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    Local phases

    Local phases

    Thanks to the hard work of everyone who joined us, over 7 months ahead of schedule, our local phases are officially starting.

    What does all this mean? That we are very close to moment 0, when we will officially present, all over the world, to all people, our political organization.

    A brief introduction.

    DirectDemocracyS, can be compared to the life of a human being, which is formed, following fertilization, after a sexual intercourse, very satisfying. Our political organization, and our entire social, economic, and financial system, do not yet have a birth date, but a conception date. We have only one more characteristic, compared to a human being, "immortality".

    At the right time, we will have a birth date.

    Our official birth date will be the exact day when every person on earth will have known of our existence and will have read at least the short presentation on the front page of our official website.

    Until then, we are in transformation, and we grow, in a controlled, slow, but healthy, protected, safe, and continuous way.

    But why such a precise, and above all so complicated, birth date?

    Because for a very long time, more and more people, from all over the world, are working hard, to create the best political force, in all the history of humanity. The most just, fair, competent, honest, sincere, complete, independent, incorruptible, free, democratic, direct, loyal, and safe, that has ever existed.

    Our date of birth is not complicated, but it is right. Only when all people know that we exist, and that they can change and improve the world, together with us, being able to make a conscious and completely informed choice, whether to join us, or not, we can say that we are born. For a very long time, we have made our organization, and our entire system, public, only to a very few people, carefully selected, to create the solid foundation, of all our activities.

    But what is our secret?

    To be conceived, to be the best, with rules and methodologies, respected forever, by anyone who joins us. The second secret, is that there are no favorites, and no one can use our innovation, for their own advantages, if these are not deserved. The third secret, is to be infallible, thanks to a lot of hard work, for many years, by anyone who has joined us, and to the equally hard, and very important, work of anyone who will join us. The fourth secret, a continuous evolution, without ever changing the initial rules, but expanding them, without distorting them, so as to never forget, why we were born, how we should be, which paths we should take, and where we want to go. For the other secrets, you must read, completely, even several times, in full, with an open mind, all our public information.

    Our geographical phases.

    We do not explain to you again, all our motivations, for our geographical phases, which for some go against logic. We have done so in various articles, and we can assure you, that the reasons are logical, common sense, and for mutual respect, of all people. We only tell you, that we are the only political force in history, born to unite, and never to divide, in an artificial way, all the people of the earth, therefore, it was logical to begin to work, with people from all countries, and representing all the populations, of our planet.

    The international stages.

    They were the most difficult, because we had to choose very intelligent people, with great abilities, but also honest, loyal, sincere, incorruptible, competent, and above all, who came from every country in the world, and who represented all the populations of the earth. We had to have at least a hundred people, from every country in the world, to move on to the next geographical phase, that is, the continental phases. Obviously, in certain very small countries, it was complicated, and took time, to find many people, so we made a rule, which allowed neighboring countries, very small countries, to represent them, officially, in the various working groups, that were being created. We have the right implementing rules, to put into practice, all these "loans", with continuous control, of who is from the country represented, on who represents it.

    The continental phases.

    We had to create hundreds of groups of all kinds, even at a continental level, it was our first territorial and geographical subdivision. Very important, to lay the foundations, of our subsequent groups, the national ones.

    The national stages.

    They were the most difficult step, because finally, our structures, our groups, and our organizations were created, in each country of the world. Don't imagine large offices, inaugurations, and time wasted celebrating. The work was continuous, and truly difficult. The problem, obviously, was not in the number of people to find, but in the choice, of hierarchies, based on merit, and on real competence. To offer even those who did not know us, the possibility of obtaining roles of greater responsibility, and higher types of users, we temporarily allowed our administrators, and super administrators, to invite carefully selected people to first study our rules, and then to join us, and to organize votes, in which the ones to decide, were always our users, of each country, who had already joined us, and already had roles and types of users, in the previous geographical phases. Each of our users, with verified and guaranteed identity, voted, to choose the various roles, and the various types of users, in their own country.

    The national phases were all a huge success, but they created a small problem, due to the new registered users, who exceeded the expected number by over 16,000. For a small community like ours, there are many people, all arriving in a short time, who must all be welcomed, and integrated, in the best way, into our immense family.

    The previous phases, and all subsequent ones, will have similar rules and methodologies, among which we recall:

    - while guaranteeing the right and useful local autonomies, DirectDemocracyS is unique, indivisible, and has the same rules, the same methodologies, and the same unique and inimitable style, in all its activities, everywhere in the world, and at every stage.

