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    Trump Musk children in California and taxes

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    Now some brief considerations on some current news.

    We have been condemned, because we did not take a position, after some current events, and we do so shortly.

    The attack on the candidate President of the United States Donald Trump, by Thomas Matthew Crooks.

    First, our sincere condolences, and our sympathy, to the family of Corey Comperatore, a volunteer firefighter from Buffalo, who was killed in this attack.

    Secondly, our solidarity with the candidate President of the United States Donald Trump, who was slightly injured by one of the 8 shots fired by the young attacker, who was in turn killed by the security system.

    It is not our style to make statements for every single piece of news, especially until all the information is made public. In many cases, certain news is not completely and truly made public, especially regarding certain reasons.

    It is not our style to spread hypotheses, or theories, based on simple suppositions. Unlike those who have a lot of imagination, and those who have all the truths in their tiny brain, we wait and analyze only the truth. If this does not arrive, we will use all our means to investigate and discover the truth, making it public.

    If we have the honor and burden of governing, we will make all the truths public, in every country in the world.

    A brief consideration, however, we will make it. With how much violence, lies, and with how many incorrect activities, has the old, unsuccessful, and divisive, traditional politics accustomed us? This execrable fact is the demonstration of how dangerous it is to see an enemy in a political opponent. But also, how dangerous certain declarations are, and how they can backfire, often false and opportunistic, made only to beg for the consensus of a few, often unstable minds.

    DirectDemocracyS, is the only political force, which unites all the good people of the earth. The only one that doesn't create divisions. DirectDemocracyS is also the only political force in the entire history of humanity that has within it only people who think, and who can think in all ways. Nobody is excluded, or discriminated against, in DirectDemocracyS, for what they think.

    Another piece of news being talked about is the California law, which California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law, which prohibits school districts from adopting policies that require schools to inform parents if their child asks to change your gender identification. For DirectDemocracyS, authentic democracy and total individual and collective freedom are indispensable principles. Those who know us know well that for us, every law that offers fundamental rights, even to just one person, is a priority, and that it will always be supported by all of us. In this specific case, the Law does not solve any problems, on the contrary, it creates some, which cause discussion and divide the various factions. Since we are dealing with minors, we have asked our groups of specialists for a lot of information, and in case it is necessary, we will vote together, and separately, all our users, with the right to vote, residents of California, to present our official position. Defending and always helping all minorities, including sexual ones, offering the same rights and duties as the majority, is an essential commitment for us. Giving the right to minors who do not feel represented by their own sex and who want to be identified with the other sex and preventing their parents from being informed of this would be right only if the school districts themselves do not never, and for no reason, ask for the signature of the parents, for every school trip, for every external visit, and for activities in which the signature of the parents is required. The Law, the State, must not impose, or prevent, normal communication between parents, schools, and students, unless they bear every expense, every need, and every responsibility, from the moment of conception, until adulthood, of the minor. As long as the parents are the ones who support them, and who assume all responsibility, it is right who are always informed, for every activity of the minor. DirectDemocracyS, rather, would create the right conditions so that the aspirations, desires and hopes of young people are supported, and if necessary defended, with all possible means. Parents must always be informed about the activities of their children, but in the event that the children are not left free to choose, the Law and the State must intervene, for the good and interest of the minors, but so by chance, and not by generalizing.

    This law is the classic "drop that broke the camel's back", making Elon Musk decide to move the headquarters of his companies, therefore also of Tesla and X, from California to Texas. While respecting the will and autonomy of Mr. Musk's companies to have their headquarters anywhere in the world, we remind everyone that our macroeconomic and macrofinancial plan provides for identical global taxation in every country in a short time, of the world, in every state, region, or geographical area, without tax havens. Taxes must be identical and proportional everywhere, and the obligation for each company to pay taxes exactly where it carries out the economic activity and the related profit. Furthermore, as soon as we obtain the right and duty to govern and make laws, we will remove all favoritism for every type of company that will pay the same taxes as an ordinary citizen, or a small or medium-sized commercial company of each geographical area. But we will talk about these things at the right time. Perhaps also thanks to these fair proposals, we have always been slowed down, and boycotted, by the Internet giants, who would all like to see us close down. The difference between us and the old politics is also that for us, every promise must be kept, and we will do so.

    security measures

    Let's start this short article with a thank you.

