
    Breadcrumbs is yous position

    Rules of political activities

    Rules of political activities


    The rules and instructions in this article of ours all have motivations based on logic, common sense, mutual respect for all people, on our ideals, values, principles, and on difficult and long work, which every our user, to prevent any possible problem. It might seem, at first glance, complicated, or, in some cases, too severe, even in the punishments for transgressors, but this is not the case. Certain measures, superficially, might seem too rigid, and in some cases restrictive of individual and collective freedoms, but this is not the case. We guarantee you, that all our rules, instructions, methodologies, and our mechanism, are all created, to guarantee excellent results, safely, with order, respecting the principles of equality, and meritocracy, which are always put into practice, together, all the time. The perfect functioning and unity of our political organization must always be guaranteed by everyone, because they are the basis of our results.

    DirectDemocracyS does not accept within itself, in the typologies of superior users, in the decisive roles, and with greater responsibility, people with a low level of intelligence, with a wrong mentality, or people with an education, and a cultural level, which does not are well above average.

    DirectDemocracyS, creates a kind of "waiting list", which allows us to bring in the right people, at the right time, and to put the same right people, in the right role, based on the principle of equality and meritocracy, always guaranteed together, over time.

    In DirectDemocracyS, everyone has the same opportunities, the same possibilities, but on the basis of individual and group merits and skills.

    Obviously, each of our users, with their verified and guaranteed identity, can vote, both in our online, closed primary elections and in real elections, and express their opinion, but also propose their own ideas and projects, if so does it in the right times, ways and places. Each of us likes to see our own aspirations put into practice and made concrete, but only by respecting, all together, every single sentence and single word of our regulations will our political organization obtain the hoped for and promised results.

    We do not carry out intelligence tests on the first types of users, but our official members are appointed only if they demonstrate, over time, with their concrete results, that they deserve to access, decide, manage and control our areas reserved, and to carry out activities of greater importance and responsibility within our immense "family".

    It is also obvious that every citizen, with the right to vote, can support and vote for our candidates, even without being part of our political organization, although we advise anyone who wants to help and support us to join us, on our website, to be the true protagonist of every decision, and to check together with all of us that everything goes perfectly.

    Before starting, we want to quickly answer, and this time, in a preventive way, some of your possible questions.

    We do it, in a few words, to make you understand our motivations, because often, some of our "impositions" are considered dictatorial and restrictive of individual and group freedoms.

    Even in this case, a premise is needed, which is also a question.

    DirectDemocracyS, does it have a mechanism that works?

    We are perfection, as regards the conception, the rules, and the methods in which we carry out all our activities. This perfection is not accidental, but the result of the work of all our users, from the first to the last, who have just registered. But our great result is also achieved, thanks to those who have not yet joined us, but who have criticized us, in a constructive way, via our contact forms. Unlike all other political forces, we know how to listen, understand, and in some cases follow, the advice and constructive criticism of others. We know how to modify ourselves, and correct certain aspects, without changing our specificity. We do not change our fundamental rules, but we integrate them with new and correct ones, without losing sight of the values, ideals and principles on which we have founded our political organization, which is innovative and alternative to all other forces policies.

    DirectDemocracyS has the duty to remain united, and therefore all our political activity takes place only, and exclusively on our website, which is our home, where we all work, in an organized, orderly, safe, free, and independent way. Only by working together will we be able to realize all our projects, but only on our website, which has all the necessary potential, and can guarantee us safety, order, organization, protection, and all the possibilities to see, reward, and in some cases punish, who doesn't respect all our rules. By all working together, in the same place, we will be able to find, and promote, the best members, and at the same time, punish, block, eliminate, and in certain cases make persona non grata, those who do not respect all our rules, in a political force, our DirectDemocracyS, which for the first time in the world unites and does not divide people.

    Our inevitable hierarchy, based on types of users, who are promoted, or demoted, based on equality and merit, on the basis of their behaviors, and on the concrete results obtained, also allows us to be fair, loyal, and honest.

    Our collective leadership, in which people have the same value and the same power, effectively prevents any possible struggle for power, while guaranteeing, thanks to the various types of users, a just, healthy, loyal, and honest "competition", to obtain personal and collective (group) roles, more important, prestigious, and with greater responsibility.

    How will our opponents try to slow us down?

    Creating divisions, "rebel" groups, often made up of people who, not having the skills and abilities to carry out political activity, organize themselves to try to divide us. Divisions, splits, for personal pride, but also for groups, in DirectDemocracyS, are impossible, thanks to our mechanism of shared responsibilities, of users and groups, connected, like "chains", in which every single link is connected to all the other chains, in order to prevent every single "break". Without this mechanism, impossible to implement by other political forces, we would never have been able to survive and grow in these years.

    Always remember that good ideas and good motivations only remain good if they are not implemented by competent and deserving people. Our "slowness" in growing is also due to our attention to safety, which must guarantee unity. Having the same intentions is useless if our ego, our greed, our "thirst for power" and our frantic search to obtain undeserved advantages and riches that are not ours, creates divisions, problems and internal struggles, and potential slowdowns. There will, obviously, be people and groups who will obtain advantages, facilities, money, wealth, power, but they will do so in a fair, honest and fair way, on the basis of equality and merit. Rewarding the best is fundamental, and almost a third of our revenues are used for salaries and recognition, in money and in kind, which give satisfaction to those who achieve excellent results.