    - every decision to be voted on, every activity before being carried out, every discussion before being started, in the smaller geographical and territorial subdivisions, must be communicated, and obtain authorization, in the major phases, to allow for organized, coordinated, and safe activities.

    - due to the exceeding, of the numbers of users, which we needed, clearly exceeding the maximum number necessary, for the national phases, in our local phases, new registered users, with higher user types, will not be allowed, as a higher type, new official members, and only on the basis of invitations.

    - new registrations, and especially new activations, of new users, can be blocked without an official invitation, at any time, and for as long as necessary.

    -we will continue to select, with great care, and verify the identity of each individual person who joins us, and the people invited will have to have their identity verified and guaranteed, with the assumption of responsibility by those who invite them.

    From the international phase , the continental phases were conceived, managed, created, and voted on .

    From the continental ones, the national phases were conceived, managed, created, and voted on, with the authorization, and support, of the international ones.

    From the national ones, the local phases were conceived, managed, created and voted on, with the authorization and support of the continental and international ones.

    In a nutshell.

    Every national political organization begins the local phases, with the maximum freedom, and with the right autonomy, with the only obligation, to respect and enforce, all our rules, and all our methodologies, and to inform the higher phase, in advance and completely, of what it wants to do, and how it wants to do it, obtaining authorization, in good time.

    It always starts with the larger territorial subdivisions, and goes all the way down to designing, creating, managing, and voting for our smaller political organizations, at the neighborhood level, and in large cities, even at the street block level.

    For each subsequent territorial and geographical subdivision, the organizational rule of the previous phases will always be applied, with maximum freedom and with the right autonomy, with the only obligation, to respect and enforce, all our rules, and all our methodologies, and to inform the higher phase, in advance and completely, of what we want to do, and how we want to do it, obtaining authorization, in good time.

    The specific detailed rules, which are identical, will apply to all our political organizations.

    Some brief considerations.

    DirectDemocracyS is strong, stable, safe, and will achieve excellent results, useful for everyone, only if it remains united, unique, indivisible, and compact. Therefore, while respecting complete freedoms and the right local autonomies, the same rules and methodologies will always be followed. Divisions and splits will not be possible, and it will never be possible to use our activities in different ways. These rules are clear from the beginning, are accepted by everyone, and mandatory for anyone who joins us, and are essential to ensure the perfect functioning of our enormous mechanism.

    We answer some questions in advance, please take this into account, and do not contact us, asking the same questions, to which we have already answered, with our informative articles. To have almost all the answers, you just need to search for the article that talks about it, and only if you have questions, on issues that have not been explained, you can contact us, to receive, if necessary, further details, and the necessary explanations. Obviously, we will never and for any reason, give details that violate the rules on anonymity, and all the privacy settings, both of our users, and of our work groups. Also, you will never and for any reason receive detailed information, on what activities we do, and how they are done. We will never and for any reason tell you our future activities, and what we plan to do. In short, we will only tell you what is necessary for you to know, and we will do it in a faster, and more complete way, based on your type of user, and based on your role, in our system, and in our organization. Logically, we will never, and for any reason, give you information and answers that are not first communicated and definitively authorized by all our special groups.

    Are we dictators if we force everyone to respect our every rule and our every methodology?

    Absolutely not, but we must prevent, in an effective way, every possible problem. The respect of clear rules, and detailed methodologies, prevents anyone, individually, or in small groups, from using DirectDemocracyS, for personal advantages, or for the benefit of a few people, which are not deserved. We prevent in a concrete way, the use of our activities, or to obtain too much power, individually, or for a small group of people. The advantages and facilities, such as wealth and power, must be divided, in an equitable way, and based on merits, both individual and group, avoiding any excess.

    Are the territorial and geographical subdivisions of the local phases imposed from above?

    Absolutely not, each individual country decides how to divide its own national organization. However, it must have a clear project, based on our rules and methodologies, to present to our superior political organization, which after having analyzed it, discussed it, made it compliant with our rules and methodologies, and voted on it, will present it to the superior one, which will do the same thing, up to the international stage. Everything is very simple, orderly, organized, and it takes place very quickly, in a protected and safe manner for everyone.

    An example of a local phase?

    In the United States, the main federal states are divided into those of the East Coast, the South, the Midwest, the mountain area, and the West Coast. Subsequently, our geographical and territorial groups are created, which provide for the creation of our own political organization, and the presence of our system, in each individual state, of those that make up the country. And then, always with the same rules, and the same methodologies, we will proceed to the creation of all the other structures of our organization, up to those of the neighborhood, and in the large cities, of the street block.

    We will proceed exactly the same way, in every country of the world. Each of them decides autonomously, how, and when to create, its own geographical and territorial structures.

