable, and we honestly don't care. We know we are the best in everything, especially in respect for our voters.

    After reading our information, if you feel compatible with our activities, you can join us.

    However, we need to clarify some aspects.

    The username.

    We have a detailed article on choosing a username, which can be consulted at this link:

    to be able to choose in the best way. Nobody forbids you to use your real name, and surname, or just your first name, or just your surname, but we advise everyone, in the first phase, to use a nickname, or a name that includes the ISO code of the country in which you have the right to vote, and to stand as a candidate in elections (of 2 or 3 letters, always at the beginning, and never the full name of one's country), followed by combinations of letters and numbers (never combinations of various countries). You must avoid names of other political forces, or, which advertise, but also names such as: administrator, representative, manager, or, which may mislead other users. Please do not use names such as: test, politics, or vulgar names. Choose a name that you can remember, and remember that our system recognizes uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. You must not change your initial username without requesting and obtaining permission from our “username group”. If the “username group” contacts you, on our website, or through authorized contact methods, at any time, to have you change, or modify your username, you must do so immediately, without no kind of controversy. You must be collaborative and respectful, because every one of our users will be so towards you.

    Your personal email address, during registration.

    Lately, many new users have registered using temporary email addresses. The "disposable" email addresses are temporary, so at the end of the registration, in many cases, you will not be able to click (or copy, insert into a browser, and click send), our activation link, which the Our system sends you, immediately after completing registration, to verify that the email address you wrote is actually your property. As we have specified, the personal email address is essential to be able to recover your personal profile, your password, or your username, and therefore, a temporary email address is not suitable for registering and staying with us. Anyone who does not click or activate their personal profile with our activation link will never be activated by our administrators. After confirmation of our activation link, our administrators can send you a further control message, via email, in which they provide you with further information, instructions, or, request a valid reason, why you joined us , and any other details. If you do not reply to the message received, by replying to our message, always via email, respecting all our simple instructions, your personal profile will never be activated. Temporary email addresses have an expiry date, which may allow you to auto-activate your personal profile, but without your subsequent response to the control email, which you will receive from our administrators, even a few days after your registration, not you will be activated by us, and therefore you will not be able to access the reserved areas of our website.

    To join us, you only need: a personal email address (active, and adequately protected), a username (chosen by each user, according to our rules), and a password of at least 12 characters (including letters lowercase, uppercase, numbers, and special characters).

    The first type of user, initial, access, allows you to register, join us, and work together with us, absolutely free of charge, without any obligation, and without any obligation to be present. You will just have to respect all our simple, but detailed rules.

    The first 2 types of users allow you to work together with us, without any commitment, and without any obligation to be present. To obtain roles of greater importance, and greater responsibility, you will need to obtain the appropriate user roles, which are obtained over time, based on compliance with our rules, and based on your behavior.

    The groups.

    Every decision in DirectDemocracyS is made collectively. The international phases involve the creation of many groups, in which all the populations of the world, of all the countries of the world, are represented. Before all the countries, all the populations of the various geographical areas are important to us. There are many peoples, who do not have one, or more countries, and we at DirectDemocracyS, want everyone to be representatives. In international groups, only people with suitable roles and with concrete activities of collaboration with us will be able to access and work. Obviously, adequate groups will be created for each type of user, and with many possibilities, to access, on the basis of equality and merit, contemporary and continuous over time. From the moment of the creation of DirectDemocracyS, which was a decision of a few people, and forever, there will never be, a decision made, by just one person. At the international, continental, national, state, and local levels, hundreds, thousands, and in the future millions, and we hope, billions of people will work together, to make the best decisions, with the broadest consensus. This is our strength, and our uniqueness. By working in groups, we could not risk giving too much power to a single group, therefore, for every decision, there are various groups, which in turn must approve every choice of every group. In this way, we prevent, and avoid, a few people from taking control of our political organization, which is the complete and exclusive property of all our official members, and therefore, of all our voters.

    Individual proposals.

    If decisions are all made collectively, no one forbids any of our users, therefore voters, from proposing anything, at the right time, in the right group, and in the right way. Therefore, there will be no limit to the proposals, if these are supported and approved by the various members of the various groups.

    Unique, inimitable methodology.

