Every time we think we have written everything about old politics, those who are part of it demonstrate to us once again how unjust, inequitable and unsuccessful almost all traditional politics is.
In the Middle East, and in various parts of the world, we all know of the inability, and the lack of desire, to find solutions, by all those, who are paid to resolve all conflicts. Many political representatives only make promises, and instead they should resolve, in an intelligent way, all problems. But let us ask ourselves together: does it suit those who produce and sell weapons, to live in a peaceful world, based on mutual respect of all people, all populations, and all countries? For those who have economic interests, it is not difficult to corrupt someone, to create chaos, with various provocations, and even terrorist attacks, which fuel the very long, and dangerous, spiral of violence. And now, all together, let's ask ourselves if we are capable of always being on the side of those who suffer, or if each of us, deep down in our hearts, does not "root" for one side or the other, considering the death, the injury, the suffering, the living conditions, and the fears of the other side, in many cases, based on our preferences, as deserved and inevitable consequences. In many cases, we end up saying in a squalid way: it was inevitable, they were asking for it, or we say even worse: they started it, or the most squalid statement: they deserved it. We all suck if we think this way. Violence, all of it, whoever does it, can never be justified, and must always be condemned by everyone.
In many other countries of the world, there are wars, invasions, riots, protests, demonstrations, always just for the same reasons. Selfishness, personal and collective interests, and the pursuit of power and wealth.
In this article, we will analyze together, the old politics, the traditional one.
We will avoid talking too much about the ideologies of the past. Let's say that we will skip the past, too remote, we have already talked about it, in many other articles, and perhaps we will do it in the future, again, in a more detailed and complete way.
Brief introduction.
Our public articles are not written to attract people, nor to try to convince them to join us immediately. We have given ourselves a clear rule: in the delicate initial phases of our activities, we are not interested in immediate consensus, from people with intelligence, and empathy, below average. We tell you things, that no one can deny, for some they are banalities, but they are historically and scientifically proven, and could invite some, to very important reflections. They are real things, and from documented sources, written in a way that they can be understood by anyone, often with harsh, but realistic tones. We have never invited anyone, to join us, but we have invited anyone, to inform themselves, with an open mind, in a comprehensive way, by reading our informative articles, published on our official website. Some information, we have also published on various social networks, and external websites, just to show everyone, that we have existed for a long time, and that certain things, we have thought, realized, and put into practice, first in the world. Our rules, and our methodologies, like our unique style, cannot be copied, and used by anyone, because they are inimitable, and work perfectly, only if they are known in full, only if put into practice all together, and only by suitable people.
A normal person, even just reading our first short article, published on the first page of our official website, reading quickly, some of our characteristics, has only 2 possibilities. Not trusting us, and never visiting us again, believing that what we write is unrealizable and utopian. Generally they are very superficial people, who do not trust the old politics, or, who believe us to be similar, unjust, and unsuccessful, like the others, without going deeper, and who do not have the ability, to understand and appreciate, our enormous potential. Then, fortunately, there are those with an open and fair mind, who read with great attention, even several times, everything we publish, because they understand, that everything we say, show, or write, is the truth. These people, have an intelligence and an education, above average, and understand immediately, that if you work in the right way, and in an organized manner, our "crazy idea of politics", can really work, and can concretely, change and improve the world.
Considering the many published information, it will take time, a lot of work, and a lot of good will, from everyone, to see the first concrete results. But we have calculated everything, we knew, and we had calculated, even before starting, that for us, and for those who will join us, it would be a long, hard work.
If at the beginning, a few informative articles were enough to decide to join us, now, and especially in the future, it will take a long time to “study DirectDemocracyS”.
Let's talk about some definitions, which summarize the old politics.
Among the many definitions, there are some, which are put into practice, in almost all political forces, and no one can deny them.
Old politics was born to divide people.
Being unable to obtain the consensus of the entire population, the traditional political forces have preferred to concentrate and work to obtain the votes and support of small parts of the population. Almost always, they have done so by lying and manipulating, and in many cases, by actually brainwashing a large part of the population. The best method to obtain consensus is through divisions, often artificial, and in many cases intentionally caused, with underhanded means. They have also based themselves on the inability to understand the various realities, on the lack of desire to admit that they have made mistakes in their assessments, and above all on the lack of inclination of many people to change their political force of reference. Changing one's mind, in a motivated way, is a demonstration of intelligence and perspicacity, which unfortunately, not everyone possesses.
