DirectDemocracyS, is an international political organization, therefore at a global level.
In every continent of the earth, we have a presence, and an activity, through our continental organizations.
Since 2024, with the beginning of our national phases, we have a political organization, in every country in the world.
The local phases will soon begin, with the creation of our political organizations, based on the various geographical and territorial subdivisions in each country of the world.
While united, with the same rules and the same methodologies, we give every political organization, at every level, down to neighborhood political organizations, complete freedom and true democracy, respecting all our ideals, our values, our principles and our rules, which are not negotiable, cannot be changed and cannot be questioned. The reasons are obvious, but we must explain them every time. We must never forget, because we were conceived, designed and created: to change and improve the world. We must never forget, for any reason, who we are and in which direction we must go, guaranteeing everyone individual and collective freedom, potentially infinite (which ends where the freedom of another person or group of people begins), and we must put into practice the only authentic and complete democracy, direct democracy. We must never forget where we must go and what results we want to achieve, always keeping in mind, in every decision, the good of all the people of the earth and only subsequently, the good of our community and ourselves. We must allow complete control, of our voters, on our political representatives, before, during, and for the first time in the world even after the elections. The second objective, is to defend freedom, and to ensure that true democracy is never stolen from us again. With this method, and with these rules, we create all together, the best political force in the history of humanity, DirectDemocracyS, which is always based: on logic, on common sense, on truth, on competence, always combined with equality, and always guaranteed together, to everyone, furthermore we are based on honesty, on sincerity, on loyalty, and on security.
After this brief premise, which no one can deny, we must answer some questions.
Question 1.
You said that DirectDemocracyS, when it does not participate in elections directly, with its own political representatives, does not give indications on who the voters should vote for. In 2 cases, did you do that?
Answer 1.
We confirm every single word, we do not change our minds, we do not say one thing and do another, and we explain to you how our political organization works.
DirectDemocracyS, as an international political organization, cannot and must not give indications or advice on who to vote for, because for now, there are no elections at a global level.
We will never, and for any reason, anywhere in the world, not even at a local level, make any kind of alliances, coalitions, or electoral agreements with other political forces. We already have within us, many people, with all ideologies, and coming from all other political forces, so we do not need compromises with other political parties, and not even with people, who are not our users / future voters.
Our continental, national, or local organizations, at any level, if they are present in the areas where the vote is held, or if the members of the respective groups (continental, national, and local), who are resident in the geographical area where the vote is held, or if they have citizenship (even if they are residents abroad), and the right to vote, in the territory where the vote is held, but also if they are simply residents, in the areas where the vote is held (even if they do not have the right to vote), for us, have every right: to propose, discuss, and decide, by voting within us, and to comment on every activity, of all types, therefore also political, and if they want, they can make statements, before, during, and even after the elections. The previous one is a long sentence, a bit complicated, to read a couple of times, to understand it well. These groups of ours, can decide, by voting within them, to advise the various voters, who to vote for, or, depending on the case, who not to vote for, whether they are within us, or outside our system. If they wish, they can motivate, or not motivate, their internal decisions. According to the implementing rules, they must communicate, in good time, and obtain all the authorizations, of our groups of the higher geographical phases, of our groups of specialists, and of our 5 special groups. In short, if one votes in France, they can decide who to support, advising on which choice to make, all our users / future voters, with French citizenship (even if resident abroad), or, depending on the case, all residents in France, with the right to vote, or, in other cases, even people resident, without the right to vote. Even the previous sentence, at first glance may seem complicated, but it is simple, according to various groups, all those who have consequences, of the various votes, can express an opinion, or advice, on the various elections.
So far, in 2 cases, our national political organizations have given voting instructions to our members and to those who had the right to vote in their respective countries. DirectDemocracyS Russia, before the presidential elections, advised all its members and those who had the right to vote not to vote for President Vladimir Putin. They did not advise which candidate to vote for, they simply said not to vote for Putin. It is their right, and they have received permission, officially, from our European group, from our specialist groups, and from our 5 special groups.
In this regard, we remind everyone that our European group includes all the countries of the European geographical area, therefore, also Turkey and Russia, and other countries outside the European Union. For us, they are all European citizens.
For the second round of the presidential elections in Romania, DirectDemocracyS Romania advised all voters with the right to vote, both within our country and abroad, to vote for candidate Elena Lasconi.
Again, they had requested and obtained official authorizations from our European group, our specialist groups, and our 5 special groups.
The authorization method is fundamental to work in a unified, organized and respectful way, of our rules, of our methodologies, implementing our values, our ideals, our principles, and our unique and inimitable style. It will be difficult to deny, to some of our groups, or, to our official representatives, to express themselves in the name of DirectDemocracyS. For now, there have been no cases, because we are for freedom, and democracy.
