Attention, very important message.
Our social area, on our website, is partially public, therefore, in part, it is visible, even to our visitors.
You must not, under any circumstances, publish, "like", or respond to posts in public areas visible to all, but only in our private or "secret" areas.
You can talk about various topics, or propose your own discussions, debates, announcements, only, and exclusively, in our private or "secret" areas.
Our groups, our events, our pages, our videos, our audio, and many of our components and potentials are of various types: secret (visible only to those who are part of it, and invisible to everyone), private (visible, but you must request an invitation to enter and see the contents), public with moderation (they are visible to all, and accessible only after authorization from the administrators), and public (visible to all, and accessible to all our users).
Many activities are permitted only and exclusively to certain types of users, or, in certain cases only to authorized users, or belonging to certain groups.
All our activities take place in various work areas, you all know, the social area, reserved for certain types of users (new users, partially verified users, registered users, and registered users with verified and guaranteed identity), there it is the community area reserved only for our official members, and many other areas.
All the necessary potential will be created to do an excellent job.
If you never want to make mistakes, always ask for authorization before doing anything, via the contact form:
To use the previous form, you must log in to our website, via the login form, by entering your username and password.
Anyone who does not respect all of our rules, all of our methodology, and all of our instructions, may be penalized, losing some points (they can even remove all of them), or, their profile may be blocked, and in certain more serious cases, or if they commit small infractions several times, you can be expelled from our political organization, even being declared persona non grata.
We don't like being "bad", but we don't tolerate bad activities, and bad people, that waste our time.
Thanks for your collaboration.