Accessibility Tools
One of the many strengths, and a feature, that makes DirectDemocracyS unique and inimitable, is our shared leadership, which forces us, and allows us, to decide everything together, based on detailed rules. The second strength, is represented by the right of ownership, which provides that each of our official members, is the owner, together with all our official members, of our entire political organization, of all our websites, and of all our activities.
Each of our registered users, with a verified and guaranteed identity, has the right, and the duty, to vote directly, for each of our decisions, and in each of our elections. To prevent problems caused by the impossibility of deciding everything, always all together, because it would mean being 24 hours a day voting, even for trivial things, we have decided to divide our votes, based on the importance of each of our decisions, therefore in various typologies. For example, decisions, on fundamental issues, can and must be voted on, by everyone, but unanimity will be needed, to be able to modify, or, overturn, our previous basic rules, our methodologies, our instructions, our motivations, our objectives, our mentalities, our unmistakable style, our values, our principles, and our ideals. Why do we all have to vote, and is unanimity needed, for these fundamental things? To never forget, why we were born, with what motivations, with what objectives, and in what way we want to achieve them. Furthermore, if even one of our users authorized to vote does not agree, we will continue to work together, to change and improve the world, according to the previous rules. To many people, it may seem like an imposition, a dictatorial form, but it is a fundamental rule, which is very useful, to never lose our identity. Many political forces, were born with some excellent ideas, and then failed miserably, not having a right method, but also because, with the passage of time, they distorted and modified their initial rules. This unique method, allows us to have respect, and the right gratitude, for those who conceived, and created, our entire system, and for anyone who joined us over time, and was present, on our official website, in the previous phases, therefore, at the time we decided certain things. Trusting, and respecting our previous decisions, will make us infallible. There are, instead, general rules, which cannot be changed, but can be improved, and integrated, without ever being distorted, and without changing their content, meaning, and purpose. For these small changes, 75% of the votes, of the people entitled to vote, are sufficient for the first 3 votes, or of the total number of voters, from the fourth vote onwards. For the implementing rules, and for the less important ones, decisions can be taken in various groups, with the authorization of all our special groups, and our specialist groups. In these cases, 50% + one vote, of the people entitled to vote, is sufficient for the first 3 votes, or of the total number of voters, from the fourth vote onwards. Each of our registered users, with verified and guaranteed identity, can request to be part of certain groups, for authorization of our decisions, which are sub-groups, of the special administration group, in order to be present in one of the many groups, which attest to the regularity of our decisions.
But why is deciding, and voting on things, so important?
To have a shared leadership, where every single user / voter is fundamental, being every person who joins us, a fundamental cog, of our enormous mechanism. For us, every single person, is fundamental, whether they have joined us, or whether they are outside our system. We must always decide things, in a completely free and authentically democratic way, and always, having as our objective, the good of the entire world population, always protecting, exactly in the same way, without preferences, the interests of all, and not those of a few. Our implementing rules, on the voting methods, help us to put into practice all our activities in the better world.
All people are important, and so are all their ideas.
The proposals, ideas and projects of each person who joins us are all analyzed, and if they are considered useful projects and good ideas, working groups will be immediately created to discuss, modify if necessary, adding or removing parts based on common decisions, and to create a project, voted on by those who are part of the group, to then be implemented and made concrete, after receiving authorization from the higher groups, based on the implementing rules.
In each of our groups, we carry out activities together, based on rules, based on logic, common sense, and mutual respect for all people.
After this premise, which clarifies the importance of groups, we tell you that for us, it is fundamental that each person brings with them, in our system, all their own ideas, their own projects, to be evaluated, implemented, discussed, if necessary modified, and finally voted, according to our rules and methodologies, to then be realized, working all together. Therefore, the ideas, the proposals, the projects, and the ideals, are and are born as personal, individual, but are elaborated, and proposed, only in groups. We can affirm, that certain ideas, even if they come from a single individual, have always been realized, and made definitive, by our groups.
But why a group-based system?
At the beginning, our groups were called teams, but the meaning has remained the same. The motivation is simple, to make anyone who joins us protagonist, but then, to work, and finally, to decide together, as a real team, to achieve victory. If a person has a good idea, by adding other people, the idea can be expanded, improved, and transformed into a concrete, perfect and infallible project, to be realized all together.
With collective ownership, of our members, we all work, in the same way, with the same goals.
To those who do not know us, it may seem strange, unusual, and perhaps obvious, that a political organization is truly, and completely, owned by all its members; to many others, the concept of shared leadership may seem abstract, because they are too accustomed to the clear hierarchies and clear roles of old politics.
Property is not abstract, but real.
The effective ownership, ensured by a single action (as for joint-stock companies), not cumulative, and not transferable, intelligently and definitively removes any possible external intervention, by lobbies, or by famous, rich and powerful people and commercial companies.
Shared leadership is instead implemented and guaranteed by our organized and orderly groups, which make each of our projects truly infallible.
These 2 fundamental rules on ownership, and shared leadership, will never allow any person, or a small group of people, to create a dictatorship, and to use the enormous power, the enormous wealth, and the enormous fame, that we are destined to have, and to possess, over time, in dictatorships, and will not allow anyone, to use our activities, for personal purposes, that are not ethically correct. Of course, there will be leadership, and inevitable, and useful hierarchies, but only in the right, honest, fair way. There will be, for many people, wealth and power, thanks to our activities, but the important thing is that they will always be divided, fairly, but based on merit, because without this competition, and without this ambition, to always do better, there would be no growth, which in time will be useful, for the good of all.
But before explaining to you better how our groups work, let's take a brief step back.
The 5 people who, at a party, decided to change and improve the world, by designing and creating our entire innovative and alternative system, did it in one evening, trying to create, always all together, in our first group, the fundamental rules of all our activities. They decided to start by creating and making concrete the best political force in the history of humanity. They did not create political force to gain wealth and power , nor to become masters of the world, on the contrary, aware of every possible danger, they did exactly the opposite. They decided to prevent, with every rule and methodology, a single person, or a few people, from obtaining too much power, too much undeserved wealth, and too much fame.
It may seem trivial, but they decided that our first fundamental rule was that all our rules would always be respected, by anyone who joined us.
The second fundamental rule is that the fundamental rules cannot be changed, so as to never forget why we were born, what are our principles, values, ideals, our mentality, our unique style, and then, so as to never forget how we must all work together, and what are our goals.