    The choice, which each of us has, is only one. DirectDemocracyS, or, the other political forces, which we all know very well.

    Those who choose DirectDemocracyS, engage in politics only with us, exclusively, and only on our website. Nobody forbids our users / voters from carrying out external activities, even on websites or traditional social networks. But one's political activity, including the electoral campaign, must be done only and exclusively on our website, together with all of us. As time passes, with the right rules and methodologies, we will also make ourselves known externally.

    Are we too strict? Do we limit individual and group political freedoms?

    No. Indeed, we are the only truly free, and the only truly democratic, and anyone who joins us understands this, after a while. We do not allow those who join us to carry out political activities outside, precisely because of our specificity. We'll explain better. DirectDemocracyS allows all its voters / users with verified identities to have complete control over every activity carried out by their political representatives, to put true democracy into practice. We are not interested, as a priority, in receiving support, whether moral, material (with donations), or electoral support (people who vote for our political representatives, in real elections). Even if every donation, even a small one, and every extra vote, helps us a lot to carry out our activities. We are primarily interested in ensuring that each of our voters / users with a verified identity commits themselves, working together with all of us, to carry out all our activities, and realize all our promises, and our entire program.

    If our voters, who are also our users, want to carry out political activities, together with all of us, they can, and must, do them in an organized, orderly and secure manner on our website.

    There will be many occasions in which we will leave our virtual but concrete reality to rediscover reality and contact with people in an authorized, organized way that does not create any problems for our unity and methodology. Certainly not by leaving our activity, on our websites, to enter, carry out political activities, and organize ourselves, in other websites, or in traditional social networks. It would be like betraying our ideals.

    Electoral consensus.

    We need consensus, like any other political force, but since we are innovative and alternative to other political forces, we are mainly interested in the consensus of those who join us, because only with the help of those who believe in our specific characteristics, we will be able to obtain the best results. All intelligent, right-minded people will join us, because they will be the first to understand our enormous potential, and the great work we are doing. As time passes, all people will understand, that we are righteous, and we spread the truth. Sometimes, reality is not explained and addressed in the right way, we prefer to "hide the dust under the carpet". Ignoring reality, or simply complaining about it, does not change it in a positive way. To change and improve the world, we must start with the direct and concrete commitment of every citizen in our political organization. Because as you may have noticed, if you have read our articles, we all together are the only hope for a present and a future that are better, but above all fairer and just, for everyone.

    This article of ours talks about our way of doing politics, all together, in a safe, protected, organized and orderly way.

    The choice that each of our official members can make.

    Each of our official members can be invited by the evaluation group of our official members, or can independently decide and request, from the evaluation group of our official members, to become a political representative of our voters in the institutions, participating in elections real as our candidate, after having participated in our online, closed primary elections, or, alternatively, each of our official members, can choose to become an official representative, which means managing and controlling all the activities of our political organization.

    Any choice will be respected by all of us. After all, in both possibilities, our members do politics, but in one case, by representing politically, our voters in the instructions, and in the other, by actively doing politics, in our political organization, managing it directly, deciding on everything, in based on our characteristics, and checking that all our activities are carried out in compliance with all our rules. This power to choose, decide, control, propose, discuss, and finally vote, is given to all our official members, in good standing with the payment of a small but fundamental annual fee. All our official members are the owners of all our activities, therefore, from this effective ownership, all management and control powers derive.

    In this article, we will see how our political activities take place, we will also try to explain, how our primary, online, closed elections take place, and we will see how we will face the political challenges, represented by real elections.

    After have chosen.

    If we decide to carry out political representation activities, in the institutions, of our voters, according to our rules, we must abandon all management activities of our activities, in the special groups, and in the groups of experts, in our political organization.

    Separate the 2 possibilities: the management and control of our political organization, or the delicate and important role of representing our voters, in the institutions, participating in the elections, having obtained a good placement, in our primary elections, online, closed, is a fundamental characteristic of ours, to perform each role optimally. In this way we prevent any possible internal or external struggle for power, and we create a climate of collaboration and mutual respect for roles. We make all activities tidy, safe and organized.

    Invited, or personal decision.

    The evaluation groups of our official members, aided by our artificial intelligence system and our IT system, evaluate the concrete results, and may decide to propose to some official members to carry out active politics, representation in the institutions, our voters.

    Even those who do not receive the proposal can decide independently to carry out the activities of political representative, or those of management of our political organization, with the role of official representative.

    In any case, some simple preliminary activities must be done.

    Abandoning every management activity of our activities means leaving the special groups, the groups of specialists, and remaining only, as simple members, in the geographical, territorial and numerical groups. After finishing their political representation activity, each of our members can return with the same roles, in special groups, and in groups of specialists.

    Leave each working, special or specialist group in which he carried out his activities, communicating his decision to the managers of these groups and suggesting a temporary replacement. The various groups will be able to take the suggestion into account, or elect and nominate a replacement.

    Attention, important rule.

    Carrying out political self-promotion activities, with the personal profile with which you registered, even if it contains your real name and surname, is strictly prohibited. Organize your own self-promotion, or carry out the electoral campaign, externally on our website, directly in public or private spaces, without authorization from our groups, but also on other websites, or on social networks, with the personal profile, or, with your political profile, is strictly prohibited. The official member, who carries out such illegal practices, will be immediately blocked, expelled, and will automatically be made persona non grata.

    With the political profile, we work only during the electoral campaign, of our primary elections, online, closed, and during the difficult but important role of political representation, in the institutions, in case of victory, in the real elections.

