Accessibility Tools
Our visitors are all the people who use the public areas of our official website and all the other websites linked to the various activities of our system, all with the termination:, which is our domain name.
It doesn't matter how you found out about us, the important thing is that you are here, we are happy, honored, and grateful.
In our early stages, only a very few, carefully selected people have the fortune, pleasure, and opportunity to know of the existence of our system.
If you are here, it means that someone considers you a good person, with above-average intelligence, honest, competent, loyal, reliable, and incorruptible. These are not adjectives, used randomly, to fill our sentences, each of them, like every word we write, has a meaning, is fundamental, and is not negotiable.
This is not the first informative article, but it is one of many, perhaps the most important, because it is aimed at those who enter our platforms for the first time.
These public articles of ours, which inform our visitors of our existence, of the reasons why we were born, of our goals, of our rules, and of our method for realizing everything we publish, are often considered excessive in length, and in many cases, in some parts, repetitive, but without a complete vision, one cannot understand, why we do things, in a certain way.
Our rules, and our methodologies, are in many cases, unique in their specificity, and applied in this way, for the first, and only time in the world, and cannot be copied, without risking committing real crimes, therefore, not only for ethical reasons (no one forgives those who steal, or use other people's ideas), but also as, respect for the Laws on copyright, and above all because these illegal uses, are always like unfair competition, and theft, and disclosure, of economic and financial secrets. In fact, we have officially registered, our names, our logos, our symbols, but also all our activities, all our characteristics, all our rules, all our methodology, all our instructions, all our motivations. We have done it in the name of the commercial company, which we have created together with all our official members, in this way, whoever copies even a single sentence, of this universe of our activities, will have to answer for it in the appropriate venues, with the related requests for compensation.
We ask you a question. What is the point of stealing even partially something that can be yours legally, simply by being part of it? We answer you, only to use it incorrectly, for your own purposes, trying to take advantage of its enormous power and its infinite potential. But even copying our system, failure is guaranteed, because our mechanism is like that of a clock, and every group of people that is part of it, is a gear, which serves to make it work. People, for us, are all important, but no one is essential, for the correct functioning of our system.
Already in a few initial sentences, we could expand this article, making it very long, and difficult to understand. In a few words, we give, to each of our official members, only 1 share (as in joint stock companies), which is unique, indivisible, non-cumulative, and non-transferable, of our entire system. In practice, everything, belongs to all those who join us, and obtain, the type of user / voter, called official member, and all the higher types of users.
This joint-stock cooperative company creates a huge, fair, loyal, honest, sincere, competent, meritocratic, indivisible, incorruptible, and just, shared leadership, which in our political organization, welcomes within itself, also all our registered users, with verified and guaranteed identity.
Strange words, with unusual definitions, and above all, a truly unique style? DirectDemocracyS, is all this, and much more.
Shared leadership, and above all shared ownership, are 2 fundamental characteristics, to make our system perfect, therefore infallible. The previous sentence, pisses everyone off! From great professors and scholars, to simple people, all repeating the same banal phrases, such as: perfection does not exist, or, the worst of all, you are just vain, and presumptuous.
Ladies and gentlemen, study us carefully, comprehensively, with an open mind, objectively, and you will see, that we are only realists. We are a system, absolutely innovative, and completely alternative, born to unite, all the good people of the world, to change, and improve the lives of all.
So, we were not born to make a few people rich, powerful, and famous, or to defend the interests of a few lobbies, a few groups of people, a few peoples, or to enrich a few countries. DirectDemocracyS, in every decision, internal or external, takes into account the needs, interests, and good of the entire world population, without any kind of preference.
Even to explain these last sentences, entire informative articles would be necessary, and surely, at the right time, you will find them published on our websites.
In addition to what has been written above, we would like to give you some advice and some brief explanations.
Never be superficial, and do not be definitive in hasty judgments, because only by studying us, in a complete way, you will be able to have the basis, to judge our long, and hard collective work, in a normal way, and above all, having all the information, to be able to decide. It is not very complicated, but it takes patience, and time. 2 things, that everyone always lacks, but we will make a reason, if you give up.
Many ask us: why don't you advertise, to let everyone know about your existence? Even to answer this simple question, it would take hours of information, just know that we take our work seriously, and we take all the time necessary, to do it in a way that is useful for everyone. At the right time, we can also decide to advertise ourselves.
This short informative article and the few sentences on the front page of our official website should be enough to decide to join us. Many people tell us that we do not provide enough details. This is our 316th informative article, and we have about 1705 posts on our Blog, in the 56 main languages of the world. But then, very often, the same people tell us that they are too long.
