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    Freedom and Democracy

    Freedom and democracy

    This informative article of ours has been ready for a few days, but we waited for the conclusion of the elections in the United States of America to publish it. In this period, many things have happened, even serious ones such as the flood in Valencia, Spain, which caused many victims and damage, the strange and difficult elections in Romania, the fall of the Government in France, the rebellion and the fall of the regime in Syria, the elections in Georgia, which even after the partial recount confirmed the victory of the pro-Russians, and the referendum in the Republic of Moldova, to join the European Union, which confirmed the accession of the Eastern European country to the EU, and the presidential elections always in the Republic of Moldova, which in the second round reconfirmed the outgoing President Maia Sandu. The many news, have determined us to delay the publication of this article, which concerns freedom and democracy, which are fundamental for us, to live a serene, prosperous, and happy life.

    The surprise victory for some, but predicted by our groups, of Donald Trump and the Republican Party, was analyzed in a somewhat hasty manner, on the same day as the results, which were practically definitive.

    Before talking about the subject of our article, we must anticipate that after reading it in its entirety, many people will give up joining us, perhaps feeling offended, in their pride, and many of them will understand that they have supported the old politics, and the old ideals, all failed, unjust, and without any meritocracy, and equality that are not guaranteed to everyone, all the time, always together.

    Many people will feel complicit in the great deception that makes almost everyone believe they live in democratic and free countries, while they live in oligarchic partycracies, where it is not the population that decides, but some political forces, and some of their political representatives.

    We do not want to motivate the statements of the previous sentence, to know the reasons, you just have to read the previous articles, including 2 very criticized, and recent. The first informs you, something obvious, that we are not all the same, as many political forces want you to believe, the second, which surprised and perhaps offended some people, in which we said that they are some stupid people.

    In the preface to this article, we want to talk about politics, in a professional manner, telling as always the truth, documented, that cannot be contested, or denied by anyone. It is an analysis, of various ideals, and of some political forces, of the old politics, but also of the anti-political groups, that in our opinion have no chance of asserting themselves, and of obtaining concrete results, and useful to all.

    We have explained several times, how we were born, with what objectives, with what rules, and with what methodologies. We have explained our ideal, politically perfect, created by each of our members, taking the few good things, of all the political forces of the present and the past, eliminating every negative part.

    But first, an important announcement.

    Anyone who joins us, decides freely, and by doing so, renounces any previous political activity, and will do politics, only with us. Until now, we accepted, that those who joined us, would maintain, even sporadically, previous political activities, and could be part of political groups, on traditional social networks. With a final vote, of all our members, we have decided, that anyone who joins us, will not carry out political activities outside of our website, and our political organization, with the exception of those who have been elected, with other political forces, to represent their voters, in the institutions, and those who are officially authorized, to represent our political organization outside. There are many political representatives, previously elected, who have joined us, and will be able, and must continue their representative activities, until the end of their mandate, obtained through elections. At the end, they will be able to run for office according to our rules, with us.

    English: The fact of welcoming people, from every political force, is our prerogative, and does not mean, in any case, that we steal political representatives, from any political party. We have never invited anyone to join us, eventually , we have invited people, chosen with great care, to inform themselves and study our rules, our methodologies, and all our informative articles, then, if they considered themselves compatible, they could join us, by registering, and creating a personal profile, on our official website. We repeat, whoever joins us, must be fully informed, and leave all previous political activity, to work concretely and actively, together with all of us. We do not divide our users / supporters / future voters, with other political forces. Whoever chooses us, stays with us, and works only with us. Obviously, anyone can give up doing politics with us, at any time, but must first resign, from any role of political representation, obtained by winning the elections, together with us. We have the obligation, for all our political representatives, to sign the irrevocable resignation, for personal reasons, that anyone who wants to represent us, must sign in advance, before being accepted, as our candidate, in our primary elections, closed online, and in case of victory, in the real elections.

    There are few things, for which it is worth working, and if necessary, fighting. Affections, therefore family, friends, and one's communities, come first. Living, and making live, all the people we love, in a serene and happy way, in a healthy and carefree way, having everything necessary, for a dignified life, is fundamental.

    In second place, there is freedom, individual and collective, which must be potentially infinite, but which ends exactly where the freedom of another person, or group of people, begins.

    In third place, there is authentic democracy, and not the false and partial one, present throughout the world.