The possible divisions are various: religious, cultural, traditional, ethnic, linguistic, social, or geographical. All divisions, if used in the right way, can create enormous profits, for the various lobbies, for commercial companies and people, very powerful, rich and famous. We will talk about it in detail, when we talk about the various systems, economic, financial and political, and how these collaborate, to create a system favorable only to them, and all the tricks, and scams, that they can use, to legitimize their power, in an apparent, but ethically incorrect way.
If divisions are not enough to generate conflicts, you can always create provocations, to trigger a spiral of violence and chaos. Sometimes it is enough to lie, manipulate, deceive, or brainwash, generally the masses, who are not very intelligent, or entire social classes, less educated, and often incapable of distinguishing good from evil, true from false, right from wrong. A few violent actions are enough, often even just a few false news, with the help of the press, or with social networks, to create immense spirals of violence, which yield a lot of money and power, to those who produce and trade weapons, or even other sectors, such as construction, to rebuild all the destruction caused by the various conflicts.
The only political force, born to unite, all the good people, is, and will always be, DirectDemocracyS. A phrase, that can make you understand our philosophy better is: we are united, in diversity.
The old politics exploits ignorance, hatred, stupidity, and above all the envy of people. For many years, centuries, millennia, and perhaps, since the birth of the human race, very clever people exploit other stupid people to obtain advantages and facilities, power and wealth, and those who are exploited are not able to notice, or, even if they notice, they resign themselves to being used, having no alternatives. With the birth of DirectDemocracyS, people are informed, and become aware of the various situations, and above all, they have an alternative, credible, which is always innovative.
The old politics, in various forms of Government.
We will not talk, in this article, about countries where dictatorships exist, sometimes oligarchic, where oppositions are often eliminated, even physically. As in Russia, for example, and in many other countries, where people without any merit control and manage all the wealth of the country, and the people are subjugated and have no right to express themselves. We will not talk about single parties, who believe in a single thought, as in China, where everyone is forced to submit to the decisions of a corrupt system, and only apparently fair. DirectDemocracyS was born to prevent any possible use, in ethically incorrect ways, of its political activities, not allowing any person, and no group of people, to obtain unlimited power, and above all, not allowing anyone to exploit the power that comes from our activities, for personal purposes. We do this, with rules and methodologies, truly ingenious, and preventive, that we have explained, in various of our articles. Among the features that allow us to prevent, in a concrete and efficient way, any possible problem, there are: a truly shared leadership, our user typologies, our intelligent methodologies, our detailed rules respected by all, and the right of ownership, proposal, management, and control, of each person who joins us, on all our activities. Our rules are so detailed, and respected by all, that they do not allow interpretations, or a wrong use, of these, for personal purposes and advantages.
We will not talk about the various religious traditions, or monarchies or republics, but we will analyze, in a scientific way, and without a doubt, concrete and correct, the extreme right, from which almost all the center-right parties come, and the extreme left, from which almost all the center-left parties come. Then we will analyze, briefly, what is in the middle, which can often seem better, but only to those who do not have the right information. The center, which to many may seem like a fair compromise, unfortunately, in many cases, has proven to be corrupt, and has created enormous problems, in some cases, putting entire generations into debt. In reality, the extreme right, and the extreme left, which are 2 sides of the same coin, are born, start, and evolve, almost always from the center.
Before we begin, we have just one recommendation for you.
You must promise us to be objective, and to think in the right way, with an open mind. So, do not try to justify anything, and avoid phrases like: yes, but they could not have done otherwise, or, the most stupid of all, that unfortunately many say: others have also made serious mistakes. They say it, almost as if their well-being, and that of future generations, were a competition, not between the best, but by those who commit fewer crimes, and fewer injustices.
As always, we are at your disposal, with any information, and with any clarification, and if necessary we will make an article, with every single word, of every single sentence. Many people, will feel offended, in their pride, and will try to defend, the indefensible. Others, hopefully more numerous, will realize, that they have supported, for many years, and loved, criminal ideologies.
We tell you right away, that there is no right side, nor a better one, they are all, the various faces, of the same "coin", squalid and failed. The only political force that is truly right, fair, honest, competent, independent, free, neutral, without preferences, and incorruptible, is only DirectDemocracyS.