    Our presence at a local level will make us known, at the right time, throughout the world, making each of our divisions a better way to address issues and better solve all problems of citizens, directly in their respective geographical areas. This, while remaining united, and indivisible.

    Will it cost a lot of money to have so many locations, and will you have to hire a lot of people?

    With the exception of some physical locations in 5 countries around the world, where we have all our web servers, DirectDemocracyS will have no offices and bureaucracy, although it will hire a lot of staff (based on rules of equality and meritocracy), who will work directly from home, allowing for better organization of the various activities. Obviously, the Laws often force political forces to have a location for correspondence, a telephone number, and in some cases even a fax. Our national groups, in every country in the world, will have a post office box, dedicated to national correspondence, and one will be created in every territorial subdivision. The same rule applies to telephone numbers. To our telephone numbers, at an international level, we have added our telephone numbers for each continent, and then those reserved for each country in the world. The same goes for faxes. Our offices are at the home of each of our official members, but also on the street, in the squares, in the parks, on the beach, in the mountains, in the middle of the fields, in factories, in supermarkets, in small shops, in offices of all types, and wherever there is one of our users / voters. The respective communication groups will choose how to organize themselves, to be compliant, with all the Laws, the rules, and without having to throw away money, uselessly.

    So, to those who accuse us of being distant from the people, we say that we are, and will always remain, the political force closest to all people, and if there is a need we will come with you, even to the bathroom, or in the shower.

    There are people who accuse us of not advertising ourselves, and of not putting up posters around the cities. Advertising is the soul of commerce, and if it is necessary, we will invest 0.000001% of our money in flyers, posters, advertising, and other similar nonsense. We have such a perfect “product” that “sells itself”, it would just be money wasted. Furthermore, too many posters and flyers can create problems for the environment, as do too many trips, for people, to go to meetings, conferences , and for the various activities, which can be done online, without polluting too much. Obviously, we encourage everyone to meet, at a local level, to propose, discuss, and decide, things that concern the various urban areas, based on the various administrative subdivisions. Also for these reasons, the local phases are very important, to bring all the people closer to our political organization.

    Some accuse us of not using phones much, while we are the political organization that communicates more than all the others, and in the most direct ways, with all citizens, not only with our voters/users, who in any case have all the priorities, because they are an active part of all our activities.

    From the first minute, we have created our own application, for chats, messages, and video calls, both individual and group. All our political representatives are required to make periodic video calls with all their voters and to publicly answer all their questions. They must even speak and answer even the voters who do not vote for us. The ratio is usually 2/3 of video calls with those who have joined us and 1/3 of video calls with all the others. Obviously, these ratios may vary based on the percentages of people who join us, but they must always allow even those outside our system to express themselves and speak freely with all our political representatives. This method, however, is not used by our political organization, which can be contacted from the outside only and exclusively with the contact forms, suited to their needs and based on their questions. This is because our task is not to convince anyone to join us, but only to invite anyone to inform themselves fully, reading with an open mind, without superficial and hasty conclusions, each of our articles published, only and exclusively, on our official website. Only after having informed themselves, if they agree with every single word, every single sentence, and if they consider themselves compatible, with all our rules and methodologies, can they decide to join us, by requesting an invitation to join us, which is the fastest way, or by registering, and creating a personal profile, which means waiting a very long time, in our waiting list, due to the many requests we receive. We, and none of our users / voters, do not start any type of negotiations, with any person, to convince them to join us. We have no time to waste on such activities, if a person trusts us, likes what we do, how we do it, and believes himself to be: compatible, reliable, loyal, competent, honest, sincere, and incorruptible, he can join us, or he can wait for the right moment, when all the roles of greater importance, of greater responsibility, and all types of superior users, will already be entrusted to other people, and when we will accept into our huge family, practically anyone.

    This “natural selection”, which will always allow us to put all the people, in the right place, is a bit slow, but it allows us to grow continuously, safely, and to prevent every possible problem. We are the only political force in the world, which is not only chosen and preferred by the citizens, but in turn selects, with great attention, all its future voters. The best political force in the history of humanity, to be useful to everyone, and to change and improve the world, needs, only and exclusively, the best voters in the history of humanity.

    The greatness of a political force is not measured by the size of its offices, but by the concrete activities it carries out to solve, in the best way, all the problems of its citizens.