    In fourth place, for us at DirectDemocracyS, and for anyone who joins us, there is equality, and meritocracy, which must be guaranteed, always together, all the time, to everyone.

    In fifth place in our ranking are truth, logic, common sense, culture, and mutual respect for all people.

    For each word, of the previous sentences, we could write many articles, to demonstrate to you, that they are really the things that matter, in everyone's life, and that if changed and improved, they will create for everyone, a serene and happy life.

    We will limit ourselves to explaining some reasons, for all of them, in a general way, and we will analyze in detail the first ones we have mentioned, which are: our affections, relatives and friends, total freedom, and authentic democracy.

    The affections are our partners, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, children, parents, nephews, uncles, and the family in general. But they are also friends, acquaintances, and the communities in which we live, from the smallest territorial and geographical subdivision, at the local level, to the largest, State, national, continental, and international.

    Freedom, or rather all freedoms, are as important as the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, or the people we love.

    Authentic democracy makes the freedom to choose and decide complete, therefore it is very important in our lives, to make them better, fair, equitable, and complete.

    Equality and meritocracy are values that are missing, or not sufficient, in the current system, and in the systems of the past, because if there is one, there is not the other, and together, they are never guaranteed, except for very short periods, and not, as would be normal, for all time.

    Truth, logic, common sense, culture, and mutual respect for all people have always been lacking, or have not been sufficient, in all people.

    Always be on the right side, without being manipulated.

    As soon as something happens, anything at all, there are immediately people who take sides, based on their own beliefs, based on their own interests, and based on how much the ideas of other people who manipulate us or tell us what we want to hear have influenced their psyche.

    Let's say it clearly: each of us, in some way, is manipulated, and as soon as someone, often in an interested manner, confirms in any way some of our ideas, we automatically become slaves.

    Often, their ideas do not coincide 100% with ours, but we accept them because, even involuntarily, we are part of their groups. As we human beings are sociable animals, we have the constant need to feel part of something, in which we can identify.

    Information, and unfortunately, false, partial and biased news, can lead to positions being taken that have no logic, are without common sense and respect for others.

    Those who have always been on the side of the population, without any preference, as we are, are unlikely to make mistakes in their assessments.

    We have often talked about democracy, and how fundamental it is to combine this word, which everyone pronounces too easily, with the word, equally important, and vital for people: freedom.

    Freedoms, infinite or limited?

    Individual and group freedom, for all of us, in DirectDemocracyS, is potentially infinite, but every freedom ends exactly where the freedom of another person, or group of people, begins. We repeat it, in this article, and we say it often, because it is our fundamental ideology.

    There are freedoms that are easier to implement, such as freedom of thought, and others that are more difficult, such as freedom of the press, freedom of speech, and freedom of expression.

    No one can limit our ideas, our beliefs, our preferences, and our thoughts. So, we can think anything, but we are all obliged to respect the Laws.

    Unscrupulous people, often with personal interests, or, with manipulative intent, and in some cases, with real brainwashing, can determine, and negatively influence, our way of thinking.

    Let's give you an example. Social networks, which were born with the noble and shareable intent of putting all people in easy communication, have transformed, over time, into a horrible showcase, in which even the worst personalities and the worst possible ideas are exposed.

    It is not up to DirectDemocracyS to tell you what is true, or what is not, if we did, we would end up becoming like the others, and in many cases, trying to inform you in the correct way, spreading the truth, we would only waste our time. We, limit ourselves to providing, all the necessary elements, to form a personal opinion, to anyone who joins us, according to our rules.

    On social networks, each person is free to make themselves known, and to freely express all their ideas, often influenced by those who manipulate us, and by those who lie to us, in the best way, which is to confirm even our craziest ideas. We always say, the simple fact of thinking something, does not prove that it is true, and the simple fact, that other people also think the same way, never transforms falsehood into truth. There is a continuous and frenetic search for confirmation of our ideas, which does not make us think with our "head", but with those of those who negatively influence, and often interested, our decisions. The examples are many, and we all know them. There are many people, who believing they are "free thinkers", that they are well "informed", and that they are on the right side, are not ashamed of their ignorance, indeed, they make it public, making it known to a potentially infinite audience . They do not know, or do not want to admit, that anyone who has studied and knows a certain subject will laugh at him, and only those who are equally ignorant will confirm their theories. These people deny and make fun of all the other people who think differently, and especially those who somehow believe and inform themselves with the "traditional" media, and believe in the "official" reports of the facts.

