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    Our languages


    The mainOur languages language of the DirectDemocracyS system is English, while the official language is all languages and dialects of the world.

    From the first minute, in our system, we had to choose a main language, and the most logical choice was English, also because most of the computer systems, and the terms used on the Internet, are in English.

    Those who have been with us since the beginning, and from the early stages, will remember that our first website was unique, indivisible, but then we decided to create a website, also in the various languages of the world.

    When we were a few hundred people, managing and translating every single thing, in all the major languages, was very complicated, and took too many people, for too long.

    The rule about the single, multilingual site was the best, and we decided on definitive rules, about our activities in the various languages.

    It was decided to write everything, in our public areas, on all our websites, mainly in English, thus using this international language as our main language.

    At this point, we decided to create, embed, and use our own translation module, on almost all of our websites, that would translate all the English parts, into all the major languages of the world, including many dialects. In this way, we would speak publicly to everyone, in their preferred language, automatically.

    We have included this translation module on all our web pages, and each of our visitors or users can set their preferred language by simply clicking on “-English-“, or, on some of our websites, on the abbreviation for English, that is “-EN-“, and on other websites, on the flag of the United Kingdom, or, as the case may be, the flag of the United States of America, and in the drop-down menu that opens, simply select and click on your language, or your flag, to automatically see all the contents in English, in your preferred language. When you set your language, even when changing pages, the contents in English will be automatically translated into the language previously selected. To return to the initial view, simply click on the translation module, and select the initial language, which is English, in this way you will see the initial, untranslated version.

    Some users, and some visitors, have encountered small translation problems, blaming us for the lack of clarity of certain translations.

    First of all, let us explain that automatic translations, with the exception of ours, are not managed by DirectDemocracyS, but by the major Internet giants, such as Google, Microsoft, and others.

    Secondly, by choice of ours, in various parts of our websites, content is possible in every language of the world, including all dialects, so automatic translators, including ours, translate only English, into every language and dialect of the world, but not other languages, into all other languages.

    Let's explain better, with a very simple example. We have a Blog, translated directly by our language groups, in the main languages of the world. For example, if you read a content in Italian, with the automatic translation module, set to Italian, the contents can undergo changes, due to the fact, that the module, expects to find content in English, to translate into Italian. Finding the content, directly in the Italian language, it finds it difficult, so certain words are not clear, and certain translations are inaccurate. This rule, obviously, applies to every language. To solve the problem, you simply have to set the initial language, English, even when you read the contents, written in all the other languages of the world, in this way, you will see the writings, in all the various languages, exactly as they were written, without a double, and useless translation.

    Another problem, quite common, and often annoying, if you don't know it, are browsers with automatic translation. Currently, almost all browsers have extensions, or applications, that automatically translate, or, on request, the various websites, in all the languages of the world. There are also operating systems, and applications, that translate, often automatically, the various contents, on the various websites, in other cases only an annoying popup appears, which invites us to choose the language. If you use these browsers, operating systems, or applications, you risk that the same content, and the same web page, undergoes multiple translations, at the same time, generating web pages, with contents, not translated in the best way. Even in these cases, some people, who look for defects in our system, thinking they can hurt our pride, tell us, that we do not offer perfect translations. As always happens, those who look for defects, only risk making a bad impression. Just set up a single translator of your choice, preventing multiple ones from being activated at the same time, and the translation is practically perfect.

    But why are public areas, and certain international groups, in English? Because it is the official language of the Internet, and the one used, worldwide, for international activities, but above all because, it is easy to translate, in all the other languages, and dialects of the world.

    There are lower types of users, also called initial users, or access users, who have very little potential, and can be part of only one group, which uses only and exclusively the English language. Using our automatic translator, or, leaving our automatic translator in the English language, using an alternative translator, of the browser, of the operating system, or a translation application, each person, can see all our contents, in their preferred language, and also in the various dialects. Obviously, to publish your own contents, our advice, is to write them on your PC, tablet, smartphone, in your own language, and then translate them, into the English language, and subsequently, publish them, only and exclusively, in the areas, in which you are authorized to publish, generally, some groups, pages, or other potential, based on your type of user, and the various authorizations.

    Therefore, you can participate in the various activities even without knowing the English language.

    The other types of users have the possibility to participate in groups and activities in their preferred language, in addition to those in English. In the respective groups, and in the various areas, in the various languages, and in the various dialects, of each of our websites, we speak, and work, only, and exclusively, in the respective language, or in the languages authorized, by those who are part of the respective groups, and of the respective activities. We recommend, to use only one language, for each single group, and in each activity, and to create, other identical groups, and activities, for each language, that you want to use, and authorize, in this way, there will be no problems.

    This method, of having areas in various languages, allows us to keep all our activities united and inseparable, while allowing the use of all the languages of the world, and all dialects, because for all of us, every person, every family, every community, every population, every culture, every tradition, and every language, are fundamental, to put into practice, unity, in diversity.

    Being able to, and knowing how to use, all our websites, in your preferred language, makes every activity with us easier and faster.

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