They decided, however, a third rule, which was very important for our success: the rules, and the decisions, are made all together, in an open way, and having to motivate, and take full responsibility, for all the consequences, of each individual choice. They divided them, into fundamental, which could never be changed, if not unanimously, important rules, to be voted on all together, and implementing rules, to be decided and voted on, in specialized groups, always with the control, and authorization, of all our special groups, and with the help, and authorization, of our specialist groups. So you will have understood, that they wanted to ensure, that until, even just one person, did not agree with a modification, of a fundamental rule, this Law of ours, could never be changed. It may seem strange, but the key to our success lies precisely in this decision, which intelligently and definitively prevents us from betraying the expectations of those who courageously, at that time, but also now, even a little "crazy", joined us.
They also decided that each person in our system would carry out all activities based on their demonstrated and documented skills, to ensure that the right people are always in the right place. In this regard, let us remember that it is and will always be like this. This fourth fundamental rule makes us perfect and infallible. You cannot do a great job that is useful for everyone if you allow incompetent people to represent us, both at the system level and at the political representation level. While guaranteeing everyone freedom and authentic democracy, in DirectDemocracyS, each person speaks, writes, shows others and discusses only and exclusively things that they really know, being competent. Each person has enormous potential, but can express it and make it useful for everyone else only if they carry out activities that they know and know how to do in the best way. Too often, the various traditional, unjust, and failed systems of all types: political, financial, economic, multimedia, social, sports, and even charitable, fail, and make huge mistakes, because they put the wrong people, in the wrong role. Only by highlighting, individual qualities, in many groups, that complement and collaborate, can we obtain useful results for everyone.
Much of the information about how our entire system was born will be published on our presentation page, visible only to our official members, and only a few pages at a time, to avoid disclosing too many details to those who are certainly not interested in knowing our entire history.
Many criticize us because we often write very long informative articles and there are some basic concepts that we repeat over and over again. Often, these are the same people who, trying to find flaws that do not exist in our system, accused us of not providing enough details. Already in a few lines of each of our informative articles, there are superficial, lazy people who no longer inform themselves, believing they have understood everything. And even by reading a few sentences, each person realizes that everything in our system is connected and without our constant repetition of some important concepts, one does not have the complete vision and, again, one risks “believing one has understood”, or worse, one can draw hasty conclusions in a superficial manner.
But let's talk about our groups.
The 5 people created a special group of creators and guarantors, adding, over time, specialists from many countries around the world, for every possible topic, choosing true professionals, but also many young people, with winning ideas. Among the first, a very close-knit group of 282 people was formed, experts in every type of activity. They worked hard, all together, in secret, for many years, to create the fundamental rules, and to study every possible problem, finding an effective way to prevent it. As we were saying, it was not so difficult to think and create a perfect project, but it was difficult to make it work, without ever having, at that time, or in the future, any kind of problem, and any kind of unforeseen event. The first special group of our creators and guarantors was born, number 00.
After many years of hard work, we have made DirectDemocracyS partially public, making it known to a very small and carefully selected group of people, considered compatible with our system. At the right time, every person on earth will know of our existence, and every person will finally have the opportunity to join us, and become protagonists, and determined, for the good of our present, and for the better future, for the next generations.
We contacted, directly and confidentially, first, and made our system known, offering them the opportunity, in advance, to join us, the specialists, we needed, to continue our work, all together, in an optimal way. We contacted directly, the most brilliant minds, for every type of topic, always starting, from the best in the world, therefore from the top 10, and for all possible topics. As for politics, we contacted the best 100, and in many cases, on certain topics, we contacted even more, than the best 100 in the world, even the best 500. Almost no one, among the top 10 in the world, did not take us seriously, but it was our luck, because they were, and still are, too tied, to the bad habits, and wrong behaviors, of the old politics, but also of the old economic and financial systems, but also social, multimedia, communication, information, and even the world of sports. Their presence would have been incompatible with our innovation, which is an alternative to everything that existed before us, and everything that will be invented after us. The fact that some people, too accustomed to, and too subservient to, the old system, did not take us seriously, was a great fortune, for us, and for our entire system. Fortunately, among the top 100, best specialists in the world, on each topic, we found some, very competent, innovative, and courageous, who joined us immediately. From each of these specialists, we took and shared, ideas, and projects, to implement, and to realize all together. When we contacted the top 100, for each topic, many of them, joined us, bringing their professionalism, working all together, anonymously, with great humility, for the good of all. We inserted them, in the various groups of specialists, based on individual skills, offering them, superior types of users, and roles of great responsibility, and of vital importance. We have created all our inevitable hierarchies, granting these specialists the creation, management, and control of their respective groups, offering them the ability to enlarge their respective groups, with the ability to create and coordinate all the necessary subgroups. This inevitable hierarchy of ours, in our system, allows us to subvert and modify the rankings, and qualifications, of the old social, political, economic, financial, and education systems. Simply put, the top 10 of the old systems, in DirectDemocracyS, are not even among the top 1000, but not because of our revenge against them, but because of their lack of innovation capacity. Those who first believed in our potential were rewarded, with roles of coordination, management, and control, of our groups, being able to decide if, when, and how to welcome new members, having the power to decide the types of users, and roles, of all our new members. As we had foreseen from the beginning, many of the top 10, specialists, among the best in the world, of every possible subject, have requested, request, and will request, to be able to join us, subsequently after our initial invitation, but not having taken advantage of our opportunity, and of our initial proposals, will never be able to have the advantages and facilities, that we offer, as a fair reward, to the first ones who join DirectDemocracyS, and trust us . Many of them, will be welcomed, if the first ones to trust us, will consider them useful, and indispensable, but only with secondary roles. Otherwise, they will have to wait their turn, and settle for less important roles, and lower types of users, in our inevitable, and already defined hierarchies. Some of you, might think that we are vindictive, and bad, towards those who, despite knowing of our existence, did not trust us, and did not have the courage, to immediately start working together with us, to change, and improve the world. We are neither stupid, nor vindictive, and we are not even evil. We simply reward the first people who join us with many advantages and facilities, for the simple reason that they have understood our enormous potential, and above all, because they have trusted us, at the right time. Certain opportunities, in life, can only happen once, and every intelligent and smart person knows how to take advantage of them. And right now, we explain to you something fundamental, of our entire system, and a rule, and a methodology that makes us truly infallible. We reciprocate the trust of anyone who joins us, with roles of great responsibility, and superior types of users, in our entire system, and above all, in all our groups.