    Carrying out self-promotion activities, of one's image, outside our website, or in periods in which the electoral campaign is not authorized, is strictly prohibited. The official member, who carries out such illegal practices, will be immediately blocked, expelled, and will automatically be made persona non grata.

    Periods in which political profiles are created.

    Political profiles can always be created, at any time, by any of our official members, according to our rules. The use of the political profile is however permitted during the electoral campaign of our online, closed primary elections.

    Election campaign, of our primary elections, online, closed.

    Based on the actual elections, the various groups decide on rules and specific instructions regarding the timing and methods of carrying out the electoral campaigns.

    Who makes up the various groups involved in the electoral campaigns?

    They are made up of official members from the geographical, territorial area in which the real elections will take place, and some external observers, always our official members.

    Types of elections.

    DirectDemocracyS will participate over time, in all elections, for all roles, in all continents, countries, states, regions, districts, provinces, counties, cities, neighborhoods, in all the various territorial and geographical subdivisions. Based on each type of real election, a political group will be created, which will have the task of organizing each activity, to encourage our participation, in each election, until victory.

    How can we be sure of winning, in all elections, in which we will be present?

    Because we are sure that people will be able to choose, and we are the only credible political force.

    The voters are not stupid, and almost all of them were disappointed by the old political forces.

    Each official member can request and obtain access to the groups in which the start and end dates of the electoral campaigns are decided, and in the groups in which the rules and instructions of each electoral campaign are decided.

    At the exact time, on the day of the start of the electoral campaign, each candidate will be able to carry out political activities, to self-promoter, create together with our support groups: working groups, presentation pages, creation, choice and management of their staff, and contacts, in various ways, with their supporters.

    Groups for management, coordination and organization of electoral campaigns.

    These groups are fundamental, and are created for each election, at various geographical levels, based on territorial subdivisions.

    General rules, for all our electoral campaigns.

    Carry out in times and ways that allow good work.

    Carry out rules that are shared as much as possible.

    Respect all our rules and all our methodology.

    Allow a choice of candidates, who are the best, respecting all the rules, and all the laws, of each real election.

    Obligations, before the creation of the political profile.

    1. Contact, as an official member, with your personal profile, the preliminary evaluation group of political representatives, request and obtain authorization to carry out political representation activities. The preliminary evaluation group of political representatives, with the specific rules and instructions (present in the respective groups, and information pages), will give a positive or negative opinion on the performance of political representation activities. In the event of a justified refusal, you may decide to appeal to our special groups to request further analysis. If the first decision is confirmed, the official member will not be authorized to carry out representative political activities. If the first decision is cancelled, we will move on to a further evaluation, the third, which will be the final one.

    The preliminary evaluation group of political representatives will specify in each of its decisions whether this is definitive, and therefore the applicant will never be authorized to carry out political representation activities in our political organization, or whether he will be able to request a new authorization in the future, clearly specifying the times.

    2. Pay the fee for creating your own personalized email address, ending, and the fee for creating your political profile.

    3. Contact our custom email address creation team, ending, and request, and obtain permission to, create your own custom email address, ending

    4. Contact the Political Representative Profiling Group and request and obtain permission to create your political profile.

    If you already have them, you must request blocking of your personal profile, and log in after reactivation, only with your political profile.

    After creation, and activation

    Creation of a personal profile as a political representative.

    The group for creating the personal profile of political representatives, upon request of the official member, may authorize, or may not authorize (justifying the decision), the official member, to have a personal political profile. If authorized, he must pay the annual fee, as a political representative, the fee for the creation of his personalized email address, ending, and the fee for the creation of his personal profile, with username, on your real name and surname. The creation of a personal political profile, with the relative creation of your own personalized email address, is paid only once, and can be reused whenever you decide to carry out political representation activities.

    After the creation and activation of the political profile, with real name and surname, the personal profile, created by our official member, with registration, will be blocked, and the political representative will use, for the entire duration of his political activity of representation, only his personal political profile.

    Main tasks after activation:

    1. Request, and obtain access to, and enter the territorial, geographic, and numerical groups, to which you had access, with the old profile, and in all territorial, geographical, and numerical groups, from the smallest to the largest, in which he has the right to vote, and stand as a candidate, in real elections.

    2. Use your personalized email address, ending only for political representation activity.

    3. Choose your collaborators, based on our rules, and your needs.

    4. Request and obtain the creation of groups, pages, activities, and various potentialities, and in the future personalized events, and virtual meetings, with your potential voters, with your name and surname.

    5. Respect every instruction, rule and mechanism of the electoral campaign.

    Primary elections, online, closed.

    Every real election will have our own, online, closed primary election to choose our candidates.

    As with electoral campaigns, our online, closed primary elections will also be carried out in compliance with all our rules, and with the rules and laws of every real election.

    Primary elections, it means, that they will be internal elections, to decide our candidates, in the real elections.

    Online, means that they will take place online, and only, and exclusively, on our official website.

    Closed, means that only people from the geographical groups and territorial subdivisions where real elections are held will have the right to run for office, and to vote, deciding the winners, in our closed, online primary elections.

    Obviously, there are reserved areas, and election groups, based on the types of users.

    To vote, you must have at least the role of registered user, with verified identity. In this case, the user votes in the reserved “Social” area of our website.

    Our official members will vote in the reserved "Community" area.

