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    Many people are stupid

    Brief introduction.

    Politics is the exact mirror of the population that votes, and anyone who does not vote is equally responsible for the current situation, because he lets others decide for him.

    This short sentence, as obvious as it may seem, is fundamental to understanding the real situation and the interconnection that exists between the old politics and their voters. But it is also clear, the role of the so-called "system", and of those who are its accomplices. Those who do not try to change and improve the world, and remain still to suffer, are not intelligent, and therefore, for us, are stupid. There is no need for revolutions, demonstrations, or direct clashes with the "old system", anyone who tries has already lost, before even starting. The old system, which exploits the old politics, often influencing it, managing it, and controlling it directly, has had a lot of time to organize itself and make any attempt to change and improve things futile. Violence and ignorance are useless, to have immediate, excellent, concrete, and lasting results, only intelligence and innovation are enough. People who don't know us should never feel offended, and those who do know us know that we certainly don't want to judge, much less offend anyone, but those who remain still, even though they have the possibility of creating a better present and future, for us are stupid.

    If before our presentation, for now, only to a few carefully selected people, people had no alternatives, with our activity, finally, everyone has the opportunity to get directly involved, and start doing politics again.

    When we talk about stupid people, we mean anyone who doesn't join DirectDemocracyS, because we are the only ones in the world, who have all the potential, to truly create a different and better world. We, too, have been stupid, and we too were accomplices, of the old political, economic, financial, and social system. But all of us, we have decided to get busy, and to work concretely, directly, giving each other, one of the most important things, our time, in an organized, and cohesive community. In short, we have decided not to stay still, to suffer all these injustices, but to personally involve ourselves, in our common activities.

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    Parliamo un po' del MoVimento 5 Stelle

    DirectDemocracyS, non è abituata a commentare, le attività interne dei vari partiti politici, e neanche a dare consigli non richiesti, ad altre forze politiche, ma ogni tanto, ci piace far capire a tutti come la pensiamo. Ci limitiamo, per adesso, ad analizzare i fatti, a dare le nostre soluzioni, e in molti casi, a spiegare le enormi differenze, tra noi, e tutti gli altri.

    Il nostro rapporto con il resto della politica, è di svolgere un ottimo lavoro, insieme a tutti i nostri elettori, se vinceremo le elezioni, e di leale, onesta, e costruttiva opposizione, se non otterremo la maggioranza per governare.

    Non faremo mai, e per nessun motivo, in nessun paese del mondo, coalizioni, oppure alleanze, con altre forze politiche, e neanche con gruppi politici, di vario genere. Non ci interessa, collaborare, e soprattutto fare compromessi, con nessun partito politico, per il semplice motivo, che noi abbiamo dal primo minuto, al nostro interno, membri e utenti, provenienti da ogni altra forza politica, che unendosi a noi, portano con sé le pochissime cose buone, di ogni ideologia politica, eliminando completamente, ogni parte negativa.

    Chi si unisce a noi, rinuncia al resto della politica, per lavorare tutti insieme, per cambiare e migliorare il mondo, con la nostra organizzazione politica, innovativa e alternativa.

    DirectDemocracyS Italia, in questi giorni, ha visto una lotta interna, in una forza politica tradizionale, che si definiva, MoVimento 5 Stelle. Abbiamo scritto una lettera privata, a Beppe Grillo, uno dei fondatori, e dopo alcuni giorni, senza aver ricevuto neanche una risposta, la rendiamo pubblica.

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    Règles générales, phases

    Beaucoup de nos utilisateurs/électeurs nous ont demandé d'accélérer les différentes phases géographiques et territoriales de notre organisation politique, car des élections sont imminentes dans leurs pays respectifs. Nous sommes convaincus de la nécessité de créer nos propres structures dans les différents pays, dans les différents Etats et dans d'autres subdivisions administratives.

    Allgemeine Regeln, Phasen

    Viele unserer Benutzer/Wähler haben uns gebeten, die verschiedenen geografischen und territorialen Phasen unserer politischen Organisation zu beschleunigen, da in ihren jeweiligen Ländern Wahlen unmittelbar bevorstehen. Wir sind uns der Notwendigkeit bewusst, in den verschiedenen Ländern, in den verschiedenen Bundesländern und in anderen Verwaltungseinheiten eigene Strukturen zu schaffen.

    일반 규칙, 단계

    많은 사용자/유권자는 각자의 국가에서 선거가 임박했기 때문에 정치 조직의 다양한 지리적, 영토적 단계를 서둘러달라고 요청했습니다. 우리는 다양한 국가, 다양한 주, 기타 행정 구역에서 우리 자신의 구조를 만들어야 할 필요성을 확신합니다.

    Genel kurallar, aşamalar

    Kullanıcılarımızın/seçmenlerimizin çoğu bizden siyasi organizasyonumuzun çeşitli coğrafi ve bölgesel aşamalarını hızlandırmamızı istedi çünkü kendi ülkelerinde seçimler yaklaşıyor. Çeşitli ülkelerde, çeşitli eyaletlerde ve diğer idari alt bölümlerde kendi yapılarımızı oluşturmamız gerektiğinden eminiz.