    That the so-called “system”, and the traditional media, often lie to us, and often tell us falsehoods, passing them off as truth, is an undeniable thing. But it is even worse, to believe, and make other people believe, that everything that comes to us from the “traditional” channels, is false, wrong, unjust, or, with the intent to manipulate us, or worse, to harm us. If the official media always lied to us, in every piece of information they give us, it would be very simple, to discover the truth. It would be enough to believe, always and only, the opposite, of what we are told, as many unwary people do. Instead, as the Bible says: the Devil, always mixes lies with the truth, with the intent, of not letting us discover the truth.

    So, traditional social networks contain all the truths, or most of the truths, mixed with an infinite number of lies, with the aim, hopefully involuntary, of making people who do not have the means and knowledge to know for themselves what is true and what is false no longer understand anything.

    English: In DirectDemocracyS, at the beginning of our activities, there were contrasting ideas, whether to become the first social network of politics, on the model of our predecessors, or, to be innovative, and alternative, also in the method of working, and in the way of expressing ourselves. If traditional social networks, allow people, and groups of people, to demonstrate to everyone, in an obvious way, their ignorance, and their cognitive limits, in DirectDemocracyS, we leave the public areas, visible to everyone, clean, and we use them only, according to our rules, for general information, on our activities. The fact of using the public areas in this way, to some who do not know us, makes people believe, superficially, that there are few concrete activities, that are almost all done in private areas, to others, it makes them believe that we have few registered people, and finally, to others it makes them believe, that in DirectDemocracyS, there is not enough freedom of expression. But for what reason, do we not let the public areas fill up with all the ideas, often without any logical basis?

    To work and to inform ourselves, always knowing the truth, we rely on research, education, science, expertise, professionalism, and information, which we receive from our groups of specialists, who are all our members, therefore, they are free, independent, incorruptible, and being all of them together, our owners, have every interest, to inform us in the best, complete way, and have real skills, demonstrated, with degrees, or, with professional results, verifiable. On every fact, they inform us, and when it comes to making every decision, our specialists, inform us of all the various possibilities, and on all the consequences, of each of our choices, so as to never make a mistake. Thanks to all these experts, some of them, are among the best in the world, in their fields, our decisions, and all our choices, which are made, by all our users with the right to vote, are all decisions completely informed, and based on reality, and on the truth.

    Many people, at this moment, will think, that the truth is subjective, and that even specialists, can have personal conceptions, regarding certain topics. The truth, which for us, is the most probable, and is the one, decided by the majority of our experts. The greater the percentage of our experts, who freely vote for a truth, and the greater the certainty, for all of us, that it is authentic. If for 99.99% of our experts, the earth is spherical, slightly flattened at the poles, for 100% of our users / voters, it should certainly be so. The official position, of DirectDemocracyS, which must be accepted, defended, and implemented, by anyone who joins us, is that the earth, is spherical, and slightly flattened at the poles. In this simple example, there is our method, and our rule, on the decisions we all make together. : Those who are not experts, can have personal conceptions, of certain topics, and for us they are all valid, and important, but only if they can be demonstrated, with impeccable documentation. If the majority of us expresses itself, and votes for something, no one is obliged to change their mind, but to stay with us, they are obliged to accept, implement, and publicly support, the decision of our majority. Personally and intimately, they can think differently, but publicly and concretely, all our decisions, are to be put into practice, and always supported. However, we leave, to anyone, individually, but especially in a group, the freedom, to continue to look for concrete evidence, on every theory, and if it is proven real, we repeat, with concrete evidence, reliable sources, and impeccable documentation, we can change our mind, and vote again, to choose the new truth. Only the stupid, do not change their mind, in the face of scientific evidence, and concrete evidence.

    The current world allows anyone to have almost all the information on the Internet, but years of study and years of hard work in specific topics and sectors cannot be compared to a simple online search and reading a few short informative articles. Furthermore, in everything that is published, there is not always only the truth, often the results of our online searches also offer us false or wrong news and theories. As we have said, it is not easy to distinguish the true from the false, the right from the wrong, and in general, the good from the bad.

    Having our experts, on every subject, we are informed, and all our choices are conscious. But why not accept, everyone's theories? For the simple reason, that for a toothache, we consult a dentist, and for a car breakdown, we go to a mechanic. Demonstrated competence, must always prevail over unfounded theories, and improvisation.

