This article may be expanded over time, with new information, to better understand our system, innovative and alternative to all that you know. We recommend that you save it in your favorite links, and consult it often, to have a lot of information, in short. We will soon publish links, which may be useful to you, to better study, all our public information.
Doing things in an orderly, impeccably organized, but also simple and safe manner is very important, because it allows us to save a lot of precious time and prevent any possible problem.
DirectDemocracyS was born to change and improve the world, to create better living conditions for the entire population, to solve all problems, of all citizens, to implement infinite freedom, and authentic democracy. To conceive, create, and realize, the best political force, in the history of humanity, the most competent, honest, just, fair, free, independent, effective, sincere, incorruptible, organized and safe, in the entire world. To allow a continuous, unlimited management, and control, by our voters, on our political representatives, before, during, and for the first time in the world, even after the elections.
DirectDemocracyS, decided from the first minute, to use the best, and most modern technologies, and to keep them always updated. We invest almost 30% of our money, in security, and technology. A 30% instead we use, to reward, our best members. The 30% we use, for our presence, based on geographical and territorial subdivisions. The remaining 10%, we use for various activities, such as current expenses, and to create a safety fund, to be used in case of need.
Computer system.
It is composed of various systems, perfectly integrated, to create a single one, with locations in every continent, and with different purposes and potential. It works autonomously, without the possibility for any human being to influence or modify its activities. Our IT system has within it, our Artificial Intelligence created by us, integrated with all the other best artificial intelligences available, and our highly qualified staff, composed of our best members, ensure excellent results, from all points of view. All our activities are managed by groups, who collaborate, and who all decide together, and in many cases, the vote of all those who have joined us is required, based on our rules, and our methodologies.
Web server.
Our servers are located in various countries around the world, and are currently 6, one main one, on which all our websites are present, and 5 cumulative and continuous backups, which guarantee that no bite or activity will ever be lost.
Our system.
It is an infinite universe, in continuous expansion, composed of various activities. It is an innovative system, alternative, and parallel, to the various existing systems, and never enters into conflict, with the other systems. It is composed only of our members, and future users. It has limited interactions with people, entities, institutions, or commercial companies, of the old traditional systems. We offer a new path, better, just, fair, safe, private, to be traveled freely, and independently, with those who will join us.
Our galaxies of projects.
It always starts from our political organization, which is our “galaxy” of access to our universe. Those who do not carry out political activity with concrete results, and continuously, cannot access our other projects, if they have entered , and are part of it, the moment they stop carrying out political activity, according to detailed rules, they are immediately excluded from all other activities.
Our name.
DirectDemocracyS , is the only name they have, all our activities. Written in English, without further translations, but with an abbreviation, DDS.
“-Direct-“, everyone knows that it means in a direct way, but for us, it also means that whoever joins us, directly manages all our activities, in which we have a truly shared leadership, in which we decide everything together, continuously, and in which everyone is truly and concretely protagonist. It also means that we are like a joint stock company, a cooperative, whose members get only one share, personal, non-cumulative, and non-transferable. Obviously, we use the same criterion for our political organization, to give all our members, not only the management, and control, but also the actual ownership, of all our activities. Since we are all owners, we are practically incorruptible, indissoluble, indestructible, indivisible, and we prevent, in a very effective way, any possible problem.
“-Democracy-“, everyone knows, that democracy means, a word that is overused, by those who have nothing democratic about it. It means that we propose, discuss, modify, decide, and verify everything, all together, freely and independently, following the rules of internal democracy, that is, “all power to those who are with us”, but we also have 2 fundamental rules, to prevent the possibility of becoming, ourselves, a dictatorial system, that is, that in every decision we make we must take into account the well-being, needs, and interests of the entire world population, without any kind of favoritism and without preferences. The second fundamental rule, among many, is that we must always help everyone, but always start helping and supporting first, all the people, and the commercial companies in difficulty, without ever creating tensions, divisions and social struggles, without ever giving rise to envy and hatred, and without ever making Robin Hood policies. We must enrich and improve the conditions of the poorest, together with those who are already rich, famous and powerful, if they have become so, thanks to brilliant ideas, in an honest way, deserving it, without exploiting other people, and without damaging our planet. "-Democracy-", means that we all have the same rights, and the same duties, and that we therefore always guarantee, to all those who are with us, continuously, equality always combined with meritocracy. It also means that we always decide, in a democratic way, with majority decisions, always respecting the decisions of the minority. A unique, but very effective method of making decisions, as shared as possible.