    כללים כלליים, שלבים

    רבים מהמשתמשים / הבוחרים שלנו ביקשו מאיתנו להזדרז בשלבים הגיאוגרפיים והטריטוריאליים השונים של הארגון הפוליטי שלנו, מכיוון שהבחירות בפתח במדינות שלהם. אנו בטוחים בצורך ליצור מבנים משלנו במדינות השונות, במדינות השונות ובחלקי משנה מנהליים אחרים.

    القواعد العامة، المراحل

    لقد طلب منا العديد من المستخدمين/الناخبين تسريع المراحل الجغرافية والإقليمية المختلفة لمنظمتنا السياسية، لأن الانتخابات وشيكة في بلدانهم. نحن على يقين من الحاجة إلى إنشاء هياكلنا الخاصة في مختلف البلدان، في مختلف الولايات، وفي التقسيمات الإدارية الأخرى.

    Загальні правила, етапи

    Багато наших користувачів / виборців просили нас прискорити різні географічні та територіальні етапи нашої політичної організації, оскільки вибори в їхніх відповідних країнах неминучі. Ми впевнені в необхідності створення власних структур у різних країнах, у різних державах та інших адміністративних одиницях.

    Общие правила, этапы

    Многие из наших пользователей/избирателей просили нас ускорить различные географические и территориальные этапы нашей политической организации, поскольку выборы в их странах неизбежны. Мы уверены в необходимости создания собственных структур в разных странах, в разных штатах и в других административных единицах.

    সাধারণ নিয়ম, পর্যায়

    আমাদের অনেক ব্যবহারকারী/ভোটার আমাদের রাজনৈতিক সংগঠনের বিভিন্ন ভৌগলিক এবং আঞ্চলিক পর্যায়গুলি দ্রুত করতে বলেছেন, কারণ তাদের নিজ নিজ দেশে নির্বাচন আসন্ন। আমরা বিভিন্ন দেশে, বিভিন্ন রাজ্যে এবং অন্যান্য প্রশাসনিক উপবিভাগে আমাদের নিজস্ব কাঠামো তৈরি করার প্রয়োজনীয়তা সম্পর্কে নিশ্চিত।

    सामान्य नियम, चरण

    हमारे कई उपयोगकर्ताओं/मतदाताओं ने हमसे हमारे राजनीतिक संगठन के विभिन्न भौगोलिक और क्षेत्रीय चरणों को जल्दी करने के लिए कहा है, क्योंकि उनके संबंधित देशों में चुनाव आसन्न हैं। हम विभिन्न देशों, विभिन्न राज्यों और अन्य प्रशासनिक उपविभागों में अपनी स्वयं की संरचनाएँ बनाने की आवश्यकता के बारे में निश्चित हैं।



    Reglas generales fases

    Muchos de nuestros usuarios/votantes nos han pedido que apuremos las distintas fases geográficas y territoriales de nuestra organización política, porque las elecciones son inminentes en sus respectivos países. Estamos seguros de la necesidad de crear nuestras propias estructuras en los distintos países, en los distintos estados y en otras subdivisiones administrativas.

    Regras gerais fases

    Muitos dos nossos utilizadores/eleitores pediram-nos que agilizássemos as diversas fases geográficas e territoriais da nossa organização política, porque as eleições são iminentes nos seus respectivos países. Estamos certos da necessidade de criar estruturas próprias nos vários países, nos vários estados e nas demais subdivisões administrativas.

    Regole generali fasi

    Molti nostri utenti / elettori, ci hanno chiesto di affrettare, le varie fasi geografiche e territoriali, della nostra organizzazione politica, perché nei rispettivi paesi, sono imminenti le elezioni. Abbiamo la certezza, della necessità, di creare le nostre strutture, nei vari paesi, nei vari Stati, e nelle altre suddivisioni amministrative.

    General rules phases

    Many of our users / voters have asked us to hurry up the various geographical and territorial phases of our political organization, because elections are imminent in their respective countries. We are certain of the need to create our own structures in the various countries, in the various states, and in other administrative subdivisions.

    چەند وەڵامێکی گرنگ

    قۆناغە نیشتمانییەکان نوێنەرایەتی سەرەتای کارەکانمان دەکەن لە وڵاتە جیاوازەکانی جیهان.

    دوای قۆناغی نێودەوڵەتی و کیشوەری، قۆناغە نیشتمانییەکان نوێنەرایەتی هەنگاوی داهاتوو دەکەن، کە ئامادەیی فیزیکی و ئۆنلاین لە هەموو وڵاتانی جیهان دەهێنێت.

    Hin bersivên girîng

    Qonaxên neteweyî destpêka xebata me li welatên cihê yên cîhanê nîşan dide.

    Piştî qonaxên navneteweyî û parzemînî, qonaxên neteweyî pêngava din nîşan dide, ku dê li hemî welatên cîhanê hebûna fîzîkî û serhêl bîne.

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