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    DirectDemocracyS Blog yours projects in every sense!

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    We have made it easier, the registration, and the creation of your personal profile.

    You must follow all the instructions, in the article that informs you how to register, and join us.

    All you need, to be able to register, is to have a personal email address, choose a username, and a password. We recommend that you write your access data correctly on a sheet of paper and once you have finished registering, store it in a safe place. To carry out some activities, after registration, it would be useful to also have a smartphone.

    Peace with surrender

    For what reasons would we be willing to fight and risk dying?

    Our ideology

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    This article of ours, briefly explains the reasons for our birth, and the essence of our existence. DirectDemocracyS, is our international political organization, based on direct democracy, which obviously, albeit with the right local autonomies, will be the same, in all our geographical, territorial, continental, national, state, regional, provincial, district, and local. Same rules, same values, same ideals, same methods, based on common sense, and on meritocracy.

    We advise you to read it all, very carefully, even several times, to understand what it is about.

    To read the whole article, just click on the title, or, after this brief introduction, click on: continue reading. You can also comment on it, in English, but to comment on it in the main languages of the world, you will have to go to the main menu, which for those who visit us from smartphones, is displayed by clicking on the 3 horizontal lines, or at the bottom of the page you will find the complete main menu , with the horizontal menu items, drop down, in the utility menu item, go to blog, in blog categories, choose in the categories, the language category, and your language, and search for the article entitled: our ideology. It sounds complicated, but it's super simple. Please carefully follow, and respect, all our instructions, in order to use our website in the best way.

    To see all the parts in English, of the public area of our website (and for our members also the private area), just click on the language module, at the top, of each page of our website, on the writing “-English-“, and then in the drop-down menu, you have to click on the preferred language. In seconds, you will see all the parts in English, in your language. Or, at the bottom of our web page, click on the flag of your language, or, under the flags, select your language, by clicking on it, from the drop-down menu that opens, by first clicking on: select the language. You will have in seconds, each part in English, translated into your preferred language. Attention, our automatic translators, for now, only translate all parts in English, in over 100 languages, and not from one language to another.

    Democracy means power to the people.

    Us and them

    There are countries where a dictator decides in the name of all the people, and then proposes, approves, and imposes the rules, called laws, that everyone must follow. They are the dictatorships, which in some cases turn into oligarchies.

    Youth policies

    In some previous articles, we talked about our political organization, and how innovative we are, in the next articles we will go into the details, of our international political program, which must be respected, and integrated, by all our continental, national, state, organizations, regional, provincial, district, and local.

    Politics, economics, finance, together

    The old policy has often shown itself to be controlled by economic forces and not to act in full autonomy. Political parties first, and their political representatives, after being elected, do not always decide, for the good of the whole population, but often help only a very rich part, to the detriment of the less well-off people, or by favoring only some categories, without respecting the other categories. There have been, and there are even now, all over the world, many scandals, with cases of corruption, illegal business, sexual activities, blackmail, and with many politicians, suspects, and often convicted.

    DirectDemocracyS, in many articles, explained to everyone, how political decisions are made by us, and how, with a lot of innovation, it will put authentic democracy into practice for the first time in the world.

    Don't join us

    Service information, very important.

    Russian invasion of Ukraine

    Before starting our article, after more than 100 days from the invasion of Russia, towards Ukraine, we must give some answers, to the many visitors, who continue to ask us, what is the official position of DirectDemocracyS, regarding this terrible moment historical.

    Thank you

    After almost a year of public activity, even without any advertising, without organizing any type of event, without advertising in the media, without official presentations, in newspapers, on radio and TV, without too much advertising on social networks, with the exception of some pages, and presentation groups, on a single social network, in about 30 languages, with various website changes, and with many technical tests, we are proud and proud, to present the first annual report, of DirectDemocracyS, and of all related projects.

    Politically perfect

    We have seen in our other articles, on various occasions, and in enough detail, as throughout the history of mankind, there have been many people, who with the intent to control, and direct our activities, and our lives. , they have always divided us: with languages, cultures, religions, and nationalities, all different and varied. Let's briefly analyze together, why did they do it?

    Foreign policy and international activity

    Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, but I still have doubts about the universe. (Albert Einstein).

    We begin this article on our election programs with a prayer.

    If you are convinced that we are just a beautiful utopia, take with you your doubts, your distrust, and go away.

    We have said several times, and we repeat it briefly, that every evil in the world is the fault of all of us.

    Every evil and every injustice of the past is all the fault of those who lived in each historical period.

    For some understandable feelings, or for some serious intellectual gaps. Fear, and often collusion, with those who have governed us and govern us.

    War and manipulation

    The attack by Russia and possibly Belarus against Ukraine on February 24, 2022, is one of the modern wars that could have been avoided.

    All the wars of history could have been avoided if men were not greedy, selfish, and if politics really existed.

    And together with politics, there should be the only "weapon" that can and must be used to resolve all tensions, diplomacy.

    However, when all world politics is based on cheating, and on fake democracy, it happens that there is not even the interest in talking to each other, in dialogue, in listening to others, trying to reach a clear, mutually beneficial agreement.

