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Many people consider us presumptuous, arrogant, vain, and because of these alleged characteristics, they consider us unbearable. Maybe, they should study us carefully, with an open mind, and they would understand that we are only realists.
In addition, too many people wonder why our official representatives, outside our system, when they talk about our rules, our methodologies, our instructions, our habits, our unique, inimitable style, and above all, our motivations, always use the word: we. We are, we do, we decide, we are free, we are democratic, we are infallible, we are incorruptible, we are unique, we are impossible to copy, we use the word we, only to refer to ourselves. It reminds us a little of the controversy, by some, on the fact, that we call our users / voters, simply users / voters, and every now and then, we call them only users, because it is understood, that each of our users, at the right time, will also be one of our voters. On the Internet, all over the world, whoever joins a website, automatically becomes a user.
DirectDemocracyS, is a system, with a truly shared leadership, and which is collectively owned, by all its official members. It is an entire universe, composed of various galaxies, including our political organization, which is both the gateway, and in some cases, the road that leads to the exit.
We do not use the term "we" as a "plural maiestatis", nor to believe ourselves better and superior to our interlocutors. We use the term "we" when we refer to all the things that we have all decided together. Unlike the old, failed and traditional system, in which people practically count for nothing, whose rules are decided by a few and must be applied in varying ways by everyone, and where those who think differently are often mocked and marginalized, we put into practice every freedom in a complete way. Obviously, we all respect every single word of every sentence that we make public, and internally, we are exactly as you see us from the outside, in fact, many people, after joining us, tell us that we are even better than how we were seen from the outside.
Our very strict rules, and our common decisions, must be put into practice, therefore implemented by everyone, exactly as they are decided, by our internal majority. Once something is decided, we hardly go back. However, there are, for each of us, and for each of our internal groups, all the methodologies, to add, improve, and integrate, every idea, every proposal, and every project, as long as it does not change the fundamental rules, and does not distort our values, our principles, our ideals, our methodologies, and our unique style. It would be long, to explain to you exactly the various procedures, we have mentioned it, in various informative articles, but we can assure you, that there are no marginalized people, and voices not heard, and there never will be. So, when our official representatives, outside our universe, always repeat sentences, that begin with us, they refer to all the people who have joined us, for whom, our previous decisions, therefore decided by those who were there before, and our current decisions, therefore also decided by the person speaking to you, are binding, and represent the official position, of all of us. Those who will join us in the future, will decide together with us, the binding rules, and to be implemented in the future, without ever distorting, as we always say, the values, principles, ideals, rules, methodologies, customs, style, and previous habits. We must not forget, why we were born, where we started from, how we work together, and what our goals are. We can add proposals, ideas, and individual projects, later, always developed in groups, and if they are considered valid and useful, for the good of all, they can be integrated, and implemented, into our system.
But we wouldn't be the best in the world if we didn't allow anyone who is with us to think differently from our majority. It's not vanity, presumption, and we certainly don't pretend to teach anyone anything. We are not interested in manipulating, convincing, or brainwashing anyone, we are not the old system. We are completely innovative, and alternative, to everything you know, for this reason, many people, even very intelligent and competent ones, cannot understand us. Those who do not have an open mind to innovation, come to us, use the "smart" and manipulative methods of the old system, and then try to take advantage of our freedoms, to obtain advantages, and facilities that they do not deserve. And inexorably, we are forced, first to block them, and then to correct their mistakes, and finally, to throw them out, usually, definitively from our system. Those expelled have been few, for now, fortunately for us, a few hundred people.
So, whoever speaks about our choices, and our decisions, previous and current, speaks in the plural, always saying we, and we will do so in the future, to refer to the official positions of anyone who has joined us.
And if someone, for whatever reason, thinks differently from the majority? In the old system, they are marginalized, disadvantaged, and made fun of, because there is the dictatorship of the majority. In DirectDemocracyS, which is undoubtedly the best system, and the best political force, in the history of humanity, anyone who thinks differently, just put the word I, in front of the sentence, to be able to express themselves freely. I think, I declare, I explain… No one has ever been sent away, for what they thought, said, wrote, showed on video, if they did it in the ways, times, places, suitable for these activities, respecting our rules, our methodologies, and our instructions. Our true strength, which makes us the best, and we will always be, is precisely unity, in diversity.
So, whoever says I, refers to his own ideas, to his own mentality, and whoever says we, speaks on behalf of all of us. We hope, therefore, to have clarified forever, this way of expressing ourselves, which is the only truly free one.
There are people who have accused us of speaking without contradiction and of imposing our thoughts on anyone. Almost every decision we make has been taken by direct vote, by over 75% of the people with the right to vote, because we have very clear voting rules that call for sharing decisions based on logic, common sense, truth and mutual respect for all people.
When you ask yourself, what the DirectDemocracyS system thinks about anything, read the previous sentence, and you will know what we think.
In other informative articles, we have answered many questions, even direct ones, and even “uncomfortable” ones, all based on your messages from those outside, and every time we have explained something to you, or we have answered criticisms, those who thought they had found a flaw, had to admit that they had made a bad impression.
DirectDemocracyS, both as a system and as a political organization, was not born to enrich a few, or to offer a few people, or a small group of people, advantages and facilities, but not even to defend only one social class. Each of our decisions must take into account the needs, necessities and interests of the entire world population.
In the next articles, we will present you with other criticisms, and often insults, that are made to us, by many people. They accuse us of being oligarchs, because we have groups of specialists, composed of our official members, who inform us of every possibility, and the consequences of each of our choices, to allow us to decide for the good of the entire world community. Putting the right, and competent, people in the right place, is in our interest, and of all those who, thanks to us, will live better. We always say: if you have toothache, go to a dentist, and not to a mechanic.
They accuse us of dictatorial drifts, because we will take power, in every country in the world, thanks to a project that is beautiful on paper, but which in reality, according to them, is full of imperfections. This power, for the first and only time, in the history of humanity, we will share it, with all those who are with us, and with those who will join us in the future, unlike the old system, and the old and failed traditional politics, which keeps all the power, continuously, always for itself.
They accused us of not wanting the good of all, because we do not want people outside our system and our political organization to be able to make our political representatives resign. Democracy from below, and of the sovereign people, is one of the main causes of many problems on earth. The people, any people, are very easily manipulated, and can be easily brainwashed, with relatively simple methods. Therefore, we allow only those who have joined us, and are protected, incorruptible, and not manipulable, to be able to decide, based on detailed rules, to possibly make our political representatives resign, or influence them, over whom they have complete and continuous control over time, before, during, and for the first and only time in the world even after the elections.
They have accused us, that when we have all the power, we will really show our true face. They say, that we will become equal to all the others, and perhaps we will be worse. At this point, we ask you a question. Do you really believe, that it is possible to do worse, than what has been done, throughout history, and what we see every day? We answer you, we who always know everything: we, will never be able, in any way, to do worse, than those who preceded us.
To understand that we will never be corrupted by power, because we were created to be truly perfect and coherent, study us thoroughly and you will understand. If some great philosophers and political scientists of the past said that every political force, once in power, changes and gets worse, it was only because we had not yet been conceived, and our innovation, an alternative to all the other traditional political forces. After reading all our public information articles, thoroughly, even several times, ask yourself what they would think of us, all these historical figures, who have manipulated you and offered you their theories, to prevent you from having your own. Does the truth hurt you? Go ahead and think it, like those who brainwashed you, for your whole life, keep the old system, and the old and failed, traditional politics. If, on the other hand, you want to renew yourself, and you have the courage to get involved, taking to the field, join us immediately.
They have also accused us of writing clearly and simply, without thousands of quotes or subterfuges to manipulate people. They tell us that we are not prepared and cultured. Quotes are usually used by those who have little to say, to fill their sterile speeches, and to explain to people, who they consider inferior and stupid, the meaning of their speeches. If speaking directly and simply, to be understood "on the fly", by anyone, is a defect, we will continue to remain exactly as we are. If to be successful, we will have to be forced to manipulate people, making them think like us, we prefer not to have consensus. We would lose part of our uniqueness, if we did as everyone else. Regarding preparation, we also have people in the top 10 in the world, with their respective professional qualifications, and we work with university professors, from the best universities in the world, who are our members, therefore owners, of our entire system, and have every interest in doing their job well.
Dear friends, try to find faults where there are none, but try again, perhaps you will be luckier.
Many criticisms remind us a bit of fables, which in common language almost take on the characteristics of a proverb. "To do as the fox does with grapes" metaphorically means to react to a defeat by claiming that one never wanted victory, or by despising the prize that one failed to obtain. The animal's reaction is considered an exemplary form of rationalization in psychology, and of cognitive dissonance in social psychology. The original version by Aesop reads: "A hungry fox, when he saw some grapes hanging from a vine, wanted to grab them but was unable. But as he went away, he said to himself: "They are sour". So also, some among men, who through inability cannot overcome difficulties, blame circumstances.". Warm greetings to everyone, it is also thanks to your criticisms that we are able to explain ourselves better. We will be forever grateful to you; our success is also in a small part yours.