For the old traditional politics, you count for nothing, and you can express yourself, only on election day, or, every now and then, you can express your opinion, with some insignificant referendum, always decided, and approved, by the political forces.
For DirectDemocracyS, at any time, you decide on everything, you are the real protagonist, and you are the owner, of our entire political organization, and of all our activities.
We are certainly the best political force, in the whole world, the most just, loyal, fair, honest, and competent. The only political organization, in which all citizens, have the real possibility to propose, discuss, decide, implement, and check, that every decision, is put into practice, in the best way. We are the only authentic democracy, in which meritocracy and equality, are always put into practice, together, all the time. We are guided by logic, common sense, and mutual respect, of all people. We base ourselves on truth, knowledge, study, research, and independent information. They almost always manipulate you, lie to you, deceive you, and make you think, based on lobby interests, by which they are often controlled and managed. We do not send anyone away who thinks differently, if they respect all our rules and our methodologies. They are divisive, and often create suffering, we are united in diversity.
Search for DirectDemocracyS, on all the main social networks, and visit the public part of our website. You do not have to register, to read everything, just go further down, on each of our web pages.
Get fully informed, if you like, join us, and share, or, continue to be fooled, by the old politics.
What do you choose?
DirectDemocracyS, innovation, alternative, to all other political forces.
DirectDemocracyS, your political organization, truly in every sense!