The elections for the Parliament of the European Union have shown once again that people do not feel represented by the old politics.
In many countries, almost one in two voters did not go to vote, and many voted "holding their noses", choosing the political force, and the political representative, who could have done less damage.
We are not interested, and we do not need to, in making statements such as: those who did not go to vote, if we had been there too, would have gone. Or, even worse, if we had said: if they went to vote, they would have voted for our political representatives.
Certainly, especially the first elections, it will be difficult to make people understand our innovation, which is an alternative to all other political forces. You need above-average intelligence to understand our rules and our unique and inimitable methodologies. We also need great patience to carefully study all of our information published on our website. What we don't need, in the initial phase, is to be invaded by many people who believe they have understood our political project.
Voting is first of all a right, and reading about so many people criticizing, judging and condemning those who have freely decided not to go and vote makes us feel a sense of sadness. Those who want, in a preventive way, to blame those who did not go to vote generally do so because they feel responsible for having chosen a traditional political force and its political representatives.