We are new, innovative, and alternative, and we are absolutely innocent. You cannot accuse us of events that happened before our birth, nor of those that happen in countries where we have not participated in the elections, nor in those where we have not yet won, or in those, hopefully few, where we will be in opposition. We guarantee you, however, that when we win the elections, and we have a lot of consensus, immense power, and great fame, we will always and only govern, taking into account the interests and the good, of all the people of the world. We will govern, and we will make useful laws for everyone, obviously, only with those, who will join us, according to our rules. We are the only political force in the world, that shares all the power, with all its voters. When we win, and we will win practically everywhere, all those who support us will win too. We are not responsible for the behavior of others, and please, do not tell us falsehoods, such as: when you win, you will become exactly like the others. We, will never be able to become like the others, because we are completely different, certainly better, and we will never, in any case, do worse, than what the others have done. Obviously, we, and whoever is with us, will take full responsibility, for each of our activities, for each of our decisions, and for all the consequences, of all our choices. We can assure you, that not everyone does it. We will look at the concrete data, and we are sure, that everyone, will be pleasantly surprised, for the excellent results that we will have, all together.
There are no alternatives, and there will never be, because it was actually conceived, created, and realized, to be the best political force in the history of humanity, with a politically perfect ideal, and with rules and methodologies, truly infallible.
Everything we write is based on facts that cannot be disputed by anyone, but there will certainly be many nostalgics who will say: it is not really like that, why don't you prove everything to us, why don't you provide us with all the evidence. Please, don't be stupid, the truth should not be disputed, without risking making a bad impression. However, we advise you to inform yourself, with an open mind, and with the will and ability to question your beliefs. You will see that for years, you believed you were on the right side, when in reality, the only right side is DirectDemocracyS.
Let's start from the far right, and the center right.
National Socialism and Fascism are political ideologies that have had disastrous consequences for the entire planet. While Communism was a failure and destroyed, almost irretrievably, its own peoples and the countries that declared themselves communist or socialist, Nazism and Fascism were the cause of many bloody wars, with tens of millions of deaths, in almost all the countries of the world.
But is it wrong to love your country, and therefore to be a nationalist?
Loving one's own country is the duty of every citizen, of every single country, but one must never, and for no reason, hate, be envious, or discriminate against other peoples and other countries.
Nazism and Fascism based all their power, obtained in cunning and violent ways, on the fear and envy of those who were considered “different”.
Their “trick”, however squalid, was very efficient, and still works today. A few news stories, or attacks, often created voluntarily, were enough to induce large masses of stupid and ignorant people to give support to unscrupulous characters, disgusting murderers, and serial liars. Demonizing the adversary, and everything that is different, eliminating culture, controlling information, spreading lies, piloting and directing education, manipulating and brainwashing, doing every action to eliminate any opposition, including crimes, torture, and arrests for no reason. These nationalisms have proven to be the worst solution for everyone, including the millions of their own citizens, dead, injured, scared, and left with nothing. Many of them, have fought and hated, believing they were doing the right thing, to entrust their lives to these criminals and ruthless dictators.
To those who, even today, defend these inhuman regimes, and all subsequent derivations, we say that you are defending something that cannot be defended without having tens of millions of people on your conscience.
Avoid saying that Hitler and Mussolini, and their disgusting allies, also did good things, for their respective peoples, or countries. It is absolutely not like that, a good action, or, a useful thing, cannot justify any type of violence, or, have as a consequence other decisions, wrong and unjust, which caused the death of many people, the wounding of many others, and the suffering of the survivors. Not to mention the destruction, of entire cities, and entire countries, including those, of these dictators.
Fortunately, only a very few fanatical, stupid, ignorant people, even today, look benevolently upon these criminals and upon ideologies based on cruelty.
In this regard, Nazism died with Hitler, fascism died with Mussolini, and all the nationalist dictatorial regimes died with the death of their respective dictators. Anyone who supported, and has supported these regimes, is not personally responsible, but the fact of not having had the courage to oppose these criminal and failed ideologies makes them accomplices. Anyone who voted, even if forced, and did not have the courage to die for freedom and justice, and who even today supports similar ideologies, is an accomplice, and has on his conscience, millions of deaths, injuries, suffering and destruction. Whoever, after so many years from their death, still speaks of fascism and national-socialism, does nothing but exalt, and make "disgustingly immortal", these 2 dictators, and those who supported them, responsible for crimes against humanity. Their mistakes and stupid decisions must be studied to avoid committing other similar acts, unworthy of people called human beings.