    General rules, primary elections, online, closed.

    Based on our needs, groups will be created for the management, control and dissemination of the results of each of our closed, online primary elections. In addition to the people from the geographical groups and territorial subdivisions where the elections are held, people from our other groups will be invited as observers.

    Each activity will be carefully verified, by our special groups, to prevent any possible problems.

    How the vote takes place.

    In geographical and territorial groups, decisions are made by open vote, and in certain cases, there is an obligation to justify one's choice in detail. Secret voting is permitted only in special cases, for valid reasons.

    The open vote, with relative motivation, is fundamental, so that every person who is elected knows who support them, but also so that every person who decides, and who votes, assumes all responsibility for the choice made.

    Right to vote.

    All users, geographical and territorial subdivisions, have the right to run for office, and to choose, with their vote, who should be their political representative.

    For us, every person must have the right to express their opinion, but in certain groups, members may decide not to allow minors to vote, or undocumented immigrant people, or people who do not have the right to vote, to the real elections. In these cases, groups of elections will be created, online, closed.

    Internal selection of candidates.

    Any person can apply, or accept to be a candidate, in each geographical group and territorial subdivision.

    The candidate selection groups of each online, closed primary election will choose the various candidates based on precise rules, and will do so by assigning them scores, which will be made public, in the voting groups and in the voting groups, electoral campaign, according to the regulation. Making the results of our candidate selections public puts into practice one of our fundamental values, which is transparency, our fundamental ideal, of choosing on the basis of equality, always combined with meritocracy, and the fundamental conscious choice. These rankings, with the exact scores of the selection of our candidates, allow those who have to choose to vote for a candidate who has obtained a better evaluation, even if the choice is free. Open voting, in which everyone makes their vote public, and often the obligation to justify their choices, is certainly not a difficult imposition to implement, nor is it a violation of privacy. If a person is sure of himself, and has nothing to hide, he must be proud of his choices, and explaining his reasons to his group by explaining them.

    A brief evaluation of our voting choices.

    Voting, even in systems that falsely declare themselves democratic, is the only moment in which the people express their opinion. With the other political forces, after the vote, the political forces and the political representatives who win the elections decide and take all the power. Therefore, democracy is automatically transformed into an oligarchic party system, which has nothing in common with authentic democracy.

    We at DirectDemocracyS do not interrupt authentic democracy for even a second, because the people, our voters, have continuous, complete and decisive control over every political activity that our political representatives carry out, first (with the choice of candidates, political programs and electoral promises, which will always be fulfilled), during (with the active participation of everyone in the electoral process), and for the first time in the world, even after the elections (with the obligation of our candidates, to do exactly what they, their voters, tell them, in their respective groups, on our website).

    With the selection of candidates, and the publication of the scores of each candidate, with the open vote, and having to provide a plausible justification, the best people are chosen for the important role of representing citizens in the institutions. Only with our method is there a clear assumption of responsibility, both on the part of the political representative and of those who decide which person to nominate.

    DirectDemocracyS is the only political force in the world that blames possible, but certainly, in our case, unlikely failures. By knowing who voted, for whom, and for what reason, we can know who is responsible.

    The situation, outside DirectDemocracyS.

    Each of us, whether we are part of DirectDemocracyS or not, is guilty, and with our complicit vote, in the theft of power by other political forces. The old politics, which you all criticize, for the disastrous and profoundly unjust situation of our lives, is not guilty if it takes advantage of our trust, our lack of will, to work together politically, and our superficiality. The old politics, we often say, is the exact mirror of the population that votes. If the old politics behaves in the wrong way, if it does not decide for the good of all, if it does not keep every promise, if it often steals, and carries out wrong activities, it is our fault alone. Even if we change our minds, and in the following elections, we vote for other political forces, practically nothing changes. Have you noticed that even if other political forces replace the previous ones, things change little, and often get worse? By voting for DirectDemocracyS, the people decide, in an informed way, by groups of specialists, for any choice, at any time. Even if we take away the right to complain about your political representatives (who do exactly everything you ask them to do, in a motivated way, and by majority), we give you the power to decide, for the good of all.

    How do you vote? Many people ask this, especially due to the fact that in theory, every person authorized to vote, and be voted for, can run for the selection of our candidates for our online, closed primary elections. Therefore, again in theory, any of our voters / users with a verified identity, up to date with the payment of the annual fee, can be a candidate. In this regard, we respond, as always in a preventive manner, to those who ask us: why do you always specify that each of your users, in order to vote, or to be voted for, must be up-to-date with the payment of the small annual fee? Even in real life, those who do not comply with the law and with the payment of taxes are limited and often prohibited from political activities, and often also from the right to vote or to be a candidate.

    Lots of candidates, no problem.

    The members of the groups in which voting takes place freely decide how many candidates there will be, and the detailed rules of the primary elections, the choice of candidates, and the conduct of the electoral campaign.

    The same argument also applies to our participation, in real elections, always with the same territorial and geographical groups, with basic rules unique for everyone, and specific rules, decided autonomously, without distorting the meaning of the rules, of methodologies, and our values.

    How many people are elected?

    It depends on what role you are running for in the real elections, on the number of people we can present and nominate as a political organization, again in the real elections, and on our geographical and territorial phase in which we vote.

    Our geographical and territorial phase in which we vote.