The “-S-“, in our name, which must always be written, was born from the fact that they had already bought, and registered, without using it, the domain without the “-s-”, so we had to add a letter, while keeping the first part of the name. The “-S-“, you must interpret, like every word, with a good and beautiful meaning, which in English, but often also in other languages, is: safe, special, nice, superlative, and system. Our system, innovative, and alternative, to all existing systems.
Our logo.
We do not have a single logo, but each of our “galaxy of projects”, each of our “star systems”, and each “single planet”, has a specific logo, but it must necessarily contain, our name generally in full, DirectDemocracyS , or abbreviated DDS, and our main domain name, preceded, or followed by the name, of our reference website. Usually we have a background of a galaxy, or a part of the universe, with various icons based on the activities carried out.
The political organization.
The best political force in the history of humanity. Designed, created, and implemented to be perfect, free, fair, independent, neutral, honest, and sincere, with fair values, ideals, and principles. Created to change and improve the world. DirectDemocracyS is innovative and alternative to all other political forces. It collaborates and communicates, always publicly, with all other political forces, and with all political representatives, but will never make electoral agreements, coalitions, and alliances with other political forces, and will never support candidates from other parties. It has rules and methodologies based on logic, common sense, complete freedoms, individual and group, potentially infinite, which however end exactly where the freedoms of other people or groups of people begin, authentic democracy, direct democracy, truth, knowledge, science, culture, respect for all traditions and all religions, while not allowing any of these to influence our choices. We implement and promote, at all times, mutual respect for all people. DirectDemocracyS, makes perfect and truly democratic, even representative democracy, thanks to the management and control, of all our users / voters, on their political representatives, before, during, and for the first time in the world, even after the elections.
Perfect political ideal.
We do not and will never make alliances, we will never make electoral agreements, and we will never enter, and for any reason, into coalitions, for the simple reason that we already have within us, users and members, from the extreme right to the extreme left, conservatives and progressives, democrats and republicans, with everything that is in between the various extremes. Whoever joins us, has the obligation to renounce all the old political forces, to do politics, only and exclusively with us, according to our rules and methodologies. Each of our users, however, has the obligation, to bring with them, into our political organization, all the very few positive parts, of their previous political ideology of reference, and unite them together, in a brilliant way, eliminating every negative part, to create a shared ideal, politically perfect.
Participation in elections.
In case of victory in all elections, we will govern in the interest and for the good of all, together with whoever joins us, according to our rules, or, if we do not have the absolute majority, alone, we will make a loyal, honest, sincere, useful, and intelligent opposition. We will approve every proposal and Law, which will be considered useful for all, by our voters, and we will not vote for the proposals, or the Laws, which will not be considered useful and for the good of all, by our voters.
Our websites.
There are many, based on the activities carried out, and our needs. All our activities, of any kind, are proposed, created, discussed, modified, and voted, only and exclusively, on our websites. We do not carry out activities, and do not communicate, on other platforms, and on social networks, we limit ourselves, from time to time, to publishing some information, when it is definitive. We have all the necessary potential, and we work in a free, democratic, incorruptible, independent, organized, simple, and safe way, only and exclusively, on our official websites.
All encrypted.
All our activities and all our communications are encrypted, making them impossible to trace by malicious people.
Personal email address.
It is the only thing that anyone who wants to join us must have. Those who wish, by paying a small annual fee, can also request a personalized email address, with the termination To do so, they simply need to choose a username, but a random name can be chosen. Since many personalized email addresses have been requested, each request must be motivated, discussed, and then approved by the specific groups that manage the creation of personalized email addresses. It will be created based on your requests, but also automatically, respecting the right to anonymity, and all personal data. For our political representatives, at least 3 email addresses will be created automatically, which must contain: the specific name and surname, and a security code. Each of our political representatives can be contacted, in at least 3 ways, always through a contact form, accessible based on permissions: private, public, and direct. All email addresses and all necessary contact forms will always be created by the respective groups and subgroups.
Encrypted connection between your personal email address and your real name and surname.