But how do these advantages and these facilities become concrete and useful? Certainly not in the early days, sometimes it takes months or years to see all these advantages in concrete terms. To help you better understand how these group activities work, let's go back in time to the beginning of our first activities: each person who joined us did so by bringing with them their own skills and generously and altruistically making them available to our entire system. The first specialists, but also the first registered users, from each country in the world, automatically obtained roles of great importance and higher types of users. At the beginning, we were all super administrators, which is a type of user that in traditional systems is equivalent to the role of President, of each group of specialists that was created, but also of each of our international, continental and national groups that was created. As time went by, more people were needed to ensure the perfect functioning of each individual group. So, what better way to have a perfect system than to allow each of our super administrators to make our system known to as many people as possible, but allowing each of our super administrators to bring with them at least 5 people they trusted and for whom they guaranteed both the verification of their identity and their reliability? These invitations, with a guarantee of both their identity and their reliability, but also of the compatibility of each person invited with our system, by each of our members, have made us, and will make us forever, perfect, infallible, fair, equitable, and give us the certainty of working in a discreet and, above all, safe way. Each person who invites someone takes full responsibility for any possible problem created by the person they personally invited. They are called invitations, with the assumption of responsibility and a guarantee of the identity, reliability and compatibility of each person who joins us. From December 26, 2024, while accepting requests from anyone to join us, simply by paying a security deposit, which will be returned after one year of activity with us, from the moment of activation, of the new user, with the exception of a small percentage, which we keep for ourselves, to be able to pay the people who will take care of the management of the security deposits, and with the exception of bank fees, we will not accept people who join us, without an official invitation, from one of our official members, or, from one of our users authorized to make invitations.
The advantages of invitations are obvious, for those who invite, but also for those who are invited, and for our entire system. Those who invite create their own group, in which they have close to them, in the most important roles, people they know, trust, and consider compatible with our system, and suitable for certain roles. The work is done in the best way, if each person knows, that all the members of their group, are people they will never have, as enemies. In this way, thanks to our rules and methodologies, we prevent and avoid, any possible internal struggle, and we will never have, any type of conflict. We are truly united, and infallible, managing all together, and connecting among themselves, these groups, of family, friends, acquaintances, and contacts, of people, who not only respect and esteem each other, but who are linked, in many cases, by kinship ties, who often live together, and who not only trust each other , but in some cases love each other. A strange, unusual methodology, which is obviously applied, and made concrete, only to some types of groups, for example, those of our organizations at a local level, and it is not always possible, for example, in groups of specialists, unless, in certain families, they all do the same job, and they all have the same specializations and the same skills. However, in our entire system, we are all, an immense family, living in our large house, made up of all our websites, all connected, which make up a very functional platform, with everything necessary, to do an excellent job. The entrance, to this house of ours, is our official website, dedicated to our political organization.
With the national phases, at the beginning of 2024, and almost until the end of the year, many of our super administrators, and administrators, have officially invited, some people, considered reliable and suitable, to join us, being able to become, according to very simple specific rules, our super administrators, at a national level. But who can invite someone, to join us? Only all our registered users, with verified and guaranteed identity, who had already joined us previously, who had residency, for at least 6 months a year, in the respective countries, or, our users resident abroad, but who possessed the citizenship of the respective countries. The choices, decisions and votes, in DirectDemocracyS, are made by everyone, at an international level, and by those who are resident, or, by those who possess citizenship, in the various geographical, territorial, administrative, electoral, and urban areas. We, apply the right, and fundamental local autonomies. We explain it, for those who fear that we impose, on people residing in certain countries, an external control, by other people, who have nothing in common, with these countries. Write it everywhere: we are the only ones in the world, to guarantee, to those who reside in each territory, or, to those who have citizenship, to be truly free, independent, protagonist, and master, of all wealth, of the territory in which they live, or of which they have citizenship. Also write, that with us, ends forever, every type of colonialism, every type of influence, and every type of exploitation, by any country, and by any lobby, but also by people, and commercial companies, famous, rich and powerful, in every territory, and of all wealth, of every part of the world. After having appointed, the various super administrators, at a national level, each of them, brought with them their relatives, friends, and contacts, reliable and compatible, offering them, very important roles, and types of superior users, of administrators, which in traditional systems, correspond to the roles, of vice president. Up to creating, initial national groups, of a few thousand users, but in some cases, even more national groups, for the same country, based on concrete projects, verified, and authorized, by all our special groups, and by, our continental, and international groups. This control, direct, and continuous, by our larger political organizations, on the smaller ones, allows us all to have, a concrete job, in a unitary way, with the same rules, and the same methodologies, to prevent, every possible problem, and to avoid, in a preventive way, every attempt of split, sabotage, and slowing down, of our activities.
With the beginning of our local phases, having already many requests, we have temporarily stopped the growth of national groups, and started from the smallest geographical, territorial, administrative, electoral and urban areas, up to a maximum of 1000 inhabitants. These mini political organizations of our local phases have very similar implementation rules, but unlike the previous time phases, they start from the smallest, to the largest.
But why didn't we start from the very beginning with our local political organizations?
Because, our entire system, and our entire political organization, are present, and work actively, at a global level, and we had to have fundamental, and general, identical, and mandatory rules for everyone, decided by people, from every country in the world, to have international groups, composed of people suited, to cover these roles, and to obtain, superior types of users, even in our smaller groups. In short, we needed a sharing of intents, styles, mentalities, and ideas, that were identical, in every part of the world, but that were truly, proposed, discussed, and decided by people from every part of the world. In the same way, and for the same reasons, we created our groups, in the next geographical phase, at a continental level, to have the right specificities, in every continent. After creating all our national geographic groups, we could entrust all our members, in each country, with the creation, management, and control of each of our local organizations, and finally start from our smallest organization, and then grow, gradually, until we reach the national stages again, with new users, authorized based on their concrete results, and their behavior, to be integrated, to those already present, in their respective national groups. This methodology of ours, has many advantages, and allows us to grow continuously, faster, but orderly, and above all safely, relying only on compatible people, in all our activities.
With the local phases, we will have a presence in the territories, and in every geographical area, allowing us, as we have seen previously, a continuous, gradual, controlled, orderly, organized, and safe growth. The number of people who will know the existence of our system will increase, and who, after having been informed, can be invited to join us, according to the rules, and with the previous methods. We will finally have an official birth date, when every person in the world can say that they know us, and are aware of our existence. Obviously, we will not please everyone, but we are sure that the majority of people will join us, and certainly, the best and most intelligent will do so.
After having created, in a very fast, but always orderly, organized, careful, and safe way, all our local structures, at every level, always starting from the smallest, that uniting in larger and more numerous groups, and collaborating directly, will create, our political organizations, of the larger geographical areas, all our elections will be organized, at the right time, at the level of national organizations, to choose, this time in a definitive and truly representative way, all our various internal structures, for the management of our national organizations. At that time, all our definitive National Statutes will be proposed, discussed, created, and voted. All our official representatives will be chosen, who will carry out all the formalities, and all the necessary activities, to found, our national political organizations, according to specific rules and methodologies. Immediately after, our national evaluation, selection and nomination groups of our political representatives will be created, managed and controlled, chosen from all our official members, who will decide to carry out political representation activities, and to participate, according to specific and very detailed implementing rules, in our primary elections, online, closed, and in case of good results, they will be able to represent DirectDemocracyS, and our users / voters, in all the various elections, at every level. Obviously, all the rules and Laws of every country in the world, of every State, and geographical area will be respected, both to found and manage our political organizations, and to be able to participate in the various elections, therefore, to always be compliant with all the Laws. If it is necessary, to collect signatures, to be able to participate in every part of the world, in all elections, there will be a signature collection group, on a national basis, but also local, preferring to have only the signatures of those who have joined us, to be able to make everyone protagonists.
