Accessibility Tools
The introduction of the obligation to pay, of the security deposit, has created questions in some people, and we want to answer them briefly.
To efficiently prevent any possible attempt to sabotage or slow down our activities by anyone, and to prevent lobbies made up of rich, powerful and famous people and commercial companies from infiltrating paid people into our organization to carry out execrable activities, we are obliged to use all necessary security measures.
Ownership rights, of all our official members, on all assets.
User types, which form our helpful, honest, loyal, safe, fair, competent, and inevitable, hierarchies, at every level, and in every phase of our lives.
For each individual proposal, always work in groups, formed, to elaborate, discuss, improve, modify, finalize, vote, and then make known and approved, by all the special groups, by our specialist groups, and by all the groups involved.
Really shared leadership, based on very detailed rules and methodologies.
With the beginning of the local phases, each person can join us only after paying a security deposit, which is valid for one year from the moment of activation.
To pay security deposits, you must go to this link:
and choose the reserved form, for your age, at the time of payment.
If you are under 31, you will need to use this form:
If you are 31 years of age or older, at the time of payment, you will need to use this form:
You will read carefully and completely all the information, you will fill in carefully, with your real personal data, the requested form, and you will proceed with the payment.
We recommend that you copy and paste the transaction code, with which you deposit the money, of the guarantee deposit, in a safe place, so that you can use it, where required, in our forms.
Many other necessary safety measures will be introduced, or made public, at the right time, and in the right ways.
First of all, a very brief but important premise.
What are escrow deposits? They are advance payments of small sums of money into our system, and they are mandatory for anyone who joins us, but also for those who support us from outside.
How do they work in practice? After the deposit, you get the operation code, with which the money arrives in our system. This code, proves the actual amount deposited, and must be entered, where it is required, in the various forms, for example, in the form to request an official invitation from us, but also in the registration form, which allows the creation of a personal profile, on our official website. Without the valid deposit code, all the forms, where this code is required, will not be taken into consideration.
After activating their personal profile, during their activities, each new user / voter must respect, forever, all our rules, all our methodology, and all our instructions, having impeccable behavior.
If the user / voter, during their activities with us, does not respect all our rules, methodologies, and instructions, in addition to the various warnings, the possible blocking of their personal profile, or, for the most serious cases, the possible expulsion from our political organization, the sums paid will be retained, as a security deposit. Obviously, we will not abuse these security deposits, to take money, without concrete reasons, as we have explained, in our informative article at this link:
After a year, if the user / voter has not created any kind of problems, he will receive back, almost all the money paid, except: bank charges, and various money transfer fees, and a very small amount, which we retain, to manage, these important activities. Usually, you will receive back, at least 80% of the entire amount paid.
In short, the advance payment of the security deposit allows us to activate people more quickly and to have the certainty that each person will respect each of our rules, each of our methods, and each of our instructions, in each of our activities, so as not to lose, definitively, the money paid.
At this point, some of you may have some questions, and we will try to answer them, in a preventive manner.
Question 1. What if the lobbies, the people, and the commercial companies, rich, powerful, and famous, will invest large sums, and corrupt, many users / voters, already present on the official website, or, will register many others, not caring about the lost money?
Answer 1. It would be a failed and self-destructive behavior. The reasons why it is impossible to create any problem have been presented at the beginning of this article and in many other informative articles regarding our security measures. We also add that we have already formed a large part of our hierarchies at every level and in every previous phase, with many groups of all types and an infinite number of reliable people who have joined us previously and who are ready and trained to always prevent, in the best possible way, any possible attempt to create any problem. We also have many other security measures that make us unassailable, incorruptible and that will not allow anyone to join us with bad intentions.
Question 2. The annual fees were not enough, you wanted to get more money…
Answer 2. Our annual fees are necessary to allow us to be forever independent, neutral, incorruptible, but they are not immediate. Many people, before the introduction of the security deposit, joined us, because everything was simple, fast, free, and without any commitment. We had to prevent anyone who registered from sabotaging our work. For example: by publishing, many people, all together, useless content, in our public areas, they could have created problems, regarding the order, and the cleanliness of our public areas.
Question 3. With escrow, does registration and creating a personal profile cost anything, and is it no longer free?
Answer 3. Registration and the creation of a personal profile have always been, are currently, and will always remain absolutely free, simple, safe, and without any commitment. The activation of your personal profile, which allows each person who joins us to enter our official website (via the login form, entering their username and password), and to see and access reserved and private areas, or the verification of identities, in the cases provided for by our regulations, create potential problems and have costs. Furthermore, very long waiting lists were created, as, often, many people joined us, registered, and created a personal profile, just out of curiosity, and many users / voters did not carry out practically any activity with us. Unfortunately, we had foreseen this, and we had to make sure not to put in line, all together, in the very long waiting lists, those who were simply curious, and those who were really interested, in changing and improving the world, together with all of us. The best way to do it was to give everyone just one year of free membership, and then force each of our users/voters to make the most important choice: to stay and work with us, paying an annual fee of a few dollars, or not to stay with us and voluntarily abandon our political organization and all our activities. We believe that one year is more than enough time to understand whether you want to continue or not. It would have been unfair to ask everyone to pay an annual fee in advance, without allowing almost free use of our projects, even if only for one year.
Question 4. Is the money entered into the DirectDemocracyS system safe? Who can guarantee that a user / voter who has paid the security deposit will receive the money back?
Answer 4. Anyone who enters even a single cent into our system has all the guarantees for reliability and security. If after a year, the user / voter is still active on our website, he will be able to decide how to receive back the amount paid, with the exception of all bank, transfer and activity management fees. He will be able to choose whether to receive everything back, deciding how, or whether to receive back only a part, or whether he wants to use the entire remaining amount to make payments within our system. The choice to stay or not stay with us requires having to pay an annual fee, which may be less than, equal to, or slightly more than the security deposit previously paid. Even though we are sure that sooner or later, there will be people, or groups of people, who will be paid to post negative reviews about us, that we will ask you to report to us, and to always ask for our version of the facts, at the time of writing this article, there is not a single person who has complained about DirectDemocracyS. We know that sooner or later, there will be no shortage of false news about us, and about our users / voters, and there may be false reviews. We have seen it, from the various attempts, to eliminate us, from some social networks, reporting, without any reason, our activities, outside of our system. We only ask you, to report these activities to us, and to always ask for our explanations, before making a personal opinion.
Question 6. I have paid the escrow, I have been officially invited, I have registered, I have created my personal profile, and I want to get a higher user type, can I use the escrow funds at any time to pay the annual fee for the higher user type?
Answer 6. The security deposit has nothing in common with the annual fee for higher user types. For a whole year, after activating your personal profile, the money deposited cannot leave our system in any way. Instead, it is possible, and even advisable, to use the deposited funds as a security deposit to pay the annual fees, without any commission. Each activated person can decide, at any time, to request a higher user type, by paying the respective annual fee, with a new deposit, or, using the money deposited, as a security deposit, we repeat, without any commission. The new higher user type is valid for exactly one year, from the moment you obtain the badge, which certifies the user type obtained. After one year, from the activation, and from the entry into force, of the security deposit, you can decide, a few days before the expiration, to use these funds, to pay, a new annual fee, for yourself, for any type of user, and for anyone else, inside, or outside our political organization. You can also decide, to receive the money paid, back, except for a small percentage , which represents the costs for the management of this activity, the bank commissions, and the commissions for the transfer. Obviously, you will not receive back, the money spent for the higher user type, if this is lower, than the value of the payment, of the security deposit, if instead, the annual fee, for the higher user type, is higher, than the value of the security deposit, you will simply have to pay the difference, when requesting the higher user type.
Let's take a few quick examples. For those under 31, the value of the deposit, the security deposit is 12.50 Euros, after one year, you will receive back, approximately 10 Euros. If during the year, at any time, even immediately after activation, the user / voter wants a higher user type, he will pay the annual fee, in one of 2 possible ways: with a new payment, based on the type of user chosen. Or, if he wishes, he can use, partially or totally, the entire amount paid, as a security deposit. Let's see concretely, how the second possibility works, choosing for example, the type of registered user, with verified and guaranteed identity, which currently costs 6.25 Euros. Total amount paid into the system: 12.50 Euros, - total annual fee, for the type of user chosen, -6.25 Euros. The rest of the amount, which will be available, within our system, is 6.25 Euros. When the one-year term from the activation of your personal profile has expired, you will receive back approximately 3.75 Euros. If you want to use it for yourself, or to pay other annual fees for other people, or use it in any other way, the remaining amount in our system, you can use 6.25 Euros, because there are no bank fees, money transfer fees, or other internal fees to pay. If you decide to become our official member, the annual fee is 12.50 Euros, so you will have to use the entire amount of your security deposit of 12.50 Euros to obtain the higher user type you have chosen. At the end of one year, from the moment of activation of your security deposit, you will not be able to request any amount back, and you will not have any more money available in our system. The same method will be used for those who have already turned 31, with the amounts exactly double.
Question 7. If I have been with DirectDemocracyS for more than a year, do I have to pay a security deposit?
Answer 7. There are several possibilities.
Those who have already been activated, for at least a year, have carried out some activities with us, have never caused any kind of problem, have always respected every rule, and have always had impeccable behavior, do not have to pay the security deposit, but must immediately choose, and activate, a type of user, among those available, paying a simple annual fee.
Anyone who has already been activated for at least a year, has never performed any activities with us, has never caused any kind of problem, has always respected every rule, and has always had impeccable behavior, to stay with us for another year, must pay the security deposit, but also has a simpler and cheaper option (with the exception of the official member, which costs the same), can choose and activate a higher type of user. You must immediately choose and activate a type of user, among those available, paying a simple annual fee. In this case, you will not have to pay any security deposit.
All new users, or those who have been with us for less than a year, will first have to pay a security deposit, and then they can decide, based on the previous rules.
Question 8. If a user pays the security deposit, can he decide to use the amount paid to choose a higher user type, before a whole year has passed from the moment of its activation?
Answer 8. Anyone who, after paying the security deposit, decides to activate a higher user type, and wants to use the security deposit to pay for themselves or others an annual fee, obviously , with the exception of the free one, can do so, they just need to request a higher user type, using, as a payment method for the annual fee, a part, or, all of the amount paid, as a security deposit. Obviously, having entered 25 Euros into our system, to pay an annual fee, as an official member, they will not have to pay any difference, to obtain the activation, of the higher user type. The annual fee, will be valid for one year, from the moment in which they officially obtain the respective user type. When they decide to activate, a higher type, using completely, or partially, the security deposit, previously paid, they will no longer receive, the entire amount paid, but only that part, not used as an annual fee.
In this informative article, as in all others, various parts and links can be added, modified or, as the case may be, deleted, according to the very detailed implementing rules, in the subsequent phases, or, whenever necessary.
We recommend you visit this link whenever you need it.