Always verify the identity of whoever speaks on our behalf.
Attention: we have noticed, and there have been reports, of people, or social profiles, who speak on our behalf, claiming to be our official representatives. To avoid our visitors, guests, users, or other people, wasting time, or worse making negotiations, or worse still being scammed, we advise you to contact our Special Security Group, only through the form you find, in the Main Menu , in Contacts, Special groups, Security groups. Send a message, with the name of the person, the website, or the application, on which you speak, the link to his social profile, possibly the telephone number from which he contacts you, and if you want, also a summary of what you said to yourself, or that he told you. You will receive in a short time, an official reply, to your email address, with the result of our research, so you will know if the person is, or is not, our official representative, or if the person is, or is not authorized to speak to our name. Usually, we have very few people authorized to speak on our behalf, so better check. The direct link for the check is:
always remember, that each of our e-mails has the termination, or that of our official websites, depending on the projects you participate in. Do not send e-mails, or requests in other ways, only from the link, and only through the contact form of the Special Security Group, they will answer you in a precise way, because they have the technological means, and the skills, to verify all identities, and permissions. Anyone who represents us is obliged to submit a detailed report of all the activities carried out in our name, but we invite you to have documentation yourself, so that you can compare them. We must prevent all kinds of problems, all scams, and all kinds of illegal activities.