    English: Many, at the beginning, accused us of a lack of freedom, and of the fact that we have too many rules, and that we expect these to be respected by everyone. Those who accuse us, have certainly not read, and therefore do not know, all our public information, and above all do not know, with which mechanisms, and with which methodologies, we carry out our work. We can assure you, that everything is done in a completely free, and truly democratic way. We always say it: up to now, we have never expelled anyone, for their ideas, or, for their theories, as long as these ideas, if expressed publicly, are documented, are expressed in the ways, at the times, and in the appropriate places. In fact, from the first minute our political organization was born, we understood, that the ideas, the theories, and the projects of everyone, deserve all our attention, and all our respect. For various reasons. The first is because it goes against our interests, not to give every person, the fundamental right, to express themselves. Everyone knows that we are the only political force, born to unite everyone, in diversity, but diversity, often non-aligned ideas, which for others are just a nuisance, for us, are one of our greatest riches. Constructive criticism, even expressed directly, has helped us, helps us, and will help us grow, remaining the best. Furthermore, not all "bizarre" and non-aligned theories are completely wrong, often, and history teaches us, many theories, which were laughed at, have proven to be real, and therefore, we have created free groups, in which individually, one proposes, and in a group one discusses, and works, on every idea, by anyone. Furthermore, it would not be nice, on our part, to discriminate people, based on their ideas, as it is wrong, for anyone, to express judgments, often superficial, on other people.

    The truth is not something that is voted on, but it must be demonstrated and documented, and our rules and our methodology help us to always find it. The final choice, on everything to do, must be made based on the votes, which have detailed regulations, with all the possibilities of contestation, if properly documented.

    A basic rule, that we have in DirectDemocracyS, is that the decisions we make, we make them all together, and must always be respected, and implemented by everyone, even by those who have personally voted, and think differently, from our majority. We never ask anyone, to change or modify their beliefs, but we ask everyone, loyalty, towards the ideas, and decisions of the majority. We do not need people, who are convinced that they know everything, if there had not been curiosity, the human being , would perhaps have remained, an animal like all the others. Almost all evolution, is based on the search for truth. We do not need people, who tell us, either you do it my way, or, I leave. Those who try to impose their ideas, at all costs, and by any means, should avoid joining us. In DirectDemocracyS, we propose, we work, we discuss, and we decide all together. The ideas of those who win, with the vote, must be implemented, and respected, even by those who lose, but those who do not win, always have the possibility, to work concretely, to demonstrate the validity of their ideas. Every theory, which if confirmed over time, can always obtain the vote, informed and aware, of our users. In short, we, never throw away, the ideas, and the beliefs of someone, but we do not accept theories, founded only on intuition, and without scientific basis.

    Traditional social networks allow incompetent people to give opinions and judgments on things they don't know, often influencing, even negatively, other people. But the fundamental mistake, perhaps voluntary, was made from the beginning, allowing anyone to register easily, to have dozens, or hundreds of personal profiles. The famous Bots were allowed to comment on any topic, making people believe that there are actually many people who think "against the grain", and many ignorant, rude people, and above all incapable of distinguishing good from evil, right from wrong, and above all truth from falsehoods. Fake, multiple profiles, and robots that comment, often talking about topics that have nothing to do with the various articles. In DirectDemocracyS, we verify the identities of each person, in increasingly detailed ways, for the higher types of users, and for the roles of greater importance and responsibility, to avoid people with fake profiles, and to prevent each person from making multiple registrations. We prevent any activity to Bots, preventing and severely punishing the publication of automatic comments. Furthermore, we keep everything clean, safe, tidy, and organized in the best way, but we do not prevent, and we do not limit, the possibilities, even to those who are not competent, to express opinions, in certain groups, reserved, where it is well known, that the things that are published, do not correspond to competent users. Strangely, the activities in these groups, which we call "free", are not numerous, because those who join us, prefer to talk about things that they know well, and not about things, that others have told them are right, without the necessary documentation.

    Thanks to our online school activities, managed by our authorized members, anyone who is passionate about certain subjects can educate themselves by participating in our online courses, many of which are free. After taking a final exam, based on their results, anyone can request to join and work in our expert groups. As with all our groups, of any type, throughout our system, the respective members decide whether and how many new members to welcome into their group, coordinating with all our similar groups. Furthermore, truly deserving people must always be welcomed, even by creating waiting lists. In many cases, new groups and presentation pages can be created to allow anyone who deserves it to carry out all the activities for which they are competent.