Obviously, in parallel, we are creating and making concrete all our activities, of our entire system. You will have noticed that we often talk about our system, which is one of the meanings of the final -S- at the end of our name. We had to create an innovative system, and alternative to those currently existing, because the political organization alone did not make sense, without economic and financial activities, without means of communication, information, and multimedia, free, independent, and safe, without social and sports activities, and without our own foundation, which would help make our political activities effective, concrete, and useful for everyone. Our rules are similar in all our activities, of all types, they are all based on the same values, ideals, and principles. We know that there will be people who will see in our system a sneaky way to use politics to make money for those who join us. Obviously, those who insinuate these things are wrong, and time will show us the truth. Our political activities will favor all systems, and not only ours, and will be useful, for the good of all, without any preference. But in the end, those who want to see evil, even where it does not exist, are only out of envy, or, to favor the old systems, which as happens in the political system, will see in DirectDemocracyS, and in all our activities, an innovation, alternative, and certainly better, more just, honest, competent, fair, free, meritocratic, and safe.
To prevent any problem, and any possible retaliation, or any sabotage, against those who will join us, in any of our temporal, geographical and all types of phases, we have decided to guarantee forever, to everyone, the possibility of working together with us, completely anonymously, and keeping secret, many of our activities, publishing only the necessary information, and only at the right time. In this way, we have also avoided, a premature invasion, by many people, all together, who would have been difficult for us to manage, making it complicated, our choice, based on merit, to be able to welcome everyone, inserting the best people, in the right place. We have also asked, and we ask even now, to all famous people, to never, and for any reason, make public, their support, and their membership, for our system. We don't like, and we don't need, any kind of publicity, because if, for example, a very famous person, made our existence known to all his fans, we would be literally invaded by people of all types, and our work of selecting each single person who joins us, would suffer unpleasant consequences. The same goes for all journalists, and for those who work in the world of multimedia and information. We don't need any publicity, and no review, especially if you have joined us, the reason is very simple: we are not interested in fame, due to people, who talk about us publicly. Furthermore, anyone who advertised us, could one day, be able to boast, of the fact that we are known in the world, thanks to them, and they could ask us for favors, and advantages, that we don't give to anyone. With the means of communication, and with the traditional multimedia and information means, as with the various social networks, our relationships are based on mutual respect. If there is no mutual respect and respect from them, we prefer to create, manage and control our own means of communication, avoiding using traditional ones. This choice also applies to any other activity, from financial, banking, economic, social, sports and even charitable activities. If there are no existing reliable and respectful solutions towards us, we prefer to create, manage, use and control our own. If it is useful and necessary, of course, we can decide to advertise ourselves in the ways, times and channels authorised by our groups. Many ask us: why don't you advertise anything on your website and in your activities? Because we do not collaborate and will not do business with anyone who offers us money. We choose only commercial companies and systems that respect all people and workers and that do not cause damage to our planet. We are not interested in collaborating with criminal or terrorist activities, dictatorships, military regimes, and every cent that enters our system must come from demonstrable sources, through detailed documentation, and all verified, in detail, with all possible means, by our groups. We do not, and will not, advertise just to get money and support, if we decide to advertise, we will do it for those who really deserve it. With newspapers and news agencies, we did a test, thanks to our Italian friends, users, and members, because we have, since our beginning, a large community of Italians. At the beginning of our activities, partially public, we were a few hundred people, and some of them, did an experiment. They sent, to the main news agencies, the main newspapers, the main radios, and many private and public televisions, a short presentation message, with the request to make public, those few lines, to let the Italian people know about our existence. Guess the results of this test. Do you know how many of these "entities" that deal with information have published our very short message? Not even one. Not even 2 words, to say that a group of "crazy people" have created the best political force in the history of humanity. They believe they have done a service to their supporters and those who follow them. Instead, all Italian citizens will be able to thank them for not having looked after their interests, but those of their masters and their publishers. However, we will never forget that the press and the most important Italian media have snubbed us, and since we know how to behave intelligently with anyone who doesn't take us seriously, but we know how to respond with very similar behaviors, we guarantee that at the right time, we and anyone who joins us will snub them and use all our channels, radio and television, and our means of communication to give a preview of all our information. Anyone who joins us will never, and for any reason, go as a guest to our respective editorial offices, they will never, and for any reason, receive any kind of response from us, and they will not have any press release from us. After publishing our news and our press releases on our media, we will authorize only the editorial offices that have not been contacted to write about us, and in certain cases, we will have some individual journalists, chosen by our groups, with whom we will have contacts, collaborations, and every now and then we will allow them to publish something about us. Some will think that we are stupid, and that our political representatives will go as guests, and give interviews, so as not to lose consensus. We have such a beautiful project, that we do not need others to speak well of us, we do not have to convince anyone of the validity, and the potential, of what we are doing. Each of our political representatives, before being able to participate, on behalf of our political organization, in real elections, becoming our candidate, for any role, must sign in advance, and without a date, their resignation, irrevocable, for personal reasons, from each role obtained, thanks to the votes, of our users / voters. This resignation, will be immediately made public, and binding, for each person, who will say even a single word, or, if they will make a nod, or, a gesture of any kind, to one of the communication and information companies, among those contacted by us, and who have not taken us seriously. Instead, they will go, according to our rules, in all other broadcasts, and editorial offices of our own means of communication. Our political representatives, will make all their activities known, and will meet, both in person at various events, and in group video calls, and will dialogue with anyone, both inside, and outside, of our system. But they will do it, exclusively, at our events, and with our means of communication, which are part of our system, or with those that we will decide in our groups. Those who have ignored us, snubbed us, and tried to slow us down, even just once, and all the people involved, directors, and staff, who have not delivered our messages, will be forever excluded, and declared persona non grata, in all our activities, not only political, but of all kinds. After all, there will be about 50-60 people, who have not even responded to us. However, they will be able to appeal, and they will be the last people, authorized to join us, in the final stages of our registrations, in a few years, or even in a few decades. Do not believe, that we are bad, we are simply righteous, and we do not fear any kind of retaliation, simply, we warn anyone to talk about us, without being authorized. We currently have, as of December 2024, over 24,000 people, in all traditional social networks, who do not advertise us, but who simply report to us every person, page, or group that talks about us. If true things are said, they do not intervene, if lies are written, or if false news about us are circulated, these "spies" of ours, send us all the details, and we will act, in all legal ways, to assert our interests, and to obtain justice.
