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    Happy Holidays

    happy holidays EN

    We have decided to write and publish a public message of sincere good wishes for all the people of the world, from all of us in DirectDemocracyS.

    We wish you first of all, much love, which is the most important and powerful force in the universe. To those who tell us, with useless polemics, that health is more important, we answer that mutual love, often, goes beyond the beginning of a life, its duration, and its end, but becomes immortal, and infinite, for eternity. Even in the case of a serious illness, often, the love of other people, can give us the strength and courage, to face and fight, any challenge, and gives us the right motivations, to stay alive. Often, beyond medical care, and medicines, it is love that heals us, or, helps us, and makes us feel better. When instead, unfortunately, we lose a person we love, the pain is so great, that only the love of other people, helps us, in some way, to alleviate our suffering.

    When we refer to love, which must always be mutual, like respect, of course, we must remember, in addition to the love of people, also the love that we receive and that we reciprocate, with our pets, and in general for nature, and for our planet, which however, must never cloud our minds. In DirectDemocracyS, stupid generalizations cannot be accepted, and by people who do not reason, such as: animals are better than people, or the worst of all, which they say at every tragic news, or, when something happens that does not suit them: we deserve extinction. Whoever generalizes, is always stupid, and whoever writes similar sentences, will be immediately expelled, from our entire system, which does not want people like that within it.

    The right sentence to say is: there are some animals, that are better, than some people. And extinction, those who wish it, only demonstrate frustration, hatred for others, and envy, for those who live better. Here, these things, in DirectDemocracyS, are not tolerated.

    We wish everyone good health, because it is very important to take care of ourselves, to be able to take care, in the best way, of the people we love.

    We wish everyone better living conditions, whether you are poor or rich. Yes, dear friends, we do not hate, and we do not discriminate, those who are richer, more famous, more powerful, more capable, and luckier than us. We consider it squalid, and profoundly wrong, for many political forces to exploit social differences, to gain political consensus, because for anyone who joins us, unity is strength, and divisions, only create problems, and almost never solutions. We are perhaps the only force in the world, which has in its fundamental regulation, the obligation, to always help everyone, but to always start helping, and first, all the people, and commercial companies, most in difficulty.

    In this regard, even with the risk of losing potential users / voters, we remind you that we will never and for any reason give you bonuses or gifts "to make you feel good", or to buy your consensus and your votes. We find it completely wrong and squalid to buy your votes or to obtain your consensus with lies, broken promises, manipulations and by making you envy and hate other people, other groups of people, other peoples and other countries. One thing that we can guarantee you, thanks to our social, financial and economic programs, is to improve your living conditions, increasing your purchasing power thanks to concrete, innovative and courageous programs. Many people are curious to know how we will do it, but we have already explained it in part and will explain it in detail in the future. Bonuses and gifts are used to buy you and manipulate you in unethically correct ways. We know that you need a little extra money, various gifts, and even income, to do nothing in return, and if it were possible to do so, we would shower you with gifts and money. But everything that the old and failed traditional politics gives you has very high costs, for us, and for future generations. In 2024, the world public debt exceeded 300,000 billion dollars, and is destined to rise.

    To those who have decided to continue reading, out of curiosity to better understand some of our motivations, compared to those who will be indignant, and will have stopped reading, seeing that we do not give gifts, we want to explain, in a simple way, our motivations.

    We explain the reasons, with a quote from a Chinese proverb, attributed by some to Confucius: if you give a fish to a hungry person, you will feed him for a day, if you teach him to fish, you will feed him for a lifetime.

    DirectDemocracyS, does not only want your votes, nor to hear well done, in fact we almost never publish, the many compliments you give us. We are interested in loving you, esteeming you, respecting you, and being reciprocated.

    If the old politics gives you 1000 dollars, it almost always takes away at least double, so 2000. But how does it do it? Based on the impossibility, of many people, to understand the mechanisms of macroeconomics, and macrofinance. Every bonus you receive, every salary you are given, to stay at home, doing nothing, creates new public debt. This debt, which not everyone understands, has made us, is making us, and will make us in the future, all slaves, of the old and failed system.

    Many people, superficial, settle for a few crumbs, not knowing that they will have to pay, in the future, whole and gigantic, pieces of bread. Paying people, for doing nothing, is very nice, but unfortunately it cannot last forever, for the simple reason that it creates further poverty. Let us explain better: every activity you do, even the most banal, creates profit, or, in some cases, creates savings. By staying at home, and receiving money, for doing nothing you create debt, and this money, somewhere, must be found, and guess who pays? Anyone who produces, anyone creates profit, who pays taxes, and who works. If every person, who has nothing to do, studied, took courses, to obtain a professional qualification, or, did socially useful work, in perspective, or, immediately, they would create profit, wealth, and no more debt. In this way, mechanisms could be triggered to create wealth, therefore public utility, reversing the trend. We know it won't be easy, but it's the only way to get out of it, in an optimal way. When you hear about economic growth, which almost always has a + sign, even if there is often a 0 in front, don't trust it, or rather, investigate more deeply, and compare this alleged growth, with inflation, and above all, with the real purchasing power, of all people. You will then see the real data, the real ones, of the state of health of the world economy, but also continental, national, and local.