    If for the rules, our DirectDemocracyS is a pyramid, in which the lower rules must be "harmonized" without ever distorting the higher ones, also called initial values, as regards political representation, our candidates carry out their activities, in an inverted pyramid, that is, from the smallest geographic area and territorial subdivision (neighborhood, street block of a city), to the largest one, for example, President of the United States of America.

    A very short question from us: how many chances does a political representative of a neighborhood, for example of New York City, New York State, have of running for, and winning the elections for, the office of President of the United States of America? Practically, and concretely, 0. We are only referring to the funds necessary to obtain the various supports from the various economic and financial groups, or to the concrete possibility of being able to express oneself within one of the two main parties, but above all, to be able to resist the enormous power struggle.

    Here, every citizen in good standing, with the legal requirements, to be able to run for office, has every opportunity to do so, without any type of impediment or restriction.

    So, any Mr. Smith, or Jones, or whatever surname you want, can start climbing our “political mountain”.

    In our online, closed primary elections, we start from the bottom and quickly get to the top if we have the ability, tenacity and skills.

    In DirectDemocracyS, it's not just the first qualifier who wins. Indeed, often even those with good results obtain the role of initial candidate.

    Let's take the example of Mr. Smith, who wins, after all the various rounds, the neighborhood elections in New York, for example in the Bronx district, which is in turn divided into various electoral districts of approximately 160,000 voters.

    Let's see how Mr. Smith was authorized to participate in our elections, primaries, online, closed.

    The detailed explanations, in the right order, and with more details, in a future article, so as not to have to rewrite, again in this article, the information published a few lines above, or below.

    Our general rules apply to every geographical phase and territorial subdivision of our political organization.

    The United States of America is divided into States, the States into counties, the counties can be divided into Minor civil divisions (MCD) or into Census County Divisions (CCD), and subsequently into Municipalities, neighborhoods, and street blocks. In the same way, DirectDemocracyS is divided, in every continent, in the United States of America, and always in the same way, in every country in the world, according to every geographical, territorial, administrative subdivision, and also according to individual populations (linguistic subdivisions and nationalities) to allow better and efficient communication.

    Roles of political representatives available.

    Based on the number of political representation roles available, political representation groups are formed, based on geographical, territorial, administrative subdivision, and also on the basis of individual populations. In these groups, this time, from the largest to the smallest, the political roles and the "elective seats" available are decided. In our example, of the United States of America, all the elections are calculated exactly, in each geographical area, and together we decide, for example, how many winning candidates, or those ranked in the top positions, can, for example, participate in the primary elections, online, closed, of our political organization, for the office, for example, of President of the United States of America. The choice will always be, and only of those who are members, with the right to vote, and to be a candidate, in our group of the United States of America. DirectDemocracyS does not impose exact numbers, but recommends acting, based on the number of inhabitants of each state, starting from a minimum number of one candidate (but for example it could also be higher numbers, 5, 10, 100, or more), for states with fewer inhabitants, and in proportion, increase the number of candidates, proportionally, based on the inhabitants. Nothing prevents you from deciding to nominate only one representative, for each state, without any difference between more populated states and less populated states. The decision belongs to the group of the United States of America.

    Fundamental rules.

    In addition to the rules and laws for real elections, each of our political representatives has some specific, mandatory rules.

    1. Be a political representative, authorized, according to the rules of DirectDemocracyS.

    2. Having participated in previous elections in smaller geographical areas, we call it the “gain-early-experience” rule in English, which means having had all previous experiences. This rule allows only those who started from the "bottom", taking all the necessary steps, and participating in all the previous elections, from the smallest geographical, territorial and administrative areas, to the largest ones, to be able to obtain the most important role, of greater prestige, and greater responsibility, of each country.

    You will have noticed that in the previous rule, we never wrote that he must have won all the elections from the smallest geographical areas to the largest ones. It is not necessary, at any cost, to have won, it is enough to qualify, in positions that allow you to move on to the next phase.

    Let's explain the previous aspect better, which is very important.

    Mr. Smith, wins the elections, of his electoral district in the Bronx, also wins those of the county of the Bronx, participates, and also wins those, to be able to represent us, for the office of mayor of New York City. Enter our closed, online primary election for Governor of New York State. That wins too. By right, at least one winner from every single state of the United States of America participates by right in the election to the political office of President of the United States of America. If he also wins the previous primary election, he officially becomes our candidate for President of the United States of America.

    Based on real collective decisions, the various groups in which our primary elections take place, online, closed, largest, decide the maximum number of candidates, who access the elections of the group itself. The number can vary, from a minimum of 1, to an unlimited number. The winner has the right to participate in the next election.

    At this point, a rule comes into play, which is our innovation. The runner-up in each election automatically becomes the deputy of the winner of the role in which he came second. This rule makes our political organization even more united, and above all just and equitable, prevents any possible internal struggle, ensures greater representativeness and greater collaboration. In addition to the winner, and those who came second, each of our winners will be helped, as his second deputy, by an official member, with the role of official representative of DirectDemocracyS, who will have a fundamental role of support, help, control, and collaboration, with each political representative, winner of each election. The official support representative, for each political representative, will mainly have the role of acting as an intermediary between their voters, supporters, on our website, and the winning political representative.

