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After an emergency meeting of our national political organizations, DirectDemocracyS Ukraine, DirectDemocracyS Russia, DirectDemocracyS USA, and DirectDemocracyS UK, we have jointly prepared this short statement.
To better understand what we are referring to, we recommend you read this informative article, which talks about dominant peoples, and subjugated peoples, published on February 23, 2025, you can find it at this link:
What happened on February 28, 2025, in the Oval Office of the White House, confirms what we predicted. President Trump wants to end the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, by all means, and instead of helping those who are invaded, he gives courage to those who invade, probably to justify similar actions, to be carried out in the future, from the United States, around the world, and it would not be the first, nor the last time, in which they export, according to their interests, their "democracy", or, as it actually is, their oligarchic partycracy, in which the voters, after the elections, no longer count for anything.
We invite everyone to study the Budapest Memorandum, 1991, and all its content, we have already talked about it, but many people, even "experts" and professors, who are "fed" by the old system, pretend that it never existed. Reading it, you will understand that there is a right part, and a wrong part.
That Russia's policy is unreliable and criminal is nothing new, if the promises they make and their representatives at the highest levels are considered worthless.
The United States demonstrates that for them too, international agreements mean nothing, and that if they respect their promises, they do so only to obtain rare earths and economic advantages, and not for consistency, with promises made verbally, and with agreements signed by their President Bill Clinton.
The only ones who, for now, respect that Budapest Memorandum are Ukraine, invaded for over 3 years, and bombed practically every day, and the United Kingdom, which more or less tries to be consistent.
For us at DirectDemocracyS, it is the people who are important, and not just individual countries, and the behavior of Western leaders, and former President Joe Biden, is to be condemned, as are those who remained immobile, in 2014, during the annexation by force, of Crimea, by Russia. No one, took harsh, immediate and direct diplomatic measures, against an invasion, which violated the agreements signed by various countries.
The old, failed, traditional politics has demonstrated to the whole world, for the umpteenth time, that it does not respect agreements, and the promises it makes, not only to its voters, but also to each other, do not respect their own oaths.
If Ukraine, before the invasions, had its faults, for us, and for anyone who joins us, anyone who invades a country, and even commits a single violent act, is a criminal against humanity.
It does not matter if it is done: with a terrorist act, with a war, an invasion, coups d'état, or, with sanctions, which starve, or deprive the population of medicines and adequate medical care, to artificially induce revolutions, against certain Governments.
For us, all agreements must always be respected, and remaining still means taking the side of the bully, and not the one who is bullied.
President Trump, for us, was wrong to ask for the money back, through rare earths, and other riches, from Ukraine, to continue to respect the commitment made in 1991, to guarantee the respect of the Budapest Memorandum, by all the signatory countries. They did not do it in 2014, and in 2022, and now, they have finally made the world understand, that if you want honesty, and respect for promises, you have to pay, to reimburse , the aid received.
The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelens'kyj, made a mistake in creating a Law, to make illegal, any negotiation, with the President of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The diplomatic way, must always be favored, and hoped for.
President Putin, who initiated this whole shameful, bloody, and vile invasion, should first of all stop attacking a country that his predecessors swore to defend, guaranteeing its freedom, sovereignty, and territorial integrity. Then, he should not be surprised if almost all the peoples around Russia or in its vicinity ask to join military treaties that can help them defend themselves in case of aggression.
You may have noticed that all parties have made very serious mistakes, and none of them are trustworthy.
We need a new world politics, in which all peoples have the same rights and duties, and in which every person, or group of people, and every country, have the same dignity.
If a system, like the old one, does not work, we need DirectDemocracyS, which is innovative, and alternative, but above all coherent, credible, competent, honest, loyal, fair, and which will guarantee a different, and better, future for every people on earth.