    Receiving gifts, and receiving money, for doing nothing, is the dream of every person in difficulty, but if you receive them, knowing that you are a burden to carry for others, it takes away that human dignity, which is a very important value, to be able to look at yourself in the mirror. There are certainly, careless people, who have no scruples, to become a burden for others, just look around, to understand, that we always and only write the truth, but we, the vote, the consensus, and the fact of having with us, that type of people, we are not interested.

    We prefer to offer everyone a long-term, different, and better perspective. How do we want to do all this? By offering concrete projects, to make themselves useful to society, and to achieve personal growth, which will have useful consequences for the entire community. We offer you goals to achieve, with a lot of courage, with a lot of effort, but which will certainly give you, in the long term, a lot of satisfaction.

    So, we wish all children, and all young people, a peaceful and happy life, with important and satisfying prospects for the future, which you will have with us, thanks to the previous sentence. Adults, the elderly, and previous generations, have left you, and continue to leave you, a destroyed world, and few opportunities to grow up in a healthy way. To live a little better, they have not thought of you, of your well-being, and on behalf of everyone, we apologize to you. Young people are always criticized, but the responsibility for the decay of society is first of all of parents, and grandparents, who criticizing young people, should first of all, admit their own faults, criticize themselves, be ashamed, and apologize. Each generation is directly a consequence, for better or for worse, of the previous ones. We have very ambitious and concrete programs for all young people, but they will have to be willing, available for sacrifice, to study, learn, and put into practice. We are the only political force in the world, which has as its objective , also that of rejuvenating the political class. With the intelligence, and the extraordinary abilities, of the young, we will never fail. PS One piece of advice, for some who criticize today's youth, at every episode of violence. Apologize immediately, to 99.99% of the very good young people, who have never done anything wrong, and keep to yourselves, your generalizations, which demonstrate, that they are made by stupid, useless, and senseless people. Unfortunately, the violence of many young people, has always existed, but it was not talked about much, and there was not all this fury, by the media. With technological progress, with social networks, and with an immense amount of information, there is always a tendency to emphasize the negative facts, without ever speaking, in an equally important way, of the many positive facts, and of the fact that we have the majority of young people, who are wonderful people, in some cases, thanks to their parents and grandparents, and in other cases, despite the previous bad examples.

    The protection and respect of all women are topics that we do not often discuss, because for us, the rights and duties of women are similar, often identical, to those of all men, without any type of discrimination. The best way to help women is to always defend them, but without ever favoring them, only as such. Today's women, in general, compared to those of the past, are much more courageous, determined, and know very well that they have the same potential, and often superior qualities, compared to many men.

    The elderly are fundamental to our society because they have experience, they are often wise, and their help is almost always fundamental and decisive to do a great job. In many cases, they are alone, abandoned and forgotten. But adults and young people should never forget that these elderly are literally present, even physically, in themselves, with their DNA. The fact that many of them have immense qualities and also have more free time makes them true protagonists of our entire system and of our entire political organization. Even if they struggle a bit to understand us and to use all our potential, almost all of them are busy learning to use our platforms. Often, they help those in difficulty and in many cases, grandparents represent the other generations of their family in many of our activities. For us, it is an honor and a pleasure to have them with us in our immense family. We believe in their work and in their good intentions.

    Treating all people equally does not mean, of course, not recognizing the immediate need to stop all violence and discrimination against women, as well as against children, young people, the elderly, the various ethnic groups, the various peoples, sexual minorities, religions, and every person on earth. To change and improve the world, in a concrete and definitive way, it is enough to base each of our choices, only on logic, on common sense, and on mutual respect for all people.

    We want to conclude this message of ours with our best wishes for everyone, with a greeting and a special wish to all soldiers, from any country in the world. Obviously, we extend our best wishes to all law enforcement officers, who do their job in the best way, even in accordance with often wrong laws, and to many of their "superiors", who do not help them, and do not support them, in the right way. Many will ask themselves, why give prominence to these soldiers? Because for almost all the others, political forces, and simple citizens, soldiers do not exist, they are not considered, they are just numbers. In every attack, in every war, in every invasion, prominence is always given to the many and too many civilian victims, almost as if the simple soldiers were not lives, did not have people who love them, and who suffer for their death. The pain caused by the loss of a person we love, does not know the differences, between civilians and military, every single death, creates in some people, an unfillable void. There are no medals, flags, and oaths, for which it is worth giving one's life. Complete freedom, and authentic democracy, are fundamental values, for which it is worth working and fighting. We invite all soldiers, but also all combatants, including terrorists, producers, and dealers of weapons, and all criminals, to change immediately, and to improve their lives, never being, and for no reason in the world, accomplices, and not even directly responsible, for the loss of any life. This, not only for the end of year holidays, but forever, because the time is not far, in which DirectDemocracyS, will be known, appreciated, and supported, by all good people, and we will be extremely vengeful, towards anyone, who is responsible for deaths, injuries, destruction, and fears, of everyone, including soldiers.  Swearing allegiance to your country, to your flag, does not mean letting other people die, for the wrong orders, taken from your superiors, who in turn take orders, from the old traditional politics, which in turn, is almost all controlled, by lobbies, composed of people and commercial companies, rich and powerful, who are such, only thanks to the complicity, of the majority of the population, who despite having alternatives (such as DirectDemocracyS), prefer to remain passive, to suffer these injustices. Every soldier, should swear to protect, and defend the life, of every other citizen, but without ever causing the death of other soldiers, and other citizens, of other countries. Some will tell us, that it is a utopia, wanting to make such changes, that we will not be allowed, to do all these activities. We are doing it, concretely, with courage, and with a lot of hard work, with every person who joins us, and with those who will do so later. It will take all the time necessary, but the final result, will surprise even the most skeptical. Thanks to clear, detailed rules, respected by everyone who joins us, every single word, of every single sentence we write, will become reality.