    The rankings of all our primary elections, online, closed, are very important. Not only to establish the winner, and his deputy, who came second. In fact, for example, the winner of the office of mayor will be able to choose as municipal councilors only political representatives who participated in our online, closed primary election, obtaining the immediately lower ranking positions. In these cases, appointments are not necessary, although, based on the type of councilor and the role performed, it may be necessary to carry out a further vote to choose the people with the most suitable qualifications for each role, even if classified in lower positions. Competence and meritocracy must always be rewarded, always with the obligation of having participated in the elections. But it is a fairly complex discussion, which also concerns our groups of specialists, who in any case all offer the necessary help to make the best decision, both for our political representatives and for all our users.

    The case history is truly very vast.

    For example, all the political roles, which are freed if the first classified, participate, winning, or obtaining good positions in the rankings, in the elections of the larger geographical areas. In this case, the rankings of previous elections are fundamental for assigning the various candidates.

    But let's get to Mr. Smith. In the previous example, he had become our candidate for election to the office of President of the United States of America. To do so, he had won in his electoral district of the Bronx, in New York City, in the State of New York, and finally, he had won, in our online, closed, United States of America-wide primary elections.

    What if Mr. Smith had lost in the last election?

    He would not have become our candidate, for the election to the office of President of the United States of America, but according to our rules, he could obtain, in case of second place, the office of Vice President of the United States of America, or, if he came third, he could become Secretary of State, or, another role in the Government, obviously, if our candidate for President of the United States of America, won the real elections.

    He could also obtain a political role in the United States Congress, the Senate, or the House of Representatives.

    But having won our closed online primary election in New York State, he would have the opportunity to run, for Governor. But also, with other roles in New York State.

    Having won our closed online primary elections in New York City, he could run for Mayor or for City Council.

    He could apply, in any way, according to our rules.

    A basic rule is that the role of political representative, won through our closed online primary elections, is available to the winner, who chooses whether to continue the climb, or whether he wants to stop. He can decide to continue, and in any case, if he loses in the higher elections, or does not obtain a role, in the higher territorial and administrative geographical areas, his results acquired, in the territorial and administrative geographical areas, remain at his disposal.

    In DirectDemocracyS, whoever wins, or obtains a good score, in the ranking, based on the actual number of votes obtained, does not lose the results obtained, even if he attempts to climb to the top of our political representation.

    Selection of candidates, with relative exclusions.

    For the first phase of the elections, the candidate selection group must and can exclude "unpresentable people" or those deemed unsuitable. Based on the decisions of each geographical group, for example, it can also be decided to admit to the elections, as candidates, only half of the applicants who obtain a higher score. In this case, the candidates will be automatically selected, and halved.

    Whoever obtains a passing grade participates in the elections as a candidate.

    For example, if there are many candidates, there are various voting phases, in which the possible winners are reduced by half. Until we finally had only 2 for every available place.

    An example with 1000 candidates, but the rule is valid for every possible number of candidates, higher or lower.

    For example, there are 1000 candidates, after the first round, 500 remain, after the second round 250, after the third round 125, after the fourth round 63 (we always choose the prime, higher number, we cannot divide the candidates halfway). After the fifth round 32, after the sixth round 16, after the seventh round 8, after the eighth round 4. Finally, in the ninth round, we will know who the winner is.

    To those who tell us: it takes too long, let's say that according to the rules, decided by the members of each group, of the electoral campaign, there can be all the necessary votes, in this example 9, in 9 simple clicks. For the fastest, less than 10 seconds, for the slowest, a dozen minutes. Obviously, the groups are free to decide, for example, different times for the vote, allowing, if they wish, and decide before the first vote, or in some cases subsequently, mini electoral campaigns within the group, more or less long after each vote.

    A simple rule, which we recommend to each group, to decide the winner of the final round, is that for the first 3 votes, to win, it is necessary to obtain 50% + one vote, from all those entitled, therefore more than half of the members of each group. From the fourth final vote, 50% + one vote of the actual voters will be enough. This basic rule applies to any vote within DirectDemocracyS, and to any decision to be made. Having decisions made, with the greatest possible number of votes, with the greatest possible number of voters, is a fundamental rule.

    In DirectDemocracyS, not only the first wins, as we have seen previously, also the second ranked, the third, the quantum, and in certain cases, even many others, in the first places of each ranking, based on the actual votes received, can obtain both the possibility of attempting to climb the ladder, in the larger groups, having guaranteed the roles obtained in the smaller groups, and remaining in the "lower" groups, and exploiting the results obtained.

    The choice is individual, of each of our political representatives. Whatever he decides, he will have the support of every one of our users, and every one of our groups.

    This methodology of ours, and these rules of ours, are simple, even if at first glance they might seem very complicated. Like our entire project, it is easier to implement than to explain.

    Our rules leave ample space for the right autonomy of the various groups. Collaboration, direct dialogue, and mutual respect between lower groups and higher groups must ensure the correct representation of the various territories, of the various populations, in the institutions.

    Security, order, perfect organization, justice, honesty and fair competition will allow us to obtain the best results.

    There will be criticism of this mechanism of ours, especially for the fact that if one votes for a candidate as Mayor Smith, in New York City, and then votes for him in the New York State group, and chooses him as the candidate for Governor Smith, and then if President Smith finds him as the candidate, there will be some disappointment, for the citizens of New York City, for the inhabitants of the state of New York, in having lost their favorite candidate. We tell you a secret, we at DirectDemocracyS, put ourselves in Mr. Smith's shoes, any of us would like to try to obtain the highest political office in our country.

    Now we'll ask you a question. In other political forces, there exists for a simple citizen the possibility of doing, in a short time, with little money, without being famous, and without being supported by powerful and rich people and companies in the economy and finance, what does our Mr. Smith? We know that you will answer sincerely, that only with us, it is possible to do all this.