In any case, everything is decided, with our shared leadership, and with the right of ownership, of our official members, which are put into practice, always also at the international level, at the continental level, at the national level, and at all local levels.
To clarify, our official voter/member, owns, proposes, manages, discusses, and controls, together with all the residents, and the holders of citizenship, our neighborhood organization, our organization at the city, district, county, province, region, state level, our national, continental, and international organization. Obviously, according to the various territorial and geographical subdivisions, of each country. Everything is done, according to simple, safe, and very detailed rules.
Every person who joins us is truly free, and has every opportunity to express himself, propose, discuss, vote, contest, control, in all ways, respecting all our rules, and our methodologies.
Based on the vote in our Russian group, and in our Romanian group, and only in those, official positions of DirectDemocracyS have been decided, regarding the respective elections. For us, it is essential that everyone decides at home, at every level, without any interference, but with respect for all our rules. The decision taken with the votes is official, and anyone who had contrary ideas, in all ways, must support the result of the vote. At the moment of voting, however, he is free to vote, for whoever he wants, we will certainly not be there with him, watching his preference. If we decide something together, however, we do not tolerate, those who do not put into practice, the common decisions, and we decide, case by case, based on detailed rules, which measures to adopt.
When we are present at the elections, with our political organization, and with our political representatives, also elected according to the previous rules, each of our users / voters, has the obligation to support all our candidates, at any level, because we are all, a big family, but we demand respect, and coherence. Even in these cases, we will not be present, to see each of our users, who they vote for, but we rely on the loyalty, reliability, and intelligence, of each of our users / voters. It would be stupid, to be part of the best political organization in the world, and vote for others.
For those who decide to vote for our political organization, and for our candidates, not being registered on our official website, the invitation is always the same, to inform yourself fully, and join us, to be the true protagonist, and the owner, of all our activities.
Question 2.
Why have you excluded all religion from your activities and from your system?
Answer 2.
For us, all religions must be respected, exactly the same, protecting freedom of worship, in every country in the world. For our “system”, at the center of all our activities, there must be the good, and the interests, of all the people of the earth, without preferences, and without discrimination. We do not accept any interference, and we do not take lessons in morality, from anyone, therefore also from any religion, which must never try, to interfere, or to meddle, in our activities. We have asked, officially, and publicly, to all the religions of the world, and they are over 24,000, if they order, or, do not order, if they advise, or, do not advise, their followers, to join us. Some years have passed, but for now, none of these religions, has ever criticized us, and none of them, has given us negative reviews. Obviously, they are free to change their mind, at any time, or, they can decide when they want, not to allow their followers to join us. In that case, we will take note of it, we will continue to respect and defend them, exactly the same way. We will continue to welcome, in the best way, and with open arms, anyone who wants to join us, we will protect by all means, those who will stay with us, and we will cordially greet, anyone who decides to leave, at any time.
Question 3.
The majority of the population is heterosexual, and you have open positions on homosexual couples. In this way, you will lose many voters. Don't you think of taking a definitive position?
Answer 3.
We do not have to take a definitive stance. We just need to stay consistent, and be consistent forever. The issue is very important, and we have addressed it in some of our informative articles. Love, as banal as it may seem, is the greatest force in the universe. The State cannot impose on the individual what to do with their own body, and who to love. Obviously, there must be an age of consent for sexual relations, which must vary from country to country, based on local traditions, and the advice of specialists, especially doctors. On these issues, and on the various specific laws, all our national organizations, and in many cases local ones, must decide. One thing, however, is not up for discussion, we are for the freedom to love whoever you want, whether they are of the opposite sex, or your own sex. We do not discriminate, and we will never do so, against people based on race, skin color, sex, sexual preferences, religious preferences, political preferences, linguistic preferences, culture and traditions. For us, there are good people, or bad people, with varying amounts of goodness, and badness. The bad ones will never be accepted in our immense family, and will never have important roles, and superior types of users. There are intelligent people, and stupid people, with various levels of intelligence, and stupid people, will join us last, when they cannot obtain, roles of great responsibility, and superior types of users. There are tolerant people, and intolerant people, and those who are intolerant, would do well to stay away from all our activities. To conclude, and to answer clearly, unequivocally to the question: for us, homosexual couples, must have the same rights, and the same duties, as heterosexual couples, and every minority, of any kind, must be protected, and defended by all means.
The reasons for our choices are clear. What freedom does the recognition and protection of homosexual couples take away from the heterosexual majority? No freedom, but it offers the same rights and the same duties to sexual minorities. Ours is not an ideological decision, but is based on logic, common sense, science, and mutual respect for all people.