    The trend of fighting against the system, which often, achieves the result of strengthening the system, is always wrong. You cannot fight, and hope to win, against those who have organized themselves, in such a way as to be unbeatable, for hundreds of years, often, for millennia. The only way, to have justice, honesty, equity, and a better and different world, is to do it, by modifying the system, and creating an alternative, that is truly innovative. A new, better road, to travel all together.

    In a direct clash, against the traditional system, one always loses, or one obtains results, provisionally, and never decisively. With our organization, not only political, but economic and financial, we create a new system, parallel, but integrated, in the current one, making our activities truly decisive.

    Traditional social networks and web giants give everyone a false idea of freedom, often working for the "system". If the alternative proposed by certain "revolutionary" groups does not present sufficient guarantees, "normal" people will always choose the security and tranquility offered by the old system over the insecurity and lack of real alternatives of those who are anti-system. In fact, even in politics, the fight against the system obtains minimal percentages of consensus. By offering everyone the freedom to say, write and show what they want on any topic, without any expertise, you do not "give away" freedom of speech, but you only give away the possibility to express your frustrations, disappointments and incompetence. Using and considering the limitation of false news as a limitation of freedom of expression is wrong, because the freedom "to misinform" limits everyone's freedom to have access to the truth and to documented information.

    An interesting case is the request of a Brazilian Court, which asked the social network X, to appoint its own official representative in Brazil, with the clear intention of making people pay taxes, all taxes, in the country where the profits are made, and not in "tax havens", or in countries of their choice. For anyone who joins DirectDemocracyS, taxes must be proportionate to income, helping those in difficulty, and making people pay the same percentages throughout the world, thus preventing the use of "tax havens" to avoid paying taxes in the countries where the profits are made. Taxes are essential to help people in difficulty. Immediately, many people said that the Brazilian Judge wanted to limit the freedom of speech and expression of the Brazilian people, preventing the use of the X platform in Brazil. We all know that these rules and impositions can be "bypassed" using a simple VPN, that is, using an IP from a country where X has not been banned. States have the right and duty to protect their citizens, and must force everyone to pay taxes in full, exactly at the same percentages, and exactly in the country, or in the territorial and geographical area, where they make a profit. This rule of ours, obviously, does not make us very popular with the "web giants", who certainly do not want to pay taxes in the right way, but want to be smart, causing enormous damage, especially to people and companies in difficulty. But never forget that success, for them is temporary, and for us, who always help, more, and first, the weakest, success will be definitive.

    We conclude by telling you, that it is right to consider us, also, as the first, for now the only, and forever the best, social network of politics, but also the first, and the only, in which everyone, speaks publicly, only about things that they know perfectly, and with their competence and ability, also enriches all the others. All this, are after being identified. The reasons, for the identification of each of our users, are very useful, in addition to security, they help us to know exactly, who is the person, who says anything. Thanks to our voting methodology, which is open, and must be motivated. The open vote, we need to know who says, and decides, to be able to give everyone, the right responsibilities, of their decisions, and so that they can be traced. Let us explain better. The current society, multimedia, and based on the Internet, allows anyone, to accuse, defame, and lie. In DirectDemocracyS, we like the truth, and knowing the identity of those who lie helps us to no longer trust that user. Envious, frustrated, ignorant people, or those who fuel social hatred, but also those who publish false news, cannot do so with us, and if by chance they do, we know how to render them harmless, or eliminate them from all our activities. Those who base their statements on theories, even plausible ones, but not documented, or not definitive, must wait to have all the evidence of what they write, otherwise, they will be considered unreliable, and in the event of a repeat offense, they will be expelled and made persona non grata. For us, every person is innocent, until they have been definitively convicted, and after every other possibility of appeal. Too many people, unfortunately, are convinced, that a person suspected, or accused, is automatically guilty. There are investigative methods, and processes, to seek the truth, and to demonstrate guilt, or innocence. The political use, or for economic and financial interests, of Justice must be prevented, reported and prevented.

    But we have talked about the trend of online trials of people, of today's society, of hatred and envy, and of the impartiality of Justice, and we will talk about it again, because to have a different and better way, even people, all people, must change and improve.

    We know very well that it will take a long time to change and improve people's mentality, to make them totally free, making them deserve all their freedom, and to make them authentically democratic, it will take a lot of work, a lot of patience, a lot of perseverance, and also a little luck. But we are in no hurry, we are determined, and we are lucky to have with us, almost all the right people, to realize our purpose.

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