    Even for these wishes of ours, and for the contents of this message of ours, there will be many controversies, and there will be people, who will tell us that we write banalities, or, that we say obvious things, and there will be many people, who do not agree, with what we publish, even though they have no argument, to deny even a word, of what we write.

    Many of our groups, including the one for opportunities and political strategies, reading our articles, tell us: are you crazy? In politics, you should never tell, always and only, the whole truth, on the contrary, you should hide compromising data, and even modify it, to make it coincide with your own interests. Saying that you will not give gifts, favors, and discounts to anyone, is self-harm. It means losing the consensus of those who want to be supported, without giving anything in return, by those who struggle to survive, to survive, from one paycheck to another. We don't need the "smart" ones, and the slackers, neither as users, nor as voters. We are strange, and different in this too. Furthermore, the majority of people are good, and have an intelligence, that makes them understand, the difference between us, and all the others, between good, and evil, and between what is right, and what is wrong.

    Before saying goodbye, renewing our best wishes, for everyone, we anticipate some of our future articles. In one, very important, we will explain how to vote, each of our decisions, and each of our internal elections, with how many security measures, and with simple, but infallible rules, in which each person votes, openly, and motivating, in a detailed way, their decisions, and above all taking full responsibility, for each consequence of what they decide. With the open vote, in various groups, on a geographical basis, in turn divided into various types of users, who vote in separate groups, thus creating "grand electors", based on many groups and subgroups, we make it impossible, a control, or an influence, by external factors, lobbies, composed of people and commercial companies, rich and powerful, of our activities, and our decisions. Thanks to the open and motivated vote, each person will be able to verify that their vote has actually been counted, exactly as decided, by the same user, and is taken into consideration, including the motivation and the assumption of all responsibility, for the consequences, of what has been decided. In another, we will explain to you, how to behave in DirectDemocracyS, and also, how we respect everyone, every decision made within us. After voting, for anything, the decision taken, according to our rules, must be implemented, supported, and applied, by each of our users / voters, even by those who voted against. Even if everyone can think differently, the decisions of the majority, are respected by everyone, and we are not childish people, who "take their own games, and go play somewhere else, if something does not suit them". Our political representatives, chosen according to very detailed implementing rules, will always be helped and encouraged by all our users / members, and even by those who lose our closed online primary elections. In another public article, we will explain to you what the mandatory rules, advice, and suggestions that we give to everyone are for us. Mandatory rules are not discussed, but respected and applied by everyone. In DirectDemocracyS, even with a lot of understanding and common sense, we cannot stand and immediately exclude those who do not respect every single word, of every single sentence, of all our rules, all our methodologies, all our instructions, of all our decisions, of all our internal elections, and of everything we publish. Our advice, on the other hand, offers you the best and most useful choice among the many possibilities, which can only help you, changing you, and improving your life. You can also act, in ways different from what we recommend, taking full responsibility for all the possible consequences. Our suggestions, instead, are one of the possibilities, and the best variants, but there could be others, equally effective and useful, and therefore it is up to each person to choose the way they prefer.

    Our advice and wishes are: not to be manipulated and exploited by those who do not want your good, even if they tell you the things you would like to hear, write to you what you would like to read, and show you what you would like to see. Never trust anyone who has lied to you, even once, will surely do it again. We wish you not to believe that only your ideas are true, and above all to compare yourself with those who see things differently, always informing you 360 degrees. We wish you to start studying, with an open mind, and without drawing hasty conclusions, all our public information.

    You may have noticed that we have not asked you to join us, nor to let as many people as possible know about our existence, but we will talk about this at the right time.

    Best wishes to everyone, for a peaceful and happy life, together with all the people you love, and who love you.

    We assure you, all our sincere affection, our great esteem, and our infinite respect, for each of you, even for those who, not understanding us, or not wanting to understand us, will never join us!

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    Buone Feste
    Message 20241214 FR


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