Accessibility Tools
Many people ask us, how are our waiting lists managed, and who decides who can, and who can not join us. We are often criticized, because we do not allow anyone, to join us, whenever they want, and completely free of charge. They say that we, do not practice, equality, and that we discriminate, people.
Before explaining how all our waiting lists work, we are forced to ask you a simple question: who would you like to have the foundations of your house built by? If your answer is: by anyone, for free, you will certainly be among the last to be able to enter our system. The foundations of a house must be made by experts, based on very precise plans and calculations, and by investing a significant amount of money, in order to then build a house based on our needs. Therefore, in our system, not just anyone enters, and for free, but each person enters at the right time, and by paying a small, but essential and mandatory, annual fee.
We always practice equality, but always united, and continuous over time, with meritocracy. If letting in the most suitable people, the most useful for our activities, and the most compatible, with our system, in the delicate initial phases, which are fundamental, for the good of all, means discriminating, and not treating everyone equally, we assume full responsibility, and we will continue to select, with great care, every single person who joins us, and we will make everyone pay the small annual fees, while helping with many advantages, and facilities, people with financial difficulties.
We often say that if we compare our system, and our political organization, to the life of a human being, we are approximately: "to the cigarette that is smoked, after making love, to procreate our creature". Be careful, smoking seriously damages your health and that of those around you, so ours is just an example. But we will talk about vices, and how useful they are, for the old failed system, in a dedicated article.
The waiting lists, with the start of our local phases, have grown longer, especially because free registrations, free of charge, and without any invitation, are no longer possible. We voted almost unanimously (over 95% of votes in favor) to allow the registration of new users, only and exclusively, on the basis of an invitation, from those who are already part of our system. When we write this article, only 97656 people are authorized to make invitations. And even these invitations are not unlimited, but our authorized users can only make 1 invitation in each time phase. The good thing is that with invitations, everything happens very quickly, because those who invite must guarantee the identity, reliability, compatibility, and usefulness of each person they invite, and therefore, while maintaining the same level of security, we are much faster in registering, creating personal profiles, and activating all the people invited. The invitation, with assumption of all responsibility, helps us to prevent any possible problem.
The annoying robots, called bots, in traditional social networks, and in websites external to our system, are not only annoying, and repetitive, but they negatively influence the minds, and decisions, of human beings. They create the illusion, that many people, think the same way, often against all logic, common sense, and mutual respect of people. They create a "reality", modified, based on hidden interests, and not even difficult to understand, and discover. Unfortunately, even political representatives, and entire political forces, believe that truly, a large part of the people, is on one side, often the wrong one, and publicly say they are on the side of all these bots, or robots, that have nothing human. But they are only thousands, often millions of fake profiles, or, very often, front men are used, who help, for little money, to mystify, and modify reality.
We have made our entire system impenetrable, not only by bad people and front men, but also by these annoying robots. We have done this through mandatory invitations, with related assumptions of responsibility, and with the guarantee deposits, which are mandatory, for anyone who joins us, and subsequently, after a year, in a mandatory way, with the payment of annual fees.
One of the most important things about our system is that while we guarantee anonymity, protection of personal data, and all the privacy settings, to each person who joins us, we are sure that whoever has the blue tick, next to their name, in our social area, is a real person, whose personal data we have. In this way, when we punish, block, or eliminate someone, that person cannot re-enter our system, and also permanently loses their security deposit, which in the event of expulsion is not returned, or the annual fee, which is never refunded, in the event of expulsion.
Some people will tell us that with front men, and with real people, organized to boycott us, or, to try to slow us down, or worse, to try to stop us, powerful lobbies, or, rich, powerful, and famous people, could take control, of our system, or, of our political organization.
We invest 33.33% of all our money, in technology, and security measures, and we have rules, and methodologies, to make impossible, by preventing them, all the activities that are unethical, execrable, and that are against our rules. We do not explain them here, but if you are part of our special security groups, you can know some of these our protection measures, of our system.
Waiting lists are of various types, such as: to receive an invitation, to join us, to be activated, but also to receive responses to a contact form, or to be admitted as members, in certain groups, and for certain activities.
