By guarantors on Friday, 31 May 2024
Category: Europe

Pfizergate our positions

Transparency of every political, economic and financial activity is fundamental to gain people's trust. Having state secrets, or, hiding from citizens, how everyone's money is used, is one of the most squalid activities, and scroll, with which the old politics has always accustomed you.

DirectDemocracyS tells all its members how, and by which people, all the money, all the goods, and all the services it receives are used. We say this to all our members, without any kind of problem, because it seems normal, right, logical, common sense to us, and it demonstrates the infinite respect we have for all our members, who are one immense leader, and they are all together, the owners of every one of our businesses, of our entire political organization, and of our website. We do not do this only after having spent the money, but rather, we decide all together, how to use every penny received, and we spend them, after receiving authorization, through our groups, made up of all our members. Not only that, but every single donation is clearly followed up and justified, to make anyone who helps us understand how we spend the money we receive.

At the level of political representation, everyone knows that we decide everything, in real time, with all our voters, who are our "masters", because by voting for us, they appoint us as their political representatives, in the various institutions.

Not everyone knows that wherever we have the task of governing, legislating, managing institutions, and managing taxpayers' money, we will do so in a transparent way, deciding everything, for the good of all, and not just for our own interests, or for those of those who join us. There will be no state secrets, because the state is the citizens, who must always be informed about every activity carried out. We don't do it to attract votes, but because it is logical, common sense, and demonstrates our respect for everyone, even the few, who will not join us.

Let it be clear to everyone that we are not interested in how other political forces behave, but we cannot tolerate injustice, abuse, theft, lies, and those who keep their activities hidden. We cannot stand the hypocrisy, and also the lessons of morality, that some, without any right, feel like giving to others. We don't criticize anyone, but we point out problems and injustices, and we tell you clearly how we will behave when we win the elections and are in place of the old political forces.

Don't think about blaming us, which we actually can't blame. DirectDemocracyS was born recently, and we cannot accept those who accuse us, without having any reason, and without any rights. We will never be guided by the entire population, and we will not allow laws that authorize everyone to decide "in other people's homes". Every political force, and every single political representative, must answer for their behavior to their voters, and not to anyone.

When laws are made for everyone, public institutions are managed, and everyone's money is managed, however, DirectDemocracyS will be transparent, and will have to justify every choice, even to those who did not vote for us, and for our political representatives, while responding, being completely controlled, and representing in the institutions, only those who voted for us. One of our basic rules is that every decision taken, in DirectDemocracyS, must always be made, in the interest, and for the good, of the entire world population, in every geographical area, in which we will be present. And trust me, we will be present everywhere!

But let's talk about Pfizergate.

To understand what we are talking about, read carefully one of our articles, which concern Europe. Obviously, all the concepts and all our ideas are valid for every single continent, for this reason, we recommend reading it to people from all over the world, and not just to those who live and work in Europe.

Anyone who reads only the initial part will think that we are too "bad", and too critical, towards the European institutions. In the second part, we explain what we would like to do, and what Europe we want to create. Unlike those who criticize, only for reasons of political expediency, and those who always say that everything is going wrong, for personal interests, we explain, even in slightly too direct ways, what is wrong, or what has not been done well, and we offer our solutions. When we write, that we would have done it another way, you can be sure that as soon as we have the chance, we will put into practice, in a concrete way, every single word, of every single sentence, of every single article, that we publish.

In our article on Europe, many will have missed a very important part: “Fortunately for them, we are not big and annoying enough, but the time will come when we will clarify things a little and the whole truth will be known, and understood by everyone, and there will be many people to whom they will have to apologize, perhaps there will be trials, and perhaps some convictions. Wait, there are already a lot of corruption scandals, where MEPs allegedly sold themselves to foreign countries, and had bags full of money. A good example, for those who trust, want to unite and submit. However, they claim the utmost seriousness, and do not tolerate corruption, in new countries (and it is absolutely right), when they themselves, according to investigations, accusations, and arrests of many of them, are corrupt. Not to mention the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, who keeps secret all the sums for the purchase of vaccines against COVID 19. Partial Europe, which claims to be transparent, hides many things, which concern us all. Another nice example of transparency, blacked out. We are almost certain that many other scandals and unclear things will emerge, and they will only be the tip of the iceberg. Someone, perhaps many, will have to apologize, not to us, but to the families and friends of the dead, the injured, the raped, the suffering, due to the wars, which could have been avoided, creating true European Unity."

