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    Political pyramid scheme

    Political pyramid scheme

    DirectDemocracyS, does it have a pyramid scheme?

    I have no solutions to propose, but I would like some explanation. Thanks.

    Our answer.

    First of all, a brief introduction.

    Anyone who has studied, in a comprehensive way, the public information, which concerns our entire system, and our political organization, will have realized, that there are implementing rules, very detailed, and that they are almost all made public, little by little. Those who are already our users / voters, know that everything we decide, is never random, but is the fruit, of many years of proposals, discussions, changes, votes, and tests, to prevent in an optimal way, every possible problem.

    Our inevitable hierarchies are based on the English phrase “the_early_bird_catches_the_worm”, which means, in a nutshell, that the first ones who join us deserve, and will have, many advantages and facilities. It will always be like this, because the first ones who trusted us must be placed in roles of greater responsibility, and must have a more important type of user, compared to those who will join us in the final stages of our registrations.

    To answer directly, the interesting question, if we think about pyramid schemes, on an economic and financial level, the unjust and fraudulent “Ponzi scheme” and all its derivatives come to mind.

    In that case, the pyramid scheme made the first investors earn money, and for those “advantages” they used the funds of those at the base of the pyramid, who lost everything.

    In our system, and in our political organization, the pyramid scheme does not allow earnings, and having advantages, and facilities, only for the first ones, who joined us, but there exists, a pyramid scheme, at a hierarchical level, and at a strategic level, which rewards, in a concrete way, the first ones who trusted us.

    To make our hierarchical scheme fair, just, and acceptable, we have taken, from the beginning of each of our activities, all the necessary measures, in terms of regulations, methodologies, and various instructions.

    Our hierarchy is indeed pyramidal in shape, but it is also, at the same time, a system, “of chains, connected by many rings, in turn connected to each other”. In this system, each person has the same value, the same power, the same possibilities, the same rights, and the same duties.

    The chains, connected by multiple links, make our pyramid scheme perfect and unassailable.

    If we think of a chain, with a previous link, and a subsequent link, if one of the links, which make up this long chain, breaks, or is eliminated, concrete problems are created, and all the other links can suffer, furthermore the "driving" force, of our entire system, is weakened, at least until the "bordering" links, with the broken or removed one, are reconnected.

    With our hierarchical scheme, and connections, which foresee, at least 5 rings, in turn connected, to other 5, if by chance, at any time, one of the rings, broke, was eliminated, or was replaced, there would be no problem, for all the other rings. The entire system, would not suffer, not even one negative consequence.

    In fact, the first person who said: we must create an innovative and alternative system to everything that exists, was, logically, our first official member, and the other 4 people, who were present, at that particular moment, were, automatically, the first "links" of our chain, all connected to each other. The first person, invited to learn, and to join us, was automatically, the fifth link, connected to our user number 1, and the others followed. In turn, they decided to create a scheme, not only with chains connected , by multiple links, but also a pyramid, which provided that each person, brought with them, other people, first inviting them to learn, and then inviting them, if compatible, to concretely join us.

    User number 1 was obviously and logically connected directly and automatically to the next 4 and the 5th who had invited, who in turn were connected to each other, we repeat this to make it clear that in DirectDemocracyS, we are all connected. In turn, each of them invited to get information and subsequently to join us, connecting to all the others and to themselves directly, other people deemed suitable and useful for our system. They decided to proceed in this way forever in all our activities. They also decided at a certain point to stop the invitations because there were already all the necessary specialists to create, all together, all the rules and methodologies, fundamental and necessary to lay the foundations of our entire system. In this way, we arrived at the first 282 users of our entire system and of our political organization.

    To change and improve the world, we decided, all together, to start from our political organization, which, in addition to being innovative and alternative to all other political forces, had to base all its activities on logic, common sense and mutual respect between all people.

    They decided to make our political organization partially public, but always inviting people to get informed, and if they were deemed compatible, with our rules, they were also invited, to join us. Even in those phases, specific rules and methodologies were created, integrating them perfectly, but maintaining the initial, fundamental ones, which could not be modified, except with the unanimous vote of all those who were present, at that precise moment, on our official website, and with the right to vote.

