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    •   Security commented on this post about 2 weeks ago
      I receive messages, asking me: "how come I sent messages, or, various forms, and they did not arrive to you"?
      I will answer you briefly.
      Every single activity, and every line of code, of our entire system, are verified, in this order, by over 64...
      I receive messages, asking me: "how come I sent messages, or, various forms, and they did not arrive to you"?
      I will answer you briefly.
      Every single activity, and every line of code, of our entire system, are verified, in this order, by over 64 of the best antiviruses in the world, subsequently, by our computer system, which creates the respective log files, and inserts the data into our database, and finally, every single activity, is verified by our Artificial Intelligence, which checks that the activity, the message, or, the form is of legitimate, human origin (yes, our Artificial Intelligence, checks in a comprehensive way, that you do not use Artificial Intelligence), and that you are not a robot.
      All these checks are done very quickly, but since we use all these security measures, after clicking on: send message, send email, send form, or, on send, we recommend that you wait, at least 30 seconds, in some cases, up to a minute, for our system to confirm that the form, the message, or, the activity has been done correctly.
      For internal activities, such as likes, internal messages, comments, and thousands of other activities, you just need to see the actual change, of the area of ​​the page, where you have for example put a like, or, a comment of yours, or any other activity.
      A practical tip.
      Always write and keep a copy of the things you want to publish, in our system, to be able to easily copy and paste them, if necessary.
      For all messages, and forms, of all types, you can use any language, but in specific groups, in language modules, always use, and only, the language of the group itself, or, as the case may be, of the form, page, event, discussion, post, and other specific activities, in the various languages.
      For public areas, please request authorization, before carrying out activities visible to all, you have every opportunity to express yourself freely, in the various private areas, so avoid unauthorized use, of public areas, which we use only for public messages, of vital importance, and service, and only by authorized people. In public areas, therefore visible to all, and in English language areas, please use only the English language, and therefore, you can use a translator, to translate your content, from your preferred language, to the English language, before publishing it. Remember to check your spelling, in the various languages, to always have perfect translations, and allow our translation module, to translate your public content, in all languages ​​of the world.
      Thank you, for your collaboration, good work, and have fun everyone.
      With much esteem, and infinite respect.
      Special administration group.
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    • Security unlocked the badge 10 Super Administrator
      10 Super Administrator
      10 Super Administrator 10 Super Administrator best invite
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    • Security unlocked the badge Socializer
      Loves socializing with others. To unlock this badge, start a new conversation with users 15 times.
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    • We had an important meeting, among many of our Israeli members, and from Muslim countries. As always, we talked, discussed, and found many useful solutions for everyone.
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    • We have too many new registrations. For an indefinite period, we are only accepting new registrations on an invitation-based basis. In the new phase we will accept another 500,000 new users. Thank you.
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    • Security unlocked the badge Great Reader
      Great Reader
      Loves reading through articles. To unlock this badge, you need to read up to 100 articles.
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