Every time someone contacts us from outside, they are required to declare, on the contact form, before sending it, their real name and surname, and their personal email address, written correctly, otherwise they will not be able to receive our response, via email. Our computer system will automatically and encrypted connect the declared real name and surname, and the declared email address, to which you will almost always receive our response.
The username.
For us, it is essential to guarantee the anonymity and protection of personal data of anyone who joins us and anyone who collaborates with us. The username can be a nickname, a fictitious name, but also a real name, or simply a personal code, generally composed, as the first 2 or 3 letters, of the ISO code of your country. The username cannot make any type of advertising, cannot use other people's names, cannot use names that cause confusion, such as: administrator, super administrator, manager, and names of countries and geographical areas, with the exception of the profiles of our authorized official representatives.
Encrypted connection between your personal email address and your username.
Our computer system will automatically and encrypted connect the chosen username and the email address declared on the registration form, or on the invitation request form in this case, if the chosen username has already been used, it will be changed by filling out the registration form. The personal email address will be automatically and encrypted connected to the real name and surname, at the time of registration of your personal profile, and between them, always automatically and encrypted, the real name and surname and the chosen username will be connected, and finally always encrypted, the real name and surname, the chosen username and the personal email address, to which you will almost always receive our every response.
Our invitations are mainly of 3 types. Public, private, and official.
Public invitations to learn more about us and to join us can be made by anyone, via a simple invitation form.
Private invitations can be made by anyone, only after logging in to our website via the login form.
Official invitations can only be made on behalf of DirectDemocracyS by our select groups of people to invite, according to specific rules.
Personal profile.
Each person can have only one personal profile, and can make a single request to join us, by registering and creating a personal profile. The personal profile gives our users the right
Profile types.
Profiles are generally of 3 types. Personal profiles, also called registration profiles, political profiles, for our official members, who decide to become our political representatives, and carry out political representation activities, of our users / voters, and official representative profiles, which are created, based on our activities, management, and control, of our political organization, for our official members, who will not carry out political representation activities.
Password types.
There are various types of passwords, all encrypted and inaccessible. The password to access our website, the password to recover your personal profile, the password for your email address (if you have an email address from an external manager, you should never enter it on our websites, and you should never let any of us know it, for any reason), the second security password, the third security password, and other necessary passwords. It is always recommended to never use the same password for multiple online activities. All our passwords, to be accepted by our systems, must be composed of at least 12 characters, numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and other special characters. They must not contain, or compose words with complete meaning, must not have consecutive numbers, and consecutive letters. They must not contain personal data of the person who uses it, and must be changed periodically.
2-factor authentication.
Upon first access to our websites, each of our users must activate 2-factor authentication, which provides additional protection and makes it impossible for other people to use your personal profile, and keeps all your personal data safe.
Identification numbers, in DirectDemocracyS.
There are public ID numbers, private ID numbers, and private ID numbers.
The personal identification number.
Every new user, and every personal profile, has an identification number, unique, consecutive, generally public, but can be made invisible, if desired, in the settings of your public profile. The ownership of the unique identification number belongs to the person who owns it, as long as they respect all our rules, and all our methodology. If the person who owns it, does not use it, and therefore has registered, and has been activated in vain, as a simple spectator, the group for the evaluation of the activities of our users, and the group for the elimination of inactive users, can decide to block, eliminate and declare persona non grata, all those who do not access or do not carry out any activity, for long periods of time. Usually, but not obligatorily, I warn the user that if they do not access the website, and do not carry out certain activities, they will suffer consequences. After entering the personal data, with all the activities carried out by the users, in our list of persona non grata, the personal identification number, can be transferred, to another person, according to our specific rules. In certain cases, certain ID numbers may be auctioned off and sold, or simply assigned to new users.
a. To accept full responsibility for the comment that you submit.
b. To use this function only for lawful purposes.
c. Not to post defamatory, abusive, offensive, racist, sexist, threatening, vulgar, obscene, hateful or otherwise inappropriate comments, or to post comments which will constitute a criminal offense or give rise to civil liability.
d. Not to post or make available any material which is protected by copyright, trade mark or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner of the copyright, trade mark or any other proprietary right.
e. To evaluate for yourself the accuracy of any opinion, advice or other content.