Many people, after arriving on our website, stay a few seconds, and then run away. They are scared by our "enormous" login form, in our reserved areas, which is generally, at the top, under our logo. They believe, wrongly, that to see our information, they have to register, and that they have to log in. Instead, it would be enough to go down a little, to see all our public information, and to use many potential, also available, for all our visitors, completely free, without any commitment, and without the need to join us.
Of course, to understand how our system works, and to realize, that everything is exactly, as we inform you publicly, and that we are truly consistent, you have to join us, and in a short time, you will have to admit, that inside, we are exactly, as you see us from the outside, indeed, almost everyone tells us, that we are even better, and suggests, to make detailed articles, with a lot of information, on certain of our activities.
We could go on for hours, but to conclude, we want to reveal a little secret to you.
If each of you, dear visitors, tried to conceive a completely new system, without copying ours, perhaps trying to make it: fair, just, loyal, sincere, and correct, you would have a great deal of difficulty, and the final results would be disastrous, and you would feel discouraged. Alone, thinking about everything, and finding problems, and solutions, is tiring, and you can't foresee everything. But when the work is in a group, where each person who joins our immense family brings with them, their own ideals, their own theories, their own proposals, their own ideas, without ever distorting the previous work, but integrating their own projects, the result is: getting closer to perfection, and making infallibility a reality. These 2 words, we repeat, make many of our visitors angry, who instead of joining us, and immediately starting to make themselves useful, waste precious time, uselessly, from the outside, looking for our alleged errors. First of all, we have tens of thousands of people inside us, in continuous, but controlled growth, and we have come to not take into consideration, almost any criticism coming from the outside. Again, not out of presumption, but out of priority. For us, what those in our system tell us, is fundamental, and must be taken into great consideration, and resolved immediately, while what comes from the outside we read, respond to, and archive. The reason: "the fox that cannot reach the grapes, says they are sour". Many criticisms, that are made to us, are not constructive, but are superficial, based on a lack of knowledge, of our system. And we, to respond in an equally rude way, call ourselves perfect, and they continue to study us, and like "investigators" with a magnifying glass, they look for a wrong word, a sentence, not entirely clear. They immediately point it out to us, and when we explain our reasons, they make the usual bad impressions, having to admit, our logic, our common sense, and our mutual respect, for all people.
When these activities go on for many years, with a lot of collective hard work, anyone who tries to find fault, only makes a bad impression, for the simple reason that practically every possible problem, in these years, has already been found, discussed, solved, and made definitive, with the vote of all of us.
We are the best, it is the greatest, collective work, of all the history of mankind. And this method, will continue forever, with every person who will join us.
It always happens to us that there are those who believe they can do better. If they do it without copying anything, of our rules, and of our method, we will be happy to analyze all their work (not only partially, as many of them do with us), and if their system is better than ours, we will be happy to recognize it, and we will congratulate them.
Usually, their solutions, which they criticize ours (considered by them too complicated, and initially exclusive) are: everyone in, at any time, for free. All the people are free, and sovereign, and decide on everything, and on everyone. So, exactly like in the old, failed, traditional system, in which the lobbies, rich, powerful, and famous, decide everything, manipulating, deceiving, lying, stealing, brainwashing, blackmailing, and corrupting, half of the population, plus 1. In many countries, thanks to electoral laws made by them, they only need to corrupt, and manipulate, less than half, of less than half, of the population that goes to vote, to have all the power, for many years. Less expenses, and more profit for the lobbies. Doing politics, for the good of all, unfortunately for them, costs a lot of money (trust me, we know it well), and if they use traditional, “free” means to communicate, the data is not safe, security is not guaranteed, and those who join them are not sure that everything will be done correctly. If they improvise, or create their own computer systems, any 12-year-old child can hack their websites, and influence, and steer their decisions, making their system a failure. If they spend money, a lot of money, the problems remain, but they create debts, with those who finance them, and they will never be free, and independent. If they charge, an annual fee, the problems remain for them, but they copy us, and people will always prefer the original, to the dangerous copy, and not sufficiently protected.
Democracy from below, is an old system, with a mask, to make it more beautiful. Dear friends, we are self-financed, we have no debts with anyone, and we invest 33% of all our income, security measures, and we use the best technologies, always updated, but above all, each of our members, can verify, the correctness, and legality, of all our activities.
If we are not perfect, we are the closest thing to perfect, and that alone should be enough to convince you to join us.
So , get started right away, study our system, if you trust us, and you like it, join us, and introduce it to suitable, compatible, and open-minded people.