The waiting lists, to receive an invitation, are the first ones that all our users are confronted with. If a person who is already our user, authorized to make invitations, invites another person, whose identity he knows, and for whom he directly guarantees, and assumes all responsibility, between the invitation, the documentation, the payment of the security deposit, or, depending on the case, the payment of the annual fee, the registration of the personal profile, the time necessary, is about 10-15 minutes. The activation, of the new user, can therefore be practically immediate.
The problem is that the growth of the number of users is orderly, organized, and very slow, to allow us to welcome each person, in the best way, and to be able to insert each person, in the most suitable groups, and to create any potential needed, to carry out each activity, in the best way. But we will talk at the right time, about all the activities, that can be done, in our system, and in our political organization. So, our 97656 users, who at this moment can make invitations, can do it, only one at a time, in various phases, and usually, a maximum of 5 invitations in the local phases.
According to our rules, new users, with higher user types, will be placed in geographic groups, at local level, according to detailed rules, and from those groups, based on their skills, user type, and accumulated points (which we will discuss in detailed articles), they will be able to access special groups, or specialist groups, and numerical groups.
Of over 8 billion people, our potential users, our currently available places, to define the local phases, will be only those, based on our graph, which we have presented, in other informative articles. An uncontrolled and too fast growth could put our servers under stress, and put the entire system in difficulty. However, we have taken all the security measures, to prevent, and to resolve quickly, and optimally, any possible temporary block.
The question that many people ask us is: what happens if I want to join DirectDemocracyS, without knowing anyone in it? You have to hope that our users / voters do not have anyone they trust to invite in the next stages, and want to lose a lot of points, declaring that they do not know anyone reliable, useful, and compatible, to invite, and that they want to be connected, with one of the people on the waiting list, among those who do not know anyone, in our political organization. These waiting lists, are very slow, it can take many months, or, depending on the case, even more than a year, to be invited in this way. To request an invitation, you must carefully read this informative article, at this link:
According to our rules, you must have all the necessary things ready, to be able to fill out the form to request an official invitation, exactly as specified, in the information article.
Then, when everything is ready, you will fill out a request form for an invitation, at this link:
You must write your real personal data, filling in, honestly, and without the use of technologies, of Artificial Intelligence, all the required fields, which contain an asterisk. After sending the form, you will have to wait, even a few dozen seconds, for our system to verify, that you have filled in the necessary data, and to transcribe them into our databases. If everything goes well, you will receive a confirmation, on the same page, which tells you that everything has been done, in the right way.
After our computer system, our Artificial Intelligence, will check the authenticity of the form data, and find out if they are from a person, or a robot, and if Artificial Intelligence technologies, which are strictly prohibited, have been used to fill out our forms, both internal, and for those who want to join us.
If everything is done properly, the form, arrives to our group of management of the forms to request an invitation, which after having analyzed it, will send encrypted parts to not recognize the identity of the applicant, to our special groups, and to our groups of specialists, who will express an opinion, and a vote, decisive, for the order of our waiting lists. In addition to being honest, you will have to explain to us, why we should favor you, to enter as soon as possible, in our political organization, and in our system.
After the waiting lists have been formed, you will be contacted directly by one of our users, authorized to make invitations, who after meeting you online, will verify your identity with a video call, together with our security team, and then will send you 2 files, the first is an official invitation, with a .pdf file digitally signed, by our user, and a second file, from our special security team, which certifies that you have the verified and guaranteed identity.
With these 2 files, which you will upload in the registration form, along with the requested data, the activation of your personal profile is very fast, often immediate.
During the tests, to do all these activities, it took about 20 minutes, from the moment of the invitation request, until the user could access our official website, by entering in the access form, his/her username, and his/her password, chosen by the user himself/herself, in the registration form.
Obviously, in the tests, there was no waiting list, which is essential, to allow access to our system, first, to the most suitable, most reliable, and most useful people, for us, and for everyone.
Do not judge us negatively, but thank us, because we guarantee everyone, an orderly, organized, safe, reliable system, even if a little slow, in welcoming every person, in our "big and comfortable home", who wants to be part of our immense family.
These waiting lists will be faster and faster as time goes by, although we are sure that despite the speed, the requests will always be higher than the available places, in each of our time phases.
We conclude by telling you that we will be able to officially say that we have been born only when every person on earth knows of the existence of an alternative, innovative, credible, useful, and better, compared to the old, and failed, traditional system.
We thank you for your patience, for your collaboration, for your availability, and for your trust, which we swear will be reciprocated, and will never be betrayed.