However, we advise everyone to avoid, nowadays, calling someone a Nazi or a fascist, just to offend and demonize the opponent. This trick can only work with stupid people, who still believe that fascism and Nazism can be recreated and re-established. Obviously, the same request is also valid for those who accuse the opponent of being a communist or statist. And the consideration is also valid, that no person, with 2 functioning neurons, can still believe, that the solution to his problems, is the communist and statist refoundation. Whoever is stupid, and without qualities, in the current system, will remain exactly, and equally, stupid and incapable, with any other regime. As we always say: it is not that by shuffling, and redistributing the cards, even changing the deck, those that will be assigned to us, will be better, often, unfortunately, they can be worse.
Just before these disasters for humanity, there is a form of dictatorship, which perhaps caused a greater number of deaths, but fortunately, in fewer countries, it is communism.
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, on February 21, 1848, published the book Communist Manifesto, which explained the ideas, on the abolition of private property, and on the overthrow of bourgeois governments, leaving room, for proletarian governments. With them, communism becomes a revolutionary movement. The previous sentences, maybe they could seem right, and fair, instead they are based on ideas, without any logical sense, and on a utopia, which according to many data, have caused more deaths, than both the 2 world wars of 1900.
But let's start from the beginning.
Before talking about communism, let's ask you a question. What did our grandparents and our parents tell us when we were very young: study, otherwise you'll go to work in a factory. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, along with all the ideologists of communism, based themselves on the ignorance and lack of culture of the working class to gain power and advantages for a few, making everyone believe that we are all equal. They turned to the working class because it was easier to manipulate, and because it was easy to create social hatred based on frustration and envy. These fake revolutions did not create a better world, and they did not create equality, but they simply eliminated the nobility and replaced it with a party apparatus made up of crafty and very cruel people. We went from an unjust but cultured and agricultural system to an equally unjust but forcedly industrial system to "favor" the workers. As always, when ignorant and stupid people come to power, first of all, they create a system, that allows them to stay in power, at all costs. Then, they put in the most important roles, incompetent, faithful, but stupid, and incapable people. If they had chosen smart, cultured, and intelligent people, they would have risked, to quickly lose the power, and the advantages, obtained with violence, and cruelty.
The lack of cultural bases and education, however, has led to the creation of many schools and universities, to make people uncultured, "falsely cultured". Instead, with four-bit professors, capable only of manipulating and brainwashing, only young people who were equally incapable, but easy to keep under control, and capable of dying, for a false ideal of justice and equality, left the education system. Communism, statism, the overthrow of the rich bourgeoisie, proletarian governments, are these revolutionary ideas?
They are utopias, which have done almost nothing useful, except temporary and only apparent improvements, of the working conditions, of the working class. But the standard of living, over time, has actually worsened, thanks to corruption, and forced industrialization, of agricultural countries, and an incapable management of the various resources, typical of communism, and statism.
These stupid ideas, for equally stupid people, start from the abstract idea of the State. The State, for these incapables, is all of us. And we are all equal, there are no differences, between men. In the world of fairy tales, perhaps, it would be nice to be able to consider all men, exactly equal. If you have read our article, in which we declare: men, are not all equal, surely you understand, what we mean. When we say men, we speak in general, of all sexes, of all variations, of all colors, of all religions, of all countries, of all cultures, of all traditions, and of all sexual preferences. Men must absolutely have the same rights, and the same duties, but they are not, and will never be all equal. There are good men, or bad men, with everything that is in between the extremes. There are intelligent men, or stupid men, with different levels of intelligence and stupidity. There are competent men, and incompetent men, again with various categories, and various levels of competence. There are honest men, or dishonest, with different degrees of honesty. There are sincere men, and liars, with those who lie more, and those who lie less. There are clever men, who know how to manipulate, all the naive, and the foolish. There are men with brilliant ideas, and those who have no idea useful for the community. There are people suited to physical work, and those suited to management roles.
Statism, like communism, generates poverty, corruption, limits economic growth, and technological progress. It can be loved by those who have no ability, and no quality, therefore only by those who have no competence.