    We want to thank from the bottom of our hearts, all our official representatives, outside our website. These official, authorized members of ours are carrying out a hard and long process of selecting people to invite, to inform themselves, and to learn about DirectDemocracyS. If these invited people like what we are doing, and how we are doing it, our representatives outside our website, offer all the help, all the support, all the information, all the motivation, and all the instructions to join us. Thank you also, to all our new users, for your trust, which we guarantee will be reciprocated and rewarded, at the right time, in the right way. With everything going on around, many are afraid to even visit a virtually unknown website. You not only visit us, but do everything you need to register and create a personal profile, to work concretely with us.

    Security measures, to prevent any possible problem.

    As we all know, there are good people, or bad, competent, or incompetent, intelligent, or stupid, informed, or uninformed, with knowledge of things, or ignorant, obviously, with everything in between the 2 extremes. These are the only ways in which in DirectDemocracyS, we divide people, who with us have guaranteed equality and meritocracy, always united together, and guaranteed over time.

    Many bad people want to try to stop us, slow us down, boycott us, or, they will soon try to speak badly of us. To avoid any possible problem, we give you a few useful tips to prevent any unpleasant situation.

    Security measure number 1. Always check who is speaking on our behalf.

    To do this, simply use a simple, secure, and confidential contact form from our special security team, which is active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and which receives messages and responds to you in every language of the world. Fill out the online form with your data, write your name and surname, your personal email address, as subject, write authorization verification, and as message, explain in detail who contacted you, where they contacted you, how contacted you, and what did he tell you. To do all this, just go to this link:

    Explain all the details to our special security group, we advise you to tick the box where it says send a copy to yourself, to have a copy of the message you send us, which is valid as proof, that you contacted us. You must enter the captcha security code in the small rectangle below to prove that you are human.

    Attention: before clicking on the red button: send email, you must tick the small rectangle relating to the privacy policies, to allow us to use the information you provide to us, to get you the answers. You will receive all the information and answers to your questions as quickly as possible, but until then, do not continue the dialogue in any way with the person who contacted you on our behalf.

    Security measure number 2. Our emails are encrypted, secure, and confidential.

    Many email providers insert emails sent from our email servers as junk mail, often as "junk" mail, or our emails are placed in the -SPAM- email folder. Don't be afraid, our emails are encrypted, safe and confidential, they always have been and will always be. The only "problem" is that our computer systems send many messages, every day, for legitimate reasons and for operational needs, and therefore, many email providers, who manage email traffic, consider us -SPAM -. We send a limited number of emails, and only for very important reasons. Each of our users can freely decide which messages to receive from DirectDemocracyS, simply by setting notifications in their personal profile, in the reserved social areas, and, for our official members, also in the reserved community areas.

    DirectDemocracyS always responds to all messages sent according to our rules, so always check the various email inboxes to find our messages.

    Security measure number 3. Annual dues payments, donations, sponsorships, advertising contracts, and other economic activities.

    Any payment to DirectDemocracyS must be made, solely and exclusively, on our official website, and solely and exclusively, using our official forms. Do not, for any reason, send money, goods, or services to natural persons or fictitious companies. Never pay in untraceable cash. When fundraisers are held in various cities, squares and streets, taking donations and cash payments directly from people, these activities will be communicated on public pages and filmed from the first to the last second, they will be video-recorded, and also sent live, on our website. Furthermore, before paying, you must always verify the authorization of the person asking you for money to receive money in our name, via the contact form, security measure number 1, of this article, at this link:

    As a subject, write: verify authorization to receive money in the name of DirectDemocracyS, and explain all the details. Don't pay a single cent until you receive the email from us confirming your authorization from our special security team.

    Security measure number 4. Never believe, never reward, and never pay, people who tell you that they can help you to join us faster, or who promise you advantages and facilities not foreseen by our rules.

    Security measure number 5. Do not be afraid to report any attempt to carry out activities such as scams, blackmail and other illicit activities to the competent authorities. If you communicate them to us, we will be the first to report them, to make them public, and to take legal action to obtain justice.

    Security measure number 6. Each of our email addresses, and each of our websites, has a termination: Obviously, each of our addresses contains the name, followed by @, then This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. the website, continues with the URL, after the / symbol, then

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    Parliamo un po' del MoVimento 5 Stelle
    Press release number 1 of the national phases


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