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Among the greatest criticisms that are made to us, by people, even quite intelligent ones, and even by Artificial Intelligences, are those that concern our positions on grassroots democracy, our slow but inexorable transition from representative democracy, designed by us and modified, with continuous control by our voters on their political representatives, before, during and for the first time in the world, even after the elections, towards pure but protected and incorruptible complete direct democracy. We are also criticized for our slowness in participating in real elections, therefore, for having little courage in facing the judgments of people outside of us, and for the fact that we only do theory, without putting anything into practice, according to their opinion. Finally, perhaps the worst criticism is that the functioning of our entire system, both political, economic, financial and social, cannot be demonstrated.
Democracy from below, whether representative or even direct, for example, as in Switzerland (where citizens rarely and almost never vote on fundamental issues), is fragile, incomplete, insecure, manipulable, and easily exploited by lobbies to control, in an execrable way, almost all of old politics, with almost all of their respective political representatives. Rich, famous and powerful people, with their commercial companies, with Artificial Intelligences, with bots, and with various technologies, can easily direct, in their favor, the preferences of voters, and maintain, practically forever, this control, which cannot be removed, individually, or, in small groups, of so-called anti-system. They do it a bit, like with the old, failed, and submissive, traditional politics. They delude voters, that they have full control, over who will decide for them, who will govern them, who will make the rules, who will verify that they are applied, and even, who will judge them. They believe they are the sovereign people, while they are the people who count for nothing. They delude themselves that we have various possibilities of choice, while the "actors" of this disgusting and unjust "show" all do their part, always directed and conditioned by their director, that is, the various lobbies. Even though they change from right to left, passing through the center, and then from left to right, "the order of factors does not change". Slightly different programs, which in practice, do almost the same things, even "voting for others", the living conditions of the citizens, of the lower middle class, do not change much, and rarely improve, significantly.
The solution is to create our own system, with our own political organization, that makes anyone who joins us, the owner, together with all our official members, and the leader, in our shared leadership, with all our registered users, with verified and guaranteed identity. Our method protects people from external factors, and is the only one that really makes everyone think, with their respective brains, thanks to very strict, effective rules, and respected by anyone who joins us. Make people, masters of their destinies, and give them, the fundamental things, to obtain the best results. First of all, an innovative and alternative mentality, in which each person, is completely free, and lives our authentic democracy, in a brand new system, that offers them, in addition to personal protection, the tools, and the necessary potential, unassailable from the outside. A voting system, that prevents, any harmful influence, and that is truly based, on the will of all, and for the good of all. A vote, verified by whoever casts it.
We are accused of not letting everyone in, free of charge, and immediately, into our system, but we do it, because only by growing, slowly, gradually, but continuously, by inserting the right people, in the right place, and teaching people to be free, in a real way, and democratic, in the true sense of the word, can we work in the best way. To achieve this goal, we need first of all, people who understand, our enormous potential, our great responsibilities, who are compatible, with our innovation, reliable, competent, and incorruptible. By letting everyone in, without this important selection, front men and bad people would enter, with the intent, to boycott us, slow us down, stop us, or worse, destroy us. We will continue to choose, with great attention, and with the necessary malice, every single person, that we will welcome, into our immense family, into our great house.
Moving to direct democracy, with all its defects, its fragilities, and its utopias, would be simple, but it would be from one evil to another, without any useful result, for the world population. The system, instead of controlling, directly, in turn, all the political forces, winners in the elections, with their political representatives, would be content, to manipulate, and brainwash , the majority of the world population, obtaining, the same results, that they obtain, from representative democracy.
Our solution is to create an impenetrable and incorruptible system, where people use their brains, and not those of those who represent them, and not those of lobbies. United in diversity, deciding everything together, being the true owners all together, of our entire system. But to make people protagonists, we need, and we have ready, an infallible project, in which at the base, there are: security (we invest a third of our money in security measures), freedoms, financial independence, neutrality, and mutual respect of all people, combined with self-respect.
The slowness of our system is due to the fact that we cannot afford to make mistakes, having to create something that has never existed before, and with the awareness of being the only hope for all the good people in the world, who are the absolute majority.
The fact that we have not participated, momentarily, in the real elections, is certainly not due to fear, and above all, we do not fear confrontation, with the old political forces, we talk to everyone, we collaborate with everyone, but we will never make alliances, coalitions, negotiations, and electoral agreements, with anyone, and for no reason.
We have no fear of the judgment of people outside our system, while inside our system, the comparison between ideas, and never between people, or groups of people, is very hard, with proposals, discussions, debates, and even arguments, as it should be in a truly free system, based on unity, in diversity. At the beginning, they called us anti-politics, we have always said, that we are the only true politics, only that we do it in a completely different way, and certainly better, than all the others. Many of our informative articles, are based on criticisms, even very harsh, and often unfair, of our system, to which we respond, with the only thing that really matters: the truth. We go beyond, to our interests, talking about practically everything, with everyone.
The fact that we only do theory, and nothing practical, is false. Without a theory that is right, fair, sincere, loyal, meritocratic, innovative, alternative, and a perfect project, practice cannot be achieved, with excellent results. To check that our project works exactly as it appears from the outside, the only method is to join us, according to our rules. From the inside, by joining us, each person will realize, our enormous potential, of all our activities, and the coherence, of everything we do.
The fact that we consider our system and our political organization perfect is just realism, because they were designed, conceived, and created, with the hard, long, and continuous work of anyone who has joined us, and anyone who will join us in the future. We were born, to be perfect, and not to favor lobbies, and a few people. If we have not yet participated, directly, in the various elections, it is precisely because we want to do so, with an unbeatable project, easily understandable, known by all, and with the most suitable people.
Speaking of the future, we make you some predictions, and we ask you to be very careful, and not to fall into the traps that you will have, we will help you, in all possible ways.
The application, of “direct democracy”. They will give it a simple name, that makes you think of grassroots democracy. Almost everyone will like it! Maybe, they will give you contests and prizes. You will pay them over time, with interest, but that is another story. It will be created, and managed, by rich, powerful, and famous people, or lobbies directly, or, with various front men, they will create an application, of supposed “direct democracy”, perhaps free, full of advertising, created, to make you “free and protagonists”. They will use algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, and all technological means, to manipulate you, to make you a real brainwashing, and determine your choices, based on their interests. You will become irremediably enslaved, as you have been for some time with traditional social networks. You will not notice, while they will use you, like a puppeteer, who maneuvers his own puppet. A large part of the population will join them, after all it will be free, and it will deceive you to really decide, live, on the various choices, of the various institutions. They will try to eliminate, the traditional political structures, and for the anti-system people, it will be a great party, because generally, for them, change is enough, and improvement is not necessary.
They will create the political force of Artificial Intelligence, with algorithms that allow the usual lobbies and the rich, powerful and famous people, or with front men, to make these technologies do their business, as they already do. They will delude you that there will be no preferences, inequalities and problems, because the technologies are “free”, “impartial” and “incorruptible”, but they will only do the business of their real and hidden owners. They will be able to create lotteries, with random draws of some political representatives, among ordinary citizens, creating the illusion for each of you that you can have, for certain periods, wealth and power, and in part it will be true, the technology, controlled by them, will give you some money, some gift, some service, which will then be taken away from you, for example, with judicial investigations and other crafty methods. They will convince you that their technology loves you more than traditional political forces.
They will also create a clone of DirectDemocracyS, obviously, subjected to the old system, which will be very beautiful, aesthetically, but rotten, inside. It will deceive you, to have something simple, fast, free, and truly for everyone, without security measures, and without controls, because it will use, a project similar to ours, but to manipulate you, deceiving you that you are masters, but you will be slaves, as you have always been. Like the previous projects, it will tell you that you are free, and that you live in "democracy", but you will see with your own eyes, with the passing of time, that they will never do anything, that could damage the interests of a few, to favor the good of all.
They will shower you with money, gifts, services, and favors, always provisionally, and always at random, they will give you bonuses, and prizes, paid with everyone's money, therefore also with yours. They will continue to be well off, and you will continue to count for nothing, giving legitimacy, with your choices, to their manipulations, in their interests.
They will make the old, subservient, and failing, traditional politics, almost entirely controlled by them, practically useless, and the old political forces will implode. They will self-destruct, and within a few generations, they will disappear completely. The entire history of politics, of the human race, will disappear, to make room for the 3 previous technologies.
And us?
DirectDemocracyS, will continue its work, to change, and improve the world, for the good of all, even suffering various attacks, of all kinds, from the old system, which will try, failing, to insert within us, front men, with the task of discrediting us, boycotting us, slowing us down, stopping us, and destroying us. But the very fact that we are ready, knowing what awaits us, shows that we have foreseen everything, and done, for a long time now, all the necessary simulations, to make vain, every attempt, to negatively influence, our activities.
Does this world that is being created for you seem exaggerated to you? As always, we are just realists, and we would like to be wrong, even if it would be the first time. Obviously, everything will be done, a bit like how we work, slowly, and with great attention. But while our slowness, and our care, of every detail, is for the good of all, their slowness, only serves, so that you do not notice, how they will continue to keep you slaves, and accomplices, of their old system, which is traditional, and failed.
Don't you believe it? They will give you many variations of grassroots democracy, but always, according to their interests, and without giving you any possibility, to change events. They will allow you to vent your social hatred, your envy, and your frustrations. They will exploit, as they have always done, your weaknesses , and they will do it, with technology, and with your complicity. Without our system, grassroots democracy, is functional, to the needs of the usual lobbies. We advise you, to be careful, and to choose with great courage, immediately, the only concrete, and real, solution to the serious problem, of complete freedom, and authentic democracy, that only we, can guarantee you. Good luck, we really need it.