    Obviously, between the various phases, between the various votes, from the lower groups to the higher ones, there are various electoral campaign spaces, internal, online, closed, and continuous selections, checks, tests, to truly choose only the best candidates, from every point of view.

    In case of victory in the real elections, we will have to ensure staff up to the roles, with collaborators and official representatives of great value, to obtain the best results, for the good of all.

    In future articles, we will give you more details, to make you understand the enormous potential, and infinite possibilities, that DirectDemocracyS offers to all its members. We will continue to surprise you with innovative, but above all correct, ideas.

    One thing that many fear is the fact that each of our candidates, for any role, must officially sign the "resignation for personal, preventive reasons". Each of our political representatives must resign from any political role before being admitted to the first phase of our online, closed primary elections. The resignation, however strange it may seem, is very right. Each of our groups in which they voted, based on specific rules, can withdraw their confidence if the political representative does not carry out every "order" received from their voters / users. The people are sovereign, in our authentic democracy, and not our political force, nor our political representatives, regularly elected, in real elections. The old politics, after having won the elections, forgets to ask for an opinion from those who have given, with their vote, the difficult role of political representation in the institutions. Whoever represents our voters is a servant, not a master. Anyone who votes for us, for DirectDemocracyS, and for our political representatives, is a master, not a servant. Early resignations, for personal reasons, not only have the task of removing, immediately and without any problem, those who do not respect our rules, but also allow the entire population, civil society, and every citizen, to see that with us, agreements and contracts are respected by everyone. Anyone who thinks it's not legal is wrong, the only illegal thing is promising to do one thing, and doing another. Those who join us know very well how we work, and how politics is done, in DirectDemocracyS, and we will never change our method, because it is fair, democratic, innovative, alternative, and free.

    Another thing, which many do not understand, is the fact that every penny earned, thanks to the political activity of each of our political representatives, must first enter our bank account. Based on behavior and compliance with all of our rules, it periodically releases part of the money that ends up in the bank accounts of our political representatives, if their voters are satisfied with their work. The 25%, which we keep for ourselves, represents the support that DirectDemocracyS must receive from each of our representatives in the institutions. In exchange for this percentage, we guarantee many services, such as data protection, communications with voters, collaborators, staff, the physical and IT security service, accounting, and the most important service, that represented by our groups of specialists, who will allow our voters / users to make our political representatives make only the best choices, for the good of all. With the previous sentence, we respond to those who worry about the possible wrong choices of our voters / users, and the consequent wrong choices on the part of political representatives.

    Our groups of specialists, composed of qualified, professional personnel, with knowledgeable people on any topic, will offer every possible variant, with the expected consequences, for anything decided. In this way, every vote we make, and every choice we make, will be the best. People are not stupid, as part of the old politics considers them. The people, if put in a position to be informed, in an honest, competent and above all independent way, make excellent decisions. The old politics will certainly never be as competent as we are.

    Some of our "friends" are worried about us, and say that many famous, powerful, rich, and according to them "not intelligent and prepared" people, could become our candidates, in real elections, being able to win our primary elections, online, closed. DirectDemocracyS is a political force, which was not born against something, or against someone, we were born, to offer an innovation, alternative, to all other political forces. We were born to unite people, and not to divide them, to offer new and better paths to travel together. For all of us, those who are rich, famous and powerful can easily remain so, but also become, over time, even richer, famous and powerful, if they have become so with merit, thanks to brilliant ideas, without stealing other people's projects, without harming or deceiving anyone, without excessively exploiting other people, and without destroying our planet. With DirectDemocracyS, to make all the poor and people in difficulty live better, who according to our rules, we begin to help, always first, whether they are men, women, children, elderly people, businesses, state institutions, blacks, yellow, red, white, and other colors, straight, gay, bisexual, you don't necessarily have to take away from the rich. The divisive politics, like Robin Hood, which "steals from the rich to give to the poor", is only unsuccessful, and profoundly unjust, for the simple reason that stealing is always wrong, as is lying, or, as is usually said, to hide the truth. Envy, hatred, between various social categories, are parts of politics, which do not belong to us. Humanly, we understand envy and antipathy towards those who have obtained power, wealth and fame, because deep down, each of us believes we deserve more from our lives. Creating divisions to subtly take advantage of the consensus obtained thanks to incitement to hatred is for people with rotten hearts. Just as, in our opinion, it is wrong to tell people only what they want to hear, to obtain some more consensus, often exploiting the ignorance, superficiality, envy and hatred of some, for others. Carrying out actual brainwashing of weak minds is for stupid people, because just as they gain votes and consensus on people's anger and divisions, in the same way, they can lose it, often inexorably, when people, they discover the truth, and realize that they have been manipulated. Spreading fake news, simple theories, without reliable sources, is a common practice of many political forces. They do this by inventing and spreading falsehoods, knowing that many people are unable to discover and search for the truth. We all like to have our ideas confirmed, no matter how strange or inaccurate they are. To create disinformation, they collect various documents, unfortunately real, in which the "official" media and information have lied, or made mistakes, disseminating unreliable news. The difference between the official media and the "falsely alternative" ones is that the official media, if they spread falsehoods, over time are discovered and admit the error. On the other hand, those who base their consensus and their fame on lying and deceiving others, if they admitted the "mistake", often made consciously, would lose all credibility and all advantages obtained through deception. DirectDemocracyS, has a completely different style, we are interested in always and only telling the truth, we are not interested in telling you the things you would like to hear, or, promising unachievable things, or with truly serious consequences, for the next generations, to win the elections. We don't like helping someone, even in difficulty, to get votes, as old politics often does. The "electoral tips", in some countries, are given as food and money, disguised as aid and bonuses, usually of short duration, or, material goods that end in a short time, while the power obtained with such "ethically incorrect practices", lasts for a very long time. DirectDemocracyS does not give anything to anyone, but helps everyone definitively, finding solutions to ensure everyone acquires dignity and well-being, definitively and not temporarily. We do it because we believe it is right, not because this will make us win absolutely every election in which we participate. We will not win just because we are more beautiful, but above all because we are, and will be, fair, honest, reliable, competent, and we base all our decisions on logic, common sense, and mutual respect for all people. We will win everywhere, because by voting for DirectDemocracyS, not a political force wins, but all the people who compose it win, but also, for the first time in the world, all the people who support it, and who vote for it, also win. By voting for our candidates, as political representatives, the power to decide, and the power to control every activity, remains in the hands, minds, and hearts of the intelligent people, who choose us. We will never have public debt, in countries, and in geographical, administrative and territorial areas. We do not base our well-being on the debts to be paid by our children, grandchildren, and therefore future generations. We feel sincerely sorry, and also a little tenderly, for elderly people who, in order to have money to spend immediately, make those who come after them pay for their well-being and their waste. These people do not think that young people will then find themselves in serious difficulty and will see their lives destroyed, but they will judge them, instead of helping them, if they take drugs, if they drink, if they do not want to work, or if they carry out illicit activities. DirectDemocracyS believes in sustainable economic growth, making loans that return greater benefits, also by spending in the best way, and carefully managing public wealth. To definitively solve the problems, we need structural interventions that last over time, not help from time to time, to rise in the polls, or to win elections, without then solving anything. We have economic and financial programs that are well studied, at least as well as our political organization.