Some will ask, what happened to freedom of expression, and democracy? For us, individual freedom, and group freedom, is potentially infinite, but it ends exactly where the freedom of another person, or group of people, begins. Authentic democracy, guaranteed to anyone who joins us, by our political organization, is the only complete, authentic, real, and direct one, therefore, from that point of view, we cannot take lessons from anyone. We are for complete freedom, of thought, of speech, and for us, every person must be free, to think, say, write, show on video, what they want, according to the Law, but must also answer for everything they make public. Let us explain better. If someone writes: DirectDemocracyS, it sucks, they are all thieves, liars, and criminals, they can do it, but they must answer for what they publish, and if their statement is not true, anyone in DirectDemocracyS who does not have definitive convictions for theft, for lying, and has never broken the Laws, will be helped by us, to report the person who makes similar statements. That perhaps, there are some thieves, liars, and perhaps even some criminals within us, does not mean that we are all like that. But even if they write that we have published lies, or false news, but do not have proof that they are our authentic publications, or, if they were actually published by us, do not have the proof to deny, with credible documentation, and with authentic, guaranteed sources, what we have written, said, or shown, will be immediately reported, because it is not correct, to write lies. We are perhaps the only ones who control everything and have the possibility to know many truths, thanks to our members, specialists and experts, who have many possibilities and knowledge that allow them to verify everything we say. Personal judgments and tastes are not up for discussion if a person says: I personally don't like DirectDemocracyS. Or if they declare something with the right premise: in my personal and modest opinion, without having any proof that confirms what I write, say or show, the DirectDemocracyS website is not safe. In that case, even if they are lying, our website is one of the safest in the world, but the person who makes this statement clearly and in advance explains that it is based on feelings and personal suppositions that have no real basis and no credible and documented proof, like those who say that we were created by UFOs that want to conquer the earth. But also, who does not agree, with a statement of ours, with the same premise: in my personal, and modest opinion, without having any proof, that confirms what I write, say, or show, DirectDemocracyS, has published something false, inaccurate, or, without the necessary proof. With those premises, you can write whatever you want, possibly without offending us, and without threatening us, and the personal opinion, like any freedom, will never be prosecuted by us, on the contrary, it will be protected and defended, always. We respect all opinions, of anyone, even if we are not interested, in knowing what they think, who bases their statements, on declarations, that they cannot prove, and document, from real reasons, and from reliable sources. Those who write, say, show things, that they pass off as true, even if they are lies, defamation, and fake news, about us, about our system, will be immediately reported, and will have to answer for everything said, or published.
By guaranteeing anonymity to anyone who joins us, we have been able to welcome, and still welcome, into our family, many people, who could not support us publicly, in order not to suffer discrimination, and not to be sabotaged, in their work, or, in their study activities. In many countries, DirectDemocracyS, represents a real, concrete danger, and a direct competition, for the old systems, political, financial, economic, social, for the various lobbies, but also for all criminals, and for terrorist organizations, who inexorably, will lose a lot of power, and many of their privileges. For many people, and commercial companies, famous, rich, and powerful, our system, and our political organization, which are innovative and alternative, are an unbearable competition, and our activities, represent the beginning of their end, even if we are not interested, a direct clash, against the old systems. Our potential is truly enormous, and created to give forever all the power to those who really need it, that is, to the entire world population. In many countries around the world, if someone joins us, declaring it publicly, they risk not only being retaliated against, but also being imprisoned, and perhaps even killed. We could not risk the life of anyone who joins us, or even their families, so we have allowed, and will forever allow, anonymity, throughout our system, for all those who join us, but also for anyone who supports us, or collaborates with us, from the outside. The right to privacy, and the protection of personal data, of everyone, are fundamental rules for us. We will never, and for no reason, give data, and details, that could in any way, create problems, to our users, to our groups, and to our activities. If there are investigations, documented, by the Judiciary, first we will also do the respective investigations, internally, and then, if we find irregularities, we will take all the necessary internal measures. In any case, we will never give the requested details. In a short time, they will not only try to slow us down, but they will try, in all legal ways, and even violating the Laws, to destroy us, and above all, they will try to infiltrate, within us, paid people, even very much, to try to create problems. They will invent many falsehoods about us, and we invite you to report them to us, and to always ask, all the explanations, even from us, before believing, all the lies, and all the manipulations, that they will do to you, so that you do not join us. Even if we are very peaceful, tolerant, and have a lot of patience, we will always know how to respond, in all legal ways, with a lot of intelligence, but with a lot of determination, to defend every person, who joins us, and all our activities. We have all the means, and the necessary people, to prevent, and resolve, any possible problem, without any adverse consequences.
Let's talk about groups.
For us, groups are our potential, which allow us to carry out each of our activities in the best way. Technically, each idea, project, and activity within us is proposed by one or more people, and always implemented by a group of people. If a person has any idea, proposal, project to implement, all together, first of all, a work group is created for that specific activity. A group means at least 2 people, who collaborate in a specific activity. There are groups, which to be recognized, and become operational, must be composed of 1 creator, nominated, super administrator, and at least one other person, with the qualification of administrator. Each of our political organizations, in each geographical phase, in each temporal phase, and in each of our activities, has at least one group, with identical general rules, and specific, and implementing, very detailed regulations. There are groups, which to become operational, must have a minimum number of 2, 6, 31, but also a minimum of 156 members. Usually, we recommend specific groups, of a maximum of 3906 or, depending on the case, a maximum of 19531 total members. Obviously, there are geographic groups, and internal voting groups, which can be composed of a potentially infinite number of members, and users authorized to access and work on them. While leaving our users / voters the possibility, if necessary, to create very large groups, even composed of all our users / voters, to allow anyone to be a protagonist, and make everyone more involved, we always recommend creating many groups, of about 19531 members, and as soon as these numbers are reached, we suggest creating 2 groups, of equal size, allowing new members to enter, alternatively, in both, and creating, in the subsequent phases, all the necessary groups, dividing the potential users, into all the necessary groups.
Internal struggles, individual or group, are not allowed, and incorrect or childish activities are not allowed. All attempts at splitting and sabotage, individual or group, are forbidden and will be punished.
Let's look at the various types of groups.
We will write an article, dedicated to the types of groups, and a dedicated and detailed one, for each of them, including the main subgroups, and the various categories. Each group, has its own implementing rules, and specific activities, while the general rules, are the same for everyone.
Generally, groups are divided into various time phases, for example the initial groups, and those created in all subsequent phases, and in all geographical areas.
