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    I'm waiting for DirectDemocracyS

    I m waiting for DirectDemocracyS

    The 2024 European elections will be held in the 27 Member States of the European Union between 6 and 9 June, as decided unanimously by the Council of the European Union, with the freedom for each member state to organize them on one or more days between these , according to national electoral customs.

    Voting is a right and a civic duty.
    The previous sentence is repeated obsessively, in every way, in all the media, to remind, rightly, how important it is to go and vote. In many cases, citizens are reminded of how many battles have been fought to allow every citizen to express a preference in the elections.
    Our sentence is: every person has the right to decide, if he wants, or if he doesn't want to go and vote.
    Individual freedom, for us, in DirectDemocracyS, is potentially infinite, and ends only where it begins, the freedom of another person, or another group of people.
    Traditional politics has very few moments in which it puts authentic democracy into practice.
    Some elections, and some referendums. The rest of the time, their “false democracy” automatically becomes oligarchic party-cracy.
    Legitimize the power, which they "steal" from the people, through the vote.
    The legitimacy of the decisions taken, in the name of the people, or rather, in place of the people, is justified by the fact that the voters, through their vote, have chosen who to be represented by.
    The old politics will tell you that you chose who should decide in your place. You have had a choice of programs, political parties, coalitions, people, and you have decided who is your "master", and who for many years will be able to decide anything, on your behalf, without asking for your opinion, and who will dictate the rules, which you will have to follow, and respect, for a long time. And if you don't like their decision, or if it doesn't respect the promises they made to you, in the next elections, you can vote for other political parties, and for other political representatives. Others, who will do exactly, or, largely, like those who preceded them.
    By going to the vote, you legitimize their power, you approve, and validate, the passage of the power to decide from the population to the political parties and their political representatives.
    DirectDemocracyS' advice.
    You decide in complete freedom whether to go or not to vote, and if you do, you must choose, in an informed and conscious way.
    If you feel represented, by a political party, by a coalition, or by a political representative.
    Go and vote, if you wish, it is your right, and partly also your civic duty. Vote for who you believe will be able to decide for you, in the best way.
    If you don't feel represented by anyone, and in any case, go and vote anyway, you can leave your vote blank, or write whatever you like, even if this could invalidate your vote.
    If you want to express your preference for us, and for DirectDemocracyS, write on the ballot paper: I am waiting for DirectDemocracyS. Your vote will be cancelled, but you will demonstrate that you do not feel represented by the old traditional politics, and that you choose our innovation, which is an alternative to all other political forces.
    Let's hope these are the last elections, without our presence.
    As we often repeat, we must work, with great attention, and with great effort, continuous over time, to be able to present ourselves, in the best way, in the elections of the future.
    Our presence will put into practice every word, every sentence of our regulations, and our entire methodology.
    We will decide together with all our voters the program to be put into practice, and at any time, each of them will be able to propose ideas, programs and projects to be put into practice all together. We will be able to change any decision at any time, based on the requests of our voters.
    We are sure that with each of our participations in future elections, DirectDemocracyS and our political representatives will obtain the majority of voters entitled to vote. It will not be a simple majority of those who go to vote, but of all those who have the right to do so.
    We rely on the intelligence, of all good people, and on our unique method of doing politics, together with all our voters.
    A big difference in rules, method, and legitimacy.
    The legitimacy of DirectDemocracyS is direct, and continues over time. It cannot be compared, in any way, to the methods of traditional politics, which "steals" power from the people, to give it to political forces and their political representatives.
    You all know that our every success will be the success of all those who join us.
    When we win, we will all win together, to always decide together, for the good of all!
    Get informed, join us, and share.
    Thank you.

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    Pfizergate our positions
    Allgemeine Regeln, Phasen


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