    Answering the question of whether our possible candidates are famous, powerful, rich, and according to some "not intelligent and prepared" people, we base ourselves on the fact that they have passed our candidate selections for the role of political representatives. These very detailed and very careful selections begin before participating in any political activity, therefore, for us if they pass them, they can easily apply, always respecting all our rules. Going up, from the smaller geographical groups, to those of the larger geographical areas, there are other phases of control, with related scores, made public, and other electoral campaigns, in which they must demonstrate their value. We always trust in the intelligence of anyone who joins us, which is undoubtedly greater than those who do not. If that wasn't enough, we have a complex voting method, which prevents incapable or incompetent people from carrying out political representation activities. We always put equality into practice, always combined with meritocracy. It is certainly more likely, given the results obtained by many political forces throughout history, that incompetent, dishonest (in some cases outright thieves), liars, and fake people like a 3-dollar coin participate in elections, as candidates in other political forces.

    If famous, powerful, rich, and according to some "not intelligent and prepared" people, want to get involved in politics, and do not deserve to be voted for, they will certainly not start from us. It is much more likely that these people, without scruples, go to other political forces, where they can hope to find people like them.

    To those who tell us that we are against the old policy, that we judge them harshly, and that we do not give sufficient guarantees that we will do better than them, we reply that we are not against other political forces, but we are against the theft of power, and against the use of politics for the good of a few, making many suffer. We do not intend to destroy the old politics, to self-destruct, and to make themselves hated, they manage to do it easily, and inexorably on their own. We know that with our birth, the old politics is destined to end, to make room for our innovative, alternative. They are collateral damage, but for DirectDemocracyS to be understood by everyone, it will take time, those of the old politics will still be able to lie, steal, and do wrong things for some time. We don't judge them, after all, the fault lies with all of us, who allowed them to do so, we judge people, who don't know how to choose, and trust those who don't deserve it, instead of committing themselves directly to changing and improving the world together.

    Guarantees that we will do better than them? We answer you, again, with a question. Could we do worse than them? It is practically impossible, whatever we do, we can only improve everyone's lives, and create, all together, a different and fairer world for everyone.

    There are also people worried about possible financial crises, or economic problems, if our candidates win. We assure you that we will never be able to do worse than those who preceded us, and also in finance and the economy, innovation and improvement will be evident.

    Regarding possible military crises, DirectDemocracyS has rules, programs, and security measures, to prevent any possible acts of violence. Never, in the countries where we win the elections, will military attacks be ordered against other countries, or violent actions against their own citizens. There will never be limitations on freedoms, but rather, there will be various laws to improve everyone's lives.

    The world has had enough suffering due to the wrong choices of traditional political parties. The decisions of the old politics, in any part of the world, are always paid by the weakest. With us, the weakest will be protected, helped to get back on their feet, and create wealth and well-being for all.

    Does it all seem like a utopia? Don't believe anything you read? Join us, and let's make the dream a reality. The only way to see if we keep all our promises is to give ourselves a chance.

    You gave him so many chances that he punctually betrayed you, often lied to you, and even robbed you.

    You allowed them to do so, with your vote, with which you gave up power, to give it to them, you gave up control of the management of wealth, to give it to them, you gave up, for too much convenience, your civic duty, to decide and control everything, to let the old politics decide and control everything.

    Let's change and improve the world, all together. Dear friends, start doing politics, all united, in the right way, and you will see the results.

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