And if many people will not join us, why do we defend minorities? We base ourselves on the fact that the stupid and intolerant are few, and the intelligent and tolerant are a clear majority.
We have only 3 simple questions, which each of us must be able to answer, publicly, and also to our own conscience.
If homosexual people had the same rights and duties as heterosexual couples, would anyone force you to have similar sexual relations, or could you continue to have sexual relations with people of the opposite sex?
If someone who opposes same-sex romantic relationships had a gay son or a lesbian daughter or, as grandparents, had a gay grandson or a lesbian granddaughter, how would he or she behave?
If these children, or grandchildren, but also future generations, hear, see, or read, with how much hatred, and how much discrimination, you treat homosexual people, and with how much contempt and disgust, you hate them, what would they do on your grave?
Question 4.
If President Vladimir Putin wanted to join DirectDemocracyS, would you welcome him?
Answer 4.
If he decided to immediately put an end to the vile and senseless Russian invasion of Ukraine, and returned all the territories conquered by force, and guaranteed the territorial integrity, sovereignty and freedom of the Ukrainian people, even with many doubts, we would accept immediately. Obviously, we would welcome him, with a limited personal profile, without ever having any possibility of becoming our candidate in the elections, and without any possibility of having higher types of users, or roles of greater responsibility, in the management of our political organization. Our opinion on President Putin is negative, we consider him a dictator, criminal, murderer, liar, oligarch, and a politician, who has made many wrong decisions, not only towards the Ukrainian people, but towards his own people. How many young people have died, for his senseless imperialistic ambitions? Hundreds of thousands of people. How many people have been left without relatives and friends, without a home, and in inhuman conditions? So many. Of course, it is not only his fault, and that of his collaborators, there are also external factors (which we will talk about immediately), but his people will never forgive him, the immense pain he has caused, and the fact that he has given away, to people without any merit, all the riches of Russia, while his people, live on the edge of survival. As for external factors, for us, and for anyone who joins us, every country and every people, must be free to choose, at any time, freely, and without external influence, which economic unions, and which military alliances to be part of. Those who talk to you about geopolitics, and broken promises, of the extension to the east in Europe, of NATO, are tendentious, and do not tell you the whole truth. A country like Russia, in normal conditions, does not have to fear any external force, with a nuclear deterrent of over 7000 warheads. Russian politics, on the other hand, should stop invading its neighbors, and should not create, artificially, incidents of various kinds, and internal provocations, in countries, which it had sworn to defend, through treaties, which then become useless, and without any guarantee. President Putin, like much of world politics, is influenced, and controlled, by the producers of weapons, and by those who market them. Even the commercial construction companies, which will have to rebuild entire countries, have enormous interests, in creating many conflicts, in various parts of the world. Furthermore, Ukraine does not respect minorities, and many countries, whose citizens as minorities, were treated badly, have offered concrete help, of all kinds to Kiev. These aspects, "justify" only in part, the wrong decisions of Putin. It could have been negotiated, without any military attack, but the weapons, must be disposed of, and renewed, and after this invasion, the revenues of the merchants of death will increase, because all the countries of the world will increase their military spending, which was decreasing, before the Russian invasion of Ukraine. We remind everyone that we are against any kind of invasion, and always on the side of those who defend themselves. NATO, and the United States, throughout history, have committed many heinous activities, some unforgivable, but at least, they have never invaded, allied countries, or countries, that they had sworn to protect. This loyalty, and the fact that they often try to overthrow ruthless dictators, or, non-democratic regimes, makes them slightly better, if compared to the current Russian politics, or the Chinese one-party thinking. For those who are curious, to know the truth, about this and other conflicts, and about DirectDemocracyS, you can find a lot of information on our website. Our last question today, to some people, may seem nonsensical, or banal. This is absolutely not the case, President Putin, with BRICS, is trying to create a different system, from the one based on the American dollar, and we too, are creating, on completely different bases, and with better rules, a new economic and financial system, credible, innovative, and completely alternative, to all the other systems, which we consider, unjust, and failed. But we will talk about this at the right time.
We thank from the bottom of our hearts, all those who contact us, and especially, those who try in vain to find flaws, which do not exist, in all our activities. Your criticisms, allow us, by responding publicly, and to better explain certain concepts, and above all allow us, to make everyone understand, all our motivations. Obviously, we cannot respond to everyone, already to some, it seems too many, our current, about 260 informative articles, and about 2000 posts in over 56 languages. Over time, the process of studying, to understand who we are, what we do, how we do it, and where we want to go, becomes very long. And we ask you, do not join us, if you are not fully informed, and if you are not sure, of wanting to work with us, to change and improve the world.
We will answer soon, also to other questions, as always, in a clear, public, and sincere way.
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