The groups are public, and visible, to everyone, private, with the need to request access, to see the contents, reserved, and invisible, to those who are not part of it, and will be created, of all the necessary types, to carry out all our activities, in the best way.
Each group, of any type, in each of our phases, can have all the various categories, and all the necessary subgroups. Each single group, category, or subgroup, can have public, private, and reserved pages, in which it presents its activities, when they are final. The groups and pages, have various categories of events, of all types, visible, public, private, and reserved, therefore invisible to those who are not part of them. They have entire groups, or areas within groups, pages, events, for internal voting, with specific detailed rules. Each group, page, event, has areas for proposals, discussions, communications, announcements, and other necessary activities. There are in each group, page, event, areas for videos, audio materials, documents, and forms, and also public, private, and reserved chats, with the possibility of video calls, virtual meetings, and every potential necessary, to obtain excellent results.
Every need, and every component needed, to enable us to perform all our activities in an optimal manner, will be created, managed, and controlled by our groups.
The special groups.
The special groups, are 5, and have specific roles and skills. We write you some details, of each of them, but we will make a dedicated article, for each of them, including the respective subgroups, and all the respective categories, and typologies.
Each special group is present, with its official representatives, in each group, each page, each event, each of our potential, and each of our activities, from the smallest to the largest, in our entire system. In fact, in each of our groups, and in each of our activities, the first member has a user type, for the respective group, and for the respective activity, of super administrator, and therefore represents, all of our special groups, and all of our activities, within the group itself. By inviting, or, or by letting, other people enter the respective group, or, in the respective activity, the first 5 people, will automatically have the qualification of administrator, and each of them, will have to choose, only one special group, of the 5 available, which will have the task of representing in the group itself, but will represent himself, the respective special group, in the group itself, and in which, he will be automatically inserted. The first 5 people, in turn, will invite, or, will let enter, into the group, or into the activity, 5 people each, with the role of "-responsible-", or, vice administrators, with specific roles, but each of them, will have to be part of one of the special groups, so as to allow each administrator, who invites 5 new members into the group, to be officially represented, in all 5 special groups, through his 5 "-responsible-" invited by himself, and connected to him. The various implementing rules, will be specified, in our detailed articles. The same goes for each of our activities.
All special groups will be represented at every temporal, territorial, geographical, administrative and electoral stage.
For each of our decisions, for each of our elections, for each of our votes, and for each of our activities, in addition to the authorizations of those who create them and of their own group, we need authorizations, based on the geographical area and the type of activity, of all our special groups, to certify compliance with each of our rules, methodology, instructions, motivations, the relative specificities, and the respective skills.
00. Special group of creators and guarantors. The name of the group briefly explains their roles, which are to guarantee the perfect functioning of all our activities. They do not participate directly in our administrative and management activities, but they have the right to veto every decision and every internal election. There are currently 283 members (282 official members and one new member, admitted, with the right to vote), but they will be able to welcome other people, based on the implementing rules and internal rules of their group. They have 2 institutional profiles, with the type of user, of super administrator, called “-Creators-” and respectively, “-guarantors-”, with which they control that everything is carried out in an optimal manner. Each of our super administrators, at every level, in our entire system, in each of our groups, and in each of our activities, officially represents, everywhere, our special group of creators and guarantors.
01. Special Administration Group. This special group, with all its subgroups, proposes, creates, manages, discusses, votes, uses, authorizes, and verifies, every activity, of our entire system, and of our entire political organization. Each of our super administrators, and each of our administrators (admitted in the respective special group), at every level, in our entire system, in each of our groups, and in each of our activities, officially represents, everywhere, our special administration group. The same goes for all members, of the other types of users.
02. Special Security Group. It is the special group that controls that every person, every activity of ours, and every group, of our entire system, respects, at all times, every single word, of every single sentence, of every rule of ours, of every methodology of ours, of every instruction of ours, of every single article of ours. It has absolute and complete control, with its own subgroups, and with its own members, based on very detailed implementing rules, of every activity of ours, both internal and external. It controls the identity, authorizes the activation, and verifies, all the activities, of every person, of every group, of every page, and of every potentiality, of our entire system. It guarantees the security, of every activity of ours, the legality and regularity, of every vote of ours, the protection of the right to anonymity, the protection , confidentiality, and security of all our data, IT security, personal security, of every user / voter of ours, and of every political representative of ours. It carries out, with all necessary means, all the checks of personal documents, of anyone who joins us, or of those who collaborate with us. Each of our super administrators, and each of our administrators (admitted in the respective special group), at every level, in our entire system, in each of our groups, and in each of our activities, officially represents, everywhere, our special security group. The same goes for all members, of the other types of users.
03. Special Group of Laws. The special group, which together with all its subgroups, creates all our rules, and guarantees the respect of all our decisions. Each of our super administrators, and each of our administrators (admitted in the respective special group), at every level, in our entire system, in each of our groups, and in all our activities, officially represents, everywhere, our special group of Laws. The same goes for all members, of the other types of users.
04. Special group, of equality and meritocracy. It seems trivial, to have a special group, with this name, but like every special group of ours, and every other group of ours, it is fundamental, for the perfect functioning, of our enormous mechanism. Always guarantee, for every person who joins us, and for every group of ours, the fundamental value, of equality, but always united, and guaranteed to anyone, all the time, always together, to the fundamental principle, of meritocracy. Every super administrator of ours, and every administrator of ours (admitted in the respective special group), at every level, in our entire system, in every group of ours, and in every activity of ours, officially represents, everywhere, our special group of equality and meritocracy. The same speech, is valid for all members, of the other types of users.
05. Special group logic, common sense, mutual respect. This group is essential to make DirectDemocracyS, the best political force, in the history of humanity. Like any other special group, it must receive, evaluate, and approve, every single decision, every single internal election, and every activity of ours. Always acting, with rules, and activities, always based on logic, common sense, and mutual respect for all, makes us truly innovative, infallible, and incorruptible. Each of our super administrators, and each of our administrators (admitted in the respective special group), at every level, in our entire system, in each of our groups, and in each of our activities, officially represents, everywhere, our special group logic, common sense, mutual respect. The same goes for all members of the other types of users.
The following groups, although fundamental, are all connected to each other and to the special groups, and are the following.
06. Specialist groups. They have the same rules as our special groups and our other types of groups. They have many subgroups and many categories at each level, with only one fundamental rule: only truly competent people for each topic can be part of these groups. They can be university professors, but also students with excellent results, but also professionals who work and even retired people who have taught or worked in certain sectors and have all the necessary qualifications, documented in an appropriate manner. People who have attended our online courses, free of charge or, depending on the case, paid for, and have passed our qualification exams with excellent results, request and are admitted to be part of the various specialist groups can also be accepted. All these groups have the fundamental task, according to specific, implementing rules, of offering each group of people and each authorized member all the information and all their assessments on all the various possibilities and on all the consequences of each of our activities and each of our decisions. Each of our official members, and in certain cases, each of our registered users, with verified and guaranteed identity, can be part of, and in certain cases, must mandatorily be part of, the groups of specialists, based on their skills.
07. Geographic Groups. These are all our various organizations, of all types, at the territorial level, with subgroups, based on the size, geographic area, and population, of each of them. For example: 071 international groups, 072 continental groups, 073 national groups, 074 groups of various States, where this subdivision is necessary, 075 groups of each State (in the United States of America, Germany, and other Federal countries), or, region (in Italy, France, and other countries), or, community (in Spain and other countries), 076 county, district, (in the United States of America, Romania, and other countries), provinces (in Italy, Spain, and other countries), districts (in Germany and other countries), departments (in France and other countries), 077 cities, municipalities, metropolises (in the approximately 4416 cities of the world), 078 at the level of neighborhood, or, in cities smaller than 21000 inhabitants, 079 at the level of street block, and cities smaller than 1000 inhabitants, and other specific subdivisions, according to our needs. The national groups, of each country in the world, decide individually, which, and how many, other territorial, geographic, administrative, and electoral subdivisions, to create in their national organization, based on specific projects, in collaboration, and with the authorization, of the higher geographic phases. In the local phases, all new registered users, can request, a certain user type, in their own geographic area, smaller, and with the least number of inhabitants, and therefore in our smallest political organization. We advise everyone, to always request, the higher user type, in each smaller geographic area, because without a mandatory user type, they cannot access, and work, in the higher geographic areas. : Generally, we assign to whoever registers first, in a given geographical area, a higher user type, and a role, of great importance and responsibility, each new user being able to create, their own personal group, in their own smaller political organization, obtaining a user type, of super administrator, and adding, at the right time, a maximum number, of 5 people they trust, automatically appointed administrators, and official representatives, of the 5 special groups, in the initial geographical area, of the same geographical area, and therefore creating, a first active group, in that given geographical area. In the next phase, the 5 administrators, will be able to appoint 25 -responsible-, responsible, who in turn, will be able to appoint 5 managers, each, for a total of 125 managers, and in the subsequent phases, with other phases always with 5 new appointments, for each new member of the group, we can reach a much higher number of people. Obviously, to be part of the smaller local group, the mandatory user type is at least: registered user, with verified and guaranteed identity. In order to become our political representative, by running for our closed online primary elections, and in the event of good results, to become our candidate for local elections, you must have the minimum user type of official member, and request a personal profile of political representative. The same rule, of the previous sentence, also applies to be able to manage our local organizations, therefore, you must be at least our official members, to manage our activities, requesting the user type of official representative. Based on the scores obtained, your concrete results, and your behavior, you will be admitted, in the higher geographical phases, obviously, losing a user type, when you go up, in each major geographical phase, based on specific implementation rules, and our graphs. Our larger political organizations, at each level, can decide to create, various groups, in our smaller political organizations, based on specific implementation rules, to allow you to obtain excellent results. At the right time, all our political organizations will be put in contact, connected, and if necessary united, or divided, according to our rules, and our methodologies.
Voting areas. All the sentences, methodologies, and rules above, do not influence in any way, the right / duty, of each of our registered users, with verified and guaranteed identity, to vote, each of our decisions, at each level, in fact, for each local group that will be created, a local group will be immediately created, or, a specific voting area, where all the members of the group will be admitted, and where they will vote, all our primary elections, online, closed, but also all the rules, and decisions to be taken at each level, in the respective group. As always, each of our votes is clear, and must be motivated, by writing a comment, after voting. In this way, each single person, will always be able to verify, that their vote has been regularly counted. Furthermore, each person, is responsible, for the consequences of their vote, in this way, each person will always decide, in the best way, for the good of all. They seem like banal rules, and perhaps by some superficial people, they will be considered useless rules, but they avoid, and prevent, in an effective and incontestable way, any problem, and surely, there will never be disputes, for the regularity, of every single election, or, of every single decision, that we take together.
08. Numerical groups. They have a fundamental role in our activities, with rules and methodologies, which will be explained in a dedicated article. You are automatically part of one of the 5 numerical groups, at each level, and in each phase, but also of our statistics groups, and specialized groups, in very important activities.
09. Connected Project Group. These are all the groups, of our entire universe of projects, in which each type of project, represents one of the infinite galaxies, connected to our system.
General rules, of our groups.
Each of our groups has many subgroups, and various categories and typologies, which are created based on our needs.
To understand how each of our groups works, you will have to read our specific articles.
How do you join the various groups?
According to general rules, and specific rules, each of our users, is automatically part of at least 1 of our groups, immediately after having done the mandatory activities, after the first access, on our official website. Many groups, have very detailed rules, and those who want to access, must have certain requirements. In some groups, you can access, and work, automatically, in others, a request is necessary, in other groups, it is necessary, to obtain authorization, through a vote, by those who are already present in the group. In some groups, you can access, on the basis of invitations, and with all the guarantees, and the assumption of responsibility, of the person who invites, on every activity, and every possible problem, created by the person invited.
What types of users have access to the various types of groups?
It depends on the typology of the various groups, and the typologies of the various users. In special groups, for example, it depends on the phase, if this phase is international, only the official members of the international phase can access, if they are special groups, at a continental level, only the official members, at a continental level can access, the same rule, applies, in an identical way, also at a national, State, and also, local level.
Automatically, each of our registered users, with verified and guaranteed identity, can access, vote, and participate in all our geographic groups, starting from their own street block, up to international groups, with the hierarchy, which provides that a user from the lowest level, to access, work, vote, and obtain important roles, in the higher geographic phase, automatically loses a type of user.
According to a chart, which specifies some basic rules, methodologies, and instructions, anyone will always be guaranteed the possibility of moving up or down in our inevitable hierarchy, not only as a type of user, but also based on roles of responsibility.
Who decides who is allowed to enter a certain group?
There are groups, in which all our new users are automatically added, based on their user type.
There are groups , which can only be entered, through a simple request form. The various members of the group, will analyze, all the requests, and will choose, how many new members to welcome into the group, in what way, with what types of users, and with what roles. Each group decides, whether, to accept new members, with what implementing rules, when to welcome them, how many new members, and how to let them access. In many cases, invitations are possible, to join, certain groups, in others, instead, there are general rules, to be respected carefully, and with various documentation. There are also groups, which provide competitions, or, a minimum number of individual points, to be admitted.
Can you be kicked out of a group?
Anyone who does not respect all our rules, and the specific ones of each group, can be expelled, but there are implementing rules, very simple, safe, and fast, which prevent any abuse, and any injustice.
How many groups can each user/voter be a member of?
Every user / voter must be part of at least one group, and there are no limits to the total number of groups that each person who joins us can be part of. There are specific rules that provide certain limits for each type of user, but it is enough to go up to a higher user type to see the possible groups that each person can be part of increase. To be part of geographic groups, and therefore of our organizations at international, continental, national, and local level, you must be at least a registered user, with a verified and guaranteed identity, in this way, you can access every group, from the smallest to the largest, with the right to create, propose, discuss, decide, and vote, in each of our organizations, based on detailed implementing rules, at each level. To also be able to run as our political representative, and to participate in our closed online primary elections, you must have at least the type of official member. Obviously, during the period in which political representation activities are carried out, all management activities of our political organization must be abandoned, in order to be able to carry out, in the best way, the difficult, and important task, of representing all our users / voters, in real elections, and in the various institutions. At the end of the political, representation activities, in the institutions, each of our users / voters / political representatives, will be able, if they wish, to regain every role, and every type of user, in the management, of our political organization, that they had, before running for our primary elections, online, closed.
We recommend that you initially actively join only one of the special groups, and then decide to join all the other special groups, with different roles and different types of users, in each group, category and special sub-group. Our registered users, with verified and guaranteed identities at an international level, will be able to join any of our political organizations, working in each of them, and with the right to vote in any of our political organizations (international, continental, national, state and local), and will have access to any geographical group of these political organizations. Our official members at an international level will be able to join any of our political organizations, working in each of them, and with the right to vote and run as an official representative, or alternatively as our political representative, in any of our political organizations (international, continental, national, state and local), and will have access to any geographical group of these political organizations. As far as our specialist groups are concerned, the rules on competence apply, which must be demonstrated, with legally recognized documentation. Also in this case, we recommend all our official members to join only one group, the initial one, and then carry out activities, in all groups, subgroups, at each level, based on their skills.
We add, to this informative article, some useful information, reminding everyone, that every word of each of our rules, methodology, and all of our public or private information, are part of this regulation, and will be respected, and implemented, by all those who have joined us, and by those who will do so in the future. The stages of registration, through the registration form, and the creation of a personal profile , cannot be finalized, without having paid, in advance, a security deposit.
2 ways to join us, by invitation, and without invitation.
Invitation method.
Waiting lists for registrations, without an official invitation, from us, can last from six months, up to over a year, therefore, we ask you to do things, in this chronological order, exactly: payment of the security deposit (according to the specific implementing rules, through a simple form), request for an invitation (by filling out a simple, but detailed form), after the verification of your identity, by the person, who invites you to our political organization, you finally fill out the registration form, and creation, of your personal profile, with files to upload, one, the first, which declares that you have the verified and guaranteed identity, and one, the second, which is the official invitation to join us, by the person who sends you to join us, and inserting, in the exact part where it is requested, the number of the payment of the security deposit. After filling out the registration form completely and honestly, uploading the 2 small files, of the identity verification and official invitation to join us, entering the number of the payment receipt of the amount according to your age, the registration will be finalized, and our system will tell you that everything is in order, and that you have registered correctly. If there is any missing data, check all the data again, and send the form again. Only by filling out all the necessary data, in the required way, in the fields with an asterisk, our automatic system will accept your registration. If on the same page, the confirmation appears, that you have registered correctly, you simply have to click on the activation link, that our system has sent you, to your email address, or, alternatively, copy and paste, in any browser, the activation link, and access this link, to automatically activate your personal profile. If you have been officially invited, in a few minutes, usually less than a day, our activation group, of new users, will activate your personal profile, and you will receive an email, to your email address, which will inform you, that your personal profile, has been activated, and you will be able to access, in our official website, by entering in our access form, your username that you have chosen yourself, and the password chosen by you, and confirmed, in our registration form. At the first access, you must perform, in a detailed way, all the mandatory activities at the first access, according to our detailed rules. In practice, you will have to decide, what type of user you want to obtain, and you will have to pay an affiliation, paying the relative annual fee, you can also choose, if you do not want to have many unlocked potentials, the free affiliation, and without any commitment, without obligation to be present and without any obligation, to carry out activities together with us, but you will not be able to carry out, many activities together with us, with your free affiliation. The affiliation has nothing in common with the security deposit, but this deposit can be used, after one year, to pay an annual fee, to stay another year with us, with a higher, identical or lower user type, based on the implementing rules. You will have to choose whether and which data to share, and with whom, independently setting your privacy based on your preferences, being able to remain invisible from the outside, and also from the inside, based on how you set them yourself. You will also have to activate one of our 2-factor authentication methods, to make your personal profile safe and unassailable. You will also have to set what type of notifications you want to receive from our system, choosing the ones you prefer. Finally, you will have to request the free blue tick, which makes your personal profile reliable, but only if you have already had your identity verified and guaranteed.
Attention. Always check your email address for our messages in all folders (inbox and SPAM) because, due to the huge number of messages that our system sends every day, many email address managers mistake our messages for junk mail and often put them in SPAM folders. All our messages have the ending,, they are safe, protected, encrypted, inaccessible from the outside, and our links, which must necessarily contain, are safe, checked, and monitored continuously, with the best and most modern technologies, and the latest and most modern updates.
Based on everything we have written, we explain to you, in short, how our activities work, with invitations, from our users, for people, who want to join us.
First of all, there are 2 types of invitations: invitations from people you know, and invitations from people you don't know. Invitations from people you know, made by people who are already our users, as long as they are of the type of registered user with verified identity, are the simplest method, because the inviter and the invited know each other, and will simply have to respect the implementing rules for this type of invitation, which can be done quickly, in an orderly, organized, and very safely. If you carefully follow all our instructions, everything is simple and fast. There have been cases where in about 15-20 minutes, the new user was already activated. The second type is invitations from our users to unknown people who have requested to be officially invited and who are on the waiting list to be invited. It is mandatory that our user who invites is at least of the type of registered user with verified identity, better if higher. Our inviter and the invite requester will be in touch, based on simple instructions. People on the waiting list, after requesting to be invited, by filling out the invite request form, and our users authorized to make invites, will stay in touch, through some email messages, based on specific rules.
In this long, but very important article, we have explained to you many of our activities, and surely those who have read it all have begun to understand how groups work, which are an important part of our activities.
In our articles, there are many details, but to understand better, you will need to have all the detailed information, for each single activity, for each type of group, and for each of our political organizations, at each level.
If you want, save this article of ours, among your favorites, and read all this information of ours, whenever you need it.
We know that at first glance, everything seems very complicated, but in reality it is all very simple, and everything we decide has very valid reasons.
We have not included, in this article, many links, because we are working, to make it easier, immediate, and intuitive, the use of our website. We will insert them, almost all, in one page, to make you find what you are looking for, in an even faster way.
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