    Whoever joins us will have to bring with them their own ideas, their own ideals, their own concrete proposals, and their own projects, to be evaluated, integrated, if necessary modified, discussed, voted on, and implemented, all together. To those who accuse us of being presumptuous, we say that we are only realists, and to study ourselves better. To those who tell us that we are too complicated, we say that a simple project will never have our potential, especially to prevent any improper use of the enormous power that our political organization will obtain over time. To those who tell us that we are too demanding, we say that the world is in such a bad state, because the mistakes of citizens in voting were accepted, and subsequently, the mockery, lies, thefts, and manipulation of other political forces were tolerated, through the media, and with the supervision of lobbies, which control all other political forces.

    Join us, only if you want to get directly involved, in our activities, and become the real protagonists. We do not need spectators, and people, who do not want to take responsibility.

    How do I get information about local activities, phases?

    The activities of the local phases are communicated, in the times, in the ways, and at the right time, by each of our national organizations. To have a list of the national contact forms, divided into subcategories, with specific forms, you must go to this link:

    you must choose the country, or the geographical area that interests you, and use the contact form that best suits your needs. We ask you, before asking any questions, to do a search, in the public part of our official website, you will already find a lot of useful information. In short, do not ask us things, that we have already explained to you, publicly.

    Security deposit.

    Attention, due to the huge number of requests from people who want to join us, to effectively prevent any possible problem, we are forced to ask for a security deposit, in money, from anyone who joins us. The single sum, to be paid before requesting our invitation, is 25 Euros, for those who are 31 years old and over, and 12.5 Euros, for those who are under 31.

    The rules of this deposit are very simple, exactly one year after your deposit, you will recover the amount paid, according to specific rules, with the exception of bank charges, and the management costs of this money, which are a maximum of 3 Euros, for those who deposit 25, and 1.5 Euros for those who deposit 12.5.

    The money will be returned directly to the current account of the person who paid it, or to a new current account, decided by the person making the payment. The sums paid can be used to pay, possibly, the annual fee, to be part of our political organization, or, you can obtain debit cards, prepaid, registered in the name of the holder. The decision, on the method of return, or use of the money, in any case, is up to the person making the payment.

    Reasons for this decision.

    Security reasons.

    Brief introduction.

    So far, all the Internet Giants have tried to stop us, slow us down, or boycott us, making us practically invisible, both on search engines, but also on social networks, where less than 1% of the people who follow us, receive our posts. In many cases, for example on Facebook, our posts are not accepted, and once, for over 3 months, all our groups, and presentation pages, in all languages available at that time, were deleted, and every attempt to access our websites, from applications and Meta websites, gave an error page, and said that our website was not safe. We are the safest websites, and continuously monitored, on the Internet, with the best and most modern technologies, continuously updated, and with the best security measures. After 3 months they reactivated us, just before we reported them, in various Courts. On X, our official account, is currently limited, and no one is offered to visit us. Of course we are sorry for those who follow us on social networks, or who search for us on the Internet. We recommend everyone to visit us only on our websites.

    Their tactics, however, allowed us to grow slowly, but in a controlled, orderly, and organized manner in the best possible way. We thank them for this, thinking of hurting us, they helped us.

    The situation could however be reversed, that is, they could make us known to many people, who if all together, joined us, would create short interruptions to our web servers, for technical times, to activate a new server, to add to the existing ones, to have all the power and space necessary, to welcome in the best way, all the new users / voters.

    Even with all our good will, this situation would create unpleasant situations, for those who have already joined us, and for those who want to do so in the future.

    These deposit amounts also allow us to have a guarantee that the people who join us will respect all our rules and all our methodology. For example, you do not publish anything in the public areas, but only in the groups you are a member of, you do not contact or make friend requests to strangers, you do not publish useless things, you do not waste time uselessly.

    Even with these restrictions, which serve to keep everything tidy, clean, organized and safe, each of our users / voters has every opportunity to express their full potential, their ideas, with all possible means.

    To some it may seem like a dictatorship, but instead we are the only truly free ones, and only we put authentic democracy into practice.

    But let's see, why we ask for a security deposit.

    To prevent any possible use of our potential in the wrong way.

    Let's give you an example: do you like that every time you write something, someone disturbs you? Do you like watching pornographic videos, with links that often contain viruses? Do you like receiving friend requests, from complete strangers, who over time will lie to you in various ways, maybe ask you for money, or scam you? Do you like, while you talk about serious things, that some people make comments based on a presumed sympathy, that you do not find relevant, to what you were commenting on? Do you like seeing totally incompetent people, who talk about things they do not know, maybe publishing false news?

    Effective prevention against fake profiles, multiple profiles, and against the feared and annoying robots, also called bots. These "applications" create many websites, often cloning real sites, but they also create non-human profiles, but perfectly similar to the profiles of real people, which fill the Internet and traditional social networks with materials, links, likes, and comments, which can negatively influence public opinion, in addition to being dangerous and annoying.

