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On February 26, 2025, the former candidate for the Presidency of Romania, the pro-Russian nationalist Calin Georgescu, was arrested and taken to the prosecutor's office for investigations into who and how helped and financed him in his political activities. Obviously, many of our fellow citizens are shocked that their "hero" is under investigation. It has not taken long to take positions accusing him and others defending him, but both sides do so with only theories and very few actually knowing the facts and having all the documentation available, demonstrating how much superficiality and how much fake news circulates on the Internet, all to manipulate, brainwash, deceive, divide, incite hatred, envy, social revolt, too many poor citizens, who do not have the means and the ability to defend themselves from all the lies, on both sides, and end up in a spiral of doubts, theories, conspiracies and mutual hatred.
Even Mr. Elon Musk, has made it known to the whole world, that it is not right to investigate, who came first, in the elections, and who had the support of many citizens. As if having the support of the people, having fame, popularity, wealth, power, and many lobotomized citizens, who in the name of false, dangerous, and failed nationalism, and in the name of the church, vote and support someone, made these people, automatically honest, sincere, loyal, competent, and meritocratic. As it is unfair, to condemn, someone who is simply investigated, considering him guilty, before a definitive and irrevocable judgment, it is equally unfair, to consider him innocent, without proof, and try to convince weak people, of his innocence, making him a "martyr".
In some cases, fortunately rare, Justice is wrong, and innocent people are condemned, but in many more cases, people who are truly guilty are judged definitively innocent. We have spoken about it several times, and we have ready fair rules, to make the Law, truly equal for all.
Let us remind Mr. Elon Musk of a saying that is very wise: “do no evil and have no fear”. Furthermore, let us remember that exaggerated and extreme nationalism brings some votes, but in politics, going too far to the right, one ends up finding oneself on the extreme left.
Using democracy from below, deluding people into thinking they have all the power and are sovereign, is very useful for a few, rich, powerful and famous people, to make the majority of people, who have no means to defend themselves, pursue their own interests from those who exploit them and continue, in a despicable way, to make fun of them.
DirectDemocracyS is the only system in which every person is protected, defended, and thinks with his own brain, and not with that of rich, powerful and famous people, who have obscure interests, and who believe they can dominate the world, alone, using as their best weapon, the stupidity of many, too many people.
Romania, must belong to the Romanians, good, free, and intelligent, and not to the Russians, not to the European Union, not to the United States, and above all not to Elon Musk. Being the richest man in the world, does not make a person, even intelligent, but only very smart, and with some good ideas, which made him earn a lot of money. First of all, he, and all his companies pay taxes, exactly, in the countries where they earn every cent, and in the same percentage, as small and medium-sized businesses in their respective countries, and then, for us, he will have every right to say what he wants, even if we advise him against trying to teach fish to swim, and birds to fly.