     The choice to make it practically impossible to change and overturn our fundamental rules and methodologies was a fundamental decision to never lose sight of the reasons why we created our entire system, our way of working together, and our goals, to be achieved with long, hard work. With shared leadership, we decided that there would not be a single person in command, but that everything would always be decided as a group. To make everything fairer, more just, honest, loyal, incorruptible, and safe, we implemented a system and a rule whereby each of our official members received a single share, like in joint-stock companies, but like in cooperatives, this share is unique, individual, non-transferable, and non-cumulative. In this way, each of our members is the owner, together with all the others, of our entire political organization, our website, and all our activities. In this way, and thanks to the previous rules, if even just one of our official members remains faithful to our initial rules and our fundamental methodologies, all of them will remain forever current, valid, and in force.

    Especially at the beginning, when we were a few hundred people, there was a real risk that some bad people would try to sabotage or slow down our work together and our various activities. Thanks to our system, with pyramid hierarchies, our method of chains connected to each other, with many links, and our rules, we have always avoided any possible problem, in an optimal way, through prevention, effective and immediate.

    Let's see what the main concrete advantages are for the first ones who joined us.

    They are, almost all, temporal, strategic, and hierarchical advantages. Obviously, the first people who joined us, after being invited to learn about our website, and then invited to join us, were, and have remained, with roles of greater responsibility, and more important types of users, in our inevitable, helpful, honest, loyal, and very detailed hierarchies. The first who joined us, with the roles of specialists, are the super administrators, and international level, of these groups, which together with all our special groups, geographic, numerical, and all the other groups, are fundamental, for the functioning, in the best way, of our entire system , and of all our activities. Whoever joined us first, in turn, could, and had to, mandatorily, invite, initially, at least one person, and subsequently another 4, for a total of 5 invitations each, in the same group, of any type, to which they belong. He had to invite these people, in order to respect our fundamental rule, that no one should decide anything individually, but a group created according to our rules is mandatory.

    Dividing all the various types of groups, with the various temporal phases, in turn integrated, by our geographical phases, and other phases, the people who were invited, obviously, exceeded the initial 5, reaching even 25, or depending on the case 125, or more people, who were always, first of all, invited to get information, and subsequently, if they were interested, and compatible, they were invited, officially, to join us.

    We respond in a preventive way to those who ask us: what if the person invited refused to join us? Fortunately, there are very few cases in which a person invited to inform themselves, after having done so in a complete manner, was not compatible with our activities, or was not interested in joining us. Almost all those who at least read our brief presentation on our first page, on our official website, immediately joined us, immediately accepting our official invitation. Since we started, there has not been anyone who has told us: we do not like DirectDemocracyS. Some had some initial doubts, or some superficial criticism, which they immediately eliminated, reading a few other public information of ours, and subsequently, requested to be invited themselves, considering themselves honored to be part of our immense family. There have been very few cases of refusal, or of people who did not respond to us in the times and ways foreseen by our instructions.

    In this regard, it should be noted that none of us has directly invited any other person to join us. We have never done so, and we will never do so. The only thing that each of us is authorized to do is to invite people to inform themselves, in the most complete way possible, remaining available for any requests for information, at a general level. For specific information, on any possible topic, you must contact our specialized groups, only and exclusively, through our contact forms, based on your questions. We do not try to convince anyone, and we never negotiate with anyone, their possible membership, to our system. If a person does not respond in the ways, and within the times proposed, simply, the invitation to inform themselves remains valid, but none of us, will never invite them again, to join us, for a very long time, perhaps forever.