By treating everyone, only apparently, the same way, even the stupid ones, can hope to obtain something, obviously, without ever having any improvement in their life, except for a false sense of equality. But we all know the enormous differences between those who are members of the party, and the "normal" population, who do not know how to lie, who do not know how to be a spy, who do not know how to use every means, to maintain political power, based on lies and corruption. In these absurd rules, meritocracy does not exist, so even people with brilliant ideas, and very high abilities, are victims of a flattening, and always downwards, of living conditions, not rewarding the good ones, but rather, often denigrating them, and forcing them to escape from communist and statist countries, towards capitalism, and towards the developed, and meritocratic, West.
Communism, and its failed offshoots, literally starved millions of people to death, for choices always based on ignorance. Not to mention industrialization, based on old technologies, and production, forcedly antiquated, and made by crafty trade unionists, but incapable of working, and bureaucrats of an increasingly corrupt apparatus. To confirm this, look at the countries of Eastern Europe, when the communist regimes imploded, many people lived in miserable conditions, died trying to escape, because in their countries, they literally starved to death, lived in the cold, with antiquated health systems, without any right to protest, or complain, and with industries, at least 50 years behind, compared to the West.
The examples could be many, but let's try to understand if communism created something good. After the fake and manipulated proletarian revolutions, did workers have better living conditions? No, on the contrary they lived much worse, forced into a difficult life, by forced industrialization, artificially, in mainly agricultural countries. Did workers have better working conditions, and more rights? Apparently yes, but in reality, they had to suffer many injustices, and make compromises, which did not change much, their salaries, their purchasing power decreased, and even safety at work, did not improve. The unions, created by communism, were only a facade, all subjected to the hierarchies of the one and only party. Yes, because in addition to the one thought, in communism, there is only one party, in which everyone must obey the hierarchy, and whoever does not obey, ends up in prison, often tortured, and killed.
People must have the same rights and the same duties, but they are not all the same. There are more intelligent people, who in communist regimes, which have corruption and statism in their DNA, had no other option but to escape, and stupid people, who could instead be part of the party apparatus.
Single thought, and single party, are the death of freedom and democracy.
Since for the communists and statists, we are all identical, we must also all think the same things, without any type of thought different from the official one, which is taught to us as children, with manipulations, and real brainwashing.
Since we are all the same, and we all think the same way, what sense would there be in having various political forces, just one political party is enough, the communist one, and those who oppose it, and for the dissidents, unbearable living conditions were created, with continuous discrimination, with prison, and millions of deaths, to maintain a communist, rotten and corrupt state.
Capitalism, and the West, are not always meritocratic, and are often very corrupt, but in any case, they are always better, compared to statism, and communism.
The evidence of all that we write, are the thousands of people who died, to escape from the communist countries, to go to the West, where they could live better, had political pluralism, and at least had the freedom to protest, if something was not going well. We have no credible data, except propaganda based on nothing, of people who from Western countries, escaped to the communist countries.
Wild capitalism, “creative” finance, lobbies, and the control of politics by finance and the economy.
As much as it is better than all dictatorships and communism, representative “democracy” is not real democracy, it never was, and it can become so, only and exclusively with DirectDemocracyS, which allows, for the first time in the history of world politics, a complete management and control of its voters over their political representatives, before, during, and for the first time in the world, even after the elections. We are the only ones to do it, in an authentic, credible, independent, neutral, incorruptible, honest, loyal, fair way, with infallible rules and methodologies, based on competence, and concrete results.
Don Sturzo used to say that “the State must be the referee, not the player”.
We, in DirectDemocracyS, are for private property, which creates development, and wealth for all, as opposed to statism, which only creates corruption, incompetence, hatred, and resentment. The data shows it, statist countries are unable to grow in a healthy way, as there is no competition, and not even innovation. But wild capitalism, and a creative economy, and finance, often based on nothing, creates social problems, injustice, and another type of corruption, that of lobbies, commercial companies, and people, rich and powerful, who almost never share part of their wealth with the poorest. Often, they don't even pay taxes, in the percentage appropriate to their income. We don't like this world, in which entire countries are held in the hands of rich entrepreneurs, who also decide who governs, and we will certainly have to apply rules, to prevent ethically incorrect behavior. The State must intervene, to enforce the Law. But what many do not calculate, is that often the Laws, allow anyone who is smart enough, to be used in his favor, creating very serious problems. The Laws must be clear, simple, but detailed, in order to prevent any type of misuse. Furthermore, the Laws must be applied, without any exception, and without any favor, to those who do not deserve it.