The article is from the 18th of February 2023, even if its preparation dates back to much earlier.

We asked, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, to make public all the sums for the purchase of vaccines against COVID 19. At that time, we received many protests, and many intimidating messages, and even some insults. How dare our members from Europe ask for transparency, and to know, clearly and sincerely, how their money is spent? Simple: if the taxes we pay are donations for political parties and their political representatives, and they can use them as they want, without any justification, it means that it is not our right to claim to know how they spend them. If, however, it is public money, it is our right to demand maximum transparency.

But let's see together what Mr. Gerardo Fortuna of Euronews wrote on 31 May 2024, which is certainly not a site connected to DirectDemocracyS.


Pfizergate: accusations for Ursula von der Leyen. Resignation for the President and the commissioners.

A fairly clear title, but let's read the content of the article, which we publish in full.

Here is the content.

The letter from the lawyer responsible for Pfizergate was addressed to all 27 leaders of the European Union, and to Manfred Weber, president of Ursula von der Leyen's European People's Party (EPP). Its reception was recorded yesterday (29 May) at the European Council.

The plaintiff asked the leaders "to refer the matter to the Court of Justice to order the compulsory resignation and forfeiture of pension rights, not only of Mrs. von der Leyen, but also of all the European Commissioners, who make up his Commission".

Furthermore, the lawyer asked "the European People's Party to withdraw the candidacy of Mrs. von der Leyen for the position of President of the European Commission" and to "forbid anyone from presenting the candidacy of Mrs. von der Leyen for the position of President of the European Commission, or any other position within the European institutions, as long as he is the subject of criminal proceedings".

The lawyer based his request on Article 245 (action incompatible with his duties) and Article 247 (serious negligence) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).

The case concerns the disclosure of phone calls and text messages exchanged between the President of the Commission and the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, through which both parties negotiated contracts for vaccines during the pandemic from Covid-19.

Following a criminal complaint, filed by Frédéric Baldan, a Belgian lobbyist, who deals with trade relations between China and the EU, the Belgian authorities opened the case in early 2023. Subsequently, the governments of Hungary and Poland, joined the process.

Von der Leyen continued to "stubbornly refuse to disclose the contracts for the purchase of Covid vaccines [...] and the electronic messages, which she exchanged with Mr. Bourla, CEO of Pfizer", according to the letter, who states that his actions have offended "public morality" and "break the legitimate trust that citizens should be able to have in all members of the European Commission".

"It is clear that Mrs. von der Leyen and the members of her Commission are no longer able to carry out their functions", reads the note, according to which this "violates the principle of good administration, provided for in Article 41 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights".

"This situation must be resolved urgently," the letter continues.

The plaintiff also contested the involvement of the EU Prosecutor's Office (EPPO), which he asked to deal with the case, since, according to European law, the body is intended to investigate, prosecute and bring to trial, the perpetrators of crimes that damage the EU budget.

According to Baldan, the aim of the EPPO's move was to "declare all civil parties null and void in this case, and therefore annul, the entire investigation", adding that the office may no longer have the funds necessary, to complete its investigations by the end of 2024.

The European Commission did not respond to a request for comment at the time of publication of this article.

Our comment.

What we have been asking for a long time has been asked officially.

Let's be clear, for us a person is innocent until the sentence of a court decides definitively. We don't know if there are irregularities, but the famous and false transparency of the European institutions, in this case clearly demonstrated, should make us reflect, and should make us indignant.

DirectDemocracyS had been asking for it for a long time, and we had been considered, in a negative way, because we believe in people's right to know how their tax money, therefore their own money, is spent.

We don't do it with political interests, we don't participate, this time, in the European elections.

If you want an innovative policy, alternative to all other political forces, study DirectDemocracyS, on our website, and if you like it, join us, and help us make our political organization, based on logic, known to as many people as possible, on common sense, and mutual respect, of all people.

Let's change and improve the world, together.

PS Don't think that by voting for other political forces, and for other political representatives, with the exception of DirectDemocracyS, you will get more transparency, more honesty, more justice, they are all more or less the same, those of the old and bankrupt politics. The only hope is to join us, work directly, and see for yourself.

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