    Finally, there is a simple but very interesting reason. Even though thanks to our user types, the property rights we give to all our official members, and our security measures, it is impossible for anyone, rich, famous, and powerful person, business company, lobby, or other political force, to take control, and misuse, the enormous power, that we will share with anyone who joins us, there could be attempts, destined to fail, to boycott, or worse, to try to slow down, all our activities, with the infiltration of real people, controlled by others, with incorrect intentions. This deposit, will force all these people, to respect all our rules.

    For these, and many other similar reasons , we have introduced the rule of this security deposit in cash.

    At the first mistake, our expert groups, in the management of our websites, automatically block the user who has not respected all our rules, and take away all the money deposited. If he wants to publish again, he will have to change his name, surname, personal data, social security number, and ID, pay a new security deposit, make a new request to be invited, or fill out a new registration form, and hope that our computer system, our Artificial Intelligence, and our security groups, do not realize, that the person has already been registered, and has not respected our rules. Because as soon as they realize, they will automatically lose the security deposit, and will never be activated, by our activation groups, new users. And the same will happen, with every subsequent attempt to register, and join us.

    There is a saying: you don't spit in the plate you eat from.

    We have decided that every person who joins us, and is expelled, or leaves us, or does not carry out any activity, can never join us again. It is not a cruel choice, but as you must study and think carefully, before joining us, you must always behave well, in all our activities together, and think carefully before abandoning us, knowing that returning is practically impossible.

    Are we too bad? Are we too demanding? We are just people, who know they have a huge responsibility, it is a very difficult task, who love to work in a calm, orderly manner, and without stupid distractions. Nobody forbids those who have joined us, to go on traditional social networks, to see photos and videos of kittens, adorable, but not related, to our activities together.

    At this point, many will be scared, and will not join us, for fear of losing their deposit money. We have taken all the security measures, so that anyone who joins us, never loses the money of their deposit. First, knowing all our rules, and our methodologies. Also, in case of doubt, before carrying out any activity, each of our users, after logging in, on our website, with our login form, will fill out a form called "can I?", explaining what they want to do, where, when, and how. The response is very fast, and once the authorization is obtained, the user can do what he explained, or in certain cases, he will receive information, to do what he wants to do, in a different way, that respects all our rules, and our methodologies, or, in certain cases, he will receive a refusal, usually, but not obligatory, motivated. So, no one can make mistakes, if not intentionally.

    But are all these security measures really necessary? They have all been decided, with proposals, discussions, changes, and final votes, by our specialized groups, which can be part of, according to specific rules, all our official members. Each member also has the "power" to request a vote of all official members, or of all our registered users, with verified and guaranteed identity, on every single aspect of our implementing rules, while the basic rules can never be changed, or distorted, to give the right recognition, and to respect the work, of those who came before us, and to never forget, why we were born, how we have to work, which paths we have to take, and to always know, where we want to get to. It seems banal again, or dictatorial, but many of our basic rules, have been created, in over 13 years of very hard work, by very honest and competent people, from all over the world, so they cannot be changed, so as not to ever lose our identity.

    To those who tell us that after one year, from the moment of paying the security deposit, after having received the money back, with the exception of bank charges and the costs for managing the money, the user will be completely free to carry out all the activities that we wanted to prevent, we must explain that within one year, each of our users must have activated a membership, which requires the payment of a very small annual fee. They can use the payment made as a security deposit to pay one or, as the case may be, more annual fees, or they can make a new payment, before requesting the refund of the amount previously paid. In any case, if after having received the security deposit money back, they carry out activities that are not authorized, they will be immediately blocked, and will also lose the money paid, as an annual fee. In any case, anyone who does not respect all our rules and all our methodology will be punished.

    Our goal is certainly not to scare or lose potential users/voters, but to effectively prevent any possible problem.

    Escrow Rules.

    Each person who wishes to join DirectDemocracyS, in any user category, must pay, in advance, a security deposit, before requesting an invitation from us, or, as the case may be, before completing the registration form.

    If you do not comply with all of our rules and methodologies, you will be immediately blocked and will lose your entire escrow forever.

    This rule comes into effect immediately after its first publication, and applies to all our potential users, in all waiting lists, without any exceptions.

    The detailed rules, and the implementing ones, will be presented, at the right time, in a dedicated information article.

    Link for deposit. payment.
    Select the form based on your age, if you are over 31 or under 31, make the payment, writing all your real personal data!

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