    Let us explain ourselves even better. We do not like being ignored, and we do not like superficiality, those who generalize, and those who draw hasty conclusions. If any of our users, authorized to make invitations, invites a person, to inform themselves fully, and then, if the person likes our system, and considers themselves compatible, with our activities, subsequently, the person is invited to join us. If they do not do so, they will not be invited again, and will be forced, if they want to join us, to wait for the final stages, of our registrations, to be able to request to join us, and humbly request, to receive an invitation. We are not vindictive, but we have too many good people, who, understanding our enormous potential, want to join us, to waste time, negotiating, with those who are undecided. We have never asked anyone, to join us, also because our system, was designed, so that no one is essential, for our survival, but everyone is important, and useful, to make our enormous mechanism work. So, to answer concretely the question: what if someone refuses the invitation to join us, after being invited, to get information? Our user, who invited him, simply invites another person, until he finds the 5 people, who he is obliged to join, to the groups he is part of, based on our implementing rules. We repeat, these are very rare cases, but there is never a shortage of people interested in joining us. However, it often happens that people who had joined us, and who have abandoned us, or have been blocked and expelled, request to be able to re-enter our activities, and only our groups will be able to decide whether or not to accept their requests, based on our specific rules, and the rules of the various groups. There are also many cases of people who, having been invited, have not accepted immediately, in the times and ways provided for by our instructions. In these cases, they lose the possibility of being invited, and will have to get back in line, on our waiting lists, and will have to wait, with a lot of patience, for their turn. We repeat, we are not bad, we are just fair. Certain occasions, in life, must be exploited, immediately, so as not to lose the advantages and the facilities, at the exact moment, in which they are possible. Obviously, with the invitation methodology, which we have explained several times, and which we will explain better, also in the future, for our system, there are many advantages. First of all, the invitation, is always made, with the rule of verified and guaranteed identity, by the inviter, on the invited, and the assumption, of all responsibility, forever, for every possible problem created, by the person invited. So, in addition to a continuous, orderly, organized growth, all the safety measures are maintained and guaranteed. Each of our phases, each of our typology of group, each of our geographical phases, and each single group, have specific rules, regarding invitations. Thanks to our methodology with invitations, we grow very quickly, because those who do not invite the 5 people, in the ways, and in the regulatory times, lose points, types of users, important roles, and can be stung. After all, it is not difficult to find at least 5 people, to invite, to help join us, by registering, and creating a personal profile, and subsequently, to insert into their groups. If they do not find them, they can request to obtain a user, from our very long waiting list, but for us, and for those who make the invitation, it is important, that only suitable, compatible people are invited, and therefore, only reliable people. Our advice is to always have at least 5 people ready, really interested, to join us, but also more than 5, because in each group of which they will be part, they must bring 5 people with them, based on specific, general rules, and the rules of the various groups.

    The first ones who joined us, in addition to the advantage of being among the first, and of having roles of greater responsibility, and more important types of users, directly managing many of our groups, have the advantage of being able to have in their groups, people they trust, who they esteem, who they respect, and in some cases who they love, with whom they can collaborate, in the best possible way. This pyramid method, with chains connected by multiple rings, with people invited directly, guarantees us, excellent results, and above all reliability. The cases of refusal of our invitations are very rare, precisely for all the reasons, that we have explained, in the previous sentences.

     For us, it was important to build a beautiful project, but it was essential that it was composed only of good, intelligent, reliable people, and compatible with all our activities. To make it infallible, incorruptible, free, independent, neutral, safe, innovative, and truly alternative, we created these rules of ours, which are often used, with this methodology, for the first and only time in the world. We were created, not to bring advantages, facilitations, and to never give too much power, to a single person, or, only to a small group of people, for these reasons, each role of greater responsibility, and each type of superior user, must be obtained, but must also be confirmed, every day, with their own concrete results, and with impeccable behavior. For these evaluations, our system of points, special, and normal, is fundamental, which allow us, to promote, and demote, the roles, and the types of users, of each person, who joins us. We have all the means, to reward, and to punish, always, on the basis of equality, and meritocracy, which we guarantee forever to everyone, always united, with the passing of time. For every individual proposal, a group is immediately created, in which we all work together, to realize every idea, every proposal, and every project, by anyone.

    For the same role, we can create different groups, that will work together, based on loyalty, honesty, sincerity, and mutual respect. These roles, obtained by the first ones, can be easily lost, and can be reassigned, and obtained, by worthy, and competent users, even if they have just entered, in our system.

    To complete this information, we cannot miss a prerogative of ours, which we always assure to everyone: the possibility of remaining forever completely anonymous, based on your own decisions and your own privacy settings, and sharing, with individual choices, your personal data. Each of our readers will be able to understand the enormous advantages offered by this important possibility.

    We remind you that we always talk about a system, which is integrated, but separate, from our political activity, which is our starting project. Anyone who is not part of our political organization, continuously, respecting every rule, and methodology, cannot be part of our social, economic, financial, communication, multimedia, sports, and charitable activities. If one of our users is blocked, or is expelled, in our political activities, he is automatically, and immediately blocked, and subsequently expelled, in all our other activities, according to specific rules, possibly being able, according to specific rules, to recover the sums of money earned, after having paid, in full, any debts.

    To each person, who will read this informative article of ours, the freedom to appreciate, or criticize, these rules of ours, and methodologies, unique, inimitable, and very safe. From our side, the observation, that we are doing an excellent job, that could not have been done, in a better way, or even differently.

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