The market economy must be fair, equitable, honest, and allow anyone, on the basis of meritocracy, to become rich, and to have the fame and power they deserve. The State, however, must intervene, actively, to resolve in a fair and convenient way for all, every possible activity. We have talked about it, in many of our economic programs, the middle class, small and medium-sized businesses, which should be the "backbone" of the market economy, are often used, and literally squeezed, to pay the debts of large commercial companies, using shameful taxation, which in turn often forces them to relocate, or to fire their workers, to try to survive. Almost everyone, in the old politics, promises things that are impossible to achieve, to obtain the support of the middle class, but almost no political force carries out useful activities, for these vital sectors. The poor become poorer and poorer, and the rich become richer and richer, and the middle class sinks into poverty. These are the real, and tragic, macroeconomic parameters that must be completely reversed. The fact that the rich become richer would be right, only in a growth, of the middle class, and with perfect living conditions, for the poor, otherwise, all necessary and courageous measures must be taken, but that are useful to everyone, to change and improve the situation. Wild capitalism cannot be "cured", with statism, but with economic and financial activities, honest, fair, equitable, and competent.
The financial and economic results of the old system are based on the partial, incomplete, and often false presentation of data.
We will explain it better, in our articles dedicated to financial and economic activities, but we want to give you a little explanation. In almost all countries, there is growth, often below 1%, of the gross domestic product. And everyone is celebrating, and toasting, on a figure that only those who understand nothing about economics consider to be the only important and useful figure. To have the real situation, you have to consider all the macroeconomic parameters, many of them not often disclosed, and often modified, based on needs. If the growth of the Gross Domestic Product also increases the public debt, inflation, and therefore, as often happens, the purchasing power of people decreases, then, we are witnessing a recession, disguised as growth.
We have talked about it in various articles, every citizen of the earth has a huge debt to pay, already at birth, due to the wrong choices, often tragic, of past generations, and the present one. To live in acceptable conditions, making only the rich richer, our predecessors have created a huge public debt, which many governments are struggling to repay. The growth of the Gross Domestic Product helps, but does not solve the problem, so we need financial and economic policies, which clearly reverse the debt parameter. This way of life makes young people, without a sustainable future, and we must all say together: thank you, to the greedy people, without vision of the future, and stupid who preceded us.
To avoid real riots and street demonstrations, the old system, from time to time, in various countries, offers some gifts, and some illusory hope, promptly betrayed, in a short time. They give the poor, various bonuses, and incomes, without doing anything, always creating public debt. This failed mentality, of creating "financial mirages", and "economic mirages", deluding the poor, of truly living better, creates many votes, for various unscrupulous political forces. But in the long run, it is not sustainable, and for every dollar given, with inflation, and the relative drop in purchasing power, they always take away, at least 2, maybe even more, with the interests on the public debt, in the long run.
The traditional system of finance and economy are incapable of solving these dramas, which do not bother the rich in the least, but destroy the lives and the future of the lower middle classes. There is no point in fighting against the system, but rather in creating a new, alternative and innovative one, which in parallel with the traditional one can create different and better conditions for everyone. A healthy, clean, clear, competent, honest, fair and just system. With the growth of the new system, all the problems created, even by the old system, can finally be solved. We are doing it, and we are achieving great success.
A phrase, which contains the meaning, of the DirectDemocracyS system, is a non-corrupt and meritocratic communism, based on a capitalism, with a human face, based on equality, and on real meritocracy, guaranteed forever, to all. A phrase that not everyone can understand, but it is the only solution, sustainable, and credible, to all problems.
We are sure that, as time goes by, this “new system” of ours will achieve the best results, for the good of all. It will certainly take a lot of hard work, and a lot of time, because the old system will still be able to lie and falsify data. They will give great gifts to everyone, especially to the laziest and the most stupid, who will promptly be corrupted. Many are afraid of change, and do not have the courage and intelligence to join us, preferring to be led towards the abyss, by the old failed system. For those who fall into the ravine, the climb will be almost impossible, for those who join us instead, there are no risks. And as we always say, for our political organization: we can never do worse, than those who preceded us. Dear friends, this sentence, is valid not only for our political system, but also for all our activities, financial and economic, innovative, alternative, and parallel to the others.
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