    Many of our articles explain in detail all the various aspects that make up our methodology. Often, at first glance, it may all seem very complicated, however, it is all very simple. In DirectDemocracyS, the collective good is more important than the individual good, or that of a few groups. We do not make decisions for the interests of a few, but for the interest of all, and not just our voters.

    Perfect ideology.

    Being innovative, and alternative, to all other political forces, we are sure that we are the best, because we always make the right choice. We always choose good, and not evil. To many, we may seem, at first glance, presumptuous. We assure you that we have every reason to be, but we prefer to define ourselves as realists. What, at first glance, may seem like a utopia, for us is just reality. We are exactly like this, as we have explained to you in our various articles. We were designed to evolve, always remaining innovative and alternative, but we have rules to preserve all our values, principles, ideals and strengths that gave us birth. In fact, each of our new rules does not change the previous ones, but makes them more detailed and better, without distorting the reasons why we were born.

    Logic, common sense, and mutual respect.

    These are not words chosen at random. They are our essence, which prevents attempts by anyone to obtain privileges that are not deserved. Many people will find various reasons to hate us, especially because in DirectDemocracyS every important role must be deserved, and then maintained, based on respect for the rules, and on the basis of one's own behavior.

    We are not to blame for the situations of the past and for the choices of other political forces.

    Being a new political force, DirectDemocracyS is not to blame for the past, and for the present. Instead, we assume all responsibility for all our activities, where we will have the honor of being decisive. All our criticisms of the rest of politics, based on real facts, which no one can dispute, are based on analyzes by specialists, who demonstrate to you the serious errors of the past and of the present. We show you the situation clearly, and we offer you all our solutions, to do what all politics should do: solve all the problems of all the people. We are alternatives to all other political forces, therefore we will not make agreements, collaborations, or coalitions with other political forces. If we win the elections, we will govern, together with all our voters (our official members, on our website), helping all people, always starting with those most in difficulty. If we lose, we will mount a loyal and just opposition, always in the interest of the entire population, and always with the control of all our voters.

    We are the only political force in the world, which shares power with those who honor us, with their vote.

    Democracy means power to the people. We are against any form of dictatorship, against any single party, against any unfair use of politics. This way of being of ours is viewed with fear by those who for millennia, with representative "democracy", have stolen the power to decide from the people. Their oligarchic party system, passed off as "democracy", has not allowed for proper management of the institutions and wealth of each geographical area. After the elections, the population does not decide, and no longer matters, while the "traditional" political forces often serve the interests of a few rich, powerful and influential people and businesses. The reality, which you see every day, and which you pretend to share.

    We are not like that. With us, voters always decide, and hold continuous power over time. Every choice is shared.

    When we will soon be known, by every citizen of the earth, the choice will only be, between us, with our just rules, and the old politics, with its ways of stealing power. We are sure that all intelligent people will know how to choose. The world will be different, and certainly better with us, because first of all, it will be a truly democratic, free world, and above all, for the first time, it will be a just world.

    We can never do worse than what all the old "traditional" political forces have done, and still do. For us, there are no better or worse, they are all complicit, in the situation of the world, which could be better, with continuous and complete control and management of the entire population.

    DirectDemocracyS, is not anarchy, and it is not anti politics. We are for a politics in which every person is a protagonist and participates, with their vote, in every decision, in real time, with their own PC, tablet or smartphone. Citizens must enter the institutions, they must decide on everything, in an informed manner, they must decide and control how all the resources of our planet are managed. So, we don't eliminate politics, we improve it, allowing the people to have all the power, forever. It's called authentic democracy. We have within us, many people, carefully selected (in the early stages), of all the old political ideologies, so we do not accept lessons from the old politics, on pluralism. By joining us, we do not deny the past, but we analyze the errors in an honest way, and we try to eliminate every negative part, maintaining the few positive things (of every political ideology of the past), to contribute, with own ideas, and with their own concrete projects, to create a better future for everyone. The only right political force is DirectDemocracyS, and we will demonstrate it everywhere.

    To contact our national offices, select your country from the list, and click on the various contacts according to your needs. Attention: for general requests, always use the appropriate contact forms.

    Our national political organizations respond only to national issues, or those of various peoples.

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