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First World Congress of Direct Democracy.
DirectDemocracyS, to celebrate the beginning of our local phases, and 2 new types of people, who will be able to collaborate with us, organizes the first world congress of direct democracy.
Where will this conference take place?
As organizers, the entire congress will take place on our official website, and other related websites, always with the ending,, according to a very detailed program, which will involve many people.
Like any activity, there will be various phases.
Preliminary stages.
Bilateral meetings, between our official representatives, and people outside our system.
Know, contact, meet and try.
You know.
The first phase allows anyone to learn about our system by studying, with an open mind, in a comprehensive way, all our public information.
We recommend you start by reading our short presentation, in the center of our first page, of our official website. They are a few lines, with which, we introduce ourselves to the world.
The only official website is at this link:
In our public information articles, we explain in detail who we are, why we were born, how to join us, how we all work together, what our goals are, and how we will respect each of our rules.
Anyone who wants to get in touch with us, and with all our users, can do it directly, through the contact forms, according to simple rules, and according to the topic of their interest.
The only website, entirely dedicated to contact forms, can be found at this link:
Please contact us, in any language, you will receive our reply, via email.
Each of our official representatives will invite relatives, friends, neighbors, contacts, and people they trust, to a short video call, with various topics, decided together. Each activity will be part of our congress, in fact the video calls can be mutually recorded, and the other activities, carried out together, on our websites, can be shared, with other people, internally, and also by inviting other people to join the various activities. All individual privacy settings will be respected, and participants will decide together which parts to share internally, and in certain specific cases, based on detailed rules, also externally.
In order to test our system absolutely free of charge and without any obligation on the part of the invited people, we have ready and will implement all the necessary potentialities to allow all participants to collaborate and work together in this congress.
Who can participate?
Only and exclusively those invited by one of our official representatives, through our official forms, can participate. For now, only our 97656 official members can invite guests from outside our system. Please invite, in the preliminary stages, a maximum number of about 10-15 people each. If necessary, on a case-by-case basis, you can decide independently to exceed these limits. You will make the arrangements for the invitation independently, in the way you prefer.
In the preliminary stages, only individuals participate, entire groups, other organizations, and other political forces are not invited. DirectDemocracyS, has officially left any collaboration with the World Forum for Direct Democracy, for how we were treated, at their activity in Bucharest, in May 2024, where we, were one of the most active and numerous delegations, and we were not given any official space, but only a common room, for workshops, on the final Friday, at the end of the evening, with other important seminars, concomitant, which made useless, not only our participation, but also that of many other delegations. While maintaining contact with everyone, we will never again participate, with our official representatives, in activities organized by others, but we will organize several of our own. We leave our users / voters free to participate, individually in similar events.
Simplicity, but quality.
In a few simple forms, all the people invited will get a personal profile, to participate in all the activities of our world congress of direct democracy.
Main topics.
We leave the preliminary stages, and all the other stages of the congress, the freedom to deal with each topic, with only a few suggestions. In each stage, use at least half of the time to talk concretely about direct democracy, in all its possible expressions. We advise everyone to analyze some very important aspects: implementation of the various systems, with great attention to their compatibility, and their possible integration into our system. The issue of security, and effective and optimal prevention of every possible problem, with particular attention to the fragility of democracy in general, and direct democracy in particular. The issue of manipulation, and brainwashing, which the old system often uses, with various methods, to make grassroots democracy ineffective. Political philosophy, and the various ideologies, integrated and mixed, into our system. Political strategy, to determine a change, and an improvement in the world. Are there alternatives to the old system, and to DirectDemocracyS? And any other topic, that will be suggested to us, from within, and especially from outside. We do not want any proposals to be rejected, if they are considered important, by our guests.
Advice for our representatives.
Welcome people, based on their competence, and their possible usefulness, in our system. In this first congress, do not invite anyone, just to get the necessary points. Always prefer quality, to quantity, even if, in the next editions, we will welcome if necessary, a greater number of participants.
Bilateral phases, organized according to the will of the 2 participants.
Taking into account what was previously recommended, the 2 protagonists (inviter and guest), will choose the date, time, duration, and topics to discuss, via a video call, with our videoconferencing system. They will both be able to record their activity, and use it in the ways that will be established, by mutual agreement, taking into account the protection of personal data, the privacy of each participant, and guaranteeing anonymity. The language used will be the one decided by the participants. Even in the subsequent phases, we will try to keep the various virtual meetings separate, on a linguistic basis.
It will be possible to organize, also several meetings, our system, has no limits of duration, even if we recommend to start, with a few tens of minutes, maybe preferring to do more short meetings, than long, and exhausting meetings, that last hours. The number of participants, can be increased, our system, has no limits of simultaneous people, but to make everyone protagonists, in the preliminary phases, we recommend a maximum of 31 people, leaving the freedom, to increase or reduce the number of participants.
In the final stages, national, continental, and international, in the various languages, the number of participants may be unlimited, but with a clear program, of who will be authorized to speak, and on the various topics to be discussed. Even in these stages, the only ones to decide, will be the participants themselves. We, allow ourselves to advise, to the various groups that will be created, to always allow, to anyone who is invited, to participate in the number of preferred activities, freely choosing, not only their own proposals, but also the various meetings in which they want to participate.
In addition to the points accumulated, with your personal profile, which will bring many advantages and facilities, each inviter, and each of our guests, will receive a certificate of participation, with specified, detailed activities, proposals made, and any other recognition, of their participation.
Other helpful tips.
Our representatives.
Our representatives, are always open, available, polite, and make all our guests feel at home. Take a few minutes at the beginning to explain how the video call works, and the activities to do together, always letting the guests choose, and not imposing, themes, or rules.
Don't monopolize the discussions, and leave more than half the time to the guests.
Don't rush to conclude, and let the guests decide when to conclude your activity, don't cover too many topics in a single meeting.
You all have to decide, all together, and come up with proposals, discussions, and votes, for the next phases, and to document, your activities.
The guests.
Respect, and ask everything, to the person who invites you, before doing it, to avoid being blocked, because you have not respected, our instructions.
Respect all our rules, do not carry out any activity, if you are not authorized. Do not write anything, in the common areas, but limit yourself to the reserved areas, for this type of activity. Do not ask for friends, do not comment, and do not interact, with the profiles of others. Do not disturb the various groups, and do not like, pages, without authorization. Do not create groups, and pages by yourself, if you stay with us, at the end of the congress, you will have many activities to do, and a lot of potential. Do not publish photos, videos, and personal posts, limit yourself to a few pieces of information. If you have any doubts, before doing something, log in with your username, and your password, which are identical, to those you use on our official website, on our website dedicated to contact forms, and then go to this link:
explain what you want to do, or organize, and you will receive by email, the instructions to do so, and the authorizations.
Ours is a common home, and despite many rules, respected by all, we are the only ones , to guarantee absolute freedom, and authentic democracy. Individual freedom, and group, however, ends exactly, where the freedom, of another person, or, of another group of people, begins.
We recommend that you always have a question and answer session at the end of each video call and each activity in the various groups, always keeping the dialogue open.
Next steps.
After the preliminary, bilateral phases, we can continue, based on common will, inviting other people, and expanding the number of activities. But we will talk about it at the right time, in another informative article.
Good work, and have fun everyone.