    First results

    First results.
    Our project makes itself known, around, only by word of mouth.
    All intelligent people, as soon as they see what we are doing, they appreciate us, because they understand, that all over the world, we are the only hope, of having a better future.
    They love us, especially after reading our official rules.
    The way we do politics will change and improve the world, one user at a time.
    We thank the over 100,000 people who have already joined us.
    In order to do a good job, and to give everyone the opportunity to obtain the best results, we decided to start selecting the best minds to create the groups of specialists.
    The geographic groups are ready to welcome all our verified registered users.
    And we will start organizing the number groups 1 to 5.
    With this post, we invite you to make our website known to the people you think are the best, in various fields.
    We also invite you to help them, and register, to create a personal profile.
    Especially in the beginning, it is vital for us to have only brilliant minds with us.
    In order to have the right information, to create political programs that are truly innovative, concrete, and useful for all people.
    We have not written much about these political programs, but we have given you the guidelines, to be able to create them, according to our rules, our ideals, and our values.
    The first political programs to be created are at an international level, based on the mutual respect of all people.
    Following in the continental groups, we will carry out the program for each continent.
    And then the national, state, regional, provincial, district and local political programs.

    Everything always in our geographic groups.

    Message to resolve the crisis Ukraine Russia

    Message to resolve the crisis Ukraine Russia.

    DirectDemocracyS is an innovative political project, based on direct democracy, which will create a political party in every country of the world. A peace project based on the mutual respect of all people.
    In recent years, months, and difficult days, in addition to a pandemic like few happen in a century, we find ourselves seeing the most powerful people in the world, who allow themselves to play with the future of our planet.
    Dear politicians of all camps, you do not represent the good people of this world, because you have gained power in all countries of the world, with elections that only you consider legitimate.
    Power must be available to all people at all times, and not just on election days, which are the only days when you appreciate and respect people.
    By obtaining a mandate of representation that is illegitimate, as it gives power to the people, therefore to the people, only for elections, and then the control of all activities and all decisions, the political parties and their political representatives do, almost never asking the people for an opinion, if not every now and then with some referendum on fake direct democracy.
    Now you allow yourself to increase the stress, and scare people, already tried by these difficult years, to please 1% of the shitty people of this earth.
    We refer to the powerful economic interests, of arms producers and traders, who are waiting for the right moment to unleash the worst catastrophes in the name of money and power.
    99% of the earth's population is made up of intelligent people, of sound values ​​and principles, who are against all forms of violence.
    We, with a very important project, will get important political positions in many countries, thanks to our users who are the healthy part of the population.
    We inform you that you must immediately stop any degeneration towards any possible war activity.
    You will have to respect all international treaties, which must all be renegotiated as soon as possible, in a fair way for all parties, without winners and losers, but in the exclusive interest of the entire world population.
    You will have to eliminate all parts of these agreements, which allow you to interpret these agreements as you please, creating unnecessary tension.
    Otherwise, either you will kill us all, or whoever stays, will look for you, chasing you like animals, and will take you one at a time, but also in a group, and will make you try, continuously for the rest of your miserable life, all the pain you cause, to every good person who dies, or gets hurt, or hungry, thirsty, or homeless or job, because of your selfishness and your thirst for power.
    We are a peace project, but if you play with people's lives, as you have done for most of the history of humanity, we could become worse than you.
    We decree at this time that all people who start a war, a terrorist attack, by attacking, or causing conflicts, will be considered regardless of the role they assume: criminal against humanity.
    Whoever provokes a war against a single innocent person will have to fight it against all humanity.
    All diplomatic activities will be monitored, and anyone who initiates or continues wars, whether a President, a military man, or a civilian, will be judged not only for direct crimes, but also for those against all humanity.
    If you want to play with weapons, you can do it on another planet, bringing your families to war, and all those who support you. You will no longer play with the lives of so many good young people, who by senseless oaths, will be slaughtered, for your pure enjoyment.
    Have a nice trip.
    P.S. DirectDemocracyS does not judge any of the parties, we love the Ukrainian, Russian, American, and all other peoples of the earth equally, without differences, or preferences.
    But if those who command and decide do not make decisions in the interest of all, they will be judged by history, but also by their own people.
    And remember that the people, when they lose their patience, do not look emperors, kings, tsars, presidents, dictators, generals, colonels, or terrorists in the face.
    When the people lose their patience, they know how to get justice for themselves, and they have no mercy.
    Instead of going to war, do some history reading, and breathe a sigh of relief, because you really risked your life.

    Home page blog

    logo rettan 300 200Welcome to the official DirectDemocracyS website.

    Open your mind to true innovation, not just political, but economic, and social.

    Do not start reading if you are unsure that you can wait before starting to criticize.

    Please do not be afraid of the length of our articles, because for you, and for your future, it is better to be informed, than not informed, or even worse, uninformed.

    We have to write things down, clearly, so you have our side of the story.

    We will change, and improve the world, in a slow but inexorable way.

    We will do it intelligently, one user at a time.

    We will not make a world, just as we like it, but it will be a safe, clean, honest, and worthy place to live, for all of us and you, and not just for those who join us to contribute to change.

    Reading this first page of ours, which is definitive, even if in the future, to the final part, we will add some new parts, you will realize that our ideas, and the concepts expressed here, are not theories, but facts.

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