Social Network Addiction

One by one, you have been offered social networks, for all tastes, and for all needs.

Initially free, and all in all useful, to contact people from our past, and to communicate with each other.

Little by little, many of these private entities took our personal data, exchanged them, sold them, to whoever offered the most, or to whoever needed them, for their own purposes.

So, they entered these parallel worlds, the media, and all the various people, began to inform themselves, almost only on these technological means, between a video of cute kittens, and a greeting to a distant cousin.

Everyone shared everything, with everyone, in a colorful virtual world, in which each of us felt safe and protected, plus it was free, and in any post, a person without any expertise could and can express "opinions", based on feelings, and theories based on nothing, for the often abused, freedom of information, and for the freedom to "think with your own head", even if in reality, it is not the head that thinks, but a part, often very small, of our brain.

Passing off so many falsehoods as true is easy, and the damage caused by the freedom of disinformation is enormous.

Traditional social networks, and many new ones, are an outlet for our frustrations, our failures, our infinite envies, and above all our enormous hatred. Who has never found themselves looking for someone to blame for their mistakes and their failures? Who has never felt envious of rich, powerful, and famous people? Who has not “rejoiced” over the small and large failures, and the negative periods, more or less long, of many people, whose only fault is to be more beautiful, younger, richer, famous, powerful, and loved than us? Whoever says no, is a hypocrite.

For these first few sentences alone, we could write for hours, with billions of examples, to demonstrate how dangerous the virtual world is if used in the wrong way.

After the initial stages, social media managers began to look for solutions to prevent incompetent people from talking about things they don't know, but these "smart" people had already gathered in groups, where people who "think outside the box", like them, confirmed their theories, which too often have no scientific basis.

Thus “anti-system” groups were born, people who, for having thought things often without any logic, believe they can bother a system that has entered the blood and minds of those who do not need to think, the system does it for them. But these groups of “social network revolutionaries”, with their ideas, and with their activities, do nothing but strengthen the system, which has all the advantages, if it mixes small truths, with enormous lies. For the old failed, unjust system, it does not matter if people think in a traditional way, or in an “alternative” way, as long as they never know how to distinguish, clearly, good from evil, right from wrong, and above all truth, from falsehoods. As long as people are never united, to seek the truth, all together, because in that moment, they might want to change and improve the world, and to do so they would have to reinvent the system, why those existing, are and will remain forever, to the advantage of a few, and not for the good of all.

Sometimes, we are criticized for the direct way we speak, and for how we judge, those who "fight" to demolish the old systems, just for the pleasure of fighting, but without anything alternative, and credible, to put in place of the possible "debris" of the old systems.

Whoever starts a fight against traditional systems has already lost not only their own “war”, but above all their time. People who join these groups jump from the frying pan into the fire, because if before they reasoned with the indications of the system, by switching to anti-system groups, they reason with the brains, often malfunctioning, of people without any merit, and without any competence.

The worst weapon, used by various parties, of the old systems, are bots. Hundreds, often thousands, and perhaps millions, and even billions, of fake profiles, created by operating systems, which have the very difficult to discover purpose of manipulating good people, doing a real brainwashing, to many defenseless people. The examples could be millions, or rather billions, we will limit ourselves to giving you very few examples. The first is on various traditional information sites. Not even the time to publish an article, and dozens of comments appear, almost all written by these robots, which make people believe that the majority of the population is: illiterate, incapable of empathy, cruel, verbally violent, but above all incapable, of distinguishing good from evil, and what is true, from what is false. Try, if you want to do a test, to amplify the discussion, commenting on their posts, you will put them in difficulty, because they do not know how to respond to the truth with equal truth, but only with insults, prepackaged phrases, and slogans of all kinds.

Even a good part of politics, very attentive to social changes, has been fooled by these bots. Many political forces, it seems, want to make these “automatic message distributors” happy, saying that they have their reasons, and that in the end they also say some right things, believing then, that these robots will go to vote for them, and for their political forces.

These bots are very dangerous because, together with part of the press, radio and television, they spread propaganda to often dictatorial regimes, and therefore to people and political forces that have nothing in common with freedom and democracy.

Are there solutions to these manipulations? We know only one, to create a universe, a system, and every necessary activity, in an absolutely safe way, for all participants, in all our projects.

Where can all people be truly free, independent, and properly informed? The only safe and secure place is our platform, where it is impossible for these bots to access and work, thanks to our rules, methodologies, and instructions, which allow us to keep out any kind of brainwashing.

Our system, innovative and alternative to all other systems, was created to protect in the best way all the people who join us, who are the only ones truly free to think, say, do and decide, using their own potential, without suffering any kind of manipulation.

If you read all our public information, you will realize that we have never expelled anyone for what they thought, because for us, the pluralism of ideas is fundamental for the success of all our activities.

At this point, many will ask: if I move from the old system, to DirectDemocracyS, and from the old traditional social networks, to websites with the termination, who guarantees me that I will never suffer the same manipulations? The answer is simple, and we have explained it several times, even in detail. We are not interested in teaching anything, to anyone, and we are not interested in changing anyone's mind, or even obtaining votes, and the support of anyone. From the first moment, and forever, we are interested in making people free, independent, incorruptible, with an optimal mentality, and with a 360-degree vision. The other systems, and the other political forces, help the lobbies, therefore the rich, powerful and famous people, to remain as such, and if possible, increase their wealth, their power, and their fame, leaving the others to their sad fate. Certain political forces choose social classes, or certain types of citizens, to whom they address themselves, often by lying, deceiving, manipulating, and in many cases stealing.

DirectDemocracyS, limits itself to informing, disclosing only and exclusively the truth, and then, it proceeds to the final decisions, voted by anyone who is part of our entire system, according to very detailed rules, based on correctness, transparency, and the possibility, for anyone, to verify our entire decision-making process. If a decision is taken, it becomes mandatory, and to be implemented, for anyone who is with us, even without changing their way of thinking. When referring to common decisions, of those who are part of DirectDemocracyS, it will use the "we", while when it speaks of its own ideas, if they are different from those decided by our majority, it will use the "I". The previous sentence, is always put into practice by everyone, in a correct way, and does not allow any kind of problem. Those who confuse the "we" with the "I", for personal gain, or to create disinformation, are immediately expelled, and declared persona non grata, we, do not waste time with those who think they are "smart".

To better understand how we use the truth as a beacon to guide us out of the fog, we invite you to study carefully our method of working and communicating with each other, and to read, very carefully, all our articles, on property rights, on shared leadership, on our groups of specialists, and on our rules. By doing so, you will understand what we are referring to.

Many of our articles are very long, and in some cases repetitive, in some essential parts. It is necessary to create an overall vision, to understand where to place each single detail, to understand its meanings. Length, on the other hand, helps us not to have to write too many articles, and too many posts on our blog, and to concentrate on our actual, concrete work.

We have entire menu items, sub-menus, categories, and information, very detailed, with informative articles, very specific, absolutely invisible, to those outside our system, often they are visible, for example, only to certain types of users. The reason, is not only to hide things, to prevent those outside us, from copying our rules, and our methodology, but also because, not everyone is interested in knowing how our enormous "gear" moves, of which each of our users / voters, is a fundamental component, but not essential, but replaceable with another person, if they do not do their job, in an impeccable manner, in compliance with each of our rules.

In DirectDemocracyS, every person is important, but no one is essential, and putting each of our projects above individual people, or a few groups of people, is not discriminatory, but allows us not to depend on a few leaders, who impose their way of thinking, but to always remain, with the right mentality, correctly informed, to make all together, collectively and in solidarity, each of our individual choices.

Even the previous sentence, for those who know us, has been partially explained on various occasions.

Like almost any addiction, even that of social networks, is not recognized, nor even admitted, by those who suffer from it. This collective delirium of "omnipotence", in which each person believes they can say what they think, is just a mirage. Dear friends, you can say, only and exclusively, what others, who think like you, or who have manipulated you, allow you to say.

They are manipulating you, turning you into "human bots", who with their activities on traditional social networks, live in a virtual universe, where everyone is subjugated, and made fun of, by those who spread all the information, right or wrong, true or false, it doesn't matter, the important thing is to create divisions, chaos, and uncertainty. The most despicable thing is that by continuing to "bombard" people, with wrong messages, even strong and intelligent people, let themselves be directed, by those who certainly do not want their good.

Often, on our part, a few sentences are enough, with anyone, to make us realize how effective brainwashing is.

Choosing the most suitable people to join us is a long process, but it is worth it, to prevent any possible problem, and create a safe space, in which to carry out all our activities, all together, united in diversity. This is our strength, this makes us fair, equitable, loyal, correct, sincere, incorruptible, and therefore, invincible. To begin the detoxification, from the addiction to social networks, join us, and we guarantee, that with the passage of time, you will understand, that it is the only right choice, for your good.