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    Moldova EU membership referendum, presidential elections

    MoldovaZZ rectangle

    In the Republic of Moldova, on Sunday 20 October 2024, the referendum for the accession of the small, but important, and strategic Eastern European country to the European Union took place and concluded, together with the presidential elections.
    The yes vote for joining the European Union won by just a few votes, less than 1%, and President Maia Sandu obtained about 1/3 of the votes.
    Russian interference in the vote of the citizens of Moldova was suspected, and probably occurred, even if it did not succeed in changing the final result.
    Anyone who has read our previous articles knows very well that we at DirectDemocracyS are certainly not on the side of anyone, except the population. Yes, dear friends, we have always been, we are currently, and we will always be, on the side of the weakest, the most exploited, the most manipulated, and in all our activities, we will always help, first, all good people, always starting with those who are in the greatest difficulty, whether they are individuals, commercial companies, or entire countries.
    We do not do it to gain consensus, our political project does not use the incorrect means, which the old politics and all the other political forces use. We do not need it, and those who do not believe it, can read all our public articles, and join us, to see if what we say, is then fully put into practice.
    For us, authentic democracy and complete freedoms are indispensable values, and we do not take lessons in morality from anyone. We are a new, innovative and alternative political force, to all the others, born to change and improve the world.
    If every single citizen, every group of citizens, or entire communities, make a decision, as it is right, the decisions of the majority, must always be accepted, and must always be respected, whatever the outcome. That Russia, and the European Union, are in the race, for who can guarantee a better future, for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, is clear to everyone.
    DirectDemocracyS Republic of Moldova, not participating directly in the elections, has left all its supporters the freedom to choose whether to join the European Union, and whether to vote for candidates of other political forces.
    But we know that they analyzed, in our national groups, the various possibilities, and suggested, to those who had the right to vote, to vote for membership in the European Union, and against any candidate, or political party, that was pro-Russian.
    While we have enormous respect and infinite love for every population, every country, and every person, including the Russian people, we will never side with dictatorial policies, parties and one-track thinking, oligarchies, and political representatives who do not put the good of their citizens, and of the entire world, first.
    Anyone who has to choose between the partial and incomplete Western, in this case European, “democracies” full of problems, and the Russian oligarchic dictatorial regime, full of crimes against the opposition, must make a simple choice. DirectDemocracyS, always puts logic, common sense, intelligence, science, and education first. For us, anyone who has freely chosen to keep their country out of the civilized, and partially free European countries, does not know how to choose between partial good and complete evil. People of this type, will be able to join us, only in the final stages, and only when the most important types of users, and the roles of greater responsibility, will all be occupied, by good people.
    We cannot be on the side of those who invade other countries that they swore to defend, brother countries, countries with a common history, or allied countries. The current and provisional Russian policy can never be justified by history, and all the wrong decisions have been, are, and will be paid for by those responsible, but also, unfortunately, by the population.
    The West, the European Union, the United States, in recent history, have never attacked, bombed, and invaded, friendly, neighboring, and allied countries. They have almost always had rational motivations, and “justifications”, always trying to cause fewer innocent victims.
    Knowing how to choose partial good over total evil is a characteristic that can allow those who possess it to have more important roles in our inevitable, but useful if honest and loyal, hierarchy.
    There are people, including political representatives, and also of a certain intellectual depth, who are on the wrong side, and they certainly do not do it because they believe in it, but only for interests of various kinds. Yes, dear friends, they get paid, to make less intelligent and less informed people believe that between the corrupt West, and dictatorships, such as the Russian, Chinese, and other less powerful ones, they are to be preferred, always the opposite, to our imperfect, and partial Western democracies.
    We have often told you, who is stupid, envious, and incapable, in partially free countries, does not become a better person, or with greater possibilities of affirmation, in a change of system, certainly worse. It is not that if you mix the cards, you can always receive better cards.
    In Western countries, at least we have the right to demonstrate, and to protest, if we don't like something. By implementing DirectDemocracyS, we have the possibility to be all protagonists, and to decide freely and democratically, about our future.
    Even dictatorships and oligarchic regimes, who want an alternative to the West, could join DirectDemocracyS, and could create, by evolving, a credible alternative to the partial Western democracies, but they will never do it. First, in order not to lose their power, giving it to the people, and secondly, for fear that with us, they would have to answer, for all the illicit activities, and all the cruelties, that they have committed.
    We have never hesitated to criticize the activities of the old politics, offering solutions, and creating alternatives. The old politics is more subtle, because it deceives people into thinking they really count for something, then, immediately after the elections, the people no longer have any power, and for many years the various political parties, and their leaders, decide on everything, almost never asking for an opinion, from those who should hold all the power, in authentic democracy. If dictatorships, "play with their cards on the table", fake democracies, do it in a hidden way, allowing themselves to be controlled, not by the population, but by lobbies, and rich and powerful people.
    All the old politics, also has the bad habit, of delegitimizing the opponent. If they win, by any means, everything is fine, if they lose, it is always someone's fault.
    DirectDemocracyS, guarantees you, that as long as we have the support of the population, we will only do the interests of all, and we will respect all other political forces.
    We were designed to prevent any possible problem and to solve it in the best possible way.
    We will never love the injustices and disrespect of old politics, but we will make them known to everyone, and we will make our proposals and our solutions known.
    These days, there is a lot of talk about the American elections. The United States will have to choose between 2 candidates, one more experienced, and one younger, and willing to show off their skills. Even in this case, DirectDemocracyS United States, is not on anyone's side, more or less, the preferences are equal, even among our users. Whoever wins, will certainly not be able to put their promises into practice, but it will be the continuity of the greatest deception, in the history of humanity, the representative "democracy", in which the people with their vote, decide who to have the rules imposed by, for some, often too many years.
    The only ones who, if they won the elections, would share all the power with their voters, are us at DirectDemocracyS. We are the only political force that does not win, does not govern, and does not legislate alone, but does so with every single voter, listening to everyone's proposals, and putting into practice every decision of the majority of their voters. This forever and for every single activity.
    Elon Musk's promises to reward every voter in some states for supporting Donald Trump have caused controversy. The "scandal" is not so much the fact of paying for the votes, but because the richest man in the world is doing it. If political leaders, do it, who lie, and who promise, without then keeping all their promises, it's all good. If some leaders give away public money, with bonuses of all kinds, or others, who under the pretext of helping the weak, give a little bit of income to everyone, it's always good. If political forces say one thing and do another, it's always good. After all, the community pays for their gifts. Our experts have calculated that for every dollar of public money spent, even the same person who receives it will return, with taxes, and increases in inflation, and public spending, at least 2. Furthermore, Elon Musk does it with his own money, taking full responsibility for a deplorable gesture. The rest of politics, instead, uses public money, creating public debt, which will create enormous problems for current and future generations.
    But in the end, who cares? Only us at DirectDemocracyS, who will never give anything to anyone, if they don't really deserve it. And we can assure you, that we have created a system, that without taking anything away from those who are rich and powerful, deserving it, will put everyone in the conditions, to obtain a better and happier life. We will do it without creating public debt, but by investing, and creating economic growth.
    But we will talk about all this at the right time.
    We are not asking you to join us, but to study all our public information, with patience, and with an open mind. If you like what we are creating, and how we are doing it, you can ask to join us. Yes, you read that right, we are innovative in this too, especially in the initial stages, we will choose with great care, every single person who will join us.
    We do not need immediate consensus, from unreliable people, but we need good and intelligent people, to create the foundations of this immense universe of projects. At the right time, everyone will understand, that we are, and will always remain, the best political force in the history of humanity, and the consensus will arrive, and the votes, to put into practice every decision, of everyone, for the good of everyone.
    We also invite you to contact us, using the most suitable contact forms, according to your questions. You will receive our answers, and you will help us to always improve.
    We also invite you to make private, free, and voluntary donations, only and exclusively on our official website, through a simple form, in Euros, or in United States Dollars, you will help us to have the necessary financial support, for all our activities.
    Thank you.

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