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DirectDemocracyS, initiates the national phases of our international political organization, even with personalized contacts, for each country, territory, or population of the earth.
To find the contact category of your country (which over time will be made up of specific contact categories and contact forms divided by specific topics, also divided by the type of user), just go to this link:
and search for your country, territory, or population, and then click on the name you are looking for, you will find at least one confidential contact form, with which to communicate with our official representatives, of the various geographical areas, of the various populations.
Some brief rules, on the territorial contact categories, and on the respective contact forms.
The territorial contact categories are part of our political organization, of the various geographical areas, with their respective subdivisions, and also contain sub-categories, based on the type of need.
The contact forms are almost all identical in terms of form and rules, and are always used in compliance with all our rules, all our instructions, and every part of our methodology.
We remind you that the general rules, the values, the principles, the ideals, the Statutes, the methodology, and our whole mechanism, of the international phases, are valid throughout our political organization, at every geographical level (from the largest, to the smaller), and for each population.
We can guarantee you that you will never hear from any of our official representatives, administrators or super administrators the phrase: this is how we do it, not as it is done in the "superior" geographical phase. Let it be clear to everyone, and forever, that we only do it in one way, the one based on logic, common sense, and the mutual respect of all people.
Please always and only use the contact form suitable for your needs and do not use the generic contact forms to obtain specific answers, but always seek, if available, an exact match to the type of question what do you want to do.
If you don't respect the previous rule, you risk not receiving an answer, or you risk receiving general rather than specific and detailed answers on the various topics.
Geographic contacts, or by population, do not give any kind of information, or instructions, on how to register, or on all matters, using other contact forms.
The international contact forms, and the respective contact categories, and sub-contact categories, of the international phases, are managed by many groups of our official representatives, from all the countries of the world, and from all the peoples of the earth. Therefore, in addition to the English language, you can write to us, and you will receive answers, in all the languages of the world. The people who respond to you are trained on the various topics they deal with, so the answers will be practically identical, whoever of our representatives responds to you, and in whatever language they do.
Geographical, national (and in the future local), or by population contacts, will answer you only and exclusively, in English (if you formulate the request, writing in English), or in the official languages, and in some cases local dialects, of the country, or of the population you want to contact. We repeat, for clarity: English, and official languages, and in certain cases local dialects, do not respond to you in other languages.
The contacts of the geographical areas, of the various countries, at the right time, will create categories, and sub-categories, of smaller geographical areas, according to our rules, do not require the creation of these categories and these modules, because they will only be created at the right time, respecting our methodology, and our various phases.
Geographic or population contact forms offer general information about our activities in our territorial subdivisions, and do not establish repeat contacts, and any type of negotiation, to convince someone to join us. Each person, even reading our brief presentation, must be able to decide for himself, whether to trust, and join us, or, continue to support the other political forces.
To officially vote, and to decide on any of our activities, you must join us, register, and create your own personal profile.
You will be able to vote directly in the various groups, and in many other places.
You will also be able to vote for our candidates in the internal elections, closed online primaries.
If you become an official member, you will also be able to stand as a candidate, or accept your candidacy for elections, proposed by others.
To access our voting platform, you will be able to join the various groups on this site, and in certain cases, you will need to go to our official website, dedicated to voting, at this link:
to access you must be our verified registered user.
On this page, and many of our other pages, in the forms below, down below, there are some public votes, if you like, you can give your answers.