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    People are not all the same

    People are not all the same

    There are phrases that everyone takes for granted but which actually hide traps into which one should never fall.

    We'll give you some examples.

    The Law is the same for everyone. In reality, the Law is often applied differently, also based on economic possibilities and power logics.

    In many countries, it is said that healthcare is free, and guaranteed to all. In reality, for better care, or to speed up certain checks, tests, and specialist visits, or for better care, one must often pay to avoid having to wait months, or years, queuing, in interminable waiting lists, which in certain pathologies are dangerous.

    People are deluded into thinking they live in a society with a free system, where the fundamental rights of all people are respected. In reality, the State and political parties decide limits on individual and group freedoms, which make even the most “free” societies illiberal.

    They tell you that you live in democratic countries, and then, your opinion, and your freedom of expression, are limited to election day, and a few popular referendums, and then, for many years, all the political forces, and their political representatives, decide.

    Perhaps the worst lie of all is to make everyone believe that all people are equal. Almost all political forces, of the old and failed politics, will tell you that everyone is equal. Even many political groups, "anti-system", but useful to the system to strengthen itself, will always tell you: that everyone must be equal, and that 1 is worth 1, and other similar lies.

    In DirectDemocracyS, we like to be sincere, and we do not make fun of people, even if we risk losing consensus. We are sure, that everyone should have the same rights, the same duties, the same opportunities, and we will work until all people, can really have all these beautiful things. All those statements, of the previous sentences, but with the certainty, that we are not all the same.

    If we were all truly equal, there would have been no progress, no inventions, and no evolution, which allowed the human being to be the animal that controls, for better or for worse, our entire planet. If there had not been people who asked questions and who, by studying, sought answers, we would have had no chance of improving our living conditions.

    So, whoever tells you that we are all equal, is lying to you knowing that they are lying. But deep down, we all like to feel part of a community, where everyone is equal. Let's look at the power of a President of the United States, for example, or any other superpower. It is not the same power as a homeless person in any American metropolis. Technically, every person has the possibility of becoming President, but in reality, very few people, privileged, rich and powerful, can be candidates, and get the necessary votes, to take office in the White House. In the United States, and throughout the world, we are all truly equal, but there are some people, more equal than others.

    Dear friends, ours is not a provocation. Like everything we write, we base it on truth, on the observation of reality, on study, on logic, on common sense, and on mutual respect, of all people. People are not all equal, and in no political, financial, and economic system, except DirectDemocracyS, do equality and meritocracy not exist, which are always guaranteed together, continuously over time.

    Now that we know that we are not all the same, we need to figure out how to distinguish the best from the worst.

    One of the main differences is in the fact of being good people, or bad people, with obviously, all that is in between the extremes. Distinguishing good from evil, is not always easy, but we have selection criteria, which make it impossible for bad people, to join us, especially in the initial phases, which are fundamental, to lay the foundations, of our innovative system, alternative, to all other systems.

    You may have noticed that we are not just talking about the political system, but also the financial and economic system.

    The final S of our name was not understood by many, in the early stages. Many people, do not give the right importance to sentences, to single words, but we, in DirectDemocracyS, also give importance to single letters. The final S, in English, and in many other languages, means system, in addition, of course, to all the positive words, which begin with the letter S. But our final S, has a great importance, and you will understand it, as always, at the right time.

    So good people, or bad people, and all the various “gradations and percentages of goodness”, also have some other characteristics, which differentiate them: individual abilities, competence, and level of education. Meritocracy, which must always be ensured, together with equality, to allow progress, and to change and improve the world.

    People are not equal, in any ideology, except DirectDemocracyS, in which however, and we always repeat, it is always guaranteed to everyone, forever, together with meritocracy.

    The merit of each of us is one of the characteristics that make our system better than all the others, and not only now, but thanks to our continuous innovation, it will be forever.

    These few lines of our philosophy, and observation of the state of things, are a premise, to make you understand, how we resolve in a fair, just, loyal, and useful way for all, the question of people's diversity.

    But first, 2 brief premises.

    Traditional systems have allowed a few people to become very rich and very powerful, some of them even with ethically incorrect methodologies. Always in traditional systems, many, too many people suffer, and live in pitiful conditions, or, in conditions just above the limit of survival, many of them, having an enormous potential.

    The “fault” is not only of the old and failed politics, but above all, of those who do nothing to change and improve things. Therefore also of all those who by voting, or not voting, allow an unjust system to go on. The fault, therefore, is of all of us. The solution, for many, would be to make politics like Robin Hood. Responding to injustices, with other injustices, is always wrong, and also stupid. Those who have earned money, and obtained power, honestly, thanks to their own abilities, and also luck, must not fear our presence, and our inevitable success. The solution is not to steal from the rich, to give to the poor, if those who are rich and powerful, have become so deserving, thanks to brilliant ideas and projects, to the courage to invest, without exploiting people and without destroying our planet. Whoever engages in politics by fueling hatred and social struggle is wrong and exploits for his own purposes ignorance and one of the most despicable characteristics of human beings: envy. Useful and intelligent politics makes the poorest, but deserving, rich, without taking anything away from honest people. We know very well that doing so is not easy, especially for the failed and often manipulated traditional politics. We have a very detailed macroeconomic and financial plan to improve everyone's life, starting with those who are most in difficulty. Obviously, the old system, fearing our competition, will give money and goods to many people, hoping that they will continue to support an almost always incompetent policy and an economic and financial system that makes a few people very rich, who often do not deserve to be so, and allows inequalities that do not reward the best.

    The previous statements also demonstrate that we human beings are not all the same, therefore, knowing all this, in DirectDemocracyS we have developed an infallible, but very complex system to change and improve things. To make the poor richer, without taking anything away from the middle class, and also from those who have become very rich, in an honest, fair and law-abiding way. Obviously, we will not write everything in a single article, and we will not reveal all the details to you, because after all, to decide whether to join us, and make an innovative policy, all together, a few sentences of our informative article are enough, on our first page, on our official website, dedicated to our political organization. To decide whether to invest with us, you just need to read some of our informative articles, on our economic activities. We do not have to try to convince anyone, but only ask you to deepen our mutual knowledge.

    In this regard, many people, accustomed to the old systems, are annoyed by the fact that we, in our articles, say too often, the word: our. DirectDemocracyS, does not have a leader, does not have a ruling class, but a shared leadership, therefore, everything we do, is a collective work, even if we accept every individual proposal, but all our activities together, are of all our official members.

    Let's take a short step back.

    At the beginning of our “partially public” activities, in our initial stages, in which we introduced DirectDemocracyS to a very few, carefully selected people, we wrote a very long introductory article, in which we made some claims, which shocked some people.

    The first, which has also scared and alienated some of our potential users: those who have conceived, created and brought all this to fruition will inevitably become disgustingly rich. Those who are used to the old system have seen in this very strong statement private interests and people who do something to gain wealth and power. Some people have used this phrase to attack us or to criticize our method. But we ask you: do you prefer the old politics that lies to you or our innovation, alternative, that tells you the truth? Those who attack us and criticize us are probably working without the expectation of being rewarded for their own activities. Starting from the 5 who had the idea, through the almost 300 first members who have invested time and money for many years to conceive, create and bring everything to fruition, up to the last user who will join us, each person is trying to obtain, inevitably, a profit, advantages and facilities thanks to their work. DirectDemocracyS, and anyone who joins us, does not consider wealth, money, and power as things to be ashamed of, if obtained honestly, fairly, and respecting the rules. Our political organization, however, has a very important characteristic, which is perhaps unique in the world, rewarding merit. Our first members, did not ask for anything, did not create conditions, to obtain money and power, while creating, working hard, for many years, the best political force in the history of humanity, the most just, fair, free, honest, fair, and with an ideology, politically perfect. But the users who join us, have an important characteristic, which is missing elsewhere: our users, reward merit, and know how to be grateful, so logically, our first members, will get a fair reward, at the right time, without asking for anything, but for a sense of gratitude, that intelligent people have. In that article and in some others, there was no reference to the fact that DirectDemocracyS is not only political activity, but also economic and financial activities, which began, at the very moment we had the idea, to create a political force. Politics is the starting point, but for a complete system, which can be truly innovative, and alternative, an economic and financial force was also needed, which has grown, and has created the basis for joint investments, capable of improving everyone's life. Many people, rightly, criticize the old politics, in which many political representatives, often steal, are corrupted, or, who make laws for the interests of a few, and not for the good of all. Our political representatives have very detailed rules, often restrictive, they are always controlled and managed by their voters, but they also have many advantages and facilities, which will allow them to carry out their important political activity of representation, without the temptation to steal, without the need to be corrupted, having businesses, which they do together with us, that will prosper, even if temporarily managed by others. In this way, at the end of the important political activity of representation, they will have their own businesses and their own sources of income.

    At this point, some of our “malicious” readers, who do not know us, may insinuate: of course, your political representatives will make laws to favor their investments, you are the same as other political forces. Do not worry, we apologize for your ignorance, precisely because, not knowing us, you could think badly of us. In DirectDemocracyS, there is complete and uninterrupted control by the voters on their political representatives, therefore those who carry out the task of representation must put into practice the decisions of their voters. But not only that, the activity of complete control, from all points of view, by their voters, would immediately leak and highlight any decisions, for personal interests, and in this case, not only would we make them public, but we would immediately use the early, irrevocable resignation, for personal reasons, that each of our political representatives is obliged to sign, with their voters, even before being a candidate.

    The second sentence, along with many others, that surprised and outraged someone, in the long initial presentation of our political organization, was that: DirectDemocracyS, shares power with anyone who joins us, therefore with all its voters / users.

    The third sentence, perhaps the most cryptic, simply said that to avoid ending up like other traditional political forces, we divide the "power" into 2 parts, clearly separating and delimiting the management of our political organization from the political activity of political representation. Creating the role, reserved for our members, of official representative, who manages and represents DirectDemocracyS, and the role of political representative, who participates in our selections of our political representatives, in our closed online primary elections, and in cases of victory, participates and wins the "real" elections, and represents our voters in the various institutions. This sentence of ours has sparked many discussions, with those who accused us of being too different from traditional political forces, but also those who accused us of being "illegal". Foremost, we are proud to be different, innovative, and alternative to all other political forces. As for the legality of our political organization, we are perfectly in order, with all the Laws, but internally, we have specific regulations, methodologies, instructions, and customs, which are respected, by anyone who joins us. It is called freedom of association, between different people, who organize and carry out activities of all kinds, together.

    The diversity of people, which you will have understood and noted, reading the previous part, maintaining equality and meritocracy, always united, and guaranteed to all, all the time, has allowed us, to have the best security measures, thanks to the roles of our members, and the typologies of our users.

    We had to maintain equality (in the sense of everyone having the same opportunities, the same rights and the same duties), authentic democracy, and total freedom, but also meritocracy, because we repeat: people are not all the same, as in the world of fairy tales, that others tell you.

    We were the first to create 2 distinct roles: users, who are all those who join us by registering and creating a personal profile on our official website, and our official members, who are all those who, working with us, are the owners, all together, of all our activities.

    English: From the first moment we created DirectDemocracyS, we decided that joining us, by registering and creating a personal profile on our official website, required a few simple rules. Firstly, it had to be simple, fast, safe, free, and without any commitment, on anyone's part. Except a few short periods, in which we had to block all new registrations, due to real "invasions", of new users, these activities have been, are and will be, exactly as we promised. Since people are not all the same, there were various types of people who joined us: those with good intentions, those simply curious, those seeking gain and power, and those trying to stop us, boycott us, slow us down, or simply waste our time. These various types of people, all different, both in individual qualities and in the intentions with which they joined us, forced us to create various user types, to allow us to put the right people, in the right place. English: We then created the initial users, also called access users, with their specific rules and their potential. These friends of ours joined us for free, with no obligation to be present, and with no obligation to carry out activities with us. This type of initial user is recommended to those who want to join us, to start studying us, and to collaborate and work with us, without too much potential, and without too much “power”. We then created all the other types of users, as we explained in the various dedicated articles, creating our inevitable “hierarchy”, which is very useful, and as we will explain, allows us to have security measures that make us unbeatable and unassailable. Healthy competition, based on honesty, loyalty, and mutual respect, to obtain the best roles and the best types of users for yourself and your groups, helps us to grow and always improve. Each higher type of user offers greater potential, roles with greater responsibility, greater importance, and greater “power” in our activities. These roles, and these types of users, are obtained thanks to their concrete work with us, their behavior, but also based on the concrete results, and the behavior, of the people invited by each user, of the people connected, to their profile, and that of their groups. Again, to understand better, we invite you to read our detailed articles. Currently, we have over 11 types of users, and we will create more, based on our needs.

    In addition to the advantages that competition brings for the most important roles and the higher types of users, this method of ours brings clear advantages in security issues, which are very important in all our projects and in all our activities. We invest approximately 30% of our revenue in security measures to ensure the protection of personal data, the right to anonymity, the legality of all our decisions, and compliance by all of our rules.

    There are several main dangers, for each political force, among the main ones, we mention: the danger of losing one's identity, which we have solved, with rules that can never be overturned, nor changed, by subsequent rules, the danger of being controlled by rich, powerful, and famous people and companies, which we have solved, with the typologies of users, with shared leadership, and by making our members owners of everything.

    It has been quite difficult, and complicated, to integrate the old rules, with the new rules, and therefore with the ideas, proposals, projects, and contributions of all those who join us, allows us to always be current, modern, innovative, updated, and alternative, to all the other political forces. We have done it, with the rule that, the decisions of our first members are not changed, and are not distorted (so as not to lose founding values, ideals, motivations, principles, and initial characteristics), but are integrated with the new rules, choosing all together, only those that improve our activities.

    To prevent the control of our activities by very rich, powerful and famous people, lobbies and commercial companies, we have used our unique and inimitable method.

    But first a simple premise, which begins with some questions. How do you control a political force, and how do you take over its management? Simply by controlling the leadership of any political party, but this methodology is also valid for all state systems, for military hierarchies, and for everything. By controlling and managing the leaders, you manage all the other command structures. Let's leave aside the fact that almost always, in the old politics, the leader surrounds himself with people of low intellectual value, so as not to have any competition in the fight for leadership. Each person in command seeks to have followers, ready to obey at any time, and does not hesitate to use any means to maintain their role. DirectDemocracyS, with truly shared leadership, in which there are no single people in command, not only do we avoid internal struggles, but we effectively prevent external interference, which could boycott us, or worse, slow us down. By having all our official members, as shareholders, of our political organization by shares, with a single individual action, not cumulative, and not transferable, we make it practically impossible, that someone can take control, and use the enormous power of DirectDemocracyS, for their own interests. The internal connection of people, and groups of people, in chains, all connected by various links, with an almost pyramid system, with invitations, identity verification, and assumption of responsibility, guarantee us additional security.

    The types of users, together with our very detailed methodology for making decisions, make it impossible for anyone to infiltrate and distort our work. In fact, as we have already said in other articles, if a lobby, or a powerful person, decided to infiltrate people with bad intentions, they could at most take control of one type of user, and in no case of all 11 of the current ones. This guarantee of security, we can only offer, thanks to our rules, and our very detailed methodologies.

    English: We conclude this article, with an answer, to those who are worried, because they fear that by joining us, they will spend the whole day, deciding and voting, for every single decision, and for every single activity, within our political organization. This is not the case, our regulation, foresees delegating many activities, to special groups composed of many of our members, representing all our users. The famous official representatives, who in the various special groups, which are 5, decide and vote, for the choices of minimum importance and urgency. All in collaboration, with our groups of specialists, who offer the special groups, to all our members, to all the other groups, and users, all the information, and all the necessary support, presenting complete and competent information, for every issue, with exact predictions, of every consequence, of every single decision. Therefore, the majority of decisions, less important and less urgent, are taken differently. This does not prevent, however, anyone, based on detailed rules, from demanding a general vote, of all our users, for any issue.

    We have an internal regulation, of tens of thousands of articles, very precise, on the functioning of our activities, which can scare some, but it is very simple, and of excellent functionality.

    We are interested in having a lean, efficient, fast, secure, but also democratic and free organization.

    Thanks to our continuous work, we can assure you that there are no problems, and that everything is done in a fair, correct manner, respecting each person.

    So you don't have to decide on everything, but according to the rules of our groups, if you want, you can do it, for any issue. We will explain it calmly, in our next articles, or, if you are in a hurry, join us, and start working with us right away.

    You will realize that everything happens exactly as we have told you, because inside, we are exactly as